Written by: Bre L. Drew
December 16, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Sean declares that once he and Tricia get divorced, he and Louise will get back together. Nonetheless, Louise voiced her misgivings.
Will didn't believe Emma when she told him about Jacques impersonating a massage therapist so he could make his move on her. Emma also struggled with her growing attraction to her former fiance.
Shauna struggled with the new reality of Max's paralysis.
Martha wasn't pleased to see her ex, Murray Hirsch, who is also SJ's father, for the first time in five years. He told her he wanted to meet his son, which she strongly vetoed.

Hearing knocking on the door, Sean Lockhart dashes out of his bedroom in the fourth-floor apartment, having a pretty good idea of who it is on the other side.
Once he confirmed it was who he thought it was, his lips spread into a smile of satisfaction while he let the person inside and then closed the door behind them.
"Hey, I got your text. What's up?" Louise Saunders Lockhart asks her ex-husband.
She had received a message from him stating she needed to come over. Since this is where he lives with his wife, she never made it a point to drop by since she knew Tricia wouldn't take it too kindly to see her here.
"This," he cites.
Sean instantly pulls her into him with his hands around her waist.
Still with her coat on and her purse still on her arm, Louise doesn't shield her bewilderment. "What are you doing?"
But Sean leans in to press his lips onto hers. Though Louise pulls back, taken aback by her action,
"Sean, what in the hell are you doing? Tricia could've seen us."
"She and her mother left about ten minutes ago for the mall. Jolene thinks something needs to be done to make the place look more cheerful." Sean informs her.
Louise looks around, seeing no indication of holiday decoration, perhaps due to their fractured marriage.
"I can't help but feel like a teenager sneaking behind my parents back to see my boyfriend," she confesses to him.
By now, Sean has removed the bag from her arm, put it on the kitchen countertop, and started loosening a few buttons on her coat.
"You look better than any teenage girl I knew growing up," he flirts.
"Why, thank you." she says, somewhat flattered.
Even though she had told him nothing serious would continue with them until he's officially divorced, and even though they're in the apartment he shares with her, Louise doesn't fight it this time when Sean initiates another kiss, but as it becomes more fervent, she doesn't fight it.
Yet, unknown to them, Jolene Woods entered the apartment.
"What in the world is going on here?!" The older brunette woman demands, causing the two to stop abruptly.

He'll make this December the one you'll remember
The best and the merriest you ever did have
Everybody's waiting for the man with the bag
Christmas is here again
Jessie J's upbeat pop rendition of "Man With The Bag" flows within the cafe. The early rush had significantly gone down.
Meanwhile, Will Jackson vents to his mother, sitting across from him at the table near the large window overlooking the seasonably bustling Main Street on this frigid morning.
"And then Emma, gonna tell me, nothin' happened; it's just Jacques tryin' gettin' in the way. I dunno who to believe, momma."
Mae Jackson takes a sip of her coffee from the paper cup. She doesn't venture to the cafe often, but knowing her son needed somewhere to talk, she suggested they come here.
"Well, from what you I know, I suggest you take those words with a grain of salt," Mae advises. "Have you spoken to Emma since y'all got into it?"
Will shakes his head. "Nah, I've been avoidin' her texts and been keepin' my distance from her at the club."
He knows when she usually comes into The Cliffe, so he manages to get his work done before she gets there, and when they're on the same nights, she's usually in her office while he manages to stay downstairs.
"I know somebody ain't tellin' me the truth, but how do I find out without goin' to one of them?"
Mae does her best not to lecture him while forming the statement. "How is that even possible?"
Will is about to express something else when he gets a strike of memory from his conversation with Emma in the Saunders kitchen at the farm.
"A few months ago, I went to have a massage at the spa at the Miller Inn, but this masseuse was being too damn handsy."
"So I turned around to tell him to stop, and it was Jacques. He paid off the massage therapist to try to seduce me, but nothing happened further because I got the hell out of there."
His consciousness returns to the present when he hears his mother trying to get his attention while he's already on his feet.
"I just remembered somethin' I've gotta handle," he tells her.
"Please take care," she says while he embraces her.
Will tears out of the door to go to his car while, meanwhile, inside, Mae takes another mouthful of the still-hot beverage, instinctively perceiving that what her son is taking care of involves Emma and Jacques.

Jacques Laurent strolls out of the elevator onto the third floor, where his suite is within the Miller Inn. The French shipping scion left downstairs, where he had breakfast at the hotel restaurant. He decided to treat himself since his luck had been turning around with the fact, he had enough funds courtesy of blackmailing Deirdre with her past against her.
Now, his family's company is on its way to being financially solvent again, but he has enough at his disposal.
As he makes his way down the hall, he notices a familiar figure standing outside his door.
"Were you trying to surprise me with your presence?" Jacques says it invitingly.
Emma Covington glimpses her ex-fiancé wearing a dark navy Armani suit.
She remains quiet while Jacques reaches into his pocket to use his keycard to enter his room.
"I've already eaten, but would you care for a mimosa?"
However, he receives a hard smack across his face from the woman he still desires.
"What was that for?" he asks while holding his hand on the sore cheek.
The petite brunette wearing a black elongated puffer vest moves her head, processing the response.
"What in the hell possessed you to twist what happened with us to Will?"
Jacques flashes a smirk, remembering that he embellished his past encounter with her when he had paid off the masseuse to depart so he could be alone with her. Nonetheless, he wasn't exactly forthcoming with the truth about the man she was seeing, for some reason that still perplexes him.

The outdoor speakers are playing The Boston Pops version of "Sleigh Ride" throughout the Village of Hudson Lake this morning. Every year this season, the stores open early to accommodate more business, and this year is no exception as the increased traffic occurs, including Martha Saunders and Shauna Covington crossing the street from Polka Dot to the parking lot with bags in their possession.
When they reach Martha's pickup truck, which she inherited from her late father, she quickly starts the car to get the heat going.
"Girl, thanks for coming with me. I thought I had gotten everything when I came here with my mom and Louise, but I forgot that flying orb toy SJ had been begging me for."
"No problem; it gave me an excuse to get out of the house to finally do some shopping," Shauna tells her.
Martha had invited her friend to come with her since it had been a while since the two lifelong friends had gotten together.
"How are you holding up? And please don't tell me what you think I should hear." Martha inquiries about her.
The auto mechanic commercial on the radio temporarily fills the vehicle before Shauna gathers her words.
This past year, Shauna had dealt with a miscarriage and Max's paralysis, in addition to the revelation of Daniel behind gaslighting Jordan, which factored in those fates.
"Do me wanting to be more than my husband's caregiver make me a bad person?" Shauna suddenly inquires.
Since her husband had been home, she had been taking care of him mostly since he had gotten rid of the private nurses his father initially hired for him since he's blamed him for what happened, which, in a way, she does too.
Martha turns to her with a look of concern. "Of course not," she replies. "Are things that bad between you guys?"
Shauna showcases some uncertainty. "I wouldn't say bad, but they have been better. I just wish Max wasn't so damn stubborn."
Martha raises her eyebrow at her. "I thought you liked that about your man."
"I usually do, but sometimes he's too damn stubborn for his own good."
"You can tell me to mind my business, but have you two?"
The years of friendship automatically know where the conversation is leading.
"Not for trying, though, but I think it was too soon."
Max and Shauna were in the process of having sex when it was discovered that he was impotent.
"I'm sorry, babe, but things like this sometimes don't last long. I'm sure it will work out."
Shauna hopes it does as she leans her head against the back of the seat.
"My grandmother thinks I should consider going back to work."
"Well, if Mae suggested it, I would at least think about it. I mean, she never stirred you wrong before." Martha advises.
"Besides, it's not like Daniel is running the show anymore."
Courtney is now the head of the Covington Group due to the board voting her in.
"Enough about my issues; how are things going with you?"
Martha gives a broad smile. "I have an incredible son and an understanding boyfriend who forgave me for my moment of sanity. I can't complain."
She kept the fact that she had seen her ex-fling and SJ's father, Murray Hirsch, at the music festival this summer in Nashville. However, the couple was able to talk it out and patch things up.
"So, you haven't heard anything from him since?"
"No, and if he knows any better, he won't," Martha says confidently.
Murray had told Martha that he wanted to meet his son, which Martha is against due to him not showing any care about him, recalling how he had told her after she told her she was pregnant five years ago. What was he supposed to do? And since then, she knew she would be raising her son alone.
"You know what? How about we get out of here and grab some brunch?"
"All right," Shauna says in agreement.
Both women put their seatbelts on, and then Martha backs the truck out of the spot.

Before either of them could reason with her, Jolene was already sauntering to them determinedly.
"Does my daughter know that you're using your home as some kind of lover's lane to hook up with other women?" she says heatedly.
Louise exchanges looks of bafflement with Sean, who remains speechless as well.
"Cat got your tongue, huh?" Jolene demands. "Or does your blonde slut speak for you?"
"Excuse me?" Louise finally comments.
"Jolene," Sean says in an explanatory manner.
"Don't you have any shame?" she asks them.
"Hey, what's going on?" Tricia Lockhart interjects. The cafe manager steps inside wearing a slate gray wool blend wrap coat and dark jeans, while her hair is in a sleek ponytail. "I can hear you shouting when I come off the elevator."
Although it doesn't take long for Tricia to see who her mother is getting hostile towards as she sees the mortified looks on her husband's and his ex-wife's faces,
"I was taking your so-called husband to task for carrying on an affair behind your back," Jolene tells her.
"I gave you the key so you could change your shoes, not to become Jessica Fletcher."
The two were in the car when Jolene realized she wanted to select different footwear.
Not wanting to get into the truth about the state of her crumbling marriage in front of Louise, even though she's partly the reason why it's that way, she finds herself grabbing her mother's hand. "Forget the shoes; let's go. I'll buy you a new pair."
Jolene turns to her daughter with incredulous contempt. "Baby Doll, please don't let this man get away with this."
"Baby doll?" Louise mouths out to Sean, who shrugs. She stares vaguely at the younger woman. "Now that I think about it, you look familiar. Have we met?"
"Call it an early Christmas present," Tricia adds.
With enough force, she manages to drag her mother out of the apartment.
Sean and Louise overhear the older woman, which makes Sean shake her head while Louise covers her hand over her face, only feeling less tension when the sound of the door shuts.
Louise removes her hand from her eyes. "Oh my god!" she repeats. "I feel like the teenage girl who got caught with the boy her parents forbade her to see. But it's ten times worse."
"I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen."
Louise obtains her purse from the counter. "I know I don't usually value signs, but if there ever was one, that was it! And that is why nothing else physical will occur until that ring is officially off your hand."
Sean nods to her, though a part of him wants to grab her and never let her go, but the sincerity in her voice and what just took place make him want to change it.
"I better get going. I have some errands to run for the tree trimming."
Every year, the Saunders family has a tree trimming celebration, though this year, they will do it on Christmas day.
"If I don't see you before I leave for my parents, Merry Christmas, Louise."
Sean will spend the holiday with his parents and brother Johnny in his hometown of Bowling Green.
He then lowers himself to give the woman he loves a peck on her forehead.
"Merry Christmas, Sean," Louise says meaningfully.
He follows behind her as she shows herself out.

Since the Miller Inn isn't typically a place he frequents, he asked a bellman in the lobby to direct Will to the spa. Finding his way, he goes to the area where he goes to the front desk.
"Hello, do you have an appointment booked with us today?" The stocky white guy in his late thirties, wearing black scrubs with Miller Inn stitched on the right side of the shirt, asks him.
Will stifles laughter at the thought of him ever going to a spa willingly.
"Nah, but I got a question ask you, though, were you or anyone else workin' here on duty a couple of months ago?"
The guy nods, unsure where this guy is getting at with this inquiry.
"I was. What is this about?" the guy remarks suspiciously.
Will takes out his phone from his jacket pocket. "Would you have seen this woman then?
The spa employee scans the image of Emma taken recently in her office at The Cliffe.
"I remember her, she came in for the aromatherapy; she was supposed to be my client." He taps his fingers onto the desk surface, like he's keeping something from him.
"Did a tall guy talkin' like Pepé Le Pew come through, offering you a little somethin', somethin' in return?"
A female worker in the same black uniform comes out of the rooms with a balding guy in his fifties. The two remain silent until they're away from them.
"C'mon, now I ain't tryin' to get you in trouble with ya job, but that guy can't take a hint about messin' with my girl, and I know he lives here, so can you tell me if he was here on that day?"
The guy scratches the back of his head like he's contemplating. "But this is just between you and me," he pleads. "He paid me $100 if I let him into her room."
Will slightly nods while putting his phone back into his jacket pocket, satisfied with the information he received.
"Thanks, man,"
"Yeah," the worker says; his voice clearly sounds like he wants this conversation to end.
Will exits, proceeding to take care of another situation on deck.

"I think it's quite obvious why you came here," Jacques says boldly.
"I came here to tell you whatever tricks you have up your overpriced sleeve, they won't get me back."
Jacques dwells on using his developing friendship with Emma's niece Courtney to make her envious, knowing that she would never admit that it is.
"Of all the women I've ever been involved with,"
"From every continent, I bet," Emma insults.
"Not one of them ever made me feel the way you do," he says in a lower, softer voice. And no one can turn me on like you do."
Emma could see the lust in his eyes, which made her raise her hand to slap him again, but Jacques used his to grab her to stop her. He then leans in to mash his lips onto hers, and at first, she is about to protest, but the contact overpowers her as it is reawakening the yearning for him.
The next thing is that they're tearing off each other's clothes as they fall onto his bed, where she wraps her legs around his waist.
Jacques and Emma continue to make love.
Jordan and Ernest come to an understanding.
Someone gets the shock of their life.
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