Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Louise became emotional when Sean moved out.
Elijah & Lynn finally confessed their feelings for one another. He later asked her out on a date which she said yes.
Antoine interrupted Shauna's lunch date with Max on purpose.
Mae is withholding the truth about Will getting on parole from her granddaughter.

It's no secret to anyone that has ever stood in the same room with Lynn Lockhart for five minutes that one of her least favorite things to do or be with associated is going to the mall to shop for clothes that aren't comfortable nor casual. After finally confessing her feelings to her lifelong best friend Elijah Barker. He later asked her out on a date which made her unwillingly go through her closet with assistance from Tanner. Both of deem that nothing she owns would be presentable on her first date even if the person she is going out with knows she wouldn't be normally caught dead wearing a dress.
So that is why the sisters are in Hudson Lake at the outdoor outlet mall in the store called Bewilder, that mostly cater to teens and young adults.
Standing inside the stall inside the dressing room, Lynn is trying to see if this particular outfit is the right fit for her in the mirror hanging on the wall.
Tanner Lockhart is sitting on the tiny surface inside of the stall who has been slightly patiently waiting on her and making occasional commentary over the blaring sounds of electronic music coming from the speakers playing in the store.
"So, what do you think?" Lynn asks
"If I tell you that you look really nice, will you actually believe me this time?"
But truthfully, Lynn looked beautiful in the soft ivory off the shoulder sweater dress.
"It's not bad," Lynn says generously.
Tanner stands up off the bench to stand behind her fraternal twin sister.
"You know you want it," she whispers in her ear.
The two of them leave out of the dressing room to the register where Lynn purchased the dress that she was glad that was on sale. With the bag in her hand, she and Tanner were outside on the chilly day with the sun out and shining.
Their arms are linked through one another's making their way through the parking lot to the Fiat. Tanner lets her arm go whilst she unlocks the car. Lynn is about to get in the passenger seat when she sees a familiar figure coming over to them.
"You're not going to believe this Tan," Lynn says
At first, she faces her sister on the other side of the car when she spots the same person heading their way. It was too late for them to get in the car and take off for them not to be seen.

Sean Lockhart strolls over to his daughters looking somewhat unshaven then usual.
They hadn't seen their father since he moved out of the house after they found out that their parents were divorced due to his affair. Tanner didn't know what to even say to him, whilst Lynn seems to have plenty of words to yell out to him.
"I know that I am the last person you girls want to see, but I need to talk to you," Sean says straightforwardly.

Starting from this morning, Louise Saunders Lockhart has been working tirelessly on the farm by checking in on the livestock and writing out a check for $4,000 to repair some malfunctioning equipment in the milking parlor. She decided to take refuge inside of her family's home by putting the kettle of water on one of the eyes on the stove.
Louise is waiting on the water to become heated whilst she is going through her handwritten list that is on a page in a yellow legal pad of tasks she either needed to complete or start today.
Walking tepidly into the room, Sarah Lynn Lockhart is about to greet her eldest daughter before the kettle on the stove begins whistling loudly. As Louise is about to move to retrieve it. Sarah casually puts one of her hands up to clarify she'll get it. She grabs two cups out of the cabinet and begins pouring the hot water along with the teabags. She then passes a cup to Louise who takes it.
The Saunders matriarch is wearing a multi-color patchwork tied-front button-up pastel floral top with dark blue jeans and her long blonde hair hanging.
"Sweetheart, I need to tell you something that went on here." Sarah Lynn says
Louise takes a few sips of the beverage.
"Momma, if you're referring to Sean spouting out to dad that the two of us had an open marriage for years which led to our divorce then yes I already know what went on here. "
The other day Peter confronted his ex-son-in-law about the reason why his marriage ended to his daughter. Sean pushed back explaining how their once solid union took a turn for the worse by him initially sleeping with Tricia. Sarah Lynn handled the situation before it got out of control by sending him home early for the day.
"I'm sorry it all had to come out like that, but I think it was best that your daddy found out about everything than later on." How are you doing? " Sarah Lynn asks
"After Sean's stand-off with dad he came home to tell me he was moving out, he took his suitcase and left without even telling the girls, so guess who had to tell them that their father moved out with no warning, not a damn thing." Louise vocalizes. She then points to herself.
Her mother begins to consume her cup of tea.
"That does not sound like the son-in-law I loved as one of my own children, But I asked how are you feeling ?"
Louise exhales out the pent-up frustration she is concealing. "Mad as hell."
Sarah Lynn glances at her husband and Esther Saunders entering into the kitchen with the look on their faces they overheard Louise's recent response. It makes the younger Saunders offspring turn around gaining a look of embarrassment.
"Dad, Aunt Esther, I didn't mean for you to hear that I'll get back to work," Louise says.
Work will keep, you stay here, I know you meant well about keeping your issues to yourself, but I want you to know you ain't never gotta hide anything like that from me." Peter states
Louise nods her head feeling somewhat relief yet felt like a little girl receiving a scolding from their parent from taking a cookie out of the cookie jar before supper.
The V-Tech digital audio baby monitor standing on the kitchen island is picking up the cries of SJ who is upstairs in his crib in his mother's bedroom. Sarah Lynn knows that she is going to have to go up there since Martha is borrowing her car to run some errands and won't be back home until later on.
Esther delicately places her hands on her curvy hips.
"Sarah, go ahead see about the baby, Peter you better get back to supervising the boys in the fields, its something I need to tell my niece. "
With looks of curiosity albeit suspicion, the husband and wife leave out of the room to do what they were told.
Frankly, Louise wanted to ask what Esther wanted with her. Growing up she didn't have the typical close aunt-niece relationship. So it is very seldom when her aunt wants to speak with her.
"You don't need to put on a brave front darling, going through a divorce is hell I speak from experience."

"We did some major damage didn't we grandma?" Shauna Jackson says energetically
They're arriving home after the two of them went out of town to go do some clothes shopping as well as having manicures and pedicures at their usual nail salon. Shauna was quite surprised that her grandmother took her shopping since she knows that her grandmother is careful about spending money. Even when Shauna offered to pay for her things her grandmother opposed.
With three bags in her hand, she nods energetically. "I guess we did, but baby working towards your dream job is something to be rewarded, I am so proud of you," Mae says
"Thanks, grandma" Shauna replies back.
"I am gonna put these things up and worry about my credit card bill later."
Mae goes into her bedroom with her items.
Antoine Hall comes into the apartment on his iPhone ending the conversation. He stares at the bags on the couch and then back to her seeing the joy on her face.
"Damn, you two weren't playin." Antoine says
"Yeah, I am not complaining, so I noticed that you were on the phone talking to your "Girlfriend."
Part of Antoine is happy to see Shauna sounding jealous, though he can't believe that he actually likes Nichelle more than the person he is using to make Shauna realize she belongs with him, not that skinny white boy.
"Of course you do, here I was having an intimate lunch, with my boyfriend. Then all of a sudden you and Shelley come over to us. You knew what you were doing. "
A week ago, Antoine came to visit Shauna at her place of work he overheard her talking to Max on the phone about treating her to lunch at The Chateau. It is when he decided to invite Nichelle last minute to the restaurant to interrupt their lunch for a few minutes.
"My bad, hey what about I'll make it up to you and Max, What about I cook dinner for the four of us?"
Shauna shakes her head at the thought of a double date. "I don't know about that."
"You ain't embarrassed about showing Max where you live, he knows that he isn't seeing some society girl, you know you can't resist me and my cooking."
"Just be glad that I like your cooking, okay we'll all have dinner together, not to mention it will give me a chance to get to know law school." Shauna comments.

By coincidence or by some twist of fate, Sean came out to Hudson Lake to rent out a storage unit at the moving company located within the shopping district. He was on his way to his car in the parking lot before spotting his twin daughters about to get in their vehicle. Gathering enough initiative he approached them. And they unwillingly to follow to at least hear him out. So they ended up in the dining area of the indoor court which is a separate annex. Smells of food are coming from various popular and regional chains of restaurants too.
Sitting a few spaces apart next to them in a booth Sean can feel his heart beating fast knowing nothing he can tell them will be good enough for them to understand how sorry he is.
"I know that I am the last person you want to see right now, but I had to reach out to you two. " Sean says openly.
"Sadly, you are not wrong about that." Lynn replies
Sean purses his lips trying to find the right words to utter without sounding forceful in trying to repair his damaged relationship with his daughters after the destruction that came out about him continuing sleeping with Tricia unbeknownst to them their parents were formerly in an open marriage.
"Your mother and I were miserable living together after what all occurred I'm not going to mince words you girls are old enough to know that it takes a lot to wreck a marriage even one as long as I had with your mother. "
Tanner pushes her eyeglasses on her face. " I am so tired of fighting with you dad they're times when I want us to be close like we all use to be. "
"I would like that too Pretty Princess," Sean replies.
"Also I would like to not to find my mother in tears, but we don't always get what we want dad," Lynn says aggrievedly.
"Look I'm not a perfect man, I am just trying to get the three of us to be in a better place. " Sean says defensively.
The twins' exchange looks of reluctance though recognize that their father sounds meaningful.
"At least tell me what are you girls up to?" Sean queries
Tanner informs him that she sent off everything so she can get into the string workshop at Berklee College Of Music this summer plus she has an orchestra concert coming up in which Sean says he isn't going to miss it.
"What about you Lenny?" Sean asks
"I stopped skipping school."
Sean grins at her statement knowing this already.
"Believe it or not I - uh got asked out." Lynn spills out.
Sean is taken back at what was said. He didn't even know his own daughter had any interest in boys that way right now.
"Remember that little boy who accidentally knocked over that can of paint you were using to the pain the garage at our old house? "
"Yeah, that was --- wait a minute, Elijah, asked you out on a date? " Sean replies incredulously. "Both of my girls are growing up too quickly." he marvels at the both of them.
"Well, we gotta get going." Tanner says awkwardly.
The pair step out of the booth about to go back out into the midday.
They head off back to the car leaving Sean there to realize he might gain his girls' trust again makes him glad he stepped out his comfort zone today.

"Three times isn't exactly always the charm," Esther says
She does not know what comes over her, but she takes a seat adjacent from her aunt at the table.
"In any of your marriages, did you feel like you failed in any of them, Aunt Esther? "
Esther taps her polished nails on the table. "With Obadiah, heck no, With Roy, there were times that I regretted not supporting him more when he was traveling in the rodeo and for John ... well, he was a man that only comes around a once in a lifetime felt like I failed for letting him go without a fight."
Louise never heard her talking so candid about anything so personal in her life.
"I feel like maybe if I cut back from work, or been more sensually appealing to him maybe my marriage wouldn't have taken several hits. " Louise confesses
"Darling, listen to me, you can come up with all of the maybe's in the damn world isn't going to make you feel any better or reverse time, all you can do is move forward for not only the sake of the girls but for yourself too. "
Esther stands up from the table.
"Aunt Trudy used to tell me that a Saunders woman is strong with a man but even stronger without one, catch my drift?"
Trudy is the beloved Aunt of Esther and Peter who is their late father's older sister who is now knocking on 90 years old living in a retirement home.
"Thanks for those words Aunt Esther I needed to hear that."
Esther steps to the refrigerator then over to the cabinet. "No problem darling, it's gonna be all right. "
She sets a bottle of white wine and two glasses on the counter.
Louise gets up out of the chair.
Esther takes the top off the bottle. "Like my daddy used to say it ain't early if the sun is up. "
She pours the wine into the two glasses.
"To a new attitude." Esther toasts encouragingly
Louise raises her glass. "To a new attitude," she repeats.
Martha goes back to work.
Steven gets a emergency call.
Daniel seeks out a new business opportunity.
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