Written by : Bre L .Drew
November 3, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Peter is recovering in the hospital after suffering a mild heart attack. As Sarah Lynn sat by his side.
Tricia promised Sean she will be more civil towards Louise as they move forward in their relationship.
Elijah is still hiding that he is working at Jojo's from Lenny.
Mae misses both of her adult children who aren't in her life regularly.

When Peter Saunders was in the hospital recovering from his heart attack, he couldn't stop thinking about the condition of the land will look without him making sure it is tended to. He sees the cows out of the window in plain view, and to his astonishment, the farmland has been well taken care of in his absence.
"It looks good," were the first words Peter spoke once Sarah parks his truck in its common spot.
Closing the door, Sarah Lynn Saunders pulls off her sunglasses off her face onto her forehead. Realizing he is talking about the current state of the farm.
"Yeah it does, come on, let's get you inside," Sarah Lynn replies concerningly.
She opens the trunk to grab the duffle bag of Peter's belongings she packed for him, including a pair of shoes, socks, and underwear.
"I got it," Peter tells her.
Sarah Lynn hesitates for a minute.
"I know you're worried about me, but you don't have to be,"
Peter is grateful to see both of his daughters, his grandson SJ, who is tottering nearby, also his sister, nephew, and Sean all our in the living room.
He is welcomed home by hugs and kisses from various family members.
"You're not tired are you daddy?" Martha Saunders inquires
"No, I had enough rest in the hospital," he informs her. "I may be getting up in age, but that does not mean I'm croaking anytime soon," he announces
He then turns his attention to Louise and Sean to ask about certain tasks he didn't get around to before his stay in the hospital.
"No talk of business right now," Sarah Lynn intervenes. "Sit yourself down, and I will fix you a sandwich."
Peter shoots his wife a look of consideration before he takes a seat in the chair.
"Everything is under control dad," Louise says assuredly.
Sarah Lynn and Esther both go into the kitchen as Sare begins to gather things from the fridge to make her husband a turkey sandwich on wheat.
"It's good to see him on his feet again," Esther says calmly.
Sarah Lynn closes the door back to the fridge where she is done laying out items on the countertop.
"I don't want to come off as some hag, but after what happened I don't want to risk anything happening to him." she discloses wholeheartedly
Esther reachers to grab her sister-in-law's hands in an indication of support realizing how difficult it has been on her. "This family is here for you and Peter, trust me my little brother will be fine, but you gotta take it easy too Sare," Esther advises
"Thanks, Esther,"


Twenty-minutes before the start of Elijah Barker's first shift at Jojo's. He enters into the packed establishment containing mostly students and adults who worked in the area.
He goes over to Tricia Meyer who is standing behind the counter wearing a floral printed blouse with blue jeans and Courtney Covington who is in her professional attire, a tailored designer black collarless blazer and dark slacks sitting in front of her.
"Look who is here," Tricia says
"Hey," Elijah says
Courtney tosses some of her long light brown hair out of her face. "Hey, Elijah, what are you doing here?" she asks casually.
"Doogie Howser is starting his first day working for me," Tricia informs her friend. She turns the focus on him. "And on time, I must say, I'm impressed."
Elijah does not conceal his confusion. "Uh, who is Doogie Howser?"
Both women share similar glances of feeling old in terms of him not knowing who she is referring too.
"Congratulations, by the way, I heard you won the election for senior class president," Courtney says pleasantly.
Tommy had told her that it was a landslide victory between him and his competition for senior class president.
Elijah thanks his best friend's older sister.
Tricia points her finger behind her. "An apron is back there for you so please put it on and clean that mess in the lounge area,"
Elijah sees cups, pieces of paper, and other rubbish guessing a bunch of immature teenagers left all of it behind over there.
"Oh great," he remarks sardonically.
He heads behind the counter to get started reminding himself he needs enough money to buy a car, so he will be able to get around without borrowing one of his parents' vehicles.

Mae Jackson is in her bedroom on the cordless phone. Much to her disappointment, she gets their voicemail instead of the person they wanted to speak with.
"Hi Cassie, it's momma, I guess you already left for your trip to the Bahamas. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, I love you, baby, I'll talk to you later bye."
Mae sets the phone down on her nightstand. However, she knew she wouldn't be able to reach her until her daughter is ready to be bothered. She makes her way out of the room into the kitchenette where she decides to pour herself a glass of iced tea she made this morning.
The door opens with Antoine Hall in his sweats carrying his gym bag.
The Jackson matriarch approaches her surrogate grandson with her usual warm demeanor. "See you got a workout in,"
Antoine grins charismatically. "Got to get it in even when you don't feel like it,"
All of the phones in the apartment begin ringing which Mae obtains the closest one in the kitchen hoping that it is her daughter calling her back.
Antoine watches as she puts the device to her ear. A few seconds later, she puts the phone back onto the cradle with a look of regret on her angelic face.
"It was one of those robocalls," she says with annoyance.
She then summarizes her ordeal with trying to contact her daughter.
Antoine wonders why do both of Mae's children have to always disappoint their mother with their selfish actions which costly hurt her. Since she has taken him in all of the years ago, Mae has been more of a mother to him than his own.
After I get out of the shower, what about we go downstairs to have a drink in honor of Cassie's B-Day?"
Mae starts to show some reluctance before changing her mind. "Sure, I'll meet you down there,"

The cows were in the fence outside where they are being washed by a cattle sprayer. Both Sean and Louise were supervising the animals being cleaned.
"Good to see your father up and at 'em again," Sean says
Louise crosses her arms on her chest to warm herself up in the autumn weather. "Me too, but I get the feeling he thought this farm was going to go to hell in a handbasket without him."
"You have that inkling too, huh?" he replies. " Lou, I want to apologize for Tricia's behavior the other day she was out of line," he says apologetically.
In her mind, Louise is thinking back when his former mistress ripped into her about being the company of Sean at the hospital. Much as she wants to tell him, he is going to keep on apologizing for her shrewish ways.
"I don't need her apology, but thanks anyway Sean,"
He sees one of the heifers stepping back into the fence after being cleansed by the water.
"We had a talk the other day, and she is going to make an effort to show better restraint towards you and the girls." he divulges
Louise remains silent before answering her ex-husband. "We'll see,"

Steven and Martha were playing with the baby when Peter approaches the three of them.
"Martha, can you give me a minute with Steven?" Peter asks his youngest daughter.
Sure dad,"
The doorbell rings which she proceeds to get the front door.
She leaves the baby in her cousin's care.
Peter plays with his grandson's chubby cheeks as the toddler giggles.
He then clears his throat. "Hear I owe you for keeping me alive,"
Steven looks at his namesake pointing up to the ceiling fan.
He remembers when he collapsed onto the floor at The Waterfall where he jumped into action, he gave his uncle CPR to resuscitate him from his unconsciousness. He remains adamant about not being heralded as some "Hero"
Steven waves his hand like it isn't a big deal.
"I know us Saunders men don't show our emotions, but I'm grateful to for always being in my life," Steven apprises.
Peter is touched by the words of his only nephew. "You have always been like a son to me," he confesses.
A few minutes later Martha shuts the barrier between herself and the delivery man who had just given her an assortment of edible fruit arrangements.
"You got a secret admirer cus?" Steven teases
"No, it's for dad," she answers.
Martha gives him the card in which he skims to find out who is the sender.
"Get Well, Daniel," Peter reads aloud.
"Daniel sent you this?" Martha says
"Is there a lab, we can send this to be tested for strychnine, arsenic?" he asks somewhat seriously.
Peter still does not trust his business partner as far as he can throw him.
"Maybe he is trying to make peace," Martha states.
Peter examines the fruit in his possession. "Or something else,"

Courtney sips her green tea smoothie then puts it down on the bar. "I take it everything is resolved between Sean and yourself?"
She had listened to her telling her about how all of the problems she had with her lover that has affected them since they have gotten together two years ago out of an affair.
"For the time being, however that promise I made about being more courteous to Louise might be hard for me," she confesses
Courtney shakes her head with a smile. "Just say hello, goodbye, to her when she is in your presence no one is expecting you to become BFF's overnight Tricia,"
"God, I hope not, I might be turning over a new leaf, but I'm never going to have a kumbaya moment with that woman. "Tricia clearly states

"Saga" by Basement Jaxx and Santigold is currently playing in the café.
Elijah is carrying a tray to put the trash in as rids of every messy thing people leave behind. Luckily for him, he is wearing plastic gloves he grabbed in the back where he got his apron.
"Doing this for a car," he repeats to himself.
A male customer who looked to be a thirty-something businessman was snapping his fingers. It took Elijah a few seconds before he realized he was trying to get him to come over to him.
"Yes sir," the teenager says respectfully.
The pasty white guy in his suit and tie with his preppy haircut points to his cup. "Can you get me another cup of coffee, please?"
Of all the years, he has been coming here as a patron none of the baristas has acted as waiters. And as much he wants to let him know he can get in line to get his beverage of choice, he is not the one for confrontation, especially on his first day of work.
"Right away sir," Elijah feigns enthusiastically,
As he goes toward the counter, he repeats "Doing this for a car,"

Mae and Antoine are sitting downstairs in The Waterfall. He, with a bottle of beer and she, has a strawberry daiquiri at the bar.
"Did I ever tell you about the incident when Cassie was a girl scout?" Mae asks
Antoine takes a few sips of his beer. "No, what happened?" he asked interestingly.
"Well, she wanted to make her own money on top of the allowance we gave her so she jacked up the prices on the cookies she had to sell so she could keep the difference." Mae shakes her head and begins laughing. "It wasn't funny at the time because we ended up having to pay back everyone, but now it is." she continues to chuckle.
"It's good to see you laughing, Mae," Antoine comments joyously.
Mae drinks out of her daiquiri glass. "It's better than crying my mother used to say,"
As they continue to socialize, someone pushes one of the double doors at the entrance of the pub. The individual walks in between the small mass of folks who were in the way of them going to their destination.
Mae takes a drink of her alcoholic beverage, feeling someone tapping her on her shoulder. Thinking it is someone to greet her or one of her employees to inform her of something. She turns around to acknowledge the person behind her. However, it is someone whom she least expects.
Antoine also turns around to see who had just entered the bar.

Will Jackson, is standing with a huge smile, on his bearded face, and near his feet, is his inmate property bag. "Momma, I'm out,"
Mae gets off the stool to be embraced by her son elated to see him out of prison for good.
The Jackson family gets reacquainted with Will.
Courtney is stunned to hear a revelation from Steven.
Jordan meets up with the photographer from People Magazine.
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