Written by: Bre L. Drew
July 25, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Will and Emma remain together, much to the disapproval of Deirdre.
Tricia is nearing her due date with her pregnancy.
Shauna is dissatisfied with the lack of attention Max has been giving her as of late.

Tricia Lockhart makes her way out of the bedroom wearing an orange and white tie-dye t-shirt and black leggings, rubbing her protruding pregnant stomach. She finds herself wincing in pain while she watches her husband, Sean Lockhart, on the phone by the door of their fourth-floor apartment.
"Yeah, the contractions are about ten minutes apart... yeah, all right, we're on our way, bye."
Sean disconnects the call. "Dr. Jamison said we should get over to the hospital now."
"Good," Tricia exhales.
Around two in the morning, the soon-to-be mother began experiencing labor pains, though she was told to wait until they came closer together by one of the obstetrician's nurses who was on call.
Sean picks up the bag containing items belonging to Tricia and the baby. He couldn't help but smile at his wife at this moment.
"What are you staring at?" Tricia asks, unamused.
"It's just that the next time we come back here, we will be a family of three,"
Waddling over to him, Tricia still has her hands on her stomach.
"Well, we better go before we become that family of three in this apartment."
Though Tricia had to admit that she did enjoy her husband's being sweet to her, which usually would've driven her crazy, today, she would allow it.
The couple heads out of the apartment towards the elevator.

Instead of wasting the day inside the mansion, Emma Covington sits poolside outdoors during the summer afternoon in a chaise lounge chair, wearing a thin-strapped turquoise palm dress that displays her curves.
"Damn, girl!" a male's voice exclaims suggestively.
She lifts her head to see Will Jackson standing near her.
"You lookin' good out here," he compliments flirtatiously.
She couldn't help but beam at the attention he was giving her.
"Hello," she stands up to greet him properly with a kiss that becomes quite intense, so much so they hadn't known someone had appeared to them.
Emma sees behind her shoulder the person there.
"I didn't mean to interrupt," Lorenzo Vidal apologizes to the couple.
Today they're meeting with the young man regarding a job handling the nightclub's social media.
"No, you al'ight, man," Will tells him.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Deirdre Covington is peaking out the French doors where her daughter is intertwined with her ex-con beau, whom she tried to take out herself by paying someone to tamper with his car. Emma had been in the driver's seat, sustaining a TBI that left her in a coma for weeks.
"Now, what will it take to get you out of my daughter's life for good?" she vocalizes to herself wondrously.
Then a stroke of inspiration overcomes her, which makes her smile malevolently.

Courtney Covington Sullivan signs her name on a document at the desk in the CEO office suite on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower that comprises the Covington Group.
She still can't stop thinking about how in the last few days regarding the bid to renovate the hotel's ballroom, which is still in disarray after the flood that occurred last winter, which prevented her and Steven's wedding reception from taking place there. The general manager, Lance Hyde, had informed her and Max that they had received a much more inexpensive quote from another company,
When she hears the door open, she quickly lifts her head to see who didn't feel the need to knock.
An over joyous smile appears on Max Covington's face. "You will never believe whom I just got done speaking with."
"Stephen King?"
"I see you have jokes," Max replies. "No, Lance Hyde."
Courtney is quite astonished to hear that name. "And?"
Max sits across from his sister. "It's a done deal, Court; we got the bid."
"Oh my god, that's amazing," she remarks happily. "But what happened with the other company?"
"Apparently, they pulled out at the last minute. Actually, something struck a chord when you told Hyde about the hotel losing money, which he told his boss, which helped with their decision."
Courtney goes over to her brother to hug him. "It looks like we do make a great team after all."
They decided to work together as co-CEOs to demonstrate to their father that they have what it takes to run the company while he is on sabbatical.
The two let go of one another.
"Well, we better get started on this," Courtney says crucially.
Courtney's iPhone rings, which she promptly takes off the desk, "Hello," she answers cordially. "She is? I'm on my way."
Max spots more excitement from his sister. "What's up?"
Courtney grabs her briefcase from underneath the desk. "That was Sean. Tricia is in labor. I'm going to the hospital to be with them."
"Well, tell them good luck from me," Max tells her while she heads out of the office.
Max stares at the photos on the desk of him and Shauna on their wedding day aboard the yacht.
He picks up the phone.
Courtney grabs her briefcase from underneath the desk. "That was Sean. Tricia is in labor. I'm going to the hospital to be with them."
"Well, tell them good luck from me," Max tells her while she heads out of the office.
Max stares at the photos on the desk of him and Shauna on their wedding day aboard the yacht.
He picks up the phone.
"Hey Evelyn," he says to his father's longtime secretary. "I will be out of the building for the rest of the day. Something important has come to my attention."

"When was the last time we both had the day off?" Lynn Lockhart states
She and her fraternal twin sister Tanner Lockhart are having lunch at the counter in the kitchen of the residential cottage they have resided in since their early childhood.
"I don't even remember," Tanner responds. "But I think we should make the best of it because the next thing we know I will be back on campus."
This upcoming fall, Tanner will start her junior year at Sampson University.
Lenny takes a sip out of her can of Coca-Cola and decides to change the subject. "I've been working nonstop on the farm this year. But I guess I can't complain with mom and dad giving me more to do than mucking out the stalls."
"How are things between you and Elijah?" Tanner asks
"Going okay," Lynn answers. "It feels like we're finally back on track after everything that happened last year. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I thought we were going to lose him."
Last year her boyfriend was struggling with alcoholism which got an outcry from her, his friends, and family for him to admit he had a problem. It took nearly losing his life while drunk behind the wheel to make him realize he had an addiction.
Tanner takes a bite of the grilled cheese sandwich. "When does he get back from Myrtle Beach again?"
Elijah and his parents went on vacation to South Carolina.
"The day after tomorrow," she replies. "I actually miss him,"
"Anyway, how about you; how's your love life going?" Lynn asks bluntly
Reluctantly, Tanner is about to provide feedback when her iPhone rings the familiar notes of Mozart's Sonata No.11.
"Look at that Saved by the bell," she says with relief while answering it. "Hi, Dad," What?" We will be there in fifteen minutes, bye,"
"What did dad want?" Lynn inquiries
"We got to get to the hospital. Tricia is having the baby."

"How are we doing, Tricia?" Dr. Jamison verifies to the expectant mother currently in bed in the delivery room in the hospital.
"I'm doing peachy," Tricia says sarcastically through the pain of the contractions. Beside her is Sean, rubbing her shoulders in a disposable plastic medical apron.
Dr. Jamison proceeds to examine Tricia. "Ah hah, Tricia, you're nearly there."
"Thank God," Tricia says in between breaths.
"You're doing great," Sean says encouragingly. He then dabs the beads of sweat on her forehead with a cool cloth.
Courtney treads carefully into the room. "Hi,"
She gives a soft embrace to her best friend and waves at Sean.
Dr. Jamison sticks her hands in the pockets of her white lab coat. "I give you all some time alone before you deliver,"
The petite physician and a nurse exit the room.
Courtney lays her briefcase on one of the chairs in the corner. "I can see how you're doing, so I won't ask."
"I knew you were my friend for a reason," Tricia sighs satisfactorily.

At the moment, Emma, Will, and Lorenzo our all outside sitting at the sunbrella patio table, conversing about the open position at the nightclub tailored for the latter.
"Just to sum it all up, we need someone to handle the socials for the club, post footage, special appearances, that sort of thing." Emma describes
"As you can see, those pages haven't been updated in a minute," Will tells Lorenzo.
Lorenzo stares at the screen of his phone on The Cliffe's Instagram. "Yeah, it can; sure, use some work,"
"Would you be interested?" Emma queries
"Yes, I do, but would I be able to work around my schedule at the store? I need to make all the money that I can right now."
Will bows his head. "I'm sure we will be able to work something out. Anyway, it's mostly a late-night position for a few days."
Emma crosses her legs and straightens her posture.
"Think of it this way it will be one more experience to add to your resume. And one day, hopefully, we will be able to say Director Lorenzo Vidal worked here before he became the next Robert Rodriguez."
"I was thinking more, Jordan Peele," Lorenzo corrects her.
Emma's facial expression signifies Whatever.
"I got to talk to Jai, but he knows my heart isn't in stocking produce forever," he replies. "Yes, I take the job."
The young man shakes both his new boss's hands respectively.

Deirdre is on the phone speaking to someone in a veiled tone while walking on the grounds of the estate.
"Yes, that is my offer; take it or leave it... I will see you soon, goodbye."
She terminates the call, satisfied with what she is possibly going to achieve.

Shauna Covington enters the mansion she resides. Her secretary had informed her that she needed home from work. Regardless, the house or any part of the estate is on fire, and no one else appears to be at home. She then heads upstairs, where she hears music coming from her bedroom. She steps inside to discover red rose petals on the floor.
She moves forward in the room, where she sees her husband carrying two flutes of champagne in his hand.
"Is this your doing?" Shauna questions
"I sure hope so, unless someone is using our room to get lucky," Max says in his snarky yet charismatic manner.
She elicits a chuckle.
He passes her the glass of champagne.
"We got the ballroom renovation," he informs her.
"Yeah, I heard, congratulations,"
"But more importantly," he tells her meaningfully. "I know I've been neglecting you as of late, and I know this cannot make up for all the nights I left you alone here while I was at the office. You mean a lot to me, Shauna, and as my wife, you deserve focal attention."
Shauna nods somewhat understandably at what he is saying to her. "I understand that you have responsibilities. Though I'm grateful you're making the effort; Max, that's all I want."
Shauna takes a sip of her champagne, and Max does the same.
Max takes her glass with his and sets it down on the bedside table. "What do we do now?" he asks suggestively.
Shauna casually looks around the room and then at her husband again. She wraps her arms around her husband as he pulls her in for a kiss. The two fall onto the bed, where they proceed to become intimate.

"Tricia, give me one more push, and you'll be able to see your son." Dr. Jamison says
"I can't," Tricia groans through the pain.
"You can do it," Sean coaches encouragingly beside her.
Mustering enough strength, Tricia complies with Dr. Jamison.
Soon the room is filled with cries.
Dr. Jamison holds the healthy baby boy in her hands, wailing, she then passes the infant to a few nurses, getting the newborn prepped before one of the nurses gives the baby over to Tricia.
Sean kisses his wife's forehead while he glances proudly at his first-born son. "He's strong, that's for sure,"
Tricia feels her eyes wallowing with tears which she somewhat blames on her hormones. "He's perfect,"

By now, Courtney had gone into the room to see Tricia and the baby. Sean appears to his daughter, who is sitting in the waiting room.
"Hey, did you hear the news?" he asks excitedly.
"Yeah, congratulations, old man," Lenny says teasingly.
Both young women are now on their feet,
The doctor had come out to inform them about the baby's birth.
"He's only twenty minutes old, but he's the best." Sean commends
"What's his name?" Tanner asks curiously
"Dylan," he answers.
Sean clears his throat as he is overcome with emotion.
"Me being over the moon about this baby will never diminish what I feel about you both." He replies candidly. "I know I haven't been the world's best father, but I love you two."
He then surprisingly envelopes them in a group hug.
"We love you too, dad," the twins say in unison.
Ernest takes out his frustration on Jordan.
Daniel's announcement surprises Max and Courtney.
Esther thinks of a way to get answers.
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