Written by: Bre L. Drew
May 29, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Despite Tommy's confronting Daniel over his role in gaslighting Jordan, he stayed firm about his not having anything to do with it, telling him he doesn't have any evidence of his involvement.
Tommy informed Jordan of Dr. Toussaint's machinations of him overdosing her on sedatives, which caused her mental breakdown, which led Jordan to declare she was leaving town with Jeremy
Jai and Louise decided to hold off on continuing with any wedding plans due to Sean's constant presence in Louise's life.
Dr. Zhang informs Max and Shauna that he can come home soon as he deals with his new reality of being paraplegic.

At times, Tommy Covington misses the days when he could recognize the feistiness of Jordan McKnight, the young girl who would have a smart-as-hell comeback or be bold enough to flirt despite your relationship status. However, in the last year or so, that fiery personality evaporated by postpartum depression in addition to being made more mentally broken by not only her psychiatrist but Tommy's father, who managed to heavily sedate her so she would have hallucinations, all because he believes she isn't the right fit to mother their son.
So, when she announces in the room inside Stonecrest, the mental health facility where she has been receiving treatment for seventy-two hours, that when she leaves here, she is planning to take Jeremy and leave town, which further worries the young father,
"Please don't take this the wrong way," he starts. "I understand that you're nervous about getting out of here, but leaving town is not going to solve anything," Tommy states that he is trying to appeal to her rational side.
Jordan runs her hands through her long blonde hair. "I'm sorry, but did you just tell me that before my therapist shot himself to death, he was purposely drugging me to make me think I was losing my mind? Yeah, I think I need to get the hell out of this town."
Tommy tries to calm himself down by remembering what she's been through, but his impatience is growing. Yet a notification chime from his iPhone gets their attention.
Jordan stares at her suitcase near the bed as he skims at his phone.
"It's just a reminder about the upcoming shareholder meeting," he notes.
The shareholders' meeting takes place annually when the investors of the Covington Group and the high-level executives get together to be informed of the company's plans for the year ahead and address any issues. As a shareholder and a member of the founding family, he is expected to attend.
"I'm thinking of moving back to King's Bay; it's nice there, and Jeremy would love it there too. I can probably get my job back at that boutique or take some courses at KBU. But I promise you will be able to visit him anytime you want."
Jordan previously went to King's Bay, Washington, when she suffered through the worst of postpartum depression.
"I'm not letting you leave town with our son," Tommy says defensively.
Jordan smirks challengingly. "How are you going to stop me?"

On the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower located in Downtown Radcliffe, Daniel Covington is behind his desk in his expansive office suite on his iPhone.
"He pretty much has put everything together. But does not have substantial evidence that connects me to Toussaint."
The property development CEO is currently speaking to his longtime housekeeper Gabriella about his youngest son Tommy, knowing that he knows he was the one to manipulate Jordan into having a mental breakdown for her to lose custody of Jeremy to Tommy, still believing she is not capable of mothering his grandson, who is the future generation of this family. So, he blackmailed the psychiatrist into making her believe her postpartum depression had still been hindering her.
"Your involvement is the furthest thing to come out," he tells her.
Gabriella participated in the gaslighting by using a voice changer to make the young woman think she's been hearing voices.
"You have my word, Gabriella," Daniel discloses. He lifts his head when he hears a light tap on the door which follows the barrier opening as Courtney Covington Sullivan stands in the doorway, silently motioning she wants to speak with him.
"Uh, I will return your call later on," he says to the housekeeper, not wanting anyone to know what he is discussing.
He ends the call.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," his only daughter replies wearing a sepia brown sleeveless cowl-neck top and black slacks.
"I will always have time for you," the businessman notifies. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Well, I'm on my way out to have lunch with Steven, but I wanted to tell you to look out for that feasibility study I put together."
Daniel forms a countenance of confusion on his face as to what she is referring to, but now it dawns on him that she is talking about the new land they had acquired months prior.
"Oh, thanks," he says.
Courtney puts her hands on her hips. "You all right, Dad?"
"I'm fine," he responds. "Just have a few things on my mind, that is all."
"Is one of those things, Max?"
Daniel nods, thinking of how his role in the matter caused his eldest son to lose the use of his legs and the death of his first child.
"Shauna called and said that Max will be coming home from the hospital the day after tomorrow, so I'm planning to host a small celebration with family and close friends to welcome him home."
"Sounds good," Courtney says. "I know it has been rough on all of us, but I will keep up with my responsibilities as well as Max's until he's fit to come back."
She then remembers the time. "I need to get going; that study should be in your email," she informs. "And if this a bribe for me to you keep in as head of the company at the shareholder's meeting, you might have my vote." she smiles playfully.
"Have a good lunch," he tells her. "And thanks for all of the work you've been doing here. I appreciate it,"
Courtney motions her hand to him, somewhat taken aback by his complimenting her.
While she exits the room, Daniel focuses his attention on his desktop computer, deciding to get back to work. Glancing at his corporate email, he sees the study from Courtney. In addition, he also notices another message from The Law Office Of Andrews & Andrews.
"What the hell is this?" He questions aloud while clicking on it.

Don't you know that I'm still in love
(Still in love, in love with you)
Sho'nuff in love with you, yeah, hey
The distinctive vocals of Al Green come through the speaker system as "I'm Still in Love With You" is playing within the establishment this afternoon while patrons are spending their lunch hour, including Jai and Samuel Gupta, who is sitting in the booth near the bar.
"Nashville should be fun," the grocery store owner says to his son as he takes a bite of his cheeseburger.
Samuel plops a French fry into his mouth and swallows.
"It should be besides the fact that by the time the end of the summer comes, I will need a vacation since I'm covering most of Toussaint's patient load, and my calendar will be full for the foreseeable future."
He looks forward to going out of town, as his girlfriend Martha and her band are opening up at the music festival there.
"Speaking of the future, will I still be performing best man duties, or have you and Louise decided to postpone your engagement indefinitely?"
Jai takes a strong sip of his beer from the bottle before responding.
"I'm still going back and forth on that," Jai finally answers. "Don't get me wrong, I love Louise, and I want us to move forward, but if Sean is always in the picture, I don't think it's possible."
Louise's ex-husband's place in her life is one of the reasons why they aren't moving ahead with their plans for marriage; they are still heavily involved in each other's lives.
"To be honest; the same thing can be said about you and Mom. You two have gotten closer in the last year after you got divorced."
"We have," Jai answers outright. "But your mother and I don't work together, and I don't make it a habit of dropping by unannounced; on the regular either."
Samuel takes a drink of his Coke. "But didn't you name the store after you and Mom?"
J&M is an acknowledgment to him and his ex-wife since she always wanted him to go into business for himself after years of working for family members in their corner stores. Not to mention, it was during this time that he had wanted to get back together with her.
"No one can accuse you of not being objective," Jai says half-jokingly.
The psychiatrist chuckles. "Look, you two still have strong ties to Mom and Sean, but don't let that stop you from being with the person you want to be with."

Courtney makes her way inside while finding a booth. She happens to see Samuel and Jai, to whom she waves. A few seconds later, she proceeds to an empty area where she sits down, placing her purse and blazer beside her.
"How you doin'?" Antoine Hall greets the young woman.
Courtney sees her sister-in-law's former fling near her. "Hey, long time no see yourself."
"Taking a break from the grind?"
"I'm meeting my husband here, but he called me on the way here to say that he had to deal with an emergency at the Leery farm, something about one of their horses with inflamed joints."
"Mae told me that Max is comin' home," Antoine remarks.
"One thing to be grateful for,"
"Max ain't my favorite person, and I know Shauna isn't yours, but uh, please don't let her tackle all this on herself cus she is gonna try to do it."
He has known her for too long and knows she is going to be the main carer for her husband, as he is now paralyzed from the waist down, even though she went through the tragedy of losing her unborn baby.
Courtney crosses her legs. "I understand what you are saying, but Shauna is coming from a place of devotion. Maybe a few years ago, I would've had my reservations, but one thing is clear: Shauna loves my brother, but if she wants to do this, who am I or you to stop her? But I will make sure to tell her she has the rest of the family, and, if need be, we will hire a nursing staff to assist her."
Antoine bobs his head, hoping Shauna is taken care of too, since she has been through a traumatic event too.

Tommy knows he should tell her about his father being involved in her being at Stonecrest, but he isn't sure how she will take it, especially now since she wants to leave Radcliffe with Jeremy, which he is not going to let happen.
"Think of Jeremy; he's been through a lot of changes for a little boy, and I think uprooting him will do him more harm than good." he counters.
Jordan stares at him with regard. "What other choice do I have, Tommy?" she asks him. "My son will not live in constant fear like I've been in the last year. I'm his mother, and I have rights, and if I have to, I will fight in your court."
"All right," Tommy says. "Let's not say things we might not be able to take back. It's something else you need to know. I was going to keep this from you, but someone else was working with Toussaint; in fact, they were the ones who were spearheading it."
Initially, Jordan can't think of anyone who would want to cause her that much harm, though a certain conversation starts to replay in her head that took place two years ago.
What do you want?
Is it a crime to see the mother of my grandson,
Go away!
I hope you know being a new parent is not easy nor for the faint of heart.
What are you talking about?
Sleepless nights, feedings, changings, doctor appointments, it isn't easy for anyone, trust me.
I love my baby, and you will never get him.
All of the love in the world isn't going to make you a good parent.
If you don't leave right now. I will call someone to throw you out.
"Oh my god!" she exclaims after she mentally returns to the present.
"What is it?" Tommy queries
"It's Daniel, isn't it?" She replies straightforwardly. "I should've known he was doing this; even when I was pregnant, your father tried everything to separate me from Jeremy; remember, he wanted you to get full custody. He even came to my room after he was born and was having that surgery to close that hole in his heart. He convinced me that I wasn't strong enough to take care of him, and like some wounded bird, I let him do just that."
Tommy indicates with his head that she is right. "I suspected that since you had told me you had seen my dad when you came to one of your sessions. But I don't have any proof to link him to Toussaint."
"I knew it was a reason why I can't go back to Home Farm because your father might feel the need to drive me crazy again, and I refuse to be here permanently."
Tommy exhales while determining the train of thought that comes to mind."Come on, let's get out of here; there is something we need to do."
Jordan tosses him an expression of confusion. "My parents are picking me up in about forty-five minutes."
"I told my father I will protect you, and I think this might be the only way to do so."
With curiosity, Jordan reluctantly picks up her suitcase as she follows him out of the sterile room, uncertain what is happening but grateful to be leaving here.

The email in front of him is from the law office of Andrews & Andrews in Louisville, Kentucky, which he reads on screen.
He then sees a file underneath, which he selects. He then notices it is a video, but the person coming onto the screen is the last person he imagined.
It's Dr. Pierre Toussaint in his office at the hospital, at his desk.
"If you're seeing this video, it means I'm gone, but I felt compelled to tell you that I detested being blackmailed into causing harm to a patient by you. You're probably asking why I made this video."
"I don't know, but I bet you're about to tell me," Daniel says sardonically.
"I want this video as a reminder that you might've gotten what you wanted, but it's costing you. I mean, your son is now paraplegic, and your daughter-in-law miscarried your grandchild. All because you wanted to hurt a girl because you believe she's wrong to mother your grandson. You are going to have to live with that for the rest of your life. It looks like we're both in hell."
The video soon ends as his face vanishes into the darkness.
With a swift move of his hand, he places the email in the trash. Knowing this can't get back to him and knowing as long as he plays his cards right, nothing will come out of this as he will lose the respect of his children, and he won't have that.
He goes to the mini bar to fix himself a scotch. Usually, he makes a point of not drinking on the job, but in this case some scotch is needed. "I'm still here, you son of a bitch!" he declares harshly while gulping the potent liquid down.
Emma and Will are surprised by Deirdre's gesture.
Tricia rubs Louise's misfortune in her face.
Tommy and Jordan enter into an arrangement.
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