Written by: Bre L Drew
January 13, 2025
Last Time on Town and Country
Will encouraged Emma to get tested as a potential bone marrow donor for Lenny, who is battling acute myeloid leukemia. Emma agreed but decided to remain anonymous. At the same time, she’s grappling with the revelation that she’s the result of her mother’s affair with Jimmy Saunders.
Friends and family gathered at the hospital to support Lenny, who got engaged to Elijah when he proposed on Christmas Eve. Despite the joyful moment, the reality remains somber—Lenny’s condition will worsen without the transplant.
Meanwhile, Presley walked in on Tanner being comforted by Tommy during a vulnerable moment.

Presley McKnight enjoys the silence of the rectory this morning while his mother is at work. Steam rises around him as he showers in the upstairs bathroom, but his mind is distracted. The memory of Christmas Eve at the hospital cafeteria replays vividly: Tanner in Tommy’s arms, a comforting embrace meant to console. Presley knows Tanner’s family had spent the holiday at the hospital, with Lenny too ill from her progressing cancer to go home. Still, the sight of his girlfriend and her ex together unsettles him.
He exhales sharply, tensing as the image resurfaces. Presley knows nothing more happened, but the thought of Tanner and her ex together lingers uncomfortably as the new year begins. After seven more minutes under the water, he steps out, wrapping a towel around himself.
Putting on a bluish-gray hoodie and gray sweatpants, Presley heads downstairs when the doorbell rings. From the window, he sees who it is. Opening the door, he finds Tanner Lockhart standing outside in a black coat, her hair grazing her shoulders.
"Hi," she says earnestly.
It’s the first time he’s seen her since Christmas Eve. Though they kept in touch through texts, the holidays were spent apart. He steps aside, and she enters as he closes the door behind her.
"Do you want something to drink?" he asks, the tension between them evident.
Tanner shakes her head, her expression serious. "Presley, I stopped by because I wanted to clear up what happened between Tommy and me on Christmas Eve."

Will Jackson found himself lingering in the doorway of the upstairs office at The Cliffe nightclub, which he manages Perhaps it was curiosity, or maybe it was because the office door was open. He gave a polite knock when his gaze landed on Emma Covington Laurent seated behind her desk, surrounded by an extravagant display of at least four dozen flowers.
Emma looked up from the paperwork she’d been skimming and offered a small nod. "Hey yourself. Come in."
Will steps inside, his attention still on the sea of blooms. “Just checkin’ in to see how you’re doin’. But first—what’s with the florist shop in here?”
“If you must know, Jacques sent them about twenty minutes ago. And before you say anything crass about my husband, I think it’s rather sweet.”
Will snorts, folding his arms. “Sweet? Looks more like he’s still tryin’ to make up for neglectin’ you—puttin’ work over you.”
Emma sighs, leaning back in her chair. “Something like that. I guess, with everything going on, I haven’t really thought about it.”
Will didn’t need clarification. He knew she was talking about the bombshell she’d overheard—the truth about her parentage. Emma wasn’t Patrick Covington’s biological daughter; she was the product of her mother’s affair with Jimmy Saunders. The revelation had come out only because of Esther’s desperate plea to Deirdre: Emma might be able to save Lenny by being a donor match for his bone marrow transplant. It had all spiraled out in the wake of Christmas Eve.
“And to answer your question,” Emma continues, pulling Will from his thoughts, “I’m trying that old trick of using work as a distraction. Spoiler alert—it doesn’t help.”
Will felt some empathy, despite everything. Even though she’d cheated on him last year with the man who was now her husband.
Before he could say anything, Emma’s phone began to ring. She momentarily hesitates, then picks it up on the third ring.
Her expression shifts slightly as she glances at the screen. “Hello, yes, this is Emma Laurent. Okay. Thank you so much.”
She ends the call, setting the phone down on the desk in front of her.
Will carefully watches her, trying to gauge her reaction.
“That was the hospital with the results of the donor match." Emma voices

The Christmas décor was gone, neatly packed away by the household staff, leaving the expansive living room of the Home Farm estate restored to its usual, pristine state.
Deirdre Covington, however, felt anything but immaculate. She rifles through drawers and papers, searching for the DNA test results Esther had brought to the house. The results expose Emma being the biological daughter of Jimmy Saunders, the result of Deirdre’s affair. The betrayal was born due to her late husband Patrick’s obsession with building the Covington Group into one of the country’s most successful property development firms.
And now the document is missing.
Deirdre’s heart races at the thought of someone else finding it—someone who might tell Emma before she could. She needed to control the narrative, even though she was still wavering on whether to confess. Revealing the truth could destroy her relationship with Emma, and while it might save a life, the odds weren’t in their favor.
She mutters under her breath, “Damn it, where is it?” Her black, textured bubble-check dress clung to her frame as she moved around the room.
From the grand staircase, Jacques Laurent descends with his usual brash confidence, his custom-tailored suit emphasizing his polished but insidious charm.
“What are you looking for?” he asked, his voice tinged with mockery.
Deirdre jumps, startled by his presence. She spun around, her hand briefly clutching her chest. “None of your business,” she snaps, her tone sharp and defensive.
She had never liked her son-in-law. She saw through his charm to the opportunist beneath—a man who had not only manipulated her daughter but also entrenched himself in their family’s wealth and power.
Jacques smirks, his eyes gleaming as he pulls something from his top suit pocket.
“Would it be this?” he asks in his distinct French accent.
Deirdre froze, her eyes locking onto the document in his hand. A wave of shock and fury washed over her.
The DNA results.
Her carefully idyllic world threatened to shatter as Jacques held her darkest secret in his grasp, a devilish glint in his eye.

The steady beeps and hums of the machines in the hospital room had become familiar background noise for Lenny Lockhart, who sat propped up in bed wearing the new pajamas she had received from her grandmother for Christmas: a dark green long-sleeve shirt and matching drawstring pants. Her shaved head was wrapped in a white satin scarf. Beside her, in his protective gear, sat Elijah Barker, her fiancé—a reality she still couldn’t quite believe after he proposed to her on Christmas Eve.
“You know, in all the years we've known each other, I don't think I know what kind of wedding you want,” Elijah remarked, breaking the quiet.
Lenny paused for a moment, looking down at her feet, before she finally answered, "I guess I don’t want to talk about wedding plans right now because I don’t know if…" She trails off.
Elijah understood. He knew she had been struggling with the reality of her condition and the uncertainty of her future, and he was trying his best to keep her hopeful. “It doesn’t matter,” he said, gently lifting her chin. “As long as we get married, that’s all that matters.”
Lenny attempts a smile, but the sadness in her eyes is unavoidable.
Not long after, Lenny’s parents, Sean Lockhart and Louise Saunders Lockhart entered the room, both in protective gear. They exchanged curious glances with the couple, unsure of what was going on.
As her parents greeted them, Dr. Saddleman, the towering oncologist, cleared his throat. Elijah quickly reaches for Lenny’s hand, a gesture she welcomed, knowing it was likely more bad news about her prognosis.
“The reason I wanted you all here,” Dr. Saddleman began, “is because we have a possible match.”
The statement shocks everyone. It was the last thing they had expected to hear.
Sean immediately went to Lenny and embraced her, his eyes filled with hope. Louise, too, felt a surge of excitement, but tempered by caution, still uncertain about the outcome after months of fruitless searches for a donor match.
Dr. Saddleman continues, “What needs to happen now is called conditioning—chemotherapy sessions—and then we can proceed with the transplant.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” Sean and Elijah said in unison, their voices full of appreciation.
“Thank you,” Lenny says lowly
Dr. Saddleman smiles, clearly relieved to be delivering good news for once. “If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.”
As he exits the room, Louise follows him down the hall, eager to express her thanks. “I just want to thank you and your team for everything you’ve done for my daughter and our family. Is there any way we can pass along our gratitude to the donor?”
Dr. Saddleman scratches his eyebrow, his expression thoughtful. “The donor wants to remain anonymous, which is somewhat uncommon here, but we have to respect their privacy. We will pass along your thanks, though.”
As the doctor walks away, Louise lingered for a moment, her mind racing. She couldn’t help but wonder why the donor wished to remain unidentified, but she quickly dismissed the thought. The most important thing was that her daughter was finally receiving the miracle she had prayed for since the diagnosis.

“It looks like I’m a match,” Emma tells Will, her voice steady despite the weight of the revelation. Initially she had expected to hear the news of the results sooner, but according to the transplant coordinator, the lab had been backed up until now.
Will watches her processing the news. Rising from her seat, Emma reached for her designer bag and began packing her belongings. “I have to check into the hospital next week so they can prep me and Lenny for the transplant.”
Will places his hands on his hips. “How you feelin’ about it?”
Emma slung the bag’s strap over her shoulder, pausing for a moment,
“Honestly? I can’t find the words. The last time I was in the hospital, I was in a coma. But this isn’t about me. A young woman is battling cancer, and if I can give her a chance at remission... I guess I just have to deal with it.”
“You gonna talk to your man about it?”
Emma hesitates, her gaze shifting. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything. Besides, I decided to do this anonymously.”
“So, what are you gonna tell Jackie Boy about where you’re goin’?”
Emma moves closer, her voice firm. “I’ll just say I’m going in for a minor procedure and I’ll be home later that day.”
Will gave her a look that silently questioned her decision, but he knew better than to push. Once Emma’s mind was made up, there was little anyone could do to sway her.
She turns to leave, but Will calls after her. “If you need anything, let me know.”
Emma stops briefly, offering him a lukewarm smile. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

As much as Presley wants to tell Tanner she doesn’t have to explain, he knows he owes her the chance. Still, the thought of her being so connected to Tommy—even if he’s married to her sister—gets to him.
“Everything became too much,” Tanner begins. “Earlier that day, my family watched Elijah propose to Lenny. It was beautiful, but it hit me that we don't know how much time my sister might have left.
One thing after another, the emotions overwhelmed me, and Tommy was consoling me. I know it might seem like more, but…” She pauses as Presley glares at her, his eyes locked on hers, absorbing every word.
“I get that you’re going through hell right now,” he says, his tone a mix of warmth and defense. “But you can lean on me. I’ve been told as a reverend I’ve got a decent ear for listening.”
“I know,” Tanner replies softly, her voice tinged with gratitude.
She wants to explain further, to say Tommy was simply there when she needed someone, but the words elude her.
“I just don’t want to feel like I’m competing with my brother-in-law for my girlfriend,” Presley says, his frustration finally surfacing.
Before Tanner can respond, her ringtone cuts through the tension. She quickly pulls her iPhone from her purse, answering on the fourth ring.
“Hello?” she says. “Mom, what’s going on?” Her expression changes as she listens, her face a mix of shock and disbelief.
“What?!” Tanner exclaims. “Oh my God! … Yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can. I love you too. Bye.”
She ends the call, and Presley doesn’t wait. “What happened?”
Tanner turns to him, her voice trembling with emotion. “That was my mom. They found a match for Lenny.”
“Really?” Presley says, his face lighting up. “That’s incredible.”
“I know,” she breathes, the relief evident. “Someone got tested and turned out to be a match. They’re prepping her for the transplant now. I never gave up hope, but there were times…
"It felt hopeless,” Presley finishes for her. “I get it.”
Without hesitation, Tanner wraps her arms around him, and Presley holds her tightly. Whatever tension lingered between them dissolves.

Deirdre lunges for the paper, her hand outstretched, but Jacques raised it high, easily keeping it out of her reach. His smirk widened, and he leaned back slightly, savoring the power shift.
“Give it to me!” Deirdre demanded, her voice low but seething.
Jacques chuckles, shaking his head. “And why would I do that? You and that son of yours are always threatening me, Deirdre. Maybe it’s time you realize your threats mean nothing.”
Her eyes narrow, fury rippling just beneath her usual comprised exterior. “If you don’t hand it over, Jacques, you’ll regret it.”
Deirdre had rationalized it then, telling herself she was protecting Emma’s future from a man she deemed unsuitable. But when the plan nearly took her daughter's life instead, the weight of her actions had left her shaken. She regrets it deeply now, though she had never admitted the truth to anyone—not even herself, fully, until this moment.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” he said, his tone mocking. “I’m tired of you and that meddling son of yours trying to push me out of this family. It’s not going to happen, chère belle-mère (dear mother-in-law) I’m here to stay.”
Deirdre opens her mouth, ready to deliver a scathing retort, but the sound of footsteps clicking against the floor interrupted her. Emma entered the room, her calm presence an immediate contrast to the tension hanging between her husband and mother.
Deirdre straightens, smoothing the fabric of her dress as she worked to compose herself. “Emma,” she greeted curtly, her voice tight.
Emma has been trying her best to hold her tongue whenever she was around her mother, but it grew harder with each passing encounter. Every time they shared a room, an overwhelming urge to expose Deirdre's secrets clawed at her.
Her sharp eyes move between them, sensing the undercurrent of conflict. “I need to speak to Jacques,” she said, her tone polite but firm.
Emma tries her best to hold her tongue whenever she was around her mother, but it grew harder with each passing encounter. Every time they shared a room, an overwhelming urge to expose Deirdre's secrets clawed at her.
Deirdre hesitates, but with a final glare at Jacques, she reaches up and snatches the paper from his hand before brushing past her daughter and exiting the room.
Emma turns her attention to Jacques. “I have to tell you something,” she began, her voice soft but tinged with unease.
Jacques steps closer, his smirk replaced by concern. “What is it?”
“I need to have a minor medical procedure,” Emma admitted, her arms folding protectively across her body. “But I don’t want the rest of the family to know.”
“Why not? I should be there for you.”
She shook her head, meeting his gaze with quiet determination. “No. This is something I need to handle on my own.”
For a moment, Jacques studies her, his expression unreadable. Then he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. Emma closed her eyes as his warmth enveloped her, a flood of emotions—fear, guilt, determination—coursing through her.
​The Saunders family and Elijah come together as Lenny and Emma get ready for the transplant.
Daniel steps in to offer help to Max.
Meanwhile, Martha has an unexpected encounter.
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