Written by : Bre L. Drew
May 17, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Last October, Steven proposed to Courtney in Oahu, which she lovingly accepted,
Daniel offered to upstart Jordan's modeling career, in exchange she would sign over her parental rights and leave town when the baby is born.
Will was ready to start work as the new manager of Emma's new nightclub. However, Daniel found out he was part of the business and refused to let Emma get access to her trust fund, so she wouldn't be able to work with him.

Courtney Covington glides down the grand staircase of the Home Farm estate. She then saunters towards the front door where she opens it, she grins excitingly at the particular individual on the other side of the threshold.
Steven Sullivan smiles at his fiancée, who is wearing a long blue satin blue robe. As he enters the mansion, the two do not waste time embracing in one another's arms.
"It's so good to see you," Courtney tells him. "How was Orlando?" How is Evan?"
Steven had gone to Florida to visit his eight-year-old son Evan who lives down there with his mother Lorraine, who is also Steven's ex-wife. He had wanted to spend some time with his child since he is on summer vacation.
"Orlando is very humid, and Evan has grown so much since the last time I had FaceTime with him," he responds
"Lorraine?" Courtney asks somewhat indifferent.
She still recalls over two years ago, when her father had lured her to come to break them up. Though at the eleventh hour Lorraine had confessed to them which had resulted in Courtney moving out temporarily.
Steven still has both of his muscular arms around her petite frame. "She is doing all right, believe it or not, she has a new boyfriend named Mateo who is a teacher at the performing arts school where Lorraine also teaches."
Courtney doesn't shield her surprise of hearing that since she always thought his former wife still held a torch for him.
He kisses her upon the lips again. "Are we alone?"
"Yes, we are,"
The two of them remain caressing about one another. And then Steven swoops Courtney in his arms. She laughs carelessly while he carries them both upstairs to her bedroom.

Inside his office, on the twentieth floor of the Covington Tower. Daniel Covington is sitting behind his desk on his iPhone finishing an important conversation.
"The sooner it will be sent out, the better,"
He looks up to see his youngest son walking into the room.
"Thank you again, Frederick,"
Daniel ends the call now giving his full attention to Tommy.
Tommy Covington takes a seat in the chair in front of the desk. "Who is getting sued now?"
He heard his father mentioning Frederick Pyne, who is the family's longtime attorney.
"Tommy, this matter has to do with you and Jordan." Daniel notifies

"You're kidding me?" those were the first few words, Tricia Lockhart emitted to her good friend Jordan McKnight who told her about Tommy taking her to her doctor's appointment at the hospital due to her car breaking down. He only stayed with her during the sonogram too. The ladies were sitting across from one another in the kitchenette; inside the fourth-floor apartment, Tricia resides with her husband Sean, who is gone to work.
Jordan takes a sip of her orange juice. "I know what you're thinking, and no, I haven't forgotten about everything he has put me through. But when he was with me, it seemed like he was sorry."
Tricia takes a strong taste of her coffee stopping herself from rolling her eyes in the back of her head.
"And he had called someone out to fix my car, turns out all it needed was a new battery," Jordan says
Usually, her father would take care of her vehicle issues. But since Ernest forced her out of the house due to her being uncooperative about giving up her baby for adoption.
Tricia grips the handle of her mug as the steam from her coffee rises. "I got to ask you this, so please don't get mad at me, but what are your plans after you have this baby, Jordan?"
The young woman sets her glass aside and sighs exasperatedly. "Obviously, I won't be going back to the hallowed halls of Sampson U anytime soon."
Jordan is due this summer and has decided to stay home with her baby as a result of having no one to look after him or her when the fall semester begins.
Tricia moves some of her hair behind her ears. "That's a start, but Tommy does not want anything to do with this child. How are you going to financially support this child on your own?"
"I'll get a part-time job, and I have some savings in my bank account," Jordan replies. "Tommy and I will work it out, okay,"
"All, I'm saying is that this baby will be here before you know it. You can't just live on assumptions. And let's not forget Daniel Covington wanting your child to be raised without any involvement from you." Tricia states boldly
Daniel has been adamant about having his son's offspring be raised without Jordan in its life, believing she will be a mess of a mother.
"Odds are you'll be raising this child on your own," Tricia reveals
The pregnant youngster stands out of her seat she then seizes her purse and keys off the countertop. She shuffles over to the coat rack to grab her green cardigan. "I thought you were my friend."
Tricia remains seated. "That is why I'm being honest with you. I'm trying to get you to see your reality, whether you want to or not. Just because Tommy decided to do the bare minimum, it does not make him the father of the year and this baby isn't going to make him leave Tanner for you, Jordan."
Jordan gives one last parting look to her friend before taking off slamming the door behind her.
Tricia pinches the bridge of her nose, hating how that scene just played out.

Will Jackson strolls into the house which has become a home for him for the last several weeks since he left his home after falling out with his mother over her firing him from The Waterfall because he purposely locked Antoine out of the bar. He locates the cooler on the floor in the kitchen near the door where he obtains a bottle of water. Will takes a drink of the refreshing liquid. Wiping beads of sweat off his forehead, groaning at the thought of him being a farmhand for longer than he anticipated. As the deal with managing the club, Emma wanted to open fell through because her brother is unwilling to let her gain access to her own money. As well as him thinking he is trash considering him being responsible for his niece being kidnapped last year. He takes another mouthful of water when he sees another person who doesn't care for him steps into the room.
"Taking a break?" Martha Saunders asks
"I told Sean that I was, so you don't gotta worry bout me cutting out from working."
Martha rotates her eyes as she goes to the refrigerator to grab a can of Coke Zero. "Will, I was just making conversation, I promise I don't have any ulterior motives to get you in trouble. "And technically, I can fire you, if I wanted to.”
Martha had inherited shares of the dairy farm when her father passed away last March.
"Sorry, I'm just aggravated that's all."
"What about? if you don't mind me asking?"
The farmhand moves closer to the flat surface where Martha is sitting at. "I thought I had another j-o-b lined up turns out it fell through."
Martha takes a drink of the soda. "That sucks, I know what that is like," she replies. "When I was living in L.A. I thought the next gig would be my ticket to something better but for me, it usually meant another stumble."
"You get it," Will says surprisingly.
"Yeah, I do,"
The two of them gaze at one another silently for a matter of seconds.
"Will, I'm sure something will work out," Martha says assuredly.
"From your lips," he says
"And the quicker you get on your feet the quicker you'll be out of here," Martha says jokingly.
"You would like that wouldn't you?" Will states good-heartedly.

With their items of clothing strewn onto the floor of Courtney's bedroom upstairs in the mansion. Steven and Courtney are in her queen-size bed post-coital after having passionate sex with each other. She has her head on his firm tanned chest as the two of them are naked underneath the sheets.
"In merely seven months, we will officially become husband and wife," Courtney says
The two are set to get married on Christmas Eve with their friends and family present.
Steven is holding his fiancée's hand tenderly. "It'll be here before you know it,"
"Which is why I hired one of the top wedding coordinators from New York to assist in planning for our big day," she informs
"I wouldn't have expected nothing less," he chortles. "Are you still serious about us getting married at First Street Methodist?"
Courtney had told him she wanted them to marry in the church which took him for a shock because neither one of them are particularly religious.
She lifts her head off his him, swinging her long brown hair. "I know but one of the things both of our families have in common is several generations said their vows there. I don't know, call me crazy, but maybe this will help the healing between the Covington's and Saunders'."
It is no secret their families do no get along despite their decades-long connection with one another.
"Then First Street Methodist it is," Steven concludes. "Now that is taken care of, we should start looking for a place to live shall we?"
"You mean you don't want to live here?" Courtney asks sarcastically
Steven chuckles. "Your father would just love that,"
"We'll find the perfect house for us," she says positively
Steven gently kisses the hand of hers where the engagement ring he gave her is on her finger as the two of them lay there thinking about their future together.

"Dad, what does Frederick Pyne has to do with Jordan and me?" Tommy queries.
Daniel leans forward in his leather wingback chair. "Before I tell you keep in mind I'm doing this for not only your own good but the welfare of your son or daughter as well."
"How come I don't like the sound of this?"
"By this afternoon, Jordan will be served with papers for our intention to seek sole custody of the baby once it is born."
Tommy feels like the world has come to a stop. This is the last thing he or Jordan wants. "Let me guess, Plan A, being kind to get the baby didn't work, so you move onto suing for custody,"
Initially, Daniel promised her he would jumpstart her modeling endeavors, in exchange she would leave Radcliffe and the offspring will be raised as a Covington.
"We can provide that child with a stable home and financial security. Daniel replies. "What does that girl have to offer? She has no home, barely any money, and I refuse to have my grandchild grow up in that situation Tommy."
"I told you I didn't want to be part of the baby's life and you go and do this."
Daniel clears his throat. "You are not running away from your responsibilities whether you like it or not you're going to be a father, grow up son,"
Outside in the hall, a certain someone can hear the verbal back and forth from father and son about the newest illegitimate member of the Covington dynasty. Amazed at the scandal currently going on under her nose. Emma Covington deliciously smirks at the thought of her not being the family screw-up for once in her life.
Jai surprises Aaliyah
Jordan is in a race against time.
Emma uses leverage.
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