Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 19th, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Peter collapsed onto the floor at The Waterfall Bar.
Tommy invited Jordan to the wedding which Lynn didn't take well.
Tricia feels Louise is in the middle of her relationship with Sean.
Martha performed at The Waterfall.

The excursion to the hospital seemed more of a lapsed memory for Sarah Lynn Saunders. Somehow she remembers riding in the back of the ambulance with her critically ill husband willing him to live. One of the paramedics gave her a tissue to dry her tears that were stained on her face. Beside her was Martha, who was assuring her father he is going to make it unknowing of his current condition.
The lasting remembrance of Peter grabbing his chest as he collapsed onto the floor at The Waterfall was the last thing that came to mind for her.
She and Martha were by his side when he was taken in the ER at Radcliffe Receiving. The medical staff pushed the gurney through the double doors. A first-year resident instructed them along with Esther, Steven, and Courtney into the waiting room, informing them all that someone will be there to give them an update.
Thirty minutes later, Louise and the girls joined the rest of the immediate family and Courtney in the room that consist of white walls and linoleum flooring with out of date magazines on the tables and vending machines down the hall. It seems like a lifetime before Dr. Adamson appears with an inoffensive expression upon his face.
"Sarah Lynn," The physician addresses her.
He nods at the rest of the group occupying the same atmosphere.
"Jim, what is going on with Peter?" she vocalizes
Jim Adamson has been her husband's general physician for the past thirty-five years hence her being on the first-name basis with him.
The tall man whose beginning to bald with his white lab coat adjust his eyeglasses.
"All of the tests we all ran conclude what I thought, Peter had a mild heart attack they were some blockage in his arteries which we treated with a course of medications."
"Is he going to be all right?" Esther Saunders inquires
"If he follows my instructions he will be on the road to recovery,"
In a act of love and comfort, Louise tosses each of her arms around her twin daughter's shoulders, all relieved of what could've been a worse situation.
"Can we see him?" Sarah Lynn asks
The doctor folds his arms onto his chest.
"Yes, but not all at one time, and please make your visits brief because my patient needs his rest," he says with brevity.
Dr. Adamson directs Sarah Lynn towards the hospital room down the corridor.
Courtney Covington embraces her boyfriend, knowing he was concerned about his uncle.
"He is going to be okay," Steven Sullivan says with sudden realization.
"You jumped into action by giving your uncle CPR you're a hero," she claims
Steven shakes his head, refusing to take the honor. "I did, what I had to do Courtney,"
Tanner Lockhart tucks several strands of her brown hair behind her ears, relieved that her grandfather is going to be okay. "Can I get anyone anything?"
"Some coffee will be nice," Esther remarks diplomatically.
"I'll be back," Tanner says.
"Thank you, baby." Aunt Esther says in her southern drawl.
Lynn decides to go with her twin sister leaving the adults in the waiting room.
Martha and Louise both stare at each other from across a few feet, knowing the other wouldn't appreciate a hug, but the emotions they're conveying both are grateful for their father being alive.

Sarah Lynn enters into the standard-size hospital room she sees her husband in bed in a gown. His veins have multiple IV's, and his chest had ECG electrodes on it to monitor his heart. She is delighted, however, when she gets to his bedside, he appears to be a bit drowsy, but otherwise seems to be is in good spirits.
"Hi, sweetheart," she addresses him.
Peter's blueish gray eyes flicker open as he hears the sound of his wife speaking to him. "Hey, what happened?" he asks in a groggy tone of voice, which she gathered is from the sedatives.
Sarah Lynn sets the chair she found in the corner over to her husband. She grasps his hand and looks into his eyes. "According to Dr. Adamson, you had a mild heart attack, Peter. "
Peter begins to recall him having chest pains during his daughter's performance at the bar.
"Am I ?"
"You're going to be fine because we're going to make sure of it," Sarah Lynn promises him.
Peter clears his throat due to it being quite dry while his wife grabs the pitcher of water to pour into the plastic cup, which she gives to her husband who takes a careful sip out of it.
"If anything does happen to me I don't want to be kept alive on damn machines,"
"You know Lou and Martha probably want to see you next,"
"We have to talk about this," he insists.
"Not right now we don't," she says
"Dammit, Sarah, I don't wanna leave you, our family, but in life, you can never be certain when you're number is called. "Last year Ellis Dannon drew up my will,"
Ellis Dannon is Peter and Esther's attorney.
Sarah Lynn becomes upset although she doesn't bring herself to yell. "Can we just appreciate the fact that you're alive, and breathing baby?"
Peter is the one to grab her other hand. "I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I don't want you to ever be in the dark regarding what our my last wishes,"
Sarah Lynn begins to let the tears fall onto her face. "I was so scared,"
"I was too," he whispers.
Sarah Lynn gets out of her chair to crawl into the bed with her husband who embraces her. Lying together, he tenderly kisses her forehead.

Downstairs in the cafeteria where it is empty, Tanner and Lynn were putting the cups of coffee into cardboard trays that were near the coffee bar.
"I'm glad grandad is going to be fine," Tanner says positively.
"Me too, " Lynn agrees.
Tanner selects napkins out of the dispenser along with some stirrers.
"How was your movie night?" Lynn asks somewhat cryptically
"It was fine, we talked, made out, and watched a few movies, it was great being alone with him," Tanner answers
Tanner had been away for the last half of summer vacation participating in the youth summer orchestra program at Berklee College Of Music in Boston.
She senses her sister is keeping something from her that involves Tommy.
"I guess he didn't tell you," Lynn says
"Tell me what?" Lenny?"
Lenny places her hand on her hip. "Tommy invited Jordan to the wedding,"
Tanner is a bit lost for words as she tries to process her boyfriend asking out the one person she dislikes,
"Why didn't he tell me?" Tanner observes
Lynn decided to keep her thoughts from her twin sister of what might've occurred between Tommy and Jordan, especially when they weren't in her view. And, knowing his past involving sleeping with several girls.
"I'm sure if anything happened Jordan would have bragged about it," Lynn mentions,
"We better get back before these get cold," Tanner replies casually to the coffee.
Lynn selects cream and sugar packets from a basket on the counter.
Tanner didn't want to continue talking about this until she finds out for herself what was her boyfriend's intention about taking out Jordan of all people?

Sean Lockhart gets off the elevator he walks into the room where he sees his former in-laws and ex-wife all standing there.
"What are you doing here?" Louise asks with a curious tone of voice.
She didn't call him yet since it was late and didn't want to contact him because she didn't know what to tell him over the phone.
"Lenny called me to tell me Peter was in the hospital? "How is he?" he questions her.
Louise guessed she must have done that when they were waiting for Louise to come out of the house when the girls were in the car.
"Dad had a heart attack, but he is going to be fine." Louise pronounces.
Sean doesn't know what comes over him, but he reaches out to by enveloping his former spouse into a hug.
Louise closes her eyes she quickly gets caught up in his familiar scent of old spice and laundry detergent. Try as she might, she does not instantly let go of him.
"If you want your husband back you can have him," Tricia Lockhart proclaims
Her voice makes them let go of each other.
Esther, along with Courtney and Steven spot the three of them in conflict.
"What is that woman doing here?" Esther seeks
Steven sips some of his coffee out of the styrofoam cup. "Looks like she is about to make a mess of things," Steven estimates.
"Let's not past any judgment on her just yet," Courtney says in defense of her new friend.
"I don't know how you can be friends with a woman who slept with a married man?" she says
Courtney turns her head to face her boyfriend's mother. "How did you survive after you slept with a married man Esther?" Courtney poses the question.
Steven does not hide his confusion as to what the two of them are talking about.
"Mom, what she is talking about?"
At Courtney's sister-in-law's bachelorette party during the game of "Have I Ever," Esther mentioned she had an affair with her riding coach back in the day. Unbeknownst, to her, though didn't know he had been married for seven years. It nearly made Courtney think was she drunk from the alcohol when she first heard the confession from the older woman.
Esther waves the statement with the flick of her hand. "Ancient history son,"
"Tricia, did you follow me here?" Sean asks incredulously
His lover bites her lower lip before responding. "I wouldn't put it like that, anyway I was concern about you, so I decided to come down here to be supportive since I know you care about Peter and the last thing I would've expected my boyfriend to be embosomed in the chest of his frigid ex-wife," Tricia opposes
"We can talk in private Tricia," Sean demands.
"I don't have the energy to deal with this right now," Louise expresses putting both of her hands on the back of her neck to decompress her stress.
"That's it I had enough," Steven says.
He treks over to his first cousin, her ex and the woman he cheated with.
"Whatever drama you two have behind closed doors go discuss it somewhere else," Steven tells them.
"No wonder you can't tear yourself away from this family when the chips are down you Saunders sure come together, don't you," she says loudly,

Sarah Lynn departs out of her husband's room to see what is going on in the hall. She walks like the wind to put a stop to this fiasco outside of her husband's hospital room.
"You heard my nephew, go the way you came because this is neither the time nor place for you to keep blaming my daughter for your insecurities," And take it from me life is short so if Sean means anything to you do what he is telling you if not still leave cause my husband is trying to heal so thank you," she saunters away not wanting to hear anything else from her.
Quietly Tricia makes a face, not wanting to admit Sarah Lynn's words affected her. emotionally She and Sean disappear toward the elevator bank where the doors open Tricia pushes the 1* button wanting to leave soon as possible
"I'm glad Peter is okay," Sean says
"I'm glad for you too," Tricia says meekly.
"I had enough of your bullshit for one night," he comments
Sean and Tricia hash it out.
Max and Shauna return from their honeymoon.
Tommy tells Elijah about the kiss with Jordan.
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