Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 5, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
While at their first college party at the Zeta Beta Theta house. Jordan came onto Tommy.
Tricia found out her estranged mother isn't coming to her wedding ceremony in Hawaii.
Shauna is reeling from her kidnapping, causing everyone around her to worry about her.

In spite of getting a head start on his assignment. For his economics class. Tommy Covington has been stuck on the same passage in his textbook, for he doesn't know how long. He is sitting in one of the chaise lounge chairs by the pool on the estate, Taking away his concentration from his schoolwork. While reflecting on his girlfriend and him dancing at the horse stables during their picnic. He then sees the water in the pool reminds him of the kiss he shared with Jordan on the yacht last summer. The memory alters into a recent one he had with her at the Zeta Beta Theta house on campus. Where he was being pursued by her in which he felt a strong attraction to her.
Also, he has been wrestling with respecting Tanner's wishes about her stance on sex. Being taught by his father; never to pressure a woman into it unless she gives consent. If he had his way, she still wouldn't be a virgin but knows he has to control himself.
"Man, get it together," he tells himself.
Forcing him to continue to read the paragraph through his mind presents him with another option getting him on both of his feet, leaving behind his studies.

Two hours and fifty-eight minutes later, Tanner Lockhart and Aaliyah Gupta were finally leaving out of the department store of the outdoor mall known as The Village of Hudson Lake. The two were walking side by side, carrying shopping bags heading towards the parking lot.
"I love shopping, but I must admit my feet are killing me," Aaliyah reveals to her new friend and college roommate.
"Mine too, although the dress you picked to wear for Daniel's birthday party looks great," Tanner says
The two young women came into town to find dresses for Daniel Covington's 45th birthday surprise party, which is happening at the end of the week.
Aaliyah takes some loose strands of her brown-blondish hair behind her ear. "If I had more heads-up about this event. I would've designed my own."
The Chicago native is a budding designer who is majoring in design and merchandising at Sampson.
"Well, well, well,"
The sound of an eerily familiar voice brings dread over to Tanner.
Across from them is Jordan McKnight, who is of, course wearing an outfit, giving them the impression she is off to a nightclub. Her ensemble consists of a peach floral tie front crop top, showing off her flat stomach and matching pants.
"I at least thought by the look of your clothes you would at least shop at a flea market, Tanner." Jordan insults her.
Tanner rolls her eyes at the comment hurled at her. One of the many reasons why she didn't attend her first college party at the fraternity house finding out her former friend turned enemy is at the same school she is. In addition; to chasing after her boyfriend who doesn't want her.
Jordan's attention turns to Aaliyah. "With good taste in clothes, I must question your taste in having this one as your bestie though must be a charity case friendship, huh?"
With a cordial glare to Tanner, Aaliyah changes her expression when she stares at Jordan. "I don't know who do you think you are, but I don't stand for people being hurtful to my friends, so do yourself a favor, leave before I raise my fist to your nose."
Jordan takes her clutch bag underneath her arm and pouts her lips. "Tommy and I were able to catch up at the party. Seem like he missed you."
With one more threatening glance, she moves along as her heels clack onto the sidewalk.
"I hate her," Tanner mumbles.
She and Tommy had seen one another since the party, even though she knew from her friends about Jordan's appearance there. She was somewhat taken back by the fact she and Tommy were together hanging out.
"Come on, girl. Let's go," Aaliyah says encouragingly. She puts her arm around her new friend guiding, her to the parking lot to the Fiat.

The soulful voice of Jill Scott singing about a long walk is on the stereo system in The Waterfall. Antoine Hall is behind the bar serving the frequenters whom he knows by their favorite choice of beverages to memory. His demeanor changes when he spots his best friend, Shauna Covington, holding her leather briefcase while taking a seat on the stool at the bar in front of him.
"Hey," he greets her.
She places the briefcase on top of the counter. "Hey, Will isn't here, is he?" she inquiries.
"Haven't seen him since this morning, thank god," Antoine replies.
Shauna is in no mood to put up with her uncle. Who she places the blame for bringing Jerome Hawkins into their lives who with; his asshole bandits kidnapped and held her hostage with the threats of being shot to death if they didn't get money owed to him from some old debt her uncle got him in when they were in prison together selling drugs. And despite him being the one who helped the police rescue her. She couldn't accept his apology due to his role in the matter.
"I don't know if you already know I told grandma about us watching you know who closely," she informs him.
When Will got out of prison, Antoine and she decided to keep tabs on him in case he went back to his old troublemaking ways.
He nods his head. "Yeah, she told me, I don't think she cares about that. It's obvious she is still worried about you."
Shauna does an uncomfortable shift in her seat. "Like I told her, my husband, Martha, and everyone else who keeps asking me I'm okay."
"You may be able to fool all of them, but you have never been able to fool me, Shauna." Antoine expresses

Despite the early evening rush, 90% of Tricia Meyer's concern; is still focused on the overall conversation between her mother and herself the other day regarding her not coming to her upcoming wedding. And the rest is on getting customers their orders so they can get out of line. She passes the cup of the paper cup of hot tea to a hipster woman. Tricia lifts her head from the till of the register onto Samuel Gupta.
"Hey, long time no see," the psychiatrist tells her. He is wearing a light gray short sleeve Henley t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans.
"Yeah, I've been busy," she replies.
She recalls when she saw him last, Tricia squirted water on him when she thought someone was trying to attack her whilst she was on her run in the park.
"I don't know if it is the doctor in me or myself trying to be a good friend, it looks like you need to talk."
Tricia crosses her arms onto her blue Halston sleeveless cross neck top. "What makes you so sure about that, Doc?"
Samuel gestures behind the counter in which Tricia sees the drawer of the register is still open. Quickly closing it before anyone else noticed her faux pas, deciding she should take a much-needed break, she gets somebody to cover for her as she goes to talk with the doctor who once flirted with her.

"I'm not trying to fool, trick, or persuade anyone; it's how I truly, feel." she protests.
"I've known you too long to fall for that, you know it is okay to tell me you were scared as hell when Jerome had you."
"And I told Max I was. I cried ugly tears he consoled me the end," she says matter of factly.
Antoine clears his throat, imagining that scenario of his best friend and her husband together.
"You haven't handled it,"
"Have you handled having a gun aimed at you, Antoine?" Shauna changes the subject, which makes Antoine quiet for a few moment.
She remembers the look of horror on when she was being dragged out of the parking lot of the bar into that van by Chaz Rollo, who had a gun pointed in his direction.
"I still get shaken up a bit, but I'm taking it out on the bags at the gym."
"I'm just trying not to think about it."
"How that working out for you Shauna,"
Shauna slams both of her hands onto the surface. "All right, you want to hear the truth, Antoine. I'm angry! ---, scratch that. I am pissed off at what happened to me. There are nights when I wake up in cold sweat, fearing for my life because of those men."
Water begins cascading down her cheek from her beautiful dark brown eyes.
"It seems six years is not enough for Hawkins, ain't it." Antoine says unbelievably
"I heard his boys flipped on him to the DA to get only two."
The sentencing occurred a few days ago when all three received their sentences for breaking several felonies and parole violations.
Registering, she needs someone to comfort her whilst she cries. She accepts it in a platonic manner. Not, caring if customers were starting to take in the vision of the bar owner's granddaughter hugging her friend.

The chorus of Miley Cyrus' Midnight Sky; can be heard throughout the café when Tricia and Samuel takes a seat at the table in the back by the large window that outlooks Main Street.
"For a person who is about to tie the knot, you don't look so happy," Samuel points out.
Tricia turns to see if any customers were in the radius of listening to them. But the ones were either glued to their phones. Or their faces glued to their other electronic devices to care if the manager of the establishment is having a personal conversation with someone she hardly knows.
"I got a call from my mother telling me she can't make it to the ceremony in Oahu, and I guess it's bothering me," she replies. "Then again. I shouldn't be that surprised. I mean, after all these years that -- a man still has control of her."
Samuel scratches his left forearm, trying to access the situation. "That man would be?"
"My stepfather," she sighs tirelessly.
"You don't like him?"
"No, I hate the bastard, I normally, don't go around advertising this, not even to my friends, my mother has been in an abusive marriage since I was four years old," she says emotionally.
Before he came into the café, Samuel was unsure of how he felt about Tricia pertaining to Tricia's past of coming in between Sean's marriage to Martha Saunders's sister. However, he can distinguish her from her previous actions in this case.
"Have your mom tried to seek help?"
Tricia scoffs like she was expecting to hear that. "Yeah, but --
Knowing the statistics firsthand as a mental health professional about victims; of domestic abuse often goes back to their abusers.
"She keeps going back to him," Samuel interjects.
"I've tried everything in my power to make her see he is the worst in every way possible, but she thinks if she leaves, she isn't going to make it out without him."
"I hate to say this to you, Tricia. It's nothing you can do for her. It is up to her to leave the hell she is in."
She goes onto to explain how her old neighbor Mrs. Montez who still lives next door to them in Bakersfield, California often contacts her to keep her apprised of what is happening every so often.
Tricia does her best not to let any tears come. "I bet you think I sound like a selfish bitch don't you?" I mean, my mother is in danger every single minute of her life, and I'm going on about her not coming to my wedding."
"It's okay to have those thoughts about your mother missing one of the biggest milestones in your life does not make you selfish. It makes you human, Tricia," he advises
Tricia takes a sight of the crowd of patrons thinning out. She turns her head back to Samuel. "I think you I owe you a coffee. It's on the house."
"It's all right," he said nobly.
"Call it a gift for listening to me ramble on my about my life."
She gets out of the chair towards the front of the line.
Samuel smirks whilst watching her cut through the line to get his coffee.

Tommy drove to campus, arriving in front of the door of Tanner's room inside of Ashton Dormitory. He gently knocks on the barrier, hoping she is there. He is filled with mixed emotions when he sees his girlfriend opening the door. Her hair is straight, and she is wearing a new pair of eyeglasses.
"Hey," they both say in unison.
Silently she lets him into her room, which is pretty much clean on her side. However, her roommate's things on her side, our strewn here and there.
"Am I keeping you away from anything?" he asks.
"No, I just got off FaceTime with my mom to show her the dress I chose to wear to your father's birthday party."
"Is Aaliyah here?" he stalls.
"After we got back from Hudson Lake, she grabbed her portfolio and tore out of here to finish her self-portrait at the studio for her art class," she answers casually. "What's wrong?"
"I just wanted to tell you, nothing is going on between Jordan and me," he informs her seriously.
Tanner takes a seat at the end of her bed as she folds her arms. "Funny, you mention her. Guess who we ran into at The Village?"
The look of ill-ease on her face Tommy didn't even have to wreck his brain. "How did that go?"
Tanner lightly tugs on the charm necklace he gave her last year. "Probably like getting a root canal painful but necessary,"
Tommy plants himself beside Tanner on the bed. Curious about what she is referring to.
"It seems she has this fixation on getting you like she has some claim on you or something."
Tommy stays quiet, knowing how strong Jordan's pursuit of him is.
But I know you don't feel the way she does about you." Tanner says
Tommy reaches for his girlfriend by pulling her into an embrace. Her head on his muscular chest. "No matter what happens. I love you, Tanner."
"Tommy, I love you too," she counters.
The couple begins making out though deep down Tommy wishes they were doing more.
Guests get ready for Daniel's 45th surprise birthday party.
A reconciliation occurs.
Esther decides to play hardball.
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