Written by : Bre L. Drew
December 6, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
In a heated confrontation with Jordan, Lynn found out not only Elijah knew about the kiss but also found out Tommy and Jordan had sex in Hawaii.
Emma is engaged to French shipping billionaire heir Jacques Laurent whom she hadn't spoken much to since she returned to Radcliffe.
Shauna is seeking out therapy as a result of being held, hostage.
Daniel offered Max a chance to run the digital media department at Covington. Although, Max turned him down not wanting to get involved in the corporate realm.
Tricia is one of the few who knows about what happened in Hawaii.

All the broken hearts in the world still beat.
Let's not make it harder than it has to be.
Ooh... it's all the same thing.
Girls chase boys chase girls.
Jordan McKnight sings herself the lyrics to Ingrid Michaelson's Girls Chase Boys, playing on the speakers inside of Jojo's Café. She had just come out taking her algebra final at Sampson when she decided to make a pit-stop to get her usual black tea before she has to be back to campus to take her last final for the semester. Luckily the place was half-empty due to it still being morning.
She is feeling quite confident about herself due to her and Tommy getting close emotionally and physically when they were in Oahu for Sean and Tricia's wedding. Even Lynn confronting her the other day regarding the kiss she shared with him last summer didn't stop her from feeling like she is cloud nine. Jordan is relieved to see Tricia at the counter dressed in her usual trendy style, which today consists of a black satin tunic blouse and dark leather pants.
"Hey," Jordan says happily. "May I get my usual black tea to go?"
Tricia Lockhart holds her hand upon her hips, staring at her young friend. "Can we talk for a minute?"
Jordan takes a couple of strands of her blonde hair behind her ear, "Sure,"
Tricia tells one of the other baristas to cover her until she gets back. The two females head towards the lounge area, where both settle onto the sofa.
"What is it?" Jordan inquiries with a curious tone to her voice.
"When were you going to tell me the person you had feelings for all of this time was Tommy?" Tricia counters

"Hi, Dad!" Tanner Lockhart embraces her father inside her dorm room.
"Hey, how are you, pretty princess?"
"I'm doing okay," she replies amicably.
Already knowing he is referring to her boyfriend making out with the one person; she despises in the world.
Sean tries to determine whether or not she is being upfront with him or not. As a father of teenage daughters, he never has been good at figuring out their moods.
"Can we talk about something else, please?" Tanner says more of a request than a question. "Thanks for coming to get me,"
"No problem,"
Currently, her room is somewhat empty due to this being the week where students who live in on-campus housing go home for the holiday break until January. Her RA had already cleared for her to leave. She would've been out of here by now. But her twin is using their car, so her father offered to pick her up.
Tanner instructs her father to grab the heavier of the items that needed to go home with her.
Despite the objects in his hands, Sean is able to open the door where the two begin moving things out temporarily to his truck outside.

Loud knocking on the front of the door of the main house on Home Farm estate sends Gabriella to retrieve it.
"Hi, is Tommy here?" the individual asks from the other side of the barrier.
Gabriella dutifully nods before she calls out for Tommy. She then takes off into the kitchen.
A moment later, Tommy Covington breezes through the room, wondering who wants to speak with him. Hoping it was Tanner who maybe changed her mind realizing they have too much to lose if they let Jordan get in the way of their relationship.
Yet, it wasn't his girlfriend who is here to visit him.
"Lynn, what's going on?"
Standing in front of him, Lynn Lockhart is wearing a black soft-shell jacket and her long blonde hair in waves.
She comes up to him and swings her arm at him as her hand sweeps his cheek in motion.
He rubs his left side of his face to ease the pain. "I guess I deserve that,"
"And so much more," Lynn replies angrily.
"What are you talking about?"
Lynn scoffs slightly. "I know you and Jordan slept together, so don't try and deny it."

Smooth jazz is playing within the fine dining restaurant.
Deirdre Covington is finally able to get her daughter to have lunch with her despite being in town for several weeks now.
"So, what made you decided to extend your trip in Radcliffe?" Dee inquires
Her daughter was supposed to only be here for a week, however now it has been nearly a month that she been in town.
Emma takes a hearty sip of her mimosa. "I can ask you the same thing mother, I thought by now you would be in Aspen drinking gin and tonic by the fireplace."
Thanks to her late husband's great wealth and success. Deirdre has homes in both New York City and Aspen, where the latter usually resides this time of year.
"You're dodging my question,"
"No, I'm not," Emma lies.
Deirdre takes a bite of salmon left on her plate. "Is Jacques back in France from doing business in Germany?"
"He wrapped up his business a few days ago," she informs her mother.
Jacques Laurent works for his billionaire shipping magnate father. She had spoken with him over the phone three days ago, letting her know he was returning to France.
She had spoken with him briefly over the phone a few days ago.
Dee takes a few sips of her white wine. "Are you still engaged or not because you hardly talked about the man since you got here?"
Emma chuckles ruefully and flashes her expensive ruby engagement ring on her right hand. "Does this answer your question, mother?"
Dee shakes her head. "No, it does not, and if you two broke it off. It is nothing to be ashamed about,"
Emma lifts her glass from the table. "We haven't broken off anything, and I'm sorry if I want to stay in the town I was born in a little longer," she answers. To mostly get away from her, she excuses herself to use the restroom.

At another table, some feet away, is Max Covington gives his menu to the waiter along with his wife Shauna Covington, who is sitting across from him. The two decided to meet each other to grab lunch.
"I'm sure you find some inspiration," Shauna encourages her husband.
"I hope so too," Max adds.
Max has been having a hard time deciding on what to focus on next regarding his budding photography career. His father suggested once again he come work for him at Covington, heading the digital media department. Max, however, has never been the one for corporate shenanigans, unlike his father or his sister.
"With Christmas and New Year's approaching, why don't you just take a break to reevaluate your situation."
He is impressed to hear his wife's rational counsel.
"That can work,"
The waiter returns with their appetizers and drinks and soon takes off again.
"So, how is therapy going?" Max asks his wife
For a few weeks now, she started seeing Samuel Gupta regarding her mind-set after being kidnapped and held hostage by Jerome Hawkins and his men at a warehouse at the old railroad district.
Shauna takes a mouthful of the mozzarella stick. "It's going all right." To be upfront with you, I almost bailed on my first session."
Max takes a drink of his beer. "What made you not do that?"
"Us," she remarks. "You've been so patient with me during this whole nightmare. Besides, I know I can't live my life in fear."
Max reaches out to hold both of his wife's hands as a sense to comfort her. "Hopefully, 2021; will be uneventful as possible for us," he says

"Did Elijah tell you this?" were the first words that came out of Tommy's mouth when he heard Lynn confronting him over him having sex with Jordan in Hawaii.
"Does it matter?" Lynn throws back verbally
"No, I guess not,"
"What the hell is wrong with you. I thought you at least cared about my sister?"
Tommy looks to the floor and back onto his girlfriend's fraternal twin sister.
"I do care about Tanner. I love her, Lenny,"
Lynn sways her head back and forth with a smirk on her face. "You got a hell of a way of showing that love by screwing another girl."
"I'll try to make it up to her,"
"You sound like you forgot her birthday or misplaced her textbook. You slept with someone who wasn't your girlfriend."
Tommy touches the back of his neck. "You're not going to tell, Tanner, are you?"
"Why shouldn't I?" Lynn demands
"Because I love your sister, and I want to avoid anything that would break her heart."
The determination in his voice does not convince Lynn he doesn't at least have feelings for
"You should've thought about that before you fucked Jordan,"
With the direct turn in the opposite direction, Lynn knows what she had to do.
"Please don't tell her," Tommy begs.
Lynn, who has her hand on the knob, gives him one more parting look before heading out to her car.
"Fuck!" Tommy shouts out.
He anticipates his break-up with Tanner is coming, and there is not anything he can do about it. Except coming clean himself before it's too late in which he has his doubts about,

Jordan smooths out her navy cutout turtleneck top. "I didn't tell you it was Tommy?" she feigns modesty.
"Oh, don't get cute with me. You knew you never told me not once about you having a crush on Tommy Covington."
Jordan decided to point out to her friend nobody says crush anymore. That term went out even before she was born eighteen years ago.
"Well, I've liked him for a long time, and I'm not going to apologize for what we did in Oahu."
"I suppose you were even more enticed by coming to my wedding after you found out Tommy was going,"
"I was going to come anyway. But Tommy and Little Miss Perfect aren't suited for each other. I on, the other being someone who can handle being with someone who wants to do more than ride horses and talk about politics or whatever she does to bore him."
Tricia is about to get more into it with her when she takes a glimpse over her shoulder, perceiving a situation that can escalate at any moment.

Deciding to get some treats before getting Tanner home, Sean suggested they come into the café. Tanner agreed, needing something both caffeinated and sugary. However, when they see Tricia and Jordan on the sofa, who also realize they're here, she wants to exit the café quicker than she came.
"We can get out of here if you want," Sean tells his daughter.
"That won't be necessary,"
Before she fully comprehends what she is doing Tanner, strides over there. "What happened to you to make you so damn cruel, Jordan?"
"Isn't somebody paranoid about one little kiss," Jordan says. She is beaming on the inside because of the real truth.
"Maybe you two can take it in the back," Tricia suggests
"Trust me; this is not going to take long."
Sean, by now, has come over to the aid of his daughter. "You don't have to do this; come on, let's go."
Tanner faces her father before turning her eyes back on the girl who Tommy kissed behind her back last summer. "In high school, I would've been intimated by you, but now I have no problem calling you out for the pathetic person that you are."
Jordan stands up and approaches her former friend. "You're boring, and that is why Tommy can't stop thinking about me."
Tanner is tempted to wrestle with her but decides she is not about to fight anyone over a boy; she has too much self-respect for herself to cross that line.
Silently Jordan grabs her purse off the sofa; she exits the establishment.
Protectively Sean puts his arm around his daughter. "If you want, you can go wait in the truck while I get something for you."
The undergraduate summarizes her request to him before she goes to the car.
"Thanks for having your stepdaughter's back. She truly appreciated it," Sean says sarcastically.
Tricia's mouth is agape in confusion. "Last time I check, Tanner is a big girl who can stand up for herself without help from anyone."
"I get it you and Jordan developed some sorta friendship, but your loyalty should be to your family."
Tricia crosses her arms onto her chest in disbelief at her husband's accusations. "Sean, your girls don't consider me their stepmother. Let alone their family. Look, I get it; Tanner is your daughter, and you're doing right by her, but I'm not taking sides."
"Seems you already have," Sean accuses
He then walks away from her towards the line leaving Tricia standing there reeling from their first argument as a married couple. She knew it would come one day; however, she did not picture it in her workplace.
The annual Saunders Christmas tree trimming commences.
Emma gets an early Christmas present.
Tricia finds herself confiding in someone.
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