Written by: Bre L. Drew
August 28, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
While coming over to the cottage to try and make peace with Louise, Aaliyah happened to see her future stepmother in a romantic embrace with her ex-husband, capturing it on her phone before taking off, planning to expose it to her father, hoping he would reunite with her mother.
Friends and family gathered to attend Jai and Louise's engagement party at the Miller Inn ballroom, where the video of Seana and Louise making out is shown in front of them courtesy of Aaliyah.
Sean and Tricia's marriage is in a fragile state.
Courtney didn't care for Steven making light of the situation regarding Daniel's machinations that caused him to be voted out and her to be voted in to run the Covington Group.
Jacques has flirted with Courtney in the recent past to get to Emma as well as to seduce her away from Will so he can obtain the money Deirdre promised him so he can salvage his family's shipping company.

Although no sound is present in the video playing on the projector screen, friends and members of the family of Jai Gupta and Louise Saunders Lockhart, who were all in attendance for their engagement party at the renovated ballroom at the Miller Inn this evening, with what they're gazing upon, it wasn't required, as the video already articulated several different emotions with the imagery of Louise with her dress unzipped being seductively enraptured by Sean in the bedroom they once shared.
Silence rendered the room silent as Lorenzo Vidal finally turned off the device. Then he lifted his head, offering a heavy glance to his girlfriend, Aaliyah Gupta, knowing she was the one behind airing the video since she had captured the intimate moment between the exes, hoping to break them up so her parents could get back together.
Not long after, it seems the room started to somewhat come alive again, albeit in confusion, as the vocal stylings of Dinah Washington sweep over the atmosphere as "What A Diff'rence A Day Makes" comes on the speakers.
Jai moves to depart the ballroom while Louise, who sees him, follows behind him.
However, the sound of her heels made the market owner turn around, and she figured calling out to him would make him ignore her.
"Jai, I know what was just shown is bad, but can we talk about it?" she says wholeheartedly.
"Louise, be serious with me if you can do that," he replies in a hostile manner. "If that hadn't been shown here tonight, were you ever going to tell me what occurred between Sean and you?"
"No," she says lowly."
"Did you sleep with him?" he asks abruptly.
Louise shakes her head. "Absolutely not,"
Even though she had come close, she couldn't go any further due to how much she still cares about her fiancé. "I wouldn't do that,
Jai suppresses laughter at her comment.
"Seems you were pretty damn close,"
He then walks out of the room, causing Louise to be the center of attention unwelcomingly.

Despite the perplexity in this room, Sarah Lynn Saunders goes over to the event coordinator, who had just entered the room.
"How are the festivities going?" The forty-something white male with salt and pepper hair and square eyeglasses wearing a white oxford shirt, black tie, and dark pants asks, unaware of the scene they all witnessed minutes prior.
Instead of telling him the truth, the only sensible thing comes out of her mouth.
"Something has come up, and unfortunately, we're going to have to end things here earlier than anticipated," she informs the person she had spoken to when she arranged the party for her daughter, thinking it would be a celebration for her and Jai and their family, yet it is anything but.

Lynn Lockhart, her fraternal twin sister Tanner Lockhart, and their boyfriends Elijah Barker and Presley McKnight were on the other side of the ballroom.
"Okay, what the hell was that?" Lynn verbalizes. "Because did we all just watch the same thing?"
"Oh, we did," Elijah answers. "And your parents were giving PG-13 almost Rated R realness."
The reverend turns to his girlfriend to console her. "Are you all right?"
Tanner bobs her head. "I didn't even know Mom and Dad were close like that again. But I can't help but feel bad for Jai, and mom too in a way."
"Who would have the most to gain from showing the video to everyone?" Presley wonders
While Elijah and Tanner try to theorize, Lenny spots Aaliyah and Lorenzo moving towards the door hurriedly. A certain suspicion crosses her mind, indicating her response.
"Don't think we have to search far for an answer." Lenny declares while keeping an eye on their friend.

"Lorenzo, I couldn't stand back and watch my father pledge everlasting love to a woman who rather wants to sleep with her ex-husband." Aaliyah notes defensively.
The couple is near the door as guests were starting to retreat from the ballroom.
Lorenzo tries to keep his self-control in check towards her. "Look, I know what they did was wrong, but you ain't makin' things any better either."
Aaliyah forms an expression that states otherwise.
Samuel Gupta sidles up to Lorenzo, staring at his sister knowingly. "Care to explain what in the hell that was?"
"How come dad's so-called fiancée gets exposed, but I'm the one taking the heat for it?"
Aaliyah had gone over to the cottage the other day to try to make peace with Louise, but she stumbled onto the two of them making out intensely through her upstairs window, making her get her phone to record it.
Both Lorenzo and Samuel exchange glances that seem to counter her statement.
"Did you ever think about how this would affect Dad, or were you in such a rush to prove how in the wrong Louise was? Samuel queries.
Aaliyah doesn't hold back the expression of pure disbelief on her face.
Samuel offers a somewhat sympathetic countenance. "I think you should get out of here, or people will start asking questions if they already put two and two together."

Louise discovers Jai standing in the hotel hallway, not too far from the front desk.
He laid his eyes on the woman he intended to marry, but right now, walking down the aisle seemed more fiction than reality.
"I'm not trying to plead my defense for what I did with Sean because I know nothing that I say or do will change how you feel right now," she remarks candidly. "But I still want to marry you, Jai; you've brought so much joy into my life, and I know if we try, we can overcome this momentary careless act."
Jai stuffs his hands into the pockets of his slacks while some guests make their way out of the hotel.
"If you would've told me that yesterday, I would've truly believed you and wouldn't have any doubts about your fidelity and love for me, but in this moment, I don't believe a goddamn word coming out of your mouth!"
He turns on his feet to head out of the door as Louise does her best to hold back tears. As she heads back into the ballroom to speak to her daughters, she sees Mala Gupta walking directly to her, arms folded on her chest.

A small group of hotel employees gather items that need to be cleared away in the ballroom while Martha Saunders goes to Steven Sullivan with astonishment.
"If I hadn't seen that for myself, I would never believe it would've happened, she says of her older sister. "All my life, she's been "Perfect Louise," and to see she isn't, I don't know how to feel about it."
She and her sister have never been close due to being far apart in age and being as different as night and day in terms of personalities.
"Tell me about it," her first cousin responds. "Poor Jai,"
"I know,"
Though she could see Steven was preoccupied with something entirely other than their family drama,
"Hey, what's up?"
Steven informs her about the disagreement he and Courtney had earlier over the fact that, despite Daniel having gaslit Jordan, causing ramifications for those involved, she didn't like him or his mother saying anything disparaging about him, which made her take off from him.
"I'm certainly no relationship expert, even though I'm dating a psychiatrist, but I think it's safe to say you've gotta find her and talk it out, cus."
The veterinarian nods to verify the suitability of her advice and pats his cousin's arm before taking off to find her.
"Louise was caught almost doing the horizontal mambo with Sean, and I'm giving words of wisdom; today is officially Freaky Friday," Martha says.

After spending time in the hotel hallway, Courtney Covington Sullivan went outside to try to calm down after overhearing her husband making light of her family's issues. While exhaling, she hadn't anticipated the summer evening air being this cool.
Unaware of what happened in the ballroom, although curious as to why guests were leaving in addition to Jai minutes ago.
"Why is someone as beautiful as yourself out here alone?"
The familiar French accent piques Courtney's thoughts as Jacques Laurent stands in front of her, having come from his car, where he is arriving at the inn after having dinner in town at The Chateau.
The shipping heir is wearing button-down shirt and slacks while wearing a blazer.
"A family engagement party that has seemed to end quickly for some reason," she tells him.
Jacques's facial movements change to become more serious. "I hear congratulations are in order; I've heard about the change at your family's company."
She gathers he was informed of the news on TV or in the papers about her father being ousted by the board.
"It's a change," she says. "But it seems that no matter what, being in charge is already causing problems.
Courtney isn't sure why she's confiding in Jacques Laurent, of all people, since he has his own seedy history within her family involving her aunt, and she does not have anyone else to talk to about this without judgment.
"Maybe you should tell them what they call it here in the States, he mentions quizzically. "How do you say it? Kick rocks," which makes Courtney chuckle.
"If only it was that simple," she shivers.
Jacques takes off his blazer to give it to Courtney.
"That's okay," she says.
"You're freezing, I insist,"
Seeing he wasn't going to take no for an answer, he let her put the jacket around her arms.
"In all seriousness, no matter what, you can't make everybody happy. Trust me, I should know."
"Speaking from experience?"
"You can say that."
As Courtney offers a cordial glare to the suave man, Steven steps out of the building, seeing the man with whom he has issues with past flirtations being chummy with his wife.
"There you are I was looking everywhere for you." he pronounces.
"What's going on with the party?" Courtney says she is hoping to change the subject between her and Jacques.
"I will explain that to you in the car." He then pivots his gaze toward Jacques and back onto his wife, noticing she's wearing his blazer.
Courtney uncloaks the jacket, giving it to him.
The couple strolls to Steven's truck in the parking lot.
As Jacques stands there, he recalls that he has been using her to gain Emma back and obtain the money Deirdre Covington offered him so he can rescue his family's business. Though the talk he had with Courtney made him aware that he can be a decent person when needed,

"Mala, would you mind stepping aside, please?" Louise requests
The two were standing across from each other in the inn lobby.
But Jai's ex-wife doesn't hear to her plea.
"At first, I was going to my own business, but I saw the pain written all over Jai's face, so I'm putting my two cents to tell you that you have crossed the line."
Louise had never seen the woman upset since she was typically full of composure.
"I know I hurt Jai profoundly, but I don't owe one iota of an explanation to you, Mala." Louise increases the volume in her voice, which is a rarity for her.
Mala inches closer to the taller woman.
"No, you owe it to Jai," she replies strongly. "When your engagement was postponed, he came to me with his misgivings, knowing how co-dependent you and Sean still are, but he still had faith in you, but you screwed it up while along the way screwing your ex-husband."
Even though she did not participate in any sexual contact with Sean, Louise knew her declaration would fall on deaf ears, though it didn't stop her from contributing to the confrontation when Samuel and Martha, who were able to hear the commotion going on from the ballroom, decided to come into the lobby to stop the altercation.
"Maybe we shouldn't be doing this in public," Samuel points out.
Martha travels over to visit her sister. "Yeah, we also don't want to add homicide to the list tonight too."
Mala places her clutch bag underneath her arm. "We were just having a friendly chat," which causes Louise to roll her eyes at the claim. She then turns to her son. "Bloody hell, Samuel, please tell me you aren't okay with Louise betraying your father."
"It doesn't matter what I think," the doctor says matter-of-factly. "This is between Dad and Louise.
Mala's feelings for her former spouse had been resurfacing lately, causing her to quarrel on his behalf.
She remains, glancing at her son with intention. "Well, at least your father knows now, before the ceremony, the kind of woman he would be sharing a life with."
"Mala, I mean no disrespect, but my sister does not deserve to be shamed by you." Martha asserts.
The brunette trade looks with her lover, who clearly understands the notion.
"Let's just get out of here," Samuel says, quickly escorting his mother out of the hotel while giving Martha an apologetic gesture while Mala shakes her head at her one-time husband's fiancée.
Louise emits a breath of relief at the row being over with Mala's exit. "Thank you," she says to her younger sister, which isn't a usual occurrence.
Martha stares at her sister after thanking her.
"What you did with Sean was beyond shitty, but nobody attacks a member of my family, and that means you too," she replies meaningfully. "So, if you excuse me, I've got to deal with the uncomfortable ride home with Mom."
Martha saunters towards the front door as Louise soon notices Tanner in the ballroom doorway. Without saying anything, the younger woman embraces her mother.

Near the entrance of the ballroom, Lynn and Elijah see Tanner and Louise hugging.
"I want to find Aaliyah and give her a piece of my mind," Lynn mentions.
"You don't know she put that video on screen, Lynn," Elijah replies reasonably.
"Come on, Elijah, who else would have the most to gain from this?" she retorts. "I don't know how in the hell I'm going to survive being on a trip with her knowing what she probably did.
Lynn, Aaliyah, and a group of friends are going to see her aunt Martha perform at the music festival in Nashville.
Elijah offers Lenny a reassuring glimpse. "For now, focus on your mother because she's going to need you to get through this too.
He puts his arm around his girlfriend as she places her head on her boyfriend's chest for comfort.

Warm water cascades from the faucet in the small kitchen of the fourth-floor apartment. Sean Lockhart is washing the dishes that he served dinner on, which he made for himself and Tricia. Though his mind is still partially on Louise, he assumes the party is still going on.
He sets the clean plate on the dish drainer beside him.
Audible footsteps trek into the room, causing him to turn the water off.
"Hey!" Tricia Lockhart greets him. "You need any help?"
Sean shakes his damp hands. "Nah, I got it; thanks, though."
Tricia takes a strand of her brown hair and tucks it behind one of her ears. "Are things between us still going to be like this?"
Sean is about to answer her, for better or worse; a loud tapping on the door gets Sean to move to see who it is at this time of evening.

Unexpectedly, he finds Jai standing on the other side of the threshold, looking far from a man whose engagement party is tonight.
"Jai?" Sean addresses him confusedly.
By now, Tricia has ambled next to her husband, wanting to know who is also at her door.
"Jai, did something happen?" she asks the father of her friend, Samuel.
The usual well-dressed gentleman's clothes seem askew for a change.
"You might as well know this too, Tricia, since everyone else does, but your husband had his hands and lips all over my fiancée."
"By the way, your husband's and my fiancée's reunion, if that's what you can call it, was broadcasted in front of not only me but my children and my friends to see.
The revelation takes Sean aback, not only at his knowledge but also for Tricia, who was never supposed to find out about him being nearly intimate with his ex-wife.
"You've got to be kidding me," Tricia mumbles.
Sean is still holding the door open."Jai, look, I get you're pissed, and you have every right, but Louise and I did not have sex; she stopped it before it went there because she loves you; it was me that wanted to continue."
Tricia takes off back into the apartment, causing Sean to end this.
"Be mad at me all you want, but Louise doesn't deserve this."
"Maybe she doesn't," Jai finally says. "But you, on the other hand,"
A swift fist to his face makes Sean stumble, holding the side of his face.
"I would say go to hell, but you're already there." Jai tells him. He proceeds down the hall to the elevator bank.
As Sean shuts the door, the throbbing pain starts, although he ignores looking at the superficial damage. He goes to Tricia, who is standing behind their bedroom door.
"Tricia, I know what happened is fucked up. I never intended to hurt you."
Tricia makes a scornful noise at her husband. "Is that your motto? You never intended to hurt me, but you always do. I've always been your second choice, and we all know you stayed with me longer because of Dylan, but now it seems you're free to be with the bitch which suits me just fine."
Dylan is their late baby son, who passed away from SIDS last year.
"It's complicated," Sean says. "Can we just talk about it?"
"I'm all talked out, Sean."
After saying that, Tricia slams the door in his face.
Sean breathes out, as it seems there isn't any coming back from what he has done.
Fun and drama occur in Nashville.
Martha runs into a blast from her past.
Jai and Louise deal with their heartbreak in different ways.
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