Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 26. 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
On the same day, as she heard more "voices," Jordan overheard Tommy telling Max that if Tanner wasn't dating Presley, he would still be pursuing her. Tommy did his best to comfort her, yet she was still in an emotional state.
Daniel is determined to drive Jordan out of her mind, so she'll have no choice but to leave without Jeremy.
Shauna became ill and wondered if she was pregnant.
Jacques flirted with Courtney, unaware of her relationship with Emma.

Jordan McKnight once imagined spending Christmas at Home Farm, where she imagined a towering tree with tasteful decor and several presents underneath it. She anticipated a roaring fire in the fireplace. But more importantly, she anticipated spending Christmas with her son for the first time after spending his first over a thousand miles away in King's Bay, Washington, battling her postpartum depression.
Now, in a way, it seems she is still dealing with her mental issues, but with hardly any relief, not to mention she finds herself in this undescribed fog that refuses to lift. Although, she has to wait until she speaks with Dr. Toussaint in the new year. She doesn't have anyone she can confide in who would understand.
Andrea Bocelli and his family's soothing vocals envelop the atmosphere as their version of "Do You Hear What I Hear?" plays through the Sonos speakers.
So, this evening, Jordan is on a loveseat as the Covington family is all together near the tree, waiting for dinner to be ready.
By the tree, Tommy Covington is holding Jeremy, dressed impeccably in a blue blazer, button-front shirt, and pants.
"Is it just me, or does he get even more handsome every time I see him," Courtney Covington Sullivan says of her nephew. She stands across from Tommy while her husband, Steven Sullivan, stands beside her.
"He is a charmer, that's for sure," Tommy replies matter of factly.
Courtney exchanges a silent glance with her husband. "I wonder where he gets that from?" she sarcastically remarks.
"I hungry!" the one-year-old announces
His declaration makes the three of them laugh.
"It sounds like he says what is on his mind, too," Steven proclaims.
"Well, that means he can survive being in this family," Tommy states half-jokingly.
Despite the Covington's' wealth and prestige, it is sometimes necessary to speak up to be heard, especially for a family like their own.

Jordan is miles away in thought when she hears a familiar-sounding voice more or less calling out to her.
She looks up to see Shauna Covington dressed tastefully in a black pleated blouson-sleeve mini dress. Her long, dark hair is in a sleek ponytail, and her makeup goes well with her luminous complexion.
"You, okay?"
"Yeah," Jordan lies. "I always imagined living in a huge home, but I didn't expect it to be like this."
Tommy's sister-in-law nods respectfully.
"I get it," she replies amicably. "It takes a while to get used to living in a huge estate, especially if you aren't used to the lifestyle."
Shauna speaks from being the granddaughter of the local bar owner who worked her way up from nothing to not only marrying into the wealthiest in town but into a career she long aspired to.
Jordan finds herself moving her head, unable to tell her that she hears voices in her head that make her doubt her mind. On top of finding out you were being used by your child's father sexually because he is still hung up over his ex because God knows why?
"Look, I know we barely know one another, but if you need to talk, I'm here," she says supportively.
"Yeah, maybe I will take you up on that," Jordan says nonchalantly,

Daniel Covington is near the flickering fireplace. He is taking in his family while sipping some of his scotch. He focuses on Jordan, who looks bewildered, which is what he wants.
Deirdre Covington strolls over to her firstborn in an emerald, green jacquard mini shirtdress with matching pumps.
"Hopefully, by next Christmas, Jordan McKnight will not be under this roof." She subtly hints
Daniel sips his alcoholic beverage once more.
"I'm still working on it, mother,"
The wealthy widow casually glares at the young woman. "Well, you need to work harder because girls like that are hard to get rid of."
"Her departure from this house without Jeremy will be a belated gift to us all," Daniel states
"Better wrap it up soon or else," Deirdre says warningly.
The longtime family housekeeper and Daniel's co-conspirator, Gabriella steps into the room,
"Dinner will now be served in the dining room."
Most of the family heads into the other room while Shauna heads over to Max Covington, who spots her smiling mysteriously.
"Hey, I saw you; talking to Jordan; is she okay?" he asks his wife.
Shauna displays her response upon her face first.
"I don't think so," she replies to him. "But I did tell her if she needed another ear, I wouldn't mind."
Max changes the subject.
"Am I responsible for that smile?" he asks suggestively.
She places her arms around her husband.
"I have another present for you."
Max's eyebrows lift like they do when he is intrigued.
"The new skis and the travel guide weren't enough?"
She unabashedly smirks at him.
"I'll tell you later."
They head into the dining quarters for dinner.

The lively rock and roll arrangement of "Carol of the Bells" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra gives the home an extra ounce of exuberance after another top-notch holiday meal has been consumed.
Jordan wasn't feeling up to eating much but ate enough so she wouldn't feel like crap.
She is now by the fireplace looking at the flames when she feels a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch,
"Oh, my god!" she exclaims. "Don't do that!" when she sees the person who made her heart almost jump out of her body.
"Sorry," Tommy tells her meaningfully. "How are you doing?"
Jordan tucks some of her blonde hair behind her ears.
"Well, I'm surprised you even noticed me," she remarks sarcastically.
Tommy shakes his head, knowing she's still upset about him confessing to Max about pursuing Tanner if she wasn't dating Jordan's reverend brother, Presley.
"Look, I can't take back what I said about Tanner," he confesses.
"But I do care about you, and honestly, I'm worried about you."
The young man has noticed her inconsistent moods lately, not to mention her seeming more anxious than usual.
"Whatever," she says lowly.
Tommy gathers enough breath to exhale before asking the next question.
"Jordan, are you still going to therapy?"
She gazes at Tommy with such intensity.
"Fuck you!"
By now, their interaction had attracted spectators, including Emma and Courtney.
"Calm down," he tells her straightforwardly, albeit with some impatience.
"If you don't mind, I'm going to put my son to bed," Jordan proclaims.
She marches out of the room, leaving Tommy more bewildered than before.

"Who knew Tommy's baby momma would provide us with the evening entertainment?" Emma Covington sneers as she clutches her glass of champagne.
Courtney takes a drink of her champagne, taking the incident more seriously."Can you at least pretend to be just for today, Emma, and be civil?"
The Covington heiress rolls her eyes at her niece.
"Oh, come on, Courtney, where is your sense of humor?" she queries. "Don't tell me it's still with Jacques."
The Frenchman had flirted with Courtney which she told her aunt. Already wanting him out of her life, Emma had dinner with him to try to persuade him to leave but he's still in Radcliffe, and her relationship with Will is strained because of it.
"Very funny," she replies dryly. "But I should point out to you that I wasn't the one who mentioned Jacques Laurent," she says
Emma takes a hearty sip of her drink.
"Does your husband know about your brief flirtation?"
Courtney places her champagne flute on top of the mantel.
"That is none of your concern,"
Despite Courtney telling Steven, she wants nothing but honesty in her marriage, she figures telling him this would benefit anything. Besides, she is still deeply in love with her husband and no one else.
Emma scoffs as if she is about to challenge her again when the loud sound of footsteps departing from the staircase suddenly gets their attention.
Jordan stops on the last step of the stairs.
"Where's Jeremy?" she asks urgently.
She can see looks from others ranging from confusion to alarm.
"What's going on?" Daniel asks her.
"Jeremy is not upstairs in his room."
Deirdre places her perfectly manicured hand on the side of her hip. "Sweetheart, there are ten other rooms in this house; I'm sure he didn't get too far."
Tommy moves forward toward his child's mother.
"Well, I'm going to look around upstairs."
"I' check down here," Max says.
"I go with you," Deirdre is probably right; he couldn't have made it that far," Steven responds.
Max, Steven, and Courtney follow one another.
Daniel pulls out his iPhone from his blazer pocket, which he quickly dials.
"Yes, this is Daniel Covington... My grandson Jeremy Covington is missing." He urgently informs. "Please be on the lookout for him."
He ends the call while putting the device back into his blazer pocket.
"Okay, I alerted security, so that covers the entire estate."
"I'm sure he'll be found soon," Shauna says assumingly.
"I hope you're right, Shauna," Daniel replies to his daughter-in-law.

Sometime later, Tommy and Jordan stride down the stairs without their son.
"Where in the hell can he be?" Tommy muses aloud.
Jordan remains silent because she believes she cannot protect her own son, despite what the voices in her head have told her.
Tears began to stream down her cheek.
Tommy at first tries his best not to tell her to get a grip, but knowing how delicate she is right now, he comforts her by hugging her.
"It's going to be all right," he says reassuringly.
She holds her head against his chest for a few seconds before letting go when she hears Max and Steven enter the living room.
"I didn't have any luck," Max says apologetically.
"Neither did I," Steven says, nodding.
"Oh God!" Jordan exclaims. "Where is he, Tommy?"
No one else replies when the reverberating noise of the front door opens.
When they see Gabriella holding Jeremy's tiny hand as she leads them inside the mansion, they all rush to the foyer.
Relief washes over them all, especially Jordan, as she kneels to embrace him tightly.
She then pulls back, trying to notice any signs of him getting hurt.
"Where was he?" Tommy asks Gabriella directly.
"I found him at the estate's entrance," she clarifies. "Somehow, he must've gotten outside."
Daniel, Courtney, Deirdre, Shauna, and Emma were now present.
"Someone must've let one of the doors open," Daniel verbally accuses.
"Is he okay?" Deirdre asks sincerely
Jordan shakes her head while she picks up her son. His beautiful bluish-gray eyes fill with confusion. His cheeks were flushed from the cold.
"He looks fine to me," Tommy confirms. "You gave us a scare," he says, and then plants a kiss on his cheek.
Daniel clears his throat and folds his arms.
"Tommy, Jordan, I think it's best you put him to sleep." he advises.
"Yeah, but I'm going to stay with him until he goes to sleep," Jordan says determinedly.
The parents make their way up the grand staircase.
A sense of peacefulness spreads throughout the house now.

Twenty minutes later, Steven and Courtney had gone home. Max stands by the tall tree, sparking with the state-of-the-art lights as the fireplace gives off one last flame.
The businessman sees Shauna when he turns around.
"Thank God Jeremy was found safe and sound," his wife comments positively. "I'm sure tomorrow he won't remember any of this."
Max indicates his agreement by moving his head.
"I've never seen Tommy that scared before," he replies frankly. "I suppose fatherhood makes you that way."
Shauna softly exhales before she says what she needs to say.
"I guess there is no better time to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
"Max, I'm pregnant," she notifies him. "You're going to be a father,"
At first, Max is taken aback by his wife's announcement.
"How?" he asks incredulously.
Shauna chuckles while the two find themselves sitting on the couch she had picked out, especially when she decorated the house many years ago.
"I think you know how."
"When did it happen?"
"I think it was that day we were both here, and I was glad you decided to take a break from work,"
Max's facial expression becomes more serious.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm doing much better now," she answers positively. "But I noticed something was up when I was getting nauseous and dizzy, so I went to the hospital, where Dr. Jamison confirmed that I'm pregnant. I'm around nine weeks."
She notices he isn't saying anything.
"How do you feel about this? I know we talked about having children, but we never really set a timetable. I hope you aren't mad about it."
"Why would I be mad?" Max questions her. "It's unexpected, but I'm happy."
"You are?"
"Yeah," he answers guilelessly. "I love you," Max says to her endearingly while he holds her.
"I love you too," Shauna repeats joyously.
The two remain close together while they bask in their news.

In his second-floor home office, sitting behind his desk, Daniel hears a knock on the door.
"It's me,"
"Enter," he permits.
Gabriella walks inside the office humbly.
"If I'm not speaking out of turn, sir," the housekeeper says. "I think your plan went well,"
Daniel puts his hands together methodically.
"I think so as well,"
Daniel pulled Gabriella aside after she announced that dinner was ready to have her take Jeremy outside until he contacted her to bring him back in.
"A part of me does not like using my grandson," he confesses. "However, time is not on our side to get that selfish golddigger out of the lives of my son and grandson, so I will do anything to see that come to fruition."
Radcliffe celebrate New Year's!
Tanner questions her next step with Presley.
Jai takes the next step.