Written by: Bre L Drew
May 20, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Lenny's oncologist informed her and Sean, Louise, Tanner, and Elijah that her chemotherapy hadn't affected the cancerous cells in her body that he hoped, deciding to move her forward with an intense course as well as the discussion of a bone marrow transplant, causing Lenny to feel overwhelmed regarding her mortality.
Tiring of the family's division, Deirdre came to Tommy, hoping he would come to lunch with the rest of the family to unite, and Jordan offered to accompany him.
Sean and Tricia separated as the latter filed for divorce; however, Sean hadn't signed them yet while his reunion with Louise progressed.

The first thing Lenny Lockhart saw when she opened her eyes was the patch of sunlight coming through the curtain in her bedroom.
From there, she spots the time on her iPhone on her nightstand realizing she had finally dosed off after tossing and turning after receiving the news from her oncologist that chemo isn't diminishing cancer as much as he likes, which now means more treatment and then a bone marrow transplant. It became so overwhelming that she didn't remember much after that.
Lenny turns around and is surprised to see Elijah Barker lying beside her, putting a smile on her face. She wonders how long he has been there.
About five seconds later, her boyfriend wakes up, noticing his girlfriend is awake next to him in her bed, staring at him.
"Is it my breath? Does it reek or something?" he asks her.
She notices he's in the same clothes he wore yesterday, remembering that after the hospital they all spent the day together, eventually ordering pizza for dinner.
"No," she humorously replies. "When did you crash?"
"You couldn't sleep last night, so I laid down next to you until you dozed off, and the next thing I knew, I conked out too," he explains.
Lenny runs her hand through her long blonde hair and slowly exhales. "I was hoping yesterday was some nightmare I would wake up from."
She rests her head on his chest while he puts his arms supportively around his girlfriend.

Concurrently downstairs in the kitchen of the lake cottage, Tanner Lockhart sits at the expansive counter, conversing with her mother, standing across from her.
Louise Saunders Lockhart takes a sip of her coffee, needing the caffeinated beverage to perk her up from the stress she's dealing with, mainly due to her daughter's illness. "I think we should come up with some sort of schedule to let us know that one of us can accompany Lenny to the hospital for treatment."
"Yeah, I have more time when graduation happens in a few weeks. I would need to just juggle between my shifts at the stables." Tanner remarks.
She hates that her twin sister has to go through this battle, but she knows it's important to feel like everyone who cares about her is there for her.
"Speaking of graduation, don't you have to pick up your cap and gown today, young lady?"
Tanner is graduating from Sampson University and will be on her way to vet school, where she plans to become a doctor for animals.
"I got until the rest of the week," she says lowly.
"I know you're upset about what is going on with Lenny, but it shouldn't stop you from living your own life. So go get what you worked so hard for." Louise suggests.
Tanner obligingly nods while taking her purse and keys off the countertop.
"I'll see you later," she tells her mother.
The brunette makes her way to the door, and while opening it, she sees her grandmother and great-aunt on the other side.
The Saunders woman exchanges greetings while Tanner proceeds to the green fiat she and her sister have shared since high school.
Sarah Lynn and Esther Saunders enter the kitchen, and it doesn't take long for the taller blonde woman to embrace her eldest daughter.

Tricia Lockhart strides out of the bedroom while placing her arm through the strap of her purse. inside the fourth-floor apartment near downtown Radcliffe.
She is about to step out when she looks up to see someone she hadn't anticipated seeing, despite their property still being here even though he isn't.
"It looks like I caught you at the wrong time." Sean Lockhart says observably
The farm manager is wearing a navy-blue crewneck t-shirt and jeans and holding onto something in his hand.
"Yeah," she rapidly replies. "I was actually on my way out."
Despite the straightforwardness, he can hear the tenseness in her voice.
"Need a shoulder to cry on?" she adds sarcastically.
"Can I just come in? I promise I won't take up too much of your time, Tricia," he pleads.
The cafe manager thoughtfully sighs while reluctantly stepping aside to let her husband inside.
Hey, it's a human race, hey, it's a brave new place
Hey, now you're at the gate
Welcome to the real world, there's so much to learn, welcome to the real world
Welcome to the real world, there's so much to learn, welcome to the real world
The chorus of the 80's New wave rock song "Welcome to the Real World" by Mr. Mister is now playing on the cafe's stereo system as the morning rush has finally dispersed, much to the relief of the baristas, including Thora McKnight, who is taking her fifteen-minute break by sitting at the table by the large window overlooking Main Street.
It isn't long before she sees her only daughter and grandson walking hand in hand inside the cafe. The little boy takes off for his grandmother as she lovingly embraces him.
She then takes in her daughter with her dyed dark chocolate hair in a half ponytail, wearing a Lilly Pulitzer pink one-shoulder dress, and holding onto her handbag while the other hand is holding a Transformers backpack.
"Thanks for watching Jeremy, mother."
She had called her yesterday to babysit since she will be attending the Covington family lunch that Deirdre wants to use as a way to bridge the divisions of the family. She's accompanying Tommy for support.
"You know I will never pass up the chance to spend time with my grandson," Thora says.
From years of being her daughter, she knows her mother is holding back something, so she bends down to her son's eye level.
"Hey buddy, do you want to get on your tablet while your grandmother and I talk?" She verbalizes kindly.
"Okay," he says, none the wiser.
She gives him his bag, which he does as he's told by sitting at the table.
The women move off to the side so he won't overhear them, but they aren't out of view of him.
Jordan crosses her arms and glares at the older blonde. "Okay, don't hold back. What have I done wrong now?"
"Do you think it's a good idea you go to whatever this is? I mean, don't forget you aren't exactly Daniel or Deirdre's favorite person."
"Mother, let's not also forget that I wouldn't spit on them if either one were on fire, but as many times as Tommy has been there for me, I think I owe it to my husband to be there for him."
Daniel gaslit Jordan into believing she wasn't a good mother, which for a while affected her mental health, even blackmailed her psychiatrist, who committed suicide because of it.
Thora turns to her grandson, who is sitting at the table fixated on the screen playing some game there, and then focuses back on her youngest child.
"I know you think you can turn this situation into domestic bliss, but it's obvious it hasn't."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Thora forms a slight look of discomfort before delving into her response.
"You mentioned to me before that you haven't consummated your marriage yet."
Jordan doesn't hide her unease about the topic.
"It will happen,"
"Jordan, when are you going to get it? Tommy only married you because he didn't want to lose Jeremy and felt sorry for you because of what his bastard father did to you. He doesn't see this as a real marriage. I know that, and deep down, you know that too."
"I finally have the family I always wanted, and I will never ignore my child like you and Dad did to me when EJ died."
The proclamation makes Thora think of when her eldest child and son passed away in the line of duty nearly eight years ago and how her ex-husband buried himself in work while she became so depressed that she neglected Jordan, which still affects their relationship to this day.
"I will always be sorry for all of that," she confesses. "But that doesn't equate to raising your son in a home with two parents who have very different degrees of love for one another."
Jordan sneers at her comment.
"You know what? I got to go."
She goes over to her son, whom she plants a kiss, and then exits the cafe.
Thora strolls over to her grandson.
"Sometimes your momma can be too stubborn for her own good," she discloses.
Taking advantage of the warm spring day, a small group of faculty and student volunteers populate a portion of the west side of the campus of Sampson University, where they're assisting soon-to-be graduates.
Tanner arrives in line, where they are giving out caps and gowns.
At first, she doesn't recognize the person standing ahead of her, but when he turns around, his features become apparent, even with his sunglasses.
"Long time; no see," Tommy Covington tells her while putting his shades on his forehead.
"I can say the same thing about you," she quips. "How did you do on your finals?"
"Well, I didn't do that badly," he shrugs.
"Okay, how many A's?" She knowingly queries
"Three and one B," he answers. "How about you?"
"Four," she says with her hand.
"Well, that doesn't surprise me; you've always been the smartest person I know," he candidly remarks. "Anyway, how is Lenny?"
"You know how she is; she doesn't want anyone to think she can't handle it, but I know she's not." She tells him. "I got your text; I appreciate it."
On the day Lenny received the news about the results, she sent him a text for support, which he sent.
The sound of a guy skateboarding past them with his cap and gown in one hand gets their attention briefly before they continue their conversation.
"I'm sure Lenny will fight this with everything she has."
Tanner takes a strand of her shoulder-length, dark brown hair and tucks it behind her ear. "A lot has happened in four years, hasn't it?"
"Yeah, Lorenzo leaving town to follow his dreams, Elijah's alcoholism, which, thank God, he's on the other side of that."
"And my best friend decided to showcase the video of my parents making out at her father's and my mother's engagement party."
"You see, I was going to leave that out," he notes wryly.
"We've been through a lot, haven't we?" Tanner mentions
The pair were together when they were both freshmen; however, that soon came undone when it came out that he fathered Jeremy with Jordan. Yet the two managed to become friends, though Tommy still has unresolved feelings for his first love.
"Now I'm a father, married to Jordan, and you're seeing Reverend Lovejoy."
"Presley," she corrects him. "Your brother-in-law, by the way."
"I regret how I treated Jordan when she told me she was pregnant, but now I don't even think I can imagine my life without my son," he summarizes. "And I know you aren't Jordan's biggest fan for good reason, but she's not a terrible person, and no one loves that little boy like her."
"Never take Jeremy for granted," she advises him.
He nods, adhering to her advice.
Finally, the line moves as the two move a few spaces ahead.
"So, are you still going to vet school?"
He knew his ex-girlfriend wanted to become a veterinarian and was applying to schools in and out of state.
Tanner takes a deep breath before responding.
"I still am; uh, I think I might defer. I mean, with everything going on, I can't abandon Lenny. I need to be there for her and my family."
Tommy can see she had thought about this decision, though she perceives it wasn't easy for her.
"You're a selfless person, Tanner."
"I'm just doing what I know my sister would do for me if the shoe were on the other foot."
She realizes Tommy is up next as the manager of the campus bookstore waves for him to come to her.
"I think this is probably going to be the highlight of my day since I'm off to have lunch with the entire family."
"Well, good luck with that."
"Thanks, I'm going to need it and more."
Tommy then marches over as the woman asks for his name.
By now, Louise is still standing behind the counter while her mother and aunt are sitting across from her. The two had come over to check in on her, and the rest of the family had heard about Lenny's current prognosis.
"So once Lynn receives more chemotherapy, they will do the bone marrow transplant?" Sarah Lynn asks for clarity.
"Pretty much," Louise quickly replies. "Dr. Saddleman said that the best match is usually someone of blood relation."
Esther takes a sip of her coffee. "Well, we will make sure that everyone in the family can get tested for strength in numbers, like my mother used to say."
"Whatever you need, we are here for you," Sarah Lynn vocalizes.
Lenny and Elijah hear various voices coming from the kitchen while they walk downstairs.
"You know it's not too late for us to sneak out of here," Lenny says half-jokingly.
"It's going to be all right," he tells her.
The two invade the kitchen causing the Saunders women to witness the younger woman and her boyfriend.
She trades hugs with her great aunt and grandmother as Louise makes them their breakfast plates.
Esther looks at the time on the large wall clock. "I need to get to the airport. I'm meeting Steven there so we can fly out together for Evan's graduation."
The two will attend Steven's son's elementary school graduation in Orlando, Florida and plan to spend time with him.
"I can't believe Evan is going to middle school already," Sarah Lynn says of her great-nephew.
"Do you want to eat upstairs so you can lie down?" Louise queries.
Lenny shakes her head, knowing this is one of the reasons why she doesn't want her family to know how the symptoms of chemo are making her feel because she doesn't want to be seen as vulnerable. "Mom, I'm fine, and anyway, I will be going to the hospital more times than I can count. I just want one day not to be treated like someone in a bubble, okay?"
"I understand," Louise finally says.
Sarah Lynn and Esther share looks of concern as Elijah places his arm around his girlfriend.
Sean and Tricia are now both on their feet, conversing about the latest surrounding Lenny.
"I know how much this is killing you, Sean."
Sean moves his head to confirm her statement.
"For years, Lenny and I have been bumping heads, and now... I'm hearing words from her doctor like bone marrow and time being of the essence."
As much as Tricia wants to console him by hugging him, she decides to remain still. "Well, if there is anything I can do," she offers.
"Thanks, but the reason I stopped by is to give you these."
He passes her the small stack of documents, which become familiar as she goes through their divorce papers.
"You signed them?"
"It took me the longest to get around to it, not because I think we can salvage things between us but because I couldn't handle the fact that another marriage, I'm in failed. But I realize life is too damn short, so my John Hancock is on them."
Tricia lifts her head from the papers. "I know it isn't easy, but we can finally move on with our lives." She then sets the documents on the coffee table.
"You gave me my firstborn son, and even though his life with us was short, I will always love you for bringing him into this world." Sean imparts
The two glare emotionally at one another at the mention of their baby son, Dylan, who died of SIDS. His death, on top of his growing closer to his ex-wife, contributed to the demise of their four-year marriage.
"Not all memories of us were terrible," she reveals wistfully.
Sean moves toward the door as Tricia follows him.
"And I'll stop by one day next week to get the rest of my things to put in storage."
He exits the apartment as Tricia shuts the door barrier between them, wanting to gather herself emotionally before partaking in the errands she needs to run today.
Deirdre's hope to reconstitute the Covington's doesn't go as planned.
Samuel and Aaliyah commiserate.
Martha and SJ spend the day with Murray.
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