Written by : Bre L. Drew
August 9, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
The fallout of the pregnancy lie affected most of the canvas.
Stricken with postpartum depression, Jordan left her son to be cared for by Tommy when she left for King's Bay, Washington. -
Shauna had gotten drunk at Steven and Courtney's engagement party, causing embarrassment for Max and the rest of the Covington family.
Reluctantly, Emma purchased the dilapidated building for her nightclub in which Will will manage.

In the last few days, Tommy Covington has survived mainly on the semi-decent coffee and the contents of the vending machine of Hillsdale County Hospital. He hadn't left his infant son's side as he recovers from having a cardiac catheterization that repaired the hole in his heart which caused him to stop breathing hours after he was born. After yesterday's check-up from his pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Wesson signed off on him getting discharged out of the hospital the next day.
At first, Tommy's nerves got the best of him, but he remembered he had promised a despondent Jordan he would take care of their son until she can do it with a clearer head and time away. The two-hour drive back from White Oak to Radcliffe kept him asleep. He accompanies the baby in the carrier, which he is immediately let in the estate by Gabriella, who doesn't waste time gazing at the baby with a smile upon her face. She speaks some Spanish to him before announcing father and son our home. Behind him is Daniel Covington, who had driven his own car from the hospital; he has a look of satisfaction at the outcome.

The din of the drilling and hammering from the construction workers Emma Covington hired to take on the improvements of the building she had purchased to house the first nightclub in town. Beside her is Will Jackson, the soon-to-be manager of the facility.
"Even you gotta think this place has come a long way from when we first saw it," Will points out over the racket of the crew working.
Straightening out her blue and white floral off-the-shoulder blouse, she tries to view the place differently from before when she found it unredeemable to be anything, let alone her new business. But Will talked her down back to earth, sighting no place in this town would be her dream accommodation.
"Well, at least it doesn't still smell like mildew anymore," Emma says sarcastically. She sees Will shaking his head in protest. "That was a joke, "
"I guess that thing is true about humor being subjective," Will remarks.
"Very funny," she appends. "How are you doing? Last time I saw you, your niece's saliva had met your footwear."
During Steven and Courtney's engagement party on the Fourth Of July night, Shauna had gotten so drunk she admits the lack of sex she and her husband. In addition, she spat on his shoes while being lifted into the mansion. He knows she still holds him responsible for her kidnapping by his former cellmate last year.
"It's alright, hell, worse shit was said to me when I was locked up," he says indifferently.
Despite his indifferent tone, Emma detects it bothered him more than he lets on.
"Congratulations, I hear you're a great-aunt." Will changes the subject.
Will had heard from Martha, who had told him about Tommy and Jordan McKnight having a baby together.
Emma shoots him a look. "I'm too young to be anyone's great except for lover."
Will starts snickering at the colorful comment.
"Looks like I can be funny after all," Emma winks suggestively. "Now, let's go see these improvements."

Finally, settling on a sleeveless off-white bow-collar blouse in butterfly print with ruffle trim and a pair of red crepe ankle pants. Shauna Covington is brushing her dark hair in the full-length mirror. She sees her husband coming out of their bathroom via the reflection from the mirror,
Also dressed for the day, Max Covington is in a navy blue button-down jersey knit sport shirt with blue jeans, stands behind her.
"Shauna, I think we need to settle whatever is going on between us," Max says precisely.
His wife faces him, placing her arms at her side. "About what happened on the 4th. I'm sorry for what all went down. I got drunk and lashed out at you because I was upset and hurt."
Max nods understandably.
"And I get that, but telling our friends and family, we haven't had sex in a long time during my sister and Steven's engagement party might not be the way to do so."
Shauna tries to search for the right words to rebuttal him. "I get your anger, but I think you're more upset because it was also in front of Antoine, and deep down, you're embarrassed cause you know it is true."
It is known, the two men never got along due to their shared love for Shauna.
Max scoffs while smiling insincerely. "We're not talking about Antoine; we're all talking about you and me and our marriage." What is really going on here, Shauna?"
Shauna walks closer to her husband to get his undivided attention.
"Ever since you gave up photography and decided to cave into your father's demands to work at Covington. I hardly see you," she replies. "It's funny because we both work in the same building, but I'm home by six, most nights, and your head hits the pillow by ten-thirty if I'm lucky."
Max knew when he took a job in the corporate world; it would have some effect on his marriage yet, he hadn't realized the toll it took on his wife until now.
"I never worked for a Fortune 500 company before, let alone heading a division, it's a lot to learn, and I didn't mean to ignore you in the process. That was never my intention." he relents
"I'm not saying I want you to quit your job, but there are times I wonder how much longer before we start resenting one another?" Shauna reveals candidly
"I think we need to consider marriage counseling, so we both can have the space to work on ourselves because I don't want to lose you."
"I don't want to lose you either,"
Max breaks the divide by putting his arms around her body.
"We'll get through this," he whispers protectively in her ear.

"I know what you're thinking; why yes, I'm too young to be your great-grandmother." Deirdre Covington coos at her great-grandson, who she is holding in her arms.
The two of them, along with most of the family, are occupying the living room.
The baby with its vivid blonde hair is looking at his great-grandmother with bewilderment.
"He is so adorable. I don't know how anyone would want to miss the opportunity to be with him." Courtney Covington remarks
Tommy, who is sitting on the couch, quickly usurps his sister's insult.
"I don't like what Jordan did either, but she is sick, and hopefully, this time away will help her to get back to him."
"She could've gotten psychiatric care here but chose not to. Some mother," Courtney interjects bitterly.
"That is enough!" Daniel raises his voice loud enough to be heard. "This day is about this little boy," he finishes.
The younger Covington siblings both express remorseful glances to one another.
Deirdre makes a silly grimace to the baby before she turns to her family, specifically Tommy. "Please tell me this child has a proper name. she demands. "I don't want him to be referred to Baby McKnight until he is old enough for cotillion season."
Tommy snickers genuinely as both Max and Courtney come downstairs to join the rest of the family. Courtney gives her sister-in-law a look of disgust which Shauna doesn't miss.
"His name is Jeremy Ernest Covington," Tommy proclaims
Jeremy's namesake derives from his mother's oldest brother Ernest Jr. killed in the line of duty several years ago; he believes Jordan would more than appreciate it if she was here.
The newborn murmurs what sounds like a happy noise which makes the entire family smile with delight.

Classical music is playing throughout the fine-dining restaurant this afternoon as guests are enjoying their meals. Many are here during their lunch hour to escape the pressures of the stress of their various professions.
Emma thanks the waiter, who brings them their food when Will returns from the restroom,
"Bout time, I'm starvin," Will says. He starts to dig into his entrée."
Emma takes her fork into her Caesar salad and takes a bite, well, at least we seem to be on deadline with the construction for the club. We might be making a profit by autumn after all."
"Good, cause I need some money in my pockets like yesterday."
"I promise you when the club is a success, your days of poverty will be merely a memory."
"From your lips,"
He then recalls a not-long ago memory between himself and Deirdre Covington had on the Fourth Of July.
I know all about you and your criminal background. Let me make something quite clear if you're using my daughter to get her money. I will make you pay.
"Hello, earth to Will,"
Will's focus turns to his lunch companion, who is speaking to him.
"Oh, sorry, I was thinkin about somethin," he says apologetically. "What were you saying?"
"What's on your mind?"
Will sighs exhaustively. "Just wondering if your mother is right about us partnering up is a bad idea."
Emma waves her hand flippantly. "Please don't take anything seriously my mother says to you. You're a good person who made mistakes. Hell, I almost married a guy who tried to con me out of my inheritance - we are going to show her and everyone who ever doubted us what we are truly capable of."
He is taken aback by her sudden defense of him.
She motions for Will to pick up his glass of red wine, which she does the same.
The unlikely duo clinks their drinks together to solidify their alliance.

Daniel strolls into one of the bedrooms upstairs; despite the lack of time, Gabriella had arranged a design team to give this once vacant bedroom the appearance of a baby boy's nursery. When he came to spot Jeremy asleep in his crib, the Covington patriarch smiles proudly.
"You know I fought for you when you were inside of your mother. Even I knew then she wasn't going to get what you needed. That is why I did what I had to do to get her to go away." he tells him.
Daniel tenderly touches his grandson's head, innocently unaware of the issues surrounding him.

Tommy and Courtney walk upstairs, talking to each other about his life, changing with a baby in it now.
"Are you planning to go back to Sampson for the semester?" Courtney inquiries
Tommy exhales as he hadn't contemplated that himself yet. "I think so. Dad told me I should hire a nanny for Jeremy, so I'm going to take him up on the offer, besides, if I don't go back. I won't be on track to graduate in four years."
"And don't forget all of us are here to help too," Courtney says while tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.
The doorbell rings, which makes the brother-sister pair stop halfway on the staircase.
"I'll get it," Tommy says
"Alright, I am going to take another peek at my nephew," Courtney says excitedly.
Tommy treks down the stairs to the door; he pulls one of the large front doors open thinking, it is perhaps someone delivering something to go in the baby's room. Yet once he laid eyes on the particular visitor, he quickly realizes they don't have anything to do with his initial thought.

"Hi," Tanner Lockhart addresses him.
Tanner confronts Tommy.
Jai consoles Mala.
Louise and Tricia have it out.
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