Written By : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Peter and Martha find themselves on opposite sides on whether she should have her unborn child's father of her pregnancy. - Leading to Martha collapsing in the kitchen of Franklin Farm.
Steven was caught off guard hearing that Courtney is a Covington. Meanwhile , Daniel wasn't elated that his daughter was dating an older man - The two men almost came to blows.
Lynn found out from her twin sister Tanner that their father Sean is having an affair.
Sarah Lynn felt shut out from Peter.

For the last thirty-five minutes or so, Sarah Lynn Saunders memory remained a blur of sorts. To some extent, she remembers coming downstairs to the kitchen finding Martha in Peter's arms. She then starts to remember the paramedics coming onto the farm to take her into the ambulance. At the time she was beginning to gain some consciousness. Sarah Lynn then forgets for a second how she even got to the hospital in town. Then flashes of recognition begin replaying in her mind. She remembers getting into the passenger seat of her husband's 2014 Burgundy Ford F-250 Super Duty Truck. Peter drove behind the ambulance riding in silence. When they got to the hospital they were told by a nurse to wait in the waiting room. And it has been where she has been since. Thinking positive thoughts not only for her daughter. But for her unborn grandchild as well.
Peter Saunders comes back holding two cups of subpar coffee from the vending machine down the hall. " Any word yet?"
Sarah Lynn shakes her head, as she accepts the paper cup, she can't hide her look of worry.
" Martha is going to be all right, Sare. " Peter assures her
" It's not normal for anybody to pass out, but being pregnant and falling out. That's not good." Sarah Lynn says despite trying to remain hopeful.
Peter squeezes his wife's hand "You're forgetting that our daughter is a Saunders, she is strong and is stubborn as hell." She'll be fine and so will our grandbaby."
Sarah Lynn tuck strands of hair behind her ear. " Peter, tell me what were you talking about before Martha became unconscious. "
At first, Peter is adamant about not telling her what all happened. But he knows that his wife isn't going to drop the matter anytime soon. He exhales before he explains that the two of them had a disagreement over whether should their daughter raise her child on her own or not?
His wife stares at him like he had lost his natural mind " You gotta be fucking kidding me? " Now why in the hell would you keep bringing this up again to your pregnant daughter. Stress is something she does not need right now." She stops herself abruptly not wanting to lose her temper in public like this any further.
Before Peter can respond. The sound of heels on the linoleum floor makes the both of them notice that a short woman with a bang with the rest of her blonde hair in a ponytail wearing a white coat is fast approaching them.
" Mr. and Mrs. Saunders?" the doctor probes
The pair of them concurs that she has found the right individuals.
" Hi, I'm Dr. Jamison. I'm your daughter's obstetrician." she introduces herself.
" Is Martha okay? " Did she lose the baby, Doctor? "Peter questions
Normally, she would've quickly called him out for being so blunt. Yet Sarah Lynn had enough of waiting around for answers.
The doors of the elevator opened onto the floor, Louise Saunders Lockhart, Esther Saunders, and Steven Sullivan pour out of it as they make their way to the waiting room. However, the eldest Saunders woman halts them from walking further.
" I know a lot of -- things happened at the bar but let's keep it to ourselves because Peter and Sarah don't need to hear it right now." Okay? "
Earlier in the day the three of them were at The Waterfall when it came out that Courtney who has been seeing Steven is Daniel Covington's daughter. Not to mention Daniel didn't shield his anger at Steven who is thirty-nine dating his twenty-three-year-old daughter. The two men nearly had a bust-up before Mae and Esther came to stop them from attacking one another physically.
Louise shrugs " All right. "
" Fine with me." Steven finally responds with a lack of enthusiasm in his voice.
They all get over to the waiting room where Peter, Sarah Lynn, and the doctor is huddled. All of them quickly greet each other as the doctor once again introduces herself to the three of them.
" Martha is being treated for dehydration. She is on an IV which is getting her the fluids she needs. It is a good thing she arrived here on time because dehydration during pregnancy can lead to several complications." Dr Jamison informs them.
Sighs of relief can be heard from various members of the family.
" What about the baby? " Sarah Lynn asks
" We did an ultrasound on the fetus, and we did detect a strong heartbeat. "Dr. Jamison reports.
Another round of relief and a " Thank God" were vocalized.
" Can we see her now, Doctor? " Peter asks
A look of hesitation appears on the physician's face. " Well only a few at a time, she is in Triage 2 around the corner, " she informs them.
As Peter thanks the doctor, he is about to lead his wife to their daughter. Sarah Lynn puts her hand up. " I can't be in the same room with you right now. " Sarah Lynn confesses.
Louise and Steven follow behind her too.
Esther places a comforting hand on her brother 's back." What is really going on Petey? "

Lying down on the gurney-stretcher in the strong air-conditioned patient triage room. Martha Saunders opens her eyes after taking a catnap, suddenly it dawns on her that she is in the hospital after collapsing in the kitchen at home. She does remember that she was told by her O.B. that her child growing inside of her is healthy and she is being treated for dehydration.
Martha places her hand on her still flat stomach. " Look like we're just going to be just fine little one - " Martha stops herself. She can't help herself from feeling quite silly that she is talking to the baby who is only a size of a kidney bean. But something tells her to keep going " I know you might've been hearing people saying some negative things. Sadly kiddo, that's life and whether your father wants to be in your life is up to him. She sighs from keeping the tears to come out of her eyes. " But you don't have to worry, I love you already kiddo, I will always be there for you no matter what."
Martha lifts her head as the curtains of the triage our being pulled back. She grins when she sees her mother, cousin and even her sister. With elation upon her face, Sarah Lynn goes to embrace her daughter.
" How are you baby girl? " Sarah Lynn asks
" I'm fine mom." You know nothing can keep me down for long." Martha replies
" If you wanted to get some attention all you had to was ask Martha. " Steven teases, as he takes a seat beside his cousin.
" Ha, ha, very funny Steven," Martha says
" When we get home we're going to get some food inside of you so this will never happen to you again. " Sarah Lynn says as if she is wasting away before her very eyes.
Martha wasn't going to put up a fight with her mother. She then notices her sister still standing there.
Louise smiles at her, knowing the two of them don't exactly get along, however, she is glad that her sister is on the mend.
Steven lied to Louise, Sarah Lynn, and Martha about him going to talk to his mother.
Instead, he finds himself in the hallway by the elevator bank constantly replaying being told that Courtney is a Covington. Part of him knows that rationally she can't help who her parents our even if her father is an asshole. Nonetheless, she could've been straight up with him from the start.
Then he realizes that he has kept things from Courtney himself.
"Dammit " he murmurs
He looks over to see Sean and Lynn Lockhart coming out of the elevator. Steven waves them over.
"Hey, Steven, Is Aunt Martha okay? " Lynn says to her first-cousin once removed.
Steven rapidly informs the two of them her current prognosis.
"That's good news. " Sean says encouragingly
"Where is Tanner? " Steven mentions realizing that she isn't here with them.
" At the stables, she is helping out with the children riding lessons, she wanted to be here though," Sean explains
He then feels his phone vibrating in the pocket of his pants he then goes off to answer it. Lynn notices her father is saying words in hushed tones off to the side. Wondering if he is speaking to the woman he is betraying their mother with?
" I'm going to go see Aunt Martha now, " she tells no one in particular as she walks down the hallway. When she is halfway she sees her mother coming in the opposite direction. Louise tells her that her aunt would want to see her right now.
Louise then sees Sean off to the side in the waiting room laughing about something over the phone. She then takes in Steven who looks as if he lost his best friend.
" Hey, " she says
He nods.
"Look about what happened earlier, I don't care if you make up with Courtney or not, it's none of my business. " Louise tells him
Thank you. "
"Louise, I don't' think it's a good idea for you to get caught back up with Danny Boy. " Steven informs her
" Isn't that the definition of a double standard? " Louise states. She and Daniel aren't getting close in any way. She is dealing with him because he is technically her boss since he owns twenty percent of Franklin Farm.
" I'm just saying Lou is that you already have a husband who is a good man that's all. "
Louise stares at her husband on the phone knowing he is talking to that woman again.

" Damn it, Esther It's my fault that Martha collapsed and putting my grandchild's health at risk all cause I couldn't accept my daughter's decision to raise her child on her own. " Peter says with embarrassment in his voice.
" Listen, little brother, Okay, we should be thanking the lord up above that Martha Rae is gonna be fine." And soon enough we'll have another Saunders in the family." Esther says trying to get her brother not to blame himself for causing anything.
Peter paces back and forth " I know all of that. But why did Daniel Covington had to come back to Radcliffe after all of these years ?" I mean that jackass runs a multi-million dollar company but he seems so dang determined to control the farm. "
Esther couldn't help but think the same thing. Especially since he has the rest of her percentage which she was supposed to inherit from her father. Yet he gave Peter his 50% and gave her the smaller percentage because he gave Daniel's father the shares of the farm in exchange for the loan to salvage the land all those years ago.
" I think I got a plan to ensure that Franklin Farm will remain in solely in the family. " Esther declares

" Good news Martha you are ready to be discharged. " Dr. Jamison informs Martha, Sarah Lynn, and Lynn in the patient triage.
Martha is grateful to be leaving the hospital knowing all too well she has to take better care of not only herself but for her unborn child too.
Dr. Jamison informs her that someone from her office will be in contact with her regarding scheduling an appointment. She then leaves the room as she has to go back to her rounds. A few seconds later a male nurse comes to take the IV out of her arm and putting a bandage where the needle was in.
"Sunday afternoon, Tanner and I will be taking you out for pizza, Tanner's buying of course. " Lynn says
" Deal" Martha nods her
Peter enters into the triage, at first, he feels like he is intruding since he was the one who saw her last before she passed out.
Slowly he trails in with a half smile " Hey, baby girl."
Martha exhales " Hi Dad" she is not sure if she wants to see him right now but knows she can't avoid him right now.
" Can I get a minute alone with just Martha? " Peter asks mostly to Sarah Lynn who is sitting beside their daughter.
Sarah looks at Martha who tells her that she'll be fine and she and Lenny can go.
Grandmother and granddaughter both leave out of the triage.
" Granddad, " Lynn says
" Lynn," Peter says
" Remember what we talked about earlier? " Peter says as he sits on the end of the gurney.
Martha is about to protest when Peter puts his hand on her shoulder.
" Let me finish baby girl, I'm sorry that you went through all of that and from the moment you told us that you were pregnant I should've been supportive from the very moment. I guess your old man ain't used to a lot of change. That's not an excuse I know that and I'm so sorry you're here. "
" Look, dad, I'm thankful that you were there for me when I fainted and I know that you're sorry. But you gotta respect my decision not to call Murray at this time. I know that I have to do it. But I haven't even gotten my head around the fact that I'm even pregnant. I will tell him when I'm ready and it is up to him if he wants to be part of my baby's life or not?" She points to her abdomen for effect.
Peter knows that he can go on about everything else. As he takes a good look at his little girl he realizes that she is a woman now who is going to have her own child one day. He then hugs her and she embraces him as well.
" I love you, Martha
" I love you too dad." I think you need to talk to mom tell her what you said to me and maybe she won't be so pissed at you."
Peter chuckles " I think you're right ."
" I'm not going anywhere, dad. "
With that Peter gets out of the triage, Sarah Lynn is standing right outside in the hallway.
" I heard what you told Martha in there. " Sarah Lynn says in an acceptable manner.
" You did? "
"Yeah, I did. I know you're going through a lot right now, not only what is going on here. And now with Daniel being back in town, it's a lot. But you're forgetting one thing. Sarah Lynn tells him
Peter narrows his eyes on her " What is that? "
" I'm your wife, Peter if you feel like your back is against the wall, come to talk to me." I thought after forty-five years of marriage you knew that." Sarah Lynn says passionately.
" I think I always knew that but wasn't man enough to do so. "
" Well be the man that I know you can be. " Sarah Lynn utters
Peter extends his hand in which Sarah Lynn holds as the two of them our both grateful that they can take their daughter home and no doubt be there to support her throughout her pregnancy.

Out in the waiting room, Louise is zipping up her purse after putting her bottle of hand sanitizer away after using it. Sean surprises her from behind and they make small talk about taking the girls to the movies this Saturday. Then the two of them started laughing when she mentioned the last they went to the movies together that Sean fell asleep.
Behind the pillar of the wall, Lynn is watching them laughing with each other. Maybe her sister misunderstood about their dad cheating on their mother. To her, no man would be laughing with the woman he is cheating on.
She then walks over to her parents.
" We're about to go now. " Louise says.
The three of them then head to the elevators, in which Sean presses the down button.
" Shoot, I left my phone in the waiting room," Sean remembers
" I'll go get it. " Lynn volunteers. She then goes to retrieve it as she picks it up. She realizes that he had gotten a text in the last few minutes.
With no other choice, Lynn reads the message.
Can't stop thinking about ur sexy ass.
Lynn anger slowly begins to resurface. Of course, Tanner isn't wrong, their father is cheating on their mother. However, she realizes that she can't express her anger in front of her parents.
She then heads to where her parents are still standing as the elevator finally opens. As the Lockhart's enter into the elevator she realizes that she has to tell Tanner what she found out.
Steven and Courtney can't help but thinking about one another.
Esther makes a deal with " The Devil."
Shauna gets a life-changing opportunity.
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