Written by: Bre L. Drew
May 30, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Emma's doctor informed Deirdre that she would have to eventually place Emma into a long-term care facility, which Esther overheard and then came to Deirdre's defense.
Daniel intentionally insulted Courtney over her not being able to run the company on her own due to her obligations as a wife.
Martha enlisted Lorenzo to direct a music video for a new song she had written.

Deirdre Covington places her hands on her hips. "What are you doing here, Esther?"
It didn't surprise Esther Saunders in the least when she showed Deirdre Covington the slightest bit of compassion when she came into the hospital room of Dee's incapacitated daughter. The doctor was telling her former friend that there wasn't much they could do, and she would have to be transferred to a long-term care facility. Nonetheless, Deirdre wasn't ready to hear that, so Esther came to her defense, but, of course, being the person she is, Deirdre didn't show her any gratitude.
The businesswoman remembers she is in the room of someone in a coma, deciding to keep the hysterics at a low level." I wanted to come by here to check on you and see how you were doing," she replies.
Deirdre glances at her daughter, who is still in bed, and then back at the woman she once called her best friend. "I'm surprised you care. I thought you would be celebrating my misfortune."
Esther gathers she's referring to the fallout of their friendship, which involved Dee having an affair with her father Jimmy over thirty years ago. Look, whatever that is between us still stands. But from a mother to another mother, I wouldn't dare wish this on anyone."
Slight vulnerability appears on the wealthy widow's face. "If I send her away, it means I'm giving up on her, which I never will."

"Are my eyes deceiving me, or is my husband home while the sun is still up?" Shauna Covington inquiries from him.
The interior decorator is lying by the pool in her bathing suit on the Home Farm estate this afternoon after having a half-day at the office herself. She is stunned to see her husband who is usually home when it's dark outside, since being appointed by his father to run the company alongside his sister until his father returned as CEO.
With his sunglasses perched on his shirt, Max Covington walks over to his wife, kissing her before taking a seat on the outdoor chaise lounge.
Shauna gathers from his weary disposition that something is bothering him. "What's wrong?" she asks. "Did you and Courtney get into a fight at the office?"
Max quickly rounds off to her about his decision to step down as co-CEO so his sister could take over, which his father walked in and denied, stating Courtney couldn't handle it due to her other obligations.
"You know, your sister and I aren't the best of friends, but no woman deserves to hear that in any work environment, especially from her father."
"And with Emma still in a coma, this family is going through a lot. I'm sure you didn't sign up for this when you married me, did you?" Max remarks
Shauna, by now, is on her feet and is standing behind her husband, whom she is massaging his shoulders. "It's in the vows," she replies. "Just give your sister some time and be there for her; that's all you can do."
"I guess," he sighs tiredly.

When Courtney Covington Sullivan arrived home, she quickly went into the spacious kitchen of the residential cottage she resides in and quickly grabbed a glass from the cabinet and a bottle of cabernet sauvignon out of the refrigerator.
Courtney is still trying to process what her father said to her earlier about not being capable of running the company without her brother since she's a new wife with priorities.
A few minutes pass when she hears the front door close, so Courtney turns around to see it is her husband, carrying his vet bag after a day of work.
"Rough day at the office?" Steven Sullivan inquires.
He isn't quite used to his wife having wine before dinner, so he detects something might've happened that led to her consuming alcohol. Not to mention usually, he arrives home most days from the clinic before she does.
"You have no idea," she replies while taking another drink.

What kind of a man were you?
You didn't even say goodbye.
Martha Saunders finds herself singing her heart out on the porch of her house on Franklin Farm, from which for years she had tried to escape on her way to music stardom, so it seemed ironic that she was now filming her first music video here this afternoon.
Several feet away, Lorenzo Vidal is satisfied with the overall performance as well as the shot through the viewfinder of his camera on the tripod.
"And that's a wrap!" the budding director yells out.
"So how terrible was I?" Martha queries Lorenzo while making her way over to him.
Besides, the director is his girlfriend, Aaliyah Gupta, and Martha's niece, Tanner Lockhart, who had been assisting him with the shoot.
Lorenzo clears his throat conspicuously. "Honestly... Martha...
The lack of words somewhat gave Martha pause.
"Damn, I was really that bad." She looks at her niece and her niece's best friend.
Then the three young adults laugh, causing Martha to show confusion.
"No, we were just pulling your leg, Martha. You were great, and I believe we have enough footage of you and the band." Lorenzo informs her.
A wave of relief goes through the singer. "Good because, for a minute." I thought I would have to replace y'all. She teases good-naturedly.
The song Martha had just sung for the video is her most personal song, which she is sharing due to it being based on prior failed relationships.
But seriously, thank you for this, and even if it doesn't pan out for the guys and me. At least we're getting our music out there to more people." Martha says positively.
"Well, that's what we are going to do," Lorenzo replies. "I better get to work, but I'll let you know when it comes to the big edit," Lorenzo says to her.
"Yeah, I gotta go too. I'm dropping him off," Aaliyah adds.
With Lorenzo's equipment saved and stored, the couple left inside of Aaliyah's truck on the main road.
The two Saunders women are on their own; Tanner puts her arm around her aunt. "Maybe Calvin Harris will see your video and want to do a collab."
"Well, you never know," Martha says nicely. "Hey, how are you doing?"
From her expression, Tanner could tell her aunt had heard about Tommy's attempt at a reconciliation with her.
The two take a seat next to one another on the swinging porch.
"A part of me wants to forgive him for everything he did and start over, but there is another part of me who still cannot get over what he did. Does that make me a terrible person?"
She still is hurt about Tommy having sex with Jordan while they were going out and hadn't told her about it or it created a child that the two our currently raising.
Martha puts some of her shoulder-length dyed dark brown hair behind her ear. "No, it shows you have common sense. Something I wish I had at your age. It probably would've saved me from years of heartbreak."
Tanner situates her glasses on her face. "Anyway, there might be someone else I'm becoming interested in."
Martha develops a genuine smile on her face at what her niece said to her. "I know you're old enough to make your own choices, but I think you should go with it and don't let one crappy relationship tank your chances of a happy one"
Tanner nods steadily. "Thanks for the advice, Aunt Martha; I appreciate it."
"It's no problem, Tanner; now let's order a pizza. I think we deserve it, don't you?"

Courtney had just filled her husband in on what had occurred between herself and her father in the living room; despite his wife's disapproval, he wished he wasn't shocked to hear this coming from him.
"After everything you have done for that place, you would think he would be more appreciative of you," Steven tells his wife.
"He then said to me that he did not mean it," Courtney takes the last swig of red wine.
Steven moves closer to his wife on the sofa. "What are you going to do?"
Courtney exhales as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulder. "I don't know if I should go back to work tomorrow like nothing has happened or do something reckless like tailor a resignation."
Courtney's iPhone vibrates on the coffee table. It doesn't take too many guesses to figure out who is contacting her.
"I'm not in the mood to speak with my father right now,"
Steven picks up the phone, and he retrieves the call, which astonishes Courtney.
"Yeah, she's fine---Daniel, she's resting right now---well, I'll let her tell you that herself when she's ready---yeah, bye."
Courtney displays her puzzlement as to why he chose to answer.
"He would've kept calling if you kept ignoring him," Steven explains.
Courtney gets off the couch and stares directly at her husband.
"What is it about today that the men in my life thinking they know what I can or cannot handle?"
"Courtney, wait!"
But the Covington heiress moves past him, heading up towards the staircase.

Esther stares at the young woman she had never met directly but had heard about her outgoing personality from those who knew her best.
"Then you fight for her, but at the end of the day you have to decide what she would want." And that may not be so easy.
Deirdre laboriously exhales at what is about to take place, on top of the fact that she is the one who caused her to be in this place due to her paying that guy to tamper with Will's brakes, not knowing she would be the one driving his car that night the collision happened with that semi-truck.
It should be Will in your place, she keeps thinking to herself.
"Emma would want a fighting chance," Deirdre says vehemently.
Esther could tell from the way she was looking that she had come to a clear decision. "All right then, well, I better get going. You're in my thoughts, and I hope Emma makes a full recovery."
She is heading out of the room.
"Esther, thank you," she says in a clipped manner.
Esther nods appreciatively towards her.
She walks out of the room. The petite stable owner heads over towards the elevator bank. Esther hears the ringing of her iPhone, and she goes to retrieve the device. However, she looks away from where she was going; unbeknownst to her, she accidentally bumps into someone, causing her to stop herself from answering her phone. And from the corner of her eye, she observes several sheets of paper flying onto the ground.
Deirdre is sitting by her daughter's bedside once again. This time she holds her daughter's hand.
"I need you to fight to come back to us. You have so much to live for; please wake up," she begs fervently.
Esther does her best to bend down as she realizes the person is a plump twenty-something white female nurse in light blue scrubs with long brown hair in a ponytail who picked up some of the documents that seemed to belong to a patient.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," Esther apologizes sincerely. "Here, let me help,"
"It's okay; I'm quite clumsy myself," the plump nurse reacts kindly.
Esther's hand lies on a document on which she sees Emma's full name and other vital statistics. She casually scans the section which reads the blood type, A+.
She hands the document as the two stands to their full height, recalling what she saw.
Esther apologizes to the nurse once again. "It's no problem; have a good day,"
Esther exchanges pleasantries. "You too,"
The nurse dashed down the corridor, leaving Esther to press the button that in seconds opens the door to the elevator, which she gets into.
Esther reflects on what she discovered.
Presley and Tanner grow closer.
A miracle occurs.
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