Written by : Bre L. Drew
April 26, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Daniel remained adamant with Jordan about her giving up the rights to her unborn child with Tommy in exchange he would jump-start her modeling career.
Will moved out of the apartment to live on Franklin Farm when Mae fired him.
Courtney and Max's relationship was being affected by the latter's new position at Covington.
Tricia informed Samuel of her hellish upbringing in Bakersfield, California.

Inside of the Covington Tower, on the twentieth floor in downtown Radcliffe. Tommy Covington knocks on the door of his father's office. He stands there momentarily before he is given verbal permission to enter. When he does, he steps inside to find his dad at his desk gesturing him to sit down in the leather club chair in front of him, which he does. Tommy had been summoned here by Daniel's secretary Evelyn over the phone. He had some time before he had to head over to the university to take one of his last finals for the semester.
"Hey, Dad, thanks again for letting Lorenzo stay in the guest house."
Lorenzo decided to stay in town for the summer to participate in an internship for the campus radio station. And since he doesn't come from a family with a lot of money, and his financial aid wouldn't cover him to stay in the dorms after this semester. So Tommy had asked his father to let him stay at the guest house on the estate, which Daniel graciously is allowing.
"Well, I hope he will feel welcome," Daniel replies. "I wanted to speak on a more serious matter."
Tommy automatically knows he is referring to Jordan being pregnant with his child.
"Since we're on that subject, why are you trying to take the baby away from her?"
He had a conversation with her not long ago regarding his father coming to tell her in exchange for him jumpstarting her modeling career. She would have to sign over her parental rights soon as the baby is born and she will leave town for good.
Daniel situates himself in his chair. "Jordan McKnight is not interested in being a mother to that child. I know her type; son, they are a dime a dozen. She thinks she wants this child, but the novelty will wear thin, and she will discard this child, like trash. That will not happen to a grandchild of mine. And anyway like it or not, you're this child's father. You should be taking more of a role in the future of it."
"I'm going to lose, Tanner,"
Tommy had been avoiding telling Tanner about all of this. However, he realizes he does not want to hurt her again.
"Then stop lying to her, you were a man when you slept with Jordan. Now be a man, tell her the truth."
His father's words hang in the air as Daniel's office phone rings.
"Yes Evelyn, send her in," his father says before hanging up.
A few seconds later, Emma Covington saunters confidently into the room in a designer black long-sleeve jumpsuit carrying a tote bag that costs more than an entry-level employee makes here.
Quickly, Daniel gives his youngest son a look to seize discussion on what they were talking about.
"You didn't forget about me coming to talk to you did you?" Emma inquiries.
Daniel shakes his head. "No, I did not,"
Noticing he is in the way, Tommy gets out of the chair. "I better get going, I need to go to take this final for accounting. See you later,"
He exits the office as Emma takes a seat where her nephew was recently sitting.
"Let me guess, you're here because you are seeking employment, and you want to work here for your family company?"
Emma chortles ruefully. "Let's not shock our systems, I'm here to speak with you about you unfreezing my trust fund."
Daniel sighs exasperatedly. "Emma, aren't you tired of this?" he asks her. "You will not be seeing one dime of your money until I see fit."
She lifts her perfectly manicured fingernail to point upwardly. "I serious about starting a business of my own."
"I would first ask you what sort of business would you be starting," he asks somewhat in disbelief.
"A nightclub, this hillbilly town needs a place where people who aren't the age for social-security to unwind and enjoy music from this century," she explains. "So what do you say big brother how about loosening the purse straps and give me access to my account again, please."

Meanwhile, down the hall inside of the boardroom, Max Covington is heading a meeting with several media associates. It is his first meeting as head of digital media of the company. And he was glad that he had a team of competent professionals to assist him in this transition.
"Since the issue of finally updating the company's IG page is being cleared up. This meeting is adjourned, good work everyone."
Several of his colleagues walk out of the office. Some stay to chit-chat with one another.
Out in the hall, Courtney Covington peers through the glass window, gearing herself to go into the room where her big brother turns around to see her. The two hadn't been exactly tight since he took this job because she believes her father is favoring him when it comes to giving him more of a position here. Even though she has been working here much longer and has the most experience.
"Hi," she says.
"Hey," he says back to her.
The two stand nearby one another unsure of what to do next.
Courtney looks up at him. "I'm upset at you," she admits. "I'm upset at you for taking this job which I believe I'm more suited to. I'm upset at dad who for years wanted you to take over Covington instead of me, even though I wanted to work here since I was eight. But I'm the most upset at the way this is affecting our relationship."
Max sets his iPad onto the table. "That is something we both agree on Court. So what do we do about it then?"
She places both of her hands at her sides. "I think we have to accept things like they are at the moment."
He nods. "It was never my intention to take anything away from you."
"I know that, Max,"
"I think you're right though, we have to move on from this because this hostility isn't doing anyone of us any good."
"Can you forgive me for being a witch to you?"
"Yeah, I can,"
The two siblings embrace one another solidifying a ceasefire between them.

"Sex and now breakfast in bed, you're spoiling me," Tricia Lockhart tells her husband.
She and Sean Lockhart were sitting in bed together consuming the breakfast he made this morning. The two had decided to take the day off from work to spend it with one another.
Sean takes a few bites of his apple pancakes. "Well, I think it is important for us to keep up our strength." he winks.
Tricia chuckles as she places a blueberry from her plate into her mouth. "I wanted to thank you again for letting Jordan stay over the other night."
Last week when Jordan's father kicked her out of the house for not willing to give up her unborn child for adoption. Sean agreed with Tricia to let her stay the night in the guest bedroom. However, he is unaware that her daughter's boyfriend fathered her child. Which is something Tricia is keeping from him knowing it would end in disaster if he found out.
"Glad she was able to find somewhere to stay. It's sad because this does not sound like the Ernest McKnight I knew from years back."
"I guess people change for the worst sometimes,"
Sean sets aside his fork onto his plate which is on the bed tray. "Do you still want to start a family?"
Tricia takes a bite of her strip of bacon. "Someday," she answers. "What made you ask me that, Sean?"
"I want us to have a child of our own, sooner,"
His declaration makes her stop eating and intently look at her husband. "We only have been married six months, and what about all of the plans we have made before we even think about children."
Sean can hear the reluctance in her wife's voice. "I'm not saying we have to drop all of those plans, but none of us are getting any younger."
"Speak for yourself,"
Sean moves his head. "You know what I mean. I don't want to be 55 and try to play with my child on the floor and not being able to get back up."
"I'm sure if you keep working out you'll be fine."
"Can you at least think about it?" he inquiries
"Uh, sure," she says tentatively.
The two decide to fill the awkwardness by eating their food in silence.

Deciding it has been enough time and the fact he was running out of clothes to wash. Will Jackson borrowed Sarah Lynn's car to drive out to his family's home to get more of his things. He hadn't been here since his mother essentially chose the boy she took in over her own son to run the bar.
He uses his key to let himself into the apartment. For a second, he thought the locks would be changed, despite his mother's plea for him to come hadn't been met. The familiar scent of coffee in the morning hits him. A few years ago when he was incarcerated, he couldn't wait to come home. But now he is even more ready to leave.
Moving his way into the apartment he rolls his eyes at seeing Antoine Hall coming out of his bedroom. The two adversaries start at each other.
"Don't worry, I'm not coming back, I'm just here to get my stuff and bounce."
"Whatever man, you know the only person you're hurting by being like this is Mae."
Will puts his bag onto the ground. "Well, you're here to be there for her, aren't you?"
"What are you talkin about?"
"Nothing," Will replies
"You know when you were in prison. Mae never stopped hoping and praying you would come home. You didn't see her the day when you were denied parole. She loves you and this is how you treat her."
Will inches closer to Antoine. "And what support have I gotten from her as of late?" he returns.
Antoine shrugs, not caring about his pain. "You're so selfish,"
Will brushes past Antoine to get into his bedroom with his bag to get his belongings.

"I had to get out of there," Tricia tells Courtney.
After breakfast, Tricia got herself together and left the house lying to her husband that she had to run errands. But truthfully she came to talk with her best friend at her office over the manner of starting a family so soon after the two of them got married last year.
At her desk, Courtney is hearing her friend informing her of it. "Did you tell him how you feel?"
Tricia paces back and forth in the room. "Of course I did. But he seems so damned adamant for us to trade my car for a mini-van with those tacky bumper stickers."
"I can understand both of your viewpoints," she replies. "Tricia, you're making me dizzy, please sit down."
Tricia turns to her before she does what she is told. "I'm not ready to change diapers just yet."
"Isn't marriage about compromising?"
Tricia scoffs. "Oh sweetheart, wait to you and Steven say I do, that word won't be so enchanting, trust me."
Courtney looks down at her engagement ring on her hand then back on Tricia. "What is this really about Tricia?"
Tricia leans out of her seat and sighs. "Remember what I told you about my childhood?"
"You hadn't told me much other than you grew up in Bakersfield, with your mother and stepfather."
"Yeah, well, I did not tell you growing up there was pure hell for me -- my stepfather has been abusing my mother since I was four years old.
Courtney covers her mouth in shock. "Oh Tricia, I'm so sorry,"
Tricia waves her hand. "Please don't be, I've heard enough of that word in my lifetime."

With his bag filled with more of his stuff from his bedroom. Will tosses the bag into the trunk of the vehicle. He gets in the car where he gazes at the exterior of The Waterfall. It gets him to think about what he wants to do next in his life. He then moves the gear stick in reverse to leave.

Daniel never heard his sister show any interest in an occupation, so all of a sudden Emma wants to start her own business for a bit stuns him.
"Before you give me an answer, I know this venture can be a success," Emma tells him. "I even got someone to come on as manager." she lies.
He puts his hands together thoughtfully. "If you bring me a business proposal and if I approve of it then I will perhaps consider giving you access to your trust fund."
Emma smiles widely. "I guess I better get started working on one then."
She lifts herself out of the chair, preparing to go since she didn't want to risk him changing his mind.
Daniel and she say goodbye to each other. When he is about to get back to work he recalls a previous conversation with Jordan when he visited her in the hotel suite.
Look here, little girl, I will do what I have to do if you do not do your part after you give birth.
He then obtains his iPhone on the desk, he locates a specific number in his contacts. Four rings later, the other party comes onto the line.
"Fredrick, it's Daniel Covington, I'm doing good, I have a situation which I need your expertise on."
The gang celebrates finishing their first year of college.
Jai and Louise have an awkward run-in on their night out.
Shauna finds herself confiding in Antoine.
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