Written by: Bre L Drew
June 3, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
At the behest of Deirdre, the Covington's arrived for lunch at The Chateau, where not only did they discover Max was walking again, but Jacques and Emma eloped.
While in Puerto Rico, Jacques puts two and two together about Emma possibly being conceived during Deirdre's affair with Jimmy Saunders.
Thora advised Jordan that Tommy is only married to her to protect her, not because he is in love with her, which Jordan refused to hear.
Initially, Shauna decided to tell Max about her one-night stand with Antoine, but once she saw him miraculously on his feet again, she decided to keep it to herself.

Not many things can get the members of the Covington family to get on the same board, especially as of late. But nothing could prepare them for the revelation of Emma marrying her lover Jacques Laurent, of which none of them were aware until now, hence their mutual astonished expressions and silence at their table at The Chateau this afternoon.
Deirdre Covington, the most shocked of them all, doesn't react before she forcefully grabs the arm of her new son-in-law, pulling him away.
Concurrently, Emma Laurent showcases her disbelief that her mother was doing that to Jacques. The two had just arrived from San Juan, where they eloped and enjoyed their first nights as man and wife. "Of all the reactions that I thought she would have, her not saying one word while dragging my husband away was not one of them."
She is met with gazes from her family while Daniel Covington goes over to lead his sister away to talk, leaving everyone else with more questions than answers.
"And here, I thought I was going to be the star of this family summons," Max Covington says sarcastically.
He was paralyzed for a year until he was able to feel his legs again the day before. Now he can get around with assistance from a cane until his mobility is strong again.
The raised voices started to penetrate the restaurant.
"Sounds like that's going well," Jordan Covington mocks.
"You think if we leave now, Grandmother will notice?" Tommy Covington inserts.
Shauna Covington takes a sip of her red wine. "Only one way to find out,"
While the Covington brothers and their wives leave the table, Courtney Covington Sullivan remains. "You all go ahead. I'm going to stay behind."
"Suit yourself," Max tells her.
He and the rest of them make their exit.

Dear Tanner,
We are pleased to inform you of your acceptance into the Ohio State University - College of Veterinary Medicine for the 2024-2025 Fall semester.
Despite the acceptance letter for admission into one of the country's top veterinary programs, Tanner Lockhart doesn't feel compelled to continue to stare at the screen of her laptop sitting at the kitchen table at home.
She had been checking her email when she saw it.
She then recalls that in a few weeks, she, along with Elijah and Tommy, will be graduating from college with at least something positive to look forward to.
About three seconds pass when she hears the front door opening and subsequent footsteps, which makes Tanner quickly close her device.
Louise Saunders Lockhart and Lenny Lockhart enter the kitchen, greeting her.
"So, how was it?" Tanner queries
Today is the day Lenny started going through a more intense course of chemotherapy to get her system ready for the bone marrow transplant she needs.
Lenny runs her hair through her still-thick blonde hair. "Too soon to tell, but after two attempts by the nurse to find the right vein in my arm and one treatment later, I'm beat."
Her usual spirited exterior carries fatigue on her face.
"Maybe you should go upstairs and get some rest," Louise advises.
"Well," Lenny says, emitting a deep breath. "If things don't go the way they should, I will be doing that permanently."
The morbid declaration makes both Louise and Tanner exchange worrying glances.

When I think of letting go
Oh no, gave up on the riddle
I cry just a little
When he plays piano in the dark
Brenda Russell's late 80's ballad "Piano In The Dark" plays on the sound system.
Thora McKnight is grateful for the break in her shift while keeping an attentive eye on her grandson Jeremy, eating a soft-baked chocolate chip cookie while looking at his tablet with headphones.
Joel Friendly steps into the air-conditioned establishment in a long-sleeve navy-blue button-down shirt and blue jeans, grateful to see no line and to see his lifelong friend, Thora, as the current song makes him think of their days in high school.
"Hey, what brings you to my neck of the woods?" the blonde woman greets him.
The reverend smiles good-naturedly at the barista. Despite the white hair, Joel still is quite attractive, not to mention the obviousness of him still taking care of himself physically.
"If I said, it was you, would you believe me?"
Thora is unsure whether or not he's flirting with her, although if he is, she wouldn't mind it since he is not only
handsome but has been her rock since her divorce from Ernest.
"Seriously?" she says.
"A coffee,"
"Cream, no sugar? Coming up,"
As Thora prepares the beverage, Joel notices Jeremy and waves at him. Jeremy also waves before getting back to his activity.
"Every time I see that kid, he grows an inch." Joel declares.
"You telling me," Thora says while returning with the drink in the cafe's monogram paper cup. "I'm worried, though."
He is about to reach for his debit card until Thora gestures to hold onto it.
"You sure?"
"It's on the house," she replies. "As much as you helped me over the years, it's the least I could do."
"Thanks," he musters. "Why are you worried, though?"
Thora delves into Jordan, accompanying Tommy to have lunch with the rest of the Covington family concerning her since her daughter's history with them is problematic.
"I get it," Joel says. "But it's not like she can avoid them forever; I mean, she's married to a Covington with who she has a child, not to mention she's still living on their land."
"I know deep down Tommy does care about Jordan, but he doesn't see their marriage as anything but convenience, and I'm afraid she's going to get hurt when she realizes it."
Joel takes a sip of his coffee before responding. "You can't foresee the outcome, but just be there for Jordan if and when that happens, Thora."
Thora modestly shrugs. "Well, I haven't been the best at that before."
She thinks of her past misdeeds in parenting.
"All you can do is try."
A notification chime sounds off on Joel's iPhone, which he retrieves, though when he scans
"Joel, what is it?" Thora asks him.

Shauna parks her late-model Mercedes convertible on the Home Farm estate property.
She turns to see the content on Max's face beside her in the passenger seat.
"What's that about?" she asks, referring to his current mood.
The usual cynical person modestly smiles.
"Not even a few days ago, I thought I would never stand, let alone walk again, which makes you put things into perspective."
"I guess it does,"
Shauna starts to dwell on the argument they had the other day that caused her to leave, finding comfort in Antoine, which turned into sex. Feeling guilty for being unfaithful, she couldn't help how he made her feel desirable again after not having sex with her husband due to her impotence, which is why she changed her mind, telling him what happened and deciding it might affect his recovery.
"Earth to Shauna, are you alright?"
She finally comes out of her daydream.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I drifted somewhere," she notes.
"I know we have some things to work on, but I'm not giving up on us." Max asserts.
He then leans over to give his wife a meaningful, supple kiss, which she hadn't gotten from him in, she doesn't know, how long.

By now, Tanner is on her feet, placing a supportive arm around her fraternal twin sister while Louise moves over to them.
"Don't you dare talk like that," Louise cautiously remarks. "I know it's hard, but you have to stay positive."
"Mom's right," Tanner says agreeably.
With her arms crossed over her chest, Lenny feels anything but hopeful. "If I don't have the chemo, I'll die, and if the bone marrow match doesn't help, I'll die. Yeah, sounds like cause to be optimistic."
"Well, Mom and I are just going to be positive enough for you because the chemo will do what it has to do, but the right marrow match will come through, and you'll be in the clear to live the rest of your life, okay?" Tanner candidly vocalizes.
"It's just starting to become too much," Lenny admits.
Louise grabs her daughter's hands for reassurance. "And between all the Saunders and Lockhart relatives out there, a match won't be a problem, so all you need to concentrate on is getting better, sweetheart."
Lenny holds back her emotions as she feels pairs of arms embracing her, while Tanner pushes the thoughts of higher learning and her acceptance into the background of her mind.

Finally, Joel lifts his head from his phone and lays his attention somewhat back on Thora.
"Oh, it's just someone from my time in Cambodia wanting to reconnect with me over Facebook," he explains matter-of-factly.
"From when you were doing missionary work?" Thora questions him.
Joel nods to confirm while remembering that specific juncture in his life. "Those days when I thought I should be making a difference abroad."
"I bet you did there, like you have made a difference within this community." Thora points out.
"It's not always easy," he notes. "But I realized you don't always have to go far to find out you could be of service in your own backyard, but those months over there weren't all bad."
Jeremy's unsteadily runs towards the door when he sees his parents entering the cafe. Tommy quickly scoops his son up in his arms. Both of them are happy to see their little boy after the afternoon they had.
Tommy addresses his mother-in-law and the man of the cloth, whom he christened Jeremy.
"Hey, you two," the reverend tells them. "And congratulations on your upcoming commencement, Tommy."
"Thanks," the younger man says.
Discerning Thora wanted to inquire about how the lunch went. Joel takes his coffee off the counter.
"Well, I need to get out of here. I'll see you all later."
The reverend hears goodbyes as he proceeds out of the door, pondering the message he received on social media.
"Was there any bloodshed?" Thora remarks
The spouses exchange similar glares.
"Let's just say we got out of there before things got even more interesting," Tommy states.
"What do you mean by more interesting?" Thora asks with a hint of uneasiness.
Jordan folds her arms. "Mother, don't worry; Daniel and I didn't use our steak knives to antagonize each other, though my husband did step in to defend me from him."
Tommy maintains his grip on his son while hearing the appreciation in his wife's voice.
"It can be defined as my brother walking again and my aunt's elopement."
Thora shakes her head in disbelief. "Well, leave it to your family to cultivate drama," she mumbles.
Jordan gathers her son's belongings in his backpack.
"How about we go home and play superheroes? Would you like that, buddy?" The young father says this to his son, who nods enthusiastically.
"Bye, grandma," the almost three-year-old says.
Thora kisses one of the cherubic cheeks of her only grandchild. "Bye, baby."
"Thank you for watching him, Thora," Tommy tells her.
"Yeah, thanks again, mother," Jordan replies.
"Be careful," she informs them.
She watches them leave the cafe as Jordan reaches for her husband's hand, which he takes out of habit.

Far enough from the table the family once occupied inside the restaurant, Daniel is attempting to get to the bottom of Emma's impromptu decision to marry Jacques Laurent, knowing he's blackmailing their mother but knowing he can't share that because he swore her, he wouldn't say anything.
"Of all the stunts you've pulled in your life, this one, I must say, tops them all." Daniel opinionizes.
The Covington heiress stood across from him wearing a white tank top, a satin skirt with her handbag underneath her arm, and an unsatisfied gaze.
"Daniel, it's too little, too late for the concerned big brother to act. And last time I checked, I'm a grown woman who does not need to explain her life's plans to you."
Due to their considerable age span, Daniel still sees her as a spoiled girl who often acts more mature than she is.
Nonetheless, he remembers promising their late father that he would look out for the family, which includes her.
"Your impulse issues are why I once took away your trust fund."
Emma recalls when he did that when she initially planned to marry her now-husband.
She then gets closer to his face.
"And let's not forget that your controlling nature is why you rescinded that decision. Remember when I overheard you admitting that your latest victim was pregnant by Tommy?"
"Us dredging up the past isn't going to stop a man like Jacques Laurent. After he gets what he wants from you, he will move on to somebody else who can satisfy him in another way."
Emma shakes her head in retort.

In the corner by the bar, Deirdre doesn't miss the opportunity to lay into her blackmailing son-in-law.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Deirdre says this through her gritted teeth. "Last time I checked your days in this country were numbered."
The shipping scion received notification of his deportation since he didn't have the appropriate documentation to remain in the States.
Jacques places his hands in his pants pockets.
"Well, your daughter and I had different plans, so we hopped on a plane to San Juan, Puerto Rico, to exchange vows. It was really a nice intimate ceremony; shame you couldn't be there."
The millionaire widow points a finger at him. "If you are using my daughter, I swear to God, you will regret it."
Deirdre is capable of doing what she can to protect her youngest offspring; even if it means hiring someone to do away with him, she will consider it since it hasn't been the first time.
Jacques looks around to see if anyone can overhear them and lowers his voice.
"I wouldn't be carrying out threats if I were you, Deirdre; you might regret it yourself if you do."
Not only does he know of her long-ago affair with Jimmy Saunders, which he believes might've been when she conceived Emma due to him seeing her birth certificate before they tied the knot, but he also decides to tuck that part away until he can use it.
"I'd like to see you try," Deirdre rejoins.
However, Courtney saunters over them, causing them to end their fevered conversation.
"I think we are done here," Jacques notes in his French accent.
Deirdre gives him an unpleasant glance while casually walking away, leaving the two alone.
"Not one, congratulations," he sardonically says.
"Well, from what I heard and seeing you in one piece, that is all the congratulations you are going to get from my grandmother." the young businesswoman states.
Jacques smirks at the equally beautiful, petite woman with whom he's developed a friendship over the last year or so.
"Are you next in line to tell me how outraged you are about me marrying Emma?"
"I'm not here to throw any daggers at you, though I must admit that finding out that you got married unexpectedly took us by surprise, but it's not my place one way or the other, so good luck to you two, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out, so now I wish you luck."
"Good to know, and thanks, by the way."
Jacques witnesses Courtney turning on her feet to vacate the restaurant.
Emma, who had seen the encounter between her new husband and niece, goes over to him.
"What was all of that about?"
"You mean with Courtney or your mother?"
"Well, with Courtney, she wishes me luck, and your mother wants my head on a spike."
"Sounds about right," Emma reacts. "How about we get out of here?"
He puts his arm around his bride, making their departure and making minimal eye contact with her brother and mother.
"So much for familial unity, huh?" Daniel speaks observantly of the rest of their family taking off.
Deirdre had nearly forgotten she had assembled them altogether because she was tired of the division within the unit. However, with the news of her daughter marrying that Eurotrash bastard, that seems secondary.
"I don't know about you," she finally says. "But I'm going to the bar for a stiff drink."
"I will join you," Daniel remarks.
The pair heads toward the area, desperately needing something to take the edge off.
Daniel's offer to Emma stuns Deirdre.
Thora seeks advice from Tricia.
Samuel and Martha clear the air.
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