Written by: Bre L. Drew
February 27, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
Daniel informed Ernest and Thora that they all should think of the welfare of their grandson due to Jordan's "depression." But unknown to them, it is Daniel who is gaslighting her.
Sean and Tricia's marriage has been suffering with the death of their son Dylan and Sean's reaction to Louise's engagement to Jai.
Steven is still hiding the truth about Emma being biologically a Saunders from Courtney, just as he told Esther that he would.
Despite her marriage and the new baby on the way, Antoine still has feelings for Shauna.

Jordan McKnight quickly went into her bedroom after overhearing Daniel tell her parents she wasn't fit to raise her son and began packing. She wasn't sure if she could go to his room to get his things, even though he would need them where they were going,
While holding her son in one hand and putting things in the suitcase, she knew she couldn't stand by and see them try to take her son away.
Unbeknownst to her, she accidentally drops the bottle of sedatives, contributing to her paranoia due to the high dosage underneath the bed.
"Looks like we might have to do some shopping on our way to where we're going, sweetie."
Jeremy points to the suitcase. "Mama,"
"Yeah, you're going with Mama; and you're never leaving my side again," she says wholeheartedly.

Thora McKnight is followed by her ex-husband Ernest McKnight inside the rectory where she lives with their reverend son after leaving the Home Farm Estate, where they were told Jordan's mental health isn't improving despite therapy because she now appears to be hearing voices and lost track of Jeremy on Christmas day. Ernest told Daniel to keep them in touch if anything drastic occurred with their daughter.
"Ernest, please don't tell me you believe this," Thora says objectionably. "Our daughter may have her faults, but she would never endanger her son's life; you saw how she is with him; she wouldn't hurt a hair on the beautiful boy's head."
The police chief exhales before responding. "She also was abrasive with me at the cafe, and I think we should be cautious about this," he rebuts. "I mean, she does have a history of being unstable."
The McKnight matriarch puts her coat on the rack near the door, recalling how she wanted him to repair his relationship with her; Jordan wasn't keen on that and lashed out on him.
"Well, I'm not ready to put our daughter in some mental hospital, and anyway, I wanted to see how she was doing."
Ernest sticks his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Daniel said she was sleeping."
Thora raised an eyebrow in uncertainty, not exactly buying his claim, as she wanted to see if her daughter needed more professional help.
Footsteps descend from the staircase, and the two look to see their son, Presley McKnight, who has heard their voices from upstairs. "What's going on?" he asks.
The former spouses give each other a glare of unsureness.
"Well, I better get back to the station, but I'll call you later."
Ernest tips his head to his son, with whom he doesn't have the best relationship, and walks out the door.
"Okay, what's that all about?" the reverend questions his mother.

Tricia Lockhart enters The Waterfall, and she is hit with the expressive beats of the classic instrumental song "Soulful Strut" by Young-Holt Unlimited, playing this evening as customers populate the establishment. Mae Jackson called to tell her that Sean had too much to drink and needed a ride home. So that's why she's here, making her way over to the bar, where Mae stands behind the bar, nursing a beer while her husband sits across from her.
Mae gives Tricia an apologetic glance. "He's had a few too many; I couldn't let him get behind the wheel."
The cafe manager gestures with her head that she gets it as she faces her husband.
"Tricia, what are you doin' here?" he asks while slurring his words.
"We've got to get you out of here before you embarrass yourself," Tricia retorts.
"I can't do shit right, can I?" he says to her as he tries to get up from his seat but stumbles back some.
Tricia finds herself having to grab him by putting her arm around him to get out of the bar.
By now, Antoine Hall comes behind the bar after clearing off an empty booth toward the back.
"How did that go?" he asks his boss and surrogate maternal figure about his friend, who had to escort her husband out of there.
"About just as you expect any other person coming to get their drunken spouse."
"They have been through a lot in the last few months." Antoine exhales emphatically.
Sean and Tricia unexpectedly lost their infant son Dylan to SIDS last November. And since then, the grief has taken its toll on the couple.
"I wouldn't wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy," Mae remarks candidly.
Antoine nods while he gets back to work as the manager.

Steven Sullivan and Courtney Covington Sullivan make their way inside. When the veterinarian sees Mae behind the bar, he decides to go over to her as Courtney goes to reserve a table.
"It's been a long time; no see," Mae says to her best friend's son. "What brings you by this evening?"
"Well, I finally persuaded that wife of mine to put her work aside and have a meal out with yours truly."
For several months now, Courtney has been in charge of the hotel ballroom renovation. Work had taken priority; however, Steven decided they needed one night to themselves, hence their being here.
"You're a good man," Mae says reasonably. "Well, don't worry about anything. We'll make sure you two have a good night."
"I appreciate that," he says gratefully.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bar, Antoine sat across from Courtney at the table, where he filled her in on what occurred with Sean and Tricia, knowing she would want to know about their mutual friend.
"They are really going through a lot right now, aren't they?" Courtney mentions.
"Tell me bout it," Antoine responds. "And I know it's tough on our girl, you know how she is; she'll tell you she's fine, but we know she isn't."
The two were also there when baby Dylan passed away, and they saw firsthand how both Sean and Tricia were devastated when the paramedics pronounced him dead.
Courtney nods in agreement, knowing all too well Tricia's lack of vulnerability. "Hopefully, they're able to work it out and actually take the time to do so, and it makes me realize that getting out of the house and away from my responsibilities to spend the evening with my husband will be beneficial to us." Courtney depicts. "That is probably why Max whisked Shauna away for the weekend."
The mention of his ex-lover and husband makes Antoine more conscious of the conversation. "Where did they go?"
Courtney puts her menu aside. "To a cabin in the woods," she says nonchalantly.
Antoine refrains from saying that white people would do some shite like that, as he already has to try to get over his feelings for Shauna as she and Max are having a baby, but it's hard for him to do so as he has loved her for many years.
"Good for them," he manages to articulate.

Sean manages to get into their fourth-floor apartment with little assistance from Tricia as she closes the door behind them. He makes it over to the couch in the small living room.
Tricia saunters her way towards him after having driven him home after picking him up from The Waterfall. It seems more recent; he's been going there to drink.
"All right," she says. "I've had enough,"
"Had enough of what?" he asks. "Me?"
Tricia shakes her head, refusing to let him make himself the martyr. "Yeah, something like that," she remarks sarcastically. "Look, I know we've been going through hell with everything that has happened, but you getting tipsy is where I draw the line."
Sean showcases a glare that represents astonishment. "I'm surprised you came to get me since we all know that when I try to be there, you act as if I'm some goddamn annoyance you're sick of."
Some time ago, Sean had come to the cafe to check on his wife, even though she had to work. She wished he would get the hint to leave her alone, and she didn't need him looking over her shoulder.
Tricia can feel her frustration rising. "You're making an ass out of yourself because you can't handle Louise moving on with her life with someone else."
In addition to his grief, he hadn't taken the news of his first wife getting married, as he is still close to her.
"She's twice the woman you'll ever be!" Sean exclaims with a satisfied grin.
"You're an asshole when you're drunk," Tricia declares vehemently.
Sean stretches out his legs on the couch as the brunette walks toward their room, leaving her husband on the couch for the rest of the night.

Tommy Covington had been finishing up some work for one of his college courses when he noticed it was later than he thought, as he had been in his room most of the evening. He at least wanted to say good night to his son.
Tommy opens the door to Jeremy's nursery, where he expects him to be fast asleep in his crib, but when he steps inside, not only is the light on, but when he gets to the crib, he isn't there. He walks into the hallway, wondering if Jordan is with him in her room because he can't sleep, and it also makes him think about how worried he has been about her, wondering if her therapy has been helpful as it appears she hasn't improved with her mental health.
Nonetheless, when he knocks on Jordan's door, he finds it unlocked, and as he enters, neither she nor their son are in there. In fact, the top of her dresser has been mostly cleaned off.
Tommy is about to leave when he sees something under the bed that catches his eyes as he notices part of the bedspread is uneven. When he gets on his knees, he notices an orange bottle he obtains as he reads it, he becomes more suspicious as he notices it is prescribed by Dr. Pierre Toussaint the same psychiatrist, he has his doubts about. For now, he puts it in his pants pocket.
"What the hell?!" he says to himself, wondering where his son and the mother of his child are.
Tommy goes back into the hall, where this time he sees his father walking towards his office.
"Dad!" he calls out to him.
The older man turns to see his younger son with anguish on his face. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Have you seen Jordan or Jeremy?"
Daniel shakes his head, telling the truth. "No, I haven't," He answers straightforwardly. "What is going on, son?"
"I'm not sure, but I think Jordan took Jeremy."
Daniel puts a reassured hand on his son's shoulder. "Don't worry, we will find them,"
Honestly, Daniel isn't aware of what is occurring here, but he hopes this will be the wake-up call that everyone needs to see that Jordan is an unfit mother.

Steven couldn't help but smile at his wife as they finished their meal.
"Do I have something in my teeth?" Courtney asks him about it when she notices him.
He shakes his head intently. "No, I'm just happy we're together tonight, that's all."
She puts out her hand, which he caresses. "I am too."
Then he realizes he's still keeping the truth about Emma from her—that she's biologically his aunt as well, as a result of his grandfather Jimmy's affair with Courtney's grandmother Deirdre over thirty years ago. Yet he promised his mother he wouldn't tell anyone, knowing the devastation it would cause for both their families.
Courtney's iPhone rings, which rips Steven out of his thoughts.
"Hello," she replies over the din of activity around them. "Where could she have gone?" she immediately asks with urgency. "Everything is going to work out," she says to the other person on the line. "We're on our way now." She soon ends the call with the din of activity around them.
"What's going on?" Steven questions his wife.
Courtney places her phone inside her purse. "That was Tommy; apparently Jordan abducted Jeremy," she apprises him. "We have to get to Home Farm."
With that, Steven places the amount of cash on the table as the two race out of the bar to the parking lot, which, from behind the bar, Antoine and Mae see.
"Wonder what that was all about?" Mae states curiously
Antoine shrugs. "I dunno, but whatever it is, it must be serious."

Thankfully, no one was in sight when Jordan and Jeremy left the mansion, and she got into her blue Mini Cooper and took off from the property without being seen.
"For now, on, it's just going to be the two of us," she says to her son, who is in the backseat in his car seat, while "I Wish You Roses" by Kali Uchis plays on the stereo.
Jordan sings while steering the vehicle onto the road, heading towards the highway.
Ooh, never thought I would be without you
I wish you, love, I wish you well
Friends and family come together for Tommy.
Jeremy wanders off.
A tragedy occurs.