Written by: Bre L Drew
July 1, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
While trying to dig more information out of Joel about his past in Cambodia, some mishaps occurred before he revealed that he was involved with a woman from his past who made contact over Facebook. While Thora wrestled with her unresolved feelings for her friend,
Jordan wants to make her marriage to Tommy work despite his love for Tanner and her seeing Presley.
Mala told Jai he knew what their next step was regarding their relationship.

The sunlight comes through the Victorian manor, indicating another summer morning has arrived in Radcliffe, Kentucky. Meanwhile, Thora McKnight strolls downstairs in a white sleeveless tank top, blue denim jeans, wedges, and her purse draped on her shoulder.
She strides into the sizable kitchen, where she spots her only living son dressed for the day fixing himself a cup of coffee
"Good morning. Would you like some coffee?" Presley McKnight addresses her in his usual optimistic manner.
Thora places her purse on the countertop. "Oh, bless you, my child," she tells her son as he grabs another mug from the cabinet.
She soon takes a resonant sip of the hot beverage.
He can detect something is going on with his mother, from her current mood to her needing coffee in spite of not being the biggest caffeine addict.
"Okay, what's going on?" Presley queries
"What do you mean?" She then sees her son's reaction. "Alright, you have my number. I made a complete fool of myself yesterday with Joel."
The reverend can hear the ominous tone in her voice, making him curious about what happened between her and his boss.
The barista keeps the mug in her hand while the tendrils of steam rise out of it.
"You know that in the last few years, Joel has been helping me get through things with your father and all of Jordan's issues? And I started catching feelings that were more than friendship. Anyway, he received a DM from somebody from his missionary relief days in Cambodia, and I invited him over here to dig deeper."
The young blonde man isn't surprised about his mother's crush on her boss, knowing how important he has become in her life, especially in the last year or so, and if anyone deserves any goodness since his parents divorced, it is her. "What do you mean by deeper?"
Thora grasps the cup with her hands near the table. "I asked him if the person was a woman, and before I knew it, he started choking on iced tea, and when he told me they shared a past, next thing I knew, he raced out of here like a bat out of hell, and it's all my fault."
Presley nods sympathetically, even though he can understand how Joel would take his mother's probing. Throughout his years as a counselor, misunderstandings like this can be worked out through communication.
"Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of it."
"Really? You think you can?" the blonde woman asks.
Presley places a comforting hand on her mother's back. "I'm not promising any results, but I will see if I can straighten out this situation with Joel."
"Thank you, sweetie."
"I should be getting going; you want to walk out with me?"
"I don't have to get to the cafe until about twenty minutes, so I'll tidy things around here before I go."
Presley kisses his mother on the forehead as he grabs his backpack and keys off the table and heads out of the rectory.

Dr. Garcia, dial extension 421. Dr. Garcia, dial extension 421.
The general announcement broadcasts within the rural hospital, briefly overshadowing the background noise of staff and visitors, which include Lenny and Tanner Lockhart.
The fraternal twins make their way to the elevator as Tanner accompanies her sister to her latest round of chemotherapy.
Since the leukemia diagnosis, she, their parents, and Elijah take turns, so she won't be alone.
Lenny presses the button on the panel when they notice the trio approaching the area. Although it's obvious most aren't necessarily pleased to see each other.
Tommy Covington, along with his wife, Jordan Covington, and their little boy, Jeremy, who is in his father's arms,
No one who knows them personally would think they were the typical young family; however, that could be further from the truth since their marriage isn't based on its intended principle of love and honor since Tommy married her to protect her from his father after he gaslit her.
"Hey," Tommy greets his ex-girlfriend and her sister.
"Hi," Tanner says modestly.
Jordan rolls her eyes at their exchange, knowing her husband is still in love with her brother's frigid girlfriend, remembering how close they were during graduation.
"Hey, Lenny. How are you doing?"
The blonde twentysomething who has always been petite in size looks even more slight due to the chemo taking on her body.
"Other than having cancer, I'm just peachy," Lenny says sarcastically. She then corrects herself. "I'm okay, all things considered."
"That's good to hear," Jordan says casually.
Tommy lets Jeremy grab one of his fingers. "Well, we're taking this guy to have his shots; he'll be turning three this week, and we thought we should get it out of the way."
Tanner can't believe the little boy is turning three. It seemed like yesterday, on the Fourth of July, not only did her boyfriend at the time cheat on her with her former best friend, but she had given birth to his son, causing them to break up.
"Time flies, doesn't it?" she acknowledges.
"It sure does," Tommy responds as if he were thinking the same thing.
The elevator doors finally swung open.
"Can you take Jeremy up, and I will follow you? I want to talk to Tanner about something." Jordan says
Tanner becomes bewildered as to what she wants with her.
Tommy is about to refute it, but Jordan assures him it's nothing serious.
"Need me to stay?" Lenny whispers in her sister's ear.
Tanner sways her head back and forth. "No, I'll meet you up there."
Lenny gazes at her former friend before following the men into the elevator, which eventually closes.
"Jordan, what is this about?" Tanner queries
Jordan narrows her focus on the brunette. "I think we should get something straight."

Samuel Gupta steers his late-model SUV into the half-full parking lot of his father's grocery store. Once he parks the vehicle, he and his sister head inside the store to escape the rising heat outside.
The mid-tempo country-pop tune "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry filters the establishment along with the brisk coolness courtesy of the air conditioner.
They maneuver through the pockets of customers with their carts.
"Do you have any idea what this is about? Aaliyah Gupta asks while placing her sunglasses on her forehead. "Dad's text made whatever it was cryptic."
"Your guess is just as good as mine," the psychiatrist replies.
The two were at home when they both received a text from their dad stating he wanted to see them, which isn't like him, so they're both curious why.
They proceed to the back of the store, where their father's office is.
Aaliyah knocks on the door, and they announce their presence. Their father's voice permits them to come inside, and they are both across from him at his desk.
"I hope I'm not keeping you from anything important," Jai Gupta tells his adult children.
Both of them shook their heads since Samuel was enjoying his day off at home while Aaliyah started looking online for jobs after graduating from college two weeks ago.
"Well, Daddy, don't keep us in suspense. What is it?"
Samuel turns to his sister, who isn't hiding her curiosity. "Please tell us, or she might explode."
"Shut up," she says while playfully swatting her brother's arm.
Jai chuckles in his good-natured manner, sitting on the edge of the desk and putting his hands together. "I've planned a surprise weekend getaway in Hudson Lake for your mother and me, which includes two tickets to see U2 at the Palladium."
The band is Mala's favorite, and she not only owns all of their albums but has also attended most of their concerts.
"Dad, I'm sure mom will love it," Samuel notes.
Although he is satisfied that his parents have worked their way back together again, he doesn't know why they had to come here for that announcement instead of simply telling them when all three of them were together.
"And that isn't even the best part," he winks.

Reverend Joel Friendly sits behind his desk in his office at the church, examining the specific notification on his iPhone from the woman he hadn't seen since he was doing missionary work in Cambodia, as the awkward conversation with Thora the other day had made him dwell on whether or not he should respond to the Facebook message.
Suddenly, the instantaneous knocking on the door gets his attention, ceasing his thoughts.
"I'm not interrupting you, am I? The associate reverend queries his boss.
The older man shakes his head as he gestures for him to enter. "Nothing of importance; are you here to see me about Sunday's sermon or youth group?"
Presley moves his head to indicate it isn't. "It has nothing to do with shop talk; it's about my mother."
"So, she told you what happened?"
"In so many words, yeah, but she thinks you're angry at her for mentioning the woman from your past, and she doesn't want that to affect your friendship."
The reverend exhales, realizing he had been less than pleasant with her the other day, having been caught off guard by her asking him about his past despite their lifelong friendship.
"Presley, I want you and your mother to know that I'm not upset at her; it's just that I don't like talking about my time in Asia, that's all."
The younger man of the cloth crosses his arms onto his sturdy chest, wondering if it was solely about the woman or the country in which he was doing relief work.
"Look, I'm not trying to intrude on your life, and I admit my mother could've handled things better, but making you upset was never her intention. She cares a lot about you."
"She means a great deal to me too," Joel says honestly.
Presley discerns the sincerity in his voice while he heads out of the office.
Joel quickly calls out. "I'll talk to your mother and Presley; thanks for coming to let me know."

It does not take long for Tanner to be unenthused by being alone with the woman her ex is now married to. "I don't have time for this, Jordan," she says swiftly. "My sister is to underg her chemo session, and I need to be with her."
"Well, make the time," the young housewife wearing black square-neck sleeveless top and black denim shorts vocalizes.
She also recently had her dark chocolate recolored but is unsure whether or not she wants to be brunette or return to her natural blonde anytime soon.
Realizing she isn't going to get out of this confrontation. She remains while others go their own way.
"For some reason, I'll never understand why Tommy wants to remain friends with you. But as long as you don't cross that line, because not only are you seeing my brother, but more importantly, Tommy is my husband, and we have our little boy, we won't have anyone trying to come between us."
"Jordan, I'm well aware of your relationship status," Tanner retorts.
"Well, good," Jordan mentions hastily. "Because a move for Tommy means Presley gets hurt, and let's be honest, he deserves a hell of a lot better than you."
Tanner can hear Jordan's blatant insecurity in her voice.
"Look, I get the message loud and clear, but Tommy does care about you, and he loves Jeremy, so he isn't going to do anything to risk losing that."
The college graduate presses the button, and within seconds, the elevator door swings open, and she gets on.
Jordan grips the strap of her large Michael Kors bag on her shoulder. "I'll catch the next one."
The door soon shuts as the Covington wife rolls her eyes at Tanner, hoping she does get the message, as she is determined to do what she can to prevent her family from falling apart.

Samuel and Aaliyah become stumped by what else their father has in store for their mother.
"Oh, I knew it was something I forgot," Jai remarks. He takes his hand into his pants pocket, retrieving a small velvet-black box, which he opens, showcasing the gold band with pear-shaped diamonds. "I'm planning to propose to your mother again."
She goes over to examine the ring. "Oh my god!" Aaliyah exclaims in happiness. "Congratulations, Daddy," she says, wrapping his arm around her father. They soon exit their embrace. "Mommy is going to love it; she'll have no choice but to say yes."
Since her parents split, Aaliyah had wanted them to reunite, even going so far as to do so by exposing Louise kissing Sean at her father's and Louise's engagement party, and it seemed to work because they're here now.
"I should've known you had more up your sleeve," Samuel discloses.
Jai excitedly nods at both of his children. "I haven't asked her yet, and I don't want to jinx it, but this will hopefully show your mother I'm serious about our future together."
Town & Country celebrates its 300th episode!
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