Written by: Bre L. Drew
June 12, 2023
Last time on Town and Country
In a surprising move, Tommy and Jordan get married to one another at the courthouse, as Tommy is determined to provide safety to his son and the mother of his child.
On Deirdre's insistence, Daniel deleted the video of Dr. Toussaint accusing him of gaslighting Jordan.
Since her emotional breakup with Tommy, Tanner has successfully entered a relationship with Presley.
Max tries to use humor to get him through of his new reality of being paralyzed.

With her head propped on the headboard of her queen-sized bed in her bedroom inside the two-story guest house on Home Farm. Jordan Covington reflectively examines the ring, a silver band with round diamonds on her finger.
Even though she knows that Tommy didn't marry her because they were madly in love, she at least feels more protected.
Although she will have to come across Daniel, who had been gaslighting her to make her believe she was losing her mind with the assistance of her former shrink, who is now dead. But when she turns and sees a space in the bed beside her, she realizes that, notwithstanding her new status, in a way, she is still alone.

The steaming hot water cascades onto Tommy Covington's body as he takes a shower in one of the several upstairs bathrooms inside the mansion on the estate. His mind is on him secretly marrying Jordan at the courthouse yesterday with Elijah as their witness.
Nonetheless, it hadn't come out of any romantic love; it was more of a means to an end to prevent Jordan from running off with their son across the country like she had claimed before he informed her of his belief that his father had been involved to drive her insane so he would be the one to raise Jeremy due to him not wanting her to raise him.
Tommy did not want to lose his son, not to mention he married her in a way to give protection, knowing her time staying on this estate won't be easy with his father also present.
He deeply sighs while his face becomes dampens, while his wedding band sits on the countertop of the sink,

Even though it was her day off from working at the stables, that hadn't stopped Tanner Lockhart from coming to get a ride in on this bright and warm spring morning; her years of being a champion equestrian had made riding second nature to her. She guides the American Quarter along the trail as the horse gallops near the entrance when she spots a familiar figure walking towards her.
"Anyone tell you that you're a natural on that majestic creature," Presley McKnight comments to his girlfriend.
Tanner finds herself smiling when she gets off the horse. "I have but coming from you. I don't hate it."
The pair lean in for a passionate kiss.
"Hey, what are you doing here?"
The reverend gestures to a paper cup with Jojo's Cafe emblem. "I remember you told me yesterday you were coming to ride here this morning, so I went to Jojo's and got you a latte made to your liking."
She grins graciously. "I don't deserve you," while she accepts the beverage. "Thank you,"
Esther Saunders, who had been walking on her property, then notices the horse and Tanner and Presley conversing with one another,
"When I saw Iris missing from his stall, I should've known you had her," she says to her great-niece. "It's good to see you again, Presley."
"You too, Ms. Saunders." Presley greets the older woman.
"Esther," she politely corrects him.
He shoves his hand in his pockets. "Will I still be seeing you later at Max's homecoming?"
Today Max is coming home from the hospital after being hospitalized after he was severely injured, rendering him immobilized from the waist down.
Tanner bobs her head. "I will see you there."
Presley charismatically winks at her. "Well, I will see you later, and it is nice seeing you again, Esther."
Esther couldn't help but smile at their interactions throughout.
The man of the cloth takes off as Tanner watches him from behind.
"He's a keeper," Esther notes.
Tanner takes a sip of her beverage before responding.
"Don't I know it,"
Using her other hand, she grabs the reins of Iris the horse as she and her great-aunt begin the trek back to the stables.
"Not to rub salt in the wound," Esther remarks directly. "But I'm glad you came to your senses about Danny Boy's son."
Tanner resists the urge to roll her eyes at her, knowing she is referring to her past relationship with Tommy in addition to
Esther's disdain for the Covingtons due to decades of rivalry between them and their family.
"Well, the fewer connections to that family, the better," Esther declares wholeheartedly.
Esther beats Tanner on what's evident to counter her claim.
"Well, the fewer connections to that family, the better," Esther declares wholeheartedly.
Esther beats Tanner on what's evident to oppose her claim.
"And no, I'm not forgetting that Steven is married to Courtney, which I've accepted, but trust me, darling, getting involved with that family never ends well, and I pray my son doesn't experience it," she says of her only son.
She then quietly reflects on knowing the truth about Emma Covington being her half-sister, the result of her father's affair with Deirdre all those years ago. Last year, when she found out they shared a blood type, she and Steven conducted a secret DNA test, which confirmed her suspicions, though they have decided to keep it hidden since she believes if it got out, it would bring nothing but pain and misery to all of the families.
Tanner takes another drink of her latte while maintaining their path. "It's nothing but friendship between Tommy and me, and that's all it will ever be," she says assuredly.
Esther notices the silence from Tanner after a few seconds and decides to change the subject to her summer plans before she starts her senior year at Sampson University.

Despite the flatscreen television on the wall of his room in the hospital being on, Max Covington found himself lying in bed with a lot on his mind, especially facing his new reality of being unable to use his legs due to the paralysis that he sustained when he pulled his vehicle into the ditch to avoid hitting Jordan in the middle of the road. It also caused the complications that made Shauna miscarry their baby, which he still hasn't gotten over.
He exhales at the unknown of what is ahead when he turns and sees his wife enter the room.
They exchange a kiss.
Shauna remains standing beside him, wearing a sleeveless navy-blue jumpsuit. "Today is the day; come on, try to be happy that you're about to be released from this place, babe," she says.
"Did you bring the party horns and confetti?" Max queries sarcastically. "I'm actually looking forward to getting out of here; it's just... he stops himself.
Shauna deciphers her husband's emotions from his face, knowing the transition he will be dealing with since he will now be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. She places her handbag on the stand and supportively takes his hand into hers.
"I want you to know that I will be here for you, and I know we will get through this."
"If only all of my patients' spouses and partners committed to being dedicated in times like these,"
The voice of Dr. Zhang gets the couple's attention as the sixty-something physician walks up to them.
He gives a clipboard to Max in addition to a pen. "All I need is a signature, and we will start the process of getting you out of here."
As Max signs his name, he tries his best to look on the bright side, which has never been his type of outlook.

"Are you sure everything is accessible to Max?" Daniel Covington asks his faithful housekeeper Gabriella "I don't want him to come home from the hospital and be unable to get around the estate," he adds while they're in the living room of the mansion.
"I'm tellin' you, Mr. Covington, everything is set up for him," Gabriella answers him.
She then looks around before she opens her mouth to speak to her boss.
"How are you feeling about Jordan staying at the guest house?"
Daniel pinches the bridge of his nose before answering her. "To be honest with you, even though I wish she remained in Stonecrest, I'm just glad she is not living under this roof anymore; even though everything has happened, I want all of us to move on."
He thinks back to how his blackmailing Toussaint led to his suicide, on top of Jordan's anxiety leading to Max and Shauna nearly losing their lives and the life of his unborn grandchild.
Gabriella, too, had been involved in this scheme since she had been the one to use a voice changer to make the young mother think she was losing her mind.
The doorbell gets the household employee's attention as Tommy comes down the stairs, capturing his father's attention.
"Can we talk, Tommy?"
By the time he reached the bottom of the staircase, he had remained quiet.
"You still don't believe I was responsible for what happened to Jordan, do you?"
Tommy shakes his head in disbelief.
"You want me to talk to you; I can barely look at you, and we both know why."
Previously, he had confronted his father when he discovered Jordan had been receiving too much of her medication courtesy of her dead psychiatrist.
Expressing a look to lower his voice so they wouldn't be overheard by anyone else inside the manor.
"It's all a big misunderstanding, and I hope you can drop this,"
"Dad, I will do my best to get along with you today because of Max coming home, but I will not have you be an influence around my son; I promise you that you will never hurt Jeremy or Jordan again."
Not another word is said as Tommy takes off into the kitchen, leaving Daniel to reflect on his actions.

Jordan was now out of bed and dressed in a black strapless feathered jumpsuit. A few minutes earlier, she handed Jeremy off to his nanny, Lillith, to take him to swim lessons. Now coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of Perrier lemon flavored water, she is about to see what is on television in the living room when the din of knocking interrupts that activity.
While going to obtain the door, she assumes it's probably Tommy coming to check in on her,
But when she retrieves it, it isn't her husband or anyone else she knows.
A tall black man who seems to be forty with a dark well-groomed beard wearing a polo shirt and jeans stood across from her.
"Yes," Jordan quizzes the stranger.
"Excuse me are you, Jordan McKnight?" The guy answers in a somewhat baritone voice.
"Covington," she corrects him. "What is this about?" Jordan asks him.
"Sorry about that," he replies. "Someone up at the main house told me you were here."
The courier gives her a small brown envelope passed to her, which she stares at with the Louisville address from The Law Office of Andrews & Andrews.
The guy then gives her a small device which she uses a stylus to jot down her name on it,
"Well, have a good day," he tells her.
"What is this?" she says to herself.
Sitting on the sofa in the living room, she breaks the envelope seal, and when she retrieves the content, it is a black thumb drive.
She also searches for a note to see who would send this to her, but nothing else is in the package.
Curiously, she grabs her iPad off the coffee table; and then sticks the flash drive into the USB port.
Jordan then sees several files of audio and visual recordings. Still puzzled, she decides to click on the first thing she sees.
The image of Dr. Toussaint behind his desk in his office at the hospital nearly takes her back since she found out he had been the one causing her mental issues. Gathering this had been done before he took his own life in that very room.
"This might come as a surprise to you; maybe not, but it was Daniel who blackmailed me with my indiscretion into aiding him to gaslight you." The psychiatrist confesses, causing the young woman to be stunned at the truth finally being revealed.
"I would also feel guilty if I forgot to inform you that the housekeeper had also been involved in this charade. Daniel had also brought her in, making you think you were hearing voices of self-doubt. "I know this may never be enough of an apology to you, and in time you will recover and become the best person you can be," he continues.
Knowing Gabriella never cared for her since she first met her when she first moved into the mansion and seeing how she is always faithful to her boss, it begins to make sense to her.
"Lastly, I hope this information given to you will give you a deeper sense of clarity."
The video ends, causing Jordan to play an audio recording.
"I can't help but feel like I'm doing a disservice to this young girl. Deep down, she does need help, but making her sick is against every oath I took as a doctor."
"You keep convincing Jordan she needs to come here. And I'll do my part to ensure that she keeps coming back until not even you alone won't be able to help her."
"You know that I'm acquainted with the chief of staff, and it will only take a few minutes before you are out of a job, so tread lightly."
"I don't care!" Pierre loudly exclaims, "I might lose my career, but you'll lose more than I will. I'm sure you'll lose the respect of everyone you care about, not to mention your reputation in the business community, because if I go down, I'm taking your ass down with me."
Instantly recognizing the voices of her late doctor and her new father-in-law, she shakes her head in disbelief and disgust.
"You son of a bitch!" Jordan exclaims.
Max's homecoming involves a celebration.
Jai and Louise found a path to reunite.
Jordan reveals the news, leaving everyone stunned.
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