Written by : Bre l. Drew
October 12, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Courtney decided to plan Daniel a surprise 45th birthday party.
Shauna was still dealing with the ramifications of her kidnapping, which gave Max concern for his wife.
Esther is hiding the truth of Deirdre Covington's long-ago affair with her father, Jimmy Saunders, from the rest of her family.
Daniel has been in his first serious romantic relationship since the death of his wife with Mala Gupta.
Elijah wanted to get back together with Lynn, but she preferred their "Friends With Benefits" arrangement instead.

"Keep them closed," Elijah Barker cautions Lynn Lockhart about keeping her eyes shut until he was ready for her to do the opposite.
"They're closed," Lynn says with anticipation.
The exes were outside in front of her house. He was guiding her by the arm to the specific destination.
"All right, go ahead, open them," he tells her excitedly.
She opens her eyes to the vision of a black four-door compact car next to the Fiat she shares with her sister.
"Oh my god," she exclaims astonishingly. "Is this yours' Barker?"
Elijah doesn't hide the smile upon his face. "You like?"
Lynn begins looking at the vehicle. "Yeah, I do,"
"Months of working at JoJo's finally paid off. I finally was able to save up enough cash to buy this used-new beauty."
Elijah couldn't take his eye off his former girlfriend, whom he still wants to get back together with; They were dating until this past winter when she broke up with him over not being able to handle him admitting his love for her.
"Are you doing anything right now?" he inquires.
She shakes her head. "Nothing much, why?"
Elijah takes a look at the cars than onto her again. "Wanna grab something to eat, my treat."
It does not take for her to consider his offer. "Sure," she replies meaningfully.
She finds herself getting in the passenger seat of the 2018 Volkswagen Golf as Elijah gets in the driver's seat, starting the engine.

The formal wear boutique located in the shopping district of Hudson Lake is where Esther Saunders is waiting to pick up her attire.
Caring, only little if she is cutting close timewise to get home to get ready to go to Danny Boy's surprise birthday party out at Home Farm this evening.
The sound of the harmonious ring of the door opening gets her to turn around. But when she sees the individual who enters. She wishes she would've done the exact opposite.

"I would say great minds think alike, but I won't," Deirdre Covington declares.
The small in stature redhead is wearing a brown button-front shirt with black pants. She is carrying a designer handbag, which costs more than the outfit she has on.
"Don't tell me baggage claim has lost your luggage at the airport, Dee?" Esther mocks
Dee is one of the reasons why she isn't excited about going to this party tonight. She does not want to be in the same room as the woman who slept with her father over thirty years ago.
The male sales associate notifies both ladies of their dresses will be brought out to them in a little while. Leaving both standing there wanting to be anywhere else without the other.
"I came into town yesterday. And I realized my maid forgot to pack my dress. So instead of trying overnight here. I decided to purchase a dress from the area I was brought up in."
The way Deirdre makes it out to be she was volunteering her money to patronize the little people.
"Sometimes it's funny how life works out," Dee adds.
Esther places her hand to the strap of her purse. "What are you talking about now, woman?"

Shauna Covington had a hard time settling on which dress to wear tonight to her father-in-law's birthday extravaganza downstairs of the estate. Finally, she picked the one-shoulder dark noir lace gown by Monique Lhuillier. She is sitting on the edge of the king-size bed in her silk robe when Max, who is still in his clothes from earlier, comes into their room. He closes the door behind him.
"Courtney is having too much fun instructing the staff down there to have everything perfect for dad," he tells her.
"Knowing your sister; everything should turn out that way," she replies.
Even though it is good having things, slightly go back to normal in their lives. Max could not help but hear the reluctance in her voice like she is holding something back from him. He gathers it has to do with her trauma of being held, hostage. Although she has told him in several instances, she is fine; enough to go back to work. It's like he cannot reach her on some level, which frustrates him.
Shauna calls her husband's attention to her before he headed for the shower. "Are we okay?"
Max nods his head with concern. "Yeah, why?" he asks patiently.
"I know I haven't been myself for quite a while now, and I'm beginning to realize it's hasn't been easy on you, Max." she reasonably clarifies.
Max grabs one of his wife's hands for comfort. "First of all, you do not owe me an apology." But I'm glad you're finding yourself again after everything you have gone through."
Shauna recalls having a heart to heart conversation with Antoine about getting over their trauma over the kidnapping.
"And I realized I haven't dealt with happened to me, so I'm going to see a therapist." I know I haven't said this to you, but I appreciate you being there for me."
Max cracks a sympathetic smile. "The support thing I hear is one of the most important things in marriage."
Shauna finds herself too eliciting a grin as well as an inviting wink. "Uh, how long do we have before we got to be down there?"
"Forty-five minutes,"
The next thing they know, the two are passionately kissing each other as she lays on top of him on their bed.

Tricia Meyer is examining herself in the mirror inside of the bedroom she shares with her fiancé Sean Lockhart. Just when she is determining the sleeveless burgundy red satin halter gown is sufficient on her. She feels the broad arms around her belonging to her lover.
"Is it rude of me to say the only thing I look forward to this party is you in this dress?" Sean inquires honestly
He isn't in the mood to go out tonight, especially for a guy whom he doesn't care for in the slightest due to history with his former in-laws particularly, his ex-wife.
"No, it's not, I'm not very much keen on going to the party myself, but I promised Courtney we'll be there. Besides, Daniel is my boss, so I'm between a rock and a hard place."
Sean checks to make sure his tie is straight in the mirror. He starts pecking her neck.
"If you keep this up, we're never going to get out of here," Tricia says in an arousing manner.
"Maybe that's my objective," he chimes in.
Thirty seconds pass of him kissing her before she interrupts. "Let's go before you change my mind."

Nothing, I mean, your son is dating my granddaughter, my son dated your niece. It seems our families have this pull towards each other."
"If it ain't the pot calling the kettle black," Esther says under her breath.
The male associate brings out a clothing bag in his hand. He then calls attention to Saunders matriarch, who retrieves it.
"You might forget what it is like to be down on earth with the rest of us, Dee. But one of these days, karma will nip you in the bud when you least expect darling."
With one final look back, Esther moves her way out of the door into the late afternoon open-air, more determined to bring her former best friend to her knees.

Since his introduction into the world forty-five years ago, Daniel Covington has been made to feel aware of how important his existence means to the people who love him the best. When he turned one year old, his party was held out on the family's former residential ranch consisted of a petting zoo. And when he turned ten years old, his father Patrick hired men to dress up as characters from GI Joe, his favorite show as a boy at his party. Notwithstanding, his favorite memories come from his thirtieth. His late wife Keri, himself, and their married best friends John and Heather Merriwether vacationed in Costa Rica. The four spent a week in the Central America locale where they ventured to several landmarks, including the Poás Volcano and to see the beautiful turquoise water of the Celeste River.
Many years older, he is now sitting behind the desk in his office suite. Whilst, most of the staff has gone home. He had just concluded his last piece of work for today.
When Daniel looks up to see Mala Gupta, he immediately does a double-take, mainly a result of the over-the-shoulder metallic gown she is wearing. Her hair is done meticulously in curls. Also, she is holding onto her silver clutch evening bag.
Daniel whistles in the presence of his significant other "You look amazing,"
Mala grins ear to ear over the compliment. "Thank you, well, it is not every day we have dinner with both of our families together, so I decided to scrub up," she says breezily.
Truthfully, she is dressed formally because the two our secretly heading to his house to commemorate his birthday with his friends and family. Instead, he thinks it will be only their children and themselves having dinner at home.
Daniel retrieves his briefcase off the top of his desk. He heads to Mala, whom he kisses. "You definitely will make an impression for sure,"
"Neither of us will make anything if we do not get out of here," she presses
Soon they exit out of the room towards the elevator bank,

With nowhere else to go Elijah, and Lynn our eating their takeout inside of the car in the parking lot of the diner. A Hayley Williams song plays on the radio at a low volume.
"You know if your mom saw us eating, this she would start lecturing us on the hazards of eating fast food." Lynn states
Elijah takes a bite of the burger chewing the perfectly grilled beef. "Don't remind me,"
Moments of awkward quietness pass while the two of them consume their meals.
"I miss you," he admits.
Lynn puts the soda into one of the car's cup holders, not hiding the expression of annoyance. "What are you talking about?"
"Come on, Lynn. You broke up with me, but we still see each other every other day." Elijah remarks
"Because we've been best friends since forever." Lynn retorts
"And don't forget we still sleep together too."
"Friends with benefits." Lynn counters back expertly
Elijah turns to her in his seat. "Are you going to keep giving me excuses, or are you going to realize you want to get back together too?"
"Do we have to talk about this now?" Lynn rebuttals
"Look, I know the two of us aren't the ones to easily say how we feel. But I love you, and I know deep down you love me too, why can't that be enough?"
Lynn never heard Elijah sound so melodramatic; in her fourteen years of knowing him, even when the two were dating.
"Because love is not enough," Lynn answers lowly.
Elijah is about to inquire about what she is on about?
However, it does not take long for him to perceive why she is like this.
"You think by saying I love you. I'm going to hurt you like your father did your mother."
Lynn takes a sip of her drink before responding to his claim. "So what if I do?
"I haven't see any other girls. I want to be with but you." He then reaches his hand to her cheek, which he holds delicately.
"And the last time I checked. I'm not your father, and you're not your mother. "I'm not pressuring to tell me how you feel about me right now. But you can't deny what is between us is real."
Lynn puts strands of her blonde hair behind both of her ears. A few loose tears from her light blue eyes.
Elijah finds himself using his lips to touch hers as Lynn starts kissing him back.

To her greatest delight, Courtney Covington is well-pleased with the complete product of the ground floor of the estate decorated for her father's birthday celebration. In a short span, her father's closest friends, associates, and family will be here to surprise him on his actual date of birth. The last time her father had a party was his fortieth birthday, not long before her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She thinks if her mother, was still, alive; she would approve of everything since she was known for planning events that are still unforgettable on the social scene in New York City.
Her thoughts are interrupted by her grandmother slamming the large door behind her. She enters from the foyer to the living room, where she neatly places her bag containing her dress.
"Forty years later, ain't nothing changed about that damn woman," Deirdre says aggrievedly.
"Grandma, who are you talking about?" Courtney asks apprehensively
The older woman puts both of her hands upon her hips. "Esther Saunders,"
"Say no more," Courtney says mostly to herself.
She is well-versed in her boyfriend's mother and her grandmother being former best friends in their youth until one day, they weren't beginning a multi-decade feud between the women. Yet, isn't quite sure what led them down the path of no return.
Deirdre gets into running into her at the boutique, causing a chain reaction of contempt. She goes on about firing her maid for forgetting to pack her dress.
Courtney decides to immediately switch the topic of conversation by asking her how does she like everything regarding the décor.
"I must say, Courtney, this is nice. You know your mother would've been proud of what you accomplished here."
Courtney tries not to tear up from the compliment. "I was just thinking about her. She would've been more impressed at not dad not finding out."
"Don't cry on me now, girl, or you will ruin your mascara," Dee says joyously.
"Okay, let's go get ready," Courtney remarks.
Grandmother and granddaughter both head towards the staircase arms, wrapped around one another.
The show will mark Town & Country hitting 100 episodes with the show's first round of dailies next week : 10/19-10/23
Daniel's 45th Birthday has many surprises in store.
Sean & Tricia get married in Hawaii.
And so much more!!!
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