Written by : Bre L. Drew
August 3rd, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Friends and Family begin to gather at The Waterfall as the investigation into Shauna's abduction took place.
Antoine suspects Will has to do with the kidnapping.
Jordan still has a crush on Tommy despite him being together with Tanner.

Good Afternoon, Friends and Family we here today to witness and celebrate Max and Shauna, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage and to dedicate themselves to each other's happiness and well‑being. On behalf of them, I welcome you all."
I do,
The amalgamation of memories of his wedding kept repeating in Max Covington's head whilst he was sleeping. His eyes were now open, remembering he didn't go home but instead slept on the couch in the upstairs apartment of The Waterfall. He would never forgive himself if he wasn't here to get any information pertaining to his wife's abduction.
"Morning, here drink this," Mae Jackson greets him. She brings him over a mug of steaming coffee; she just fixed a pot of.
He accepts the drink. "I needed this thanks,"
He stretches his legs onto the floor as Mae sits beside him nursing her mug of coffee,
"Any news?" Max inquires
She shakes her head at the question. "No, none at all,"
Max can tell by the way she looks Mae didn't get much rest either.
"Do you need to take a shower, I can call your father or Courtney to bring you a change of clothes?" Mae asks him.
He runs his hand through his hair in which he knows it's probably disheveled. "I want to be here when anything comes in about Shauna,"
Mae instinctively gathers Max isn't going to change his mind on remaining here even if a shower and some fresh air might do him some good in this situation.
"Who would want to take Shauna?" It doesn't make any damn sense,"
"I don't understand that myself," she states. "But I'm trying to keep the faith that she will return home,"
Max nods emphatically. "Did you reach Cassie?"
"I did,"
"So is she planning to fly up here,"
Mae takes a hearty sip of coffee. "No, but she said if we need her; she is one call away,"
Cassie is Shauna's estranged mother, who resides in Miami. She left her only daughter to be raised by her parents when Shauna was 13. She often spends her time being in the company of well-off men who take her around the world.
Max still can't believe he has not met the woman who gave birth to his wife. She was out of the country when the two got married last September. Despite his contentious relationship with his father, he knew he could count on him being there for him. It's even more important he does not go anywhere at this present time.
The older woman puts a supportive arm around her grandson-in-law to assure him everything will be fine.

Downstairs in the bar Antoine Hall is pouring himself his third shot of Grey Goose, he is standing behind the counter. By now, he would be getting everything together so they can open up. But today no business would be conducted here because it has been command central for the police and for Shauna's friends and family who are helping with the search for her.
He downs the shot when he hears footsteps approaching into the room. When he sees the person, he reaches for the bottle of vodka again.
"Getting lit early are we," Will Jackson teases
"I'm in no mood for you right now," Antoine warns him.
Will plops down in front of him at the bar. "Having the five-o here is something I don't think I can get used to,"
A police cruiser remains outside in the parking lot where Shauna was kidnapped less than twenty-four hours ago. Not to mention the equipment that is being used to track her down here as well as in the apartment too.
"I thought this set-up would remind you of being back in the cell-block,"
He doesn't let Antoine's diss of him spending three years behind bars for fraud get to him. "I'm just saying I hope they find my niece,"
Antoine slams both of his hands onto the countertop. "I know somehow someway you involved in all of this, so cut the bullshit, all right,"
"I don't know what are you talking about, but you accusing me of something I have no part in."
"Me and Shauna been keeping tabs on you since you got back in town we knew something wasn't right about those phone calls you've been getting,"
Will is taken-back about what his mother's charity told him. "You two were spying on me?"
"You call it spying, I call it, looking out for Mae,"
With that, Antoine takes off not wanting to be in his presence any longer.
Will starts to reflect on him telling off Jerome Hawkins about him blackmailing him for ten-thousand dollars. He had known what he did behind bars and was going to tell unless he didn't pay him the money. Also, he remembers the words from him about him getting out in two weeks meaning his former cellmate can do this,

"He's so beautiful, isn't he?" Shauna Covington says joyously
She was lying in bed in a hospital room where her husband Max is standing beside her. Both of their concentration is mainly on the seven-pound blessing in her arms.
"If you would've asked me three years ago, where would I be? being here with my wife giving birth to our son wouldn't crack the top ten," he remarks
Shauna gives a good look at her husband and smiles. "Glad you didn't pass out there baby,"
He chuckles. "Me neither," Shauna I love you,"
"I love you too Max,"
The two exchange a kiss before they excitedly turn their attention back to their newborn son.
Her dream concludes when she notices she is still sitting in the same steel folding chair in the center of a wide room in a dilapidated building with windows that wouldn't allow much sunlight. Her legs and arms were tied meaning no escape for her.
She starts to reflect on what occurred yesterday when she was saying goodbye to Antoine in the lot of her grandmother's bar. As she was about to get in her car, she felt the force of somebody pulling her away from the door. Trying to get out of the grasp, but the man in the ski mask was too strong for her. She remembers seeing the anguish on Antoine's face as a gun was pointed at him from the same person who threw her into a van.
The guy who is also black is in a dark blue and white tracksuit steps up, "Bout time you woke up, shit, I guess you thought you still were sleeping in that big ole mansion with all that Egyptian cotton huh?" the guy whom she gathers is the mastermind behind this operation.
"Why did you take me?" I don't even know you," she says defensively
"I know you don't baby girl, but I know someone very close to you,"
"I don't think anyone I associate with would deal with you,"
The guy inches closer to her wet face. "Well, I've had an association with your uncle Willie."
Hearing this from him, she automatically connects the dots she and Antoine tried to for the past six months.

The band that is formerly known as The Dixie Chicks' latest song Gaslighter is playing on the cafe's sound system this morning when Jordan McKnight steps into the air-conditioned place. She had planned to get her usual iced black tea. However, she did not bank on seeing Tommy Covington today. He looked good like he always does to her in a scenic crewneck t-shirt and a pair of jeans. With all of the poise, she possesses she walks up to him feeling good in her black taffeta cut out flared dress.
He turns to see the girl he kissed last summer, coming over to him. "Hey Jordan," he says
"I'm so sorry to hear what happened to Shauna, has there been any developments?"
"God, I wish they were," he replies.
Tommy was worried about not only his sister-in-law whom he has grown to love but his brother who hadn't come home last night,
"If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask and if there is something I know is my father going to work this until she is found,"
Her father, Police Chief Ernest McKnight is overseeing the investigation, knowing when her father is on a case, he tends to put his all into it, which means he hardly comes home, which isn't far off like it is usually,
"Uh, thanks, I gotta go be with my family at the bar," he says.
Watching him walk out of the door, Jordan feels sorry for him as to how distressed he is. An idea forms in her head when she heads into the line.

Daniel and Courtney Covington both have been granted access to the bar by an officer standing outside. Similar to yesterday police and other members of law enforcement were taking over the establishment,
"He wouldn't admit this, but Max needs you, dad," Courtney says
"I wouldn't be anywhere else, my company is indeed important to me, but the welfare of my family is more important,"
The afternoon prior, Daniel had informed his secretary, Evelyn, he will be taking a short leave of absence due to the disappearance of his daughter-in-law.
The two head over to the booth where Max and Mae were conversing with one another. Daniel hugs Mae and then embraces Max. A sight in which Courtney hadn't seen since their mother was dying from breast cancer.
"How are you holding up?" The Covington patriarch addresses his eldest son.
"What? I'm not looking my best," he answers sardonically
"Son, we all want Shauna to return home safe," Daniel assures him.
"I know dad -- I'm just tired," he says exhaustedly.
"We all our," Mae chimes in.

At the bar Antoine and Martha Saunders our talking to one another,
"I wish that I can say I'm amazed by Cassie not showing up even when her only child was taken,"
"Mae needs her too, but you know she ain't gonna tell anyone," Antoine adds.
Antoine had filled her on the fact Cassie isn't getting on a plane to Radcliffe to provide any type of emotional support to her loved ones during this time.
"She's has to be okay," Martha says positively, refusing to think of the alternative.

Tommy enters the establishment dashing over to his family at the booth. He throws his arm around his brother who is in desperate need of sleep and a shower and a change of clothes,
"Hang in there bro," he advises him.

Tanner Lockhart gets out of the Fiat which she parked in the lot of the bar. She already cleared it with Tommy that it was all right with her to be here. When she steps afoot onto the sidewalk, she is shocked to see Jordan closing her trunk of her Miata. As usual, her ex-friend is dressed like she is about to head to a nightclub with her revealing wardrobe.
"Hi, Tanner," Jordan says patronizingly.
"Jordan, what are you doing here?"
"I ran into Tommy not too long ago, seems like he and his family can use this," she lifts a white paper bag with the logo from JoJo's Café.
Tanner senses she is up to something but does not have any strength to confront her over it. The two walks into the bar together whilst Tanner goes to Shauna's family. Jordan saw her father instructing an officer to do something.
Jordan, what are you doing here sweetheart,"
"How come everyone keeps asking me that?" she petitions. "I came to bring everyone some food, "Once again lifts the bag of treats.
"That's nice," he says. "I didn't realize you knew Shauna Covington well,"
​Truthfully, she didn't but had seen her all of her life growing up in such a small town. She planned to show Tommy she does care about him in his time of need. And it would mean it will be one step closer for him to leave that Plain Jane he calls his girlfriend.
"She brought food," Tanner informs her boyfriend.
"That was considerate," he replies
"Jordan McKnight and considerate haven't gone hand in hand since the Obama administration," she said.
"This is a nightmare for my brother,"
The two turn to see Max still sitting down at the booth; his entire body seems was lifeless due to the stress of this ordeal.
"Everything is going to work out," Tanner persuades him.
Daniel advance toward the young couple. "How are you, Tanner?"
She adjusts her eyeglasses on her face. "I'm okay, all things considered,"
Tanner had known Shauna all of her life she remembers the times she had fun with her and her Aunt Martha who used to babysit her and her twin sister when they were children.
"Well, tell your mother I said hello," Daniel says, before strolling back to the booth.
"I still can't believe our parents used to date one another when they were teenagers," Tommy says incredulously.
"Me neither," she concludes.

The sound of the ringing telephone instantly pulls everyone in the room out of their various activities.
Chief McKnight motions for Mae to answer the phone. The Jackson matriarch grabs the cordless phone in which she remembers what she was told to do if it did ring.
"Hello, The Waterfall,"
"Who is this?" the other person over the line demands.
"This is Mae, who am I speaking with."
Silently, Chief McKnight gestures his technical response officers to make sure they're tracing the call. Everyone else is remaining silent all of them were on pins and needles due to the importance of this phone call,
A few seconds of silence follows before the other person responds. "You own that bar don't you,"
Mae felt herself losing patience. "Yeah -- I do, now who am I speaking with?"
"Jerome," the guy finally answers. "Look I have your granddaughter here wit me and some friends,"
Mae mouths out Shauna is still alive, giving everybody some relief.
"I want my granddaughter home," she says importantly.
"Well, you can get her back as soon as I get what is owed to me,"
"How Much?" Mae said.
"Five-Hundred thousand dollars," Mae says a little louder than she anticipated.
"You heard me bitch, now I know your grandbaby married into that rich white family so I know they got it,"
"Wait, let me speak with my granddaughter please,"
Jerome puts the phone to his victim's ear. "Grandma, I love you, tell Max I love him too," Shauna utters.
"I love you too, we're gonna get." --- she now hears Jerome's voice again.
"Five-hundred thousand green stacks in two hours or your granddaughter might not be so lucky and no cops," he says. "By the way, tell Will he's gonna get what is comin to his ass."
He ends the call leaving the other line into a dial tone.
"Did you get a location?" Chief McKnight questions his team.
One of the male policemen gives a thumb up. He passes a sheet of paper with the coveted information on.
Max clears his throat. "Where is she?"
"According to this, it is somewhere near the old railroad district," he informs everyone.
"It's nothing out there, but freight trains and a lot of abandoned properties," Daniel examines.
"A perfect spot to hide someone," Antoine presumes
"At least she is alive," Martha says
Mae puts both of her hands onto her hips. "He wants five-hundred-thousand dollars, in exchange for Shauna's release and he said no police,"
Daniel nods his head. "Mae, don't worry about that, I will get on the phone with my banker and get those funds right away,"
Tanner hugs Tommy in which Jordan snatches a glimpse of.

Mae removes herself from behind the bar heading toward her son who is sitting the farthest in the booth in the back. "Mind explaining to me who the hell is Jerome?"
Will can see it was no point in making up a story meaning Antoine was right, and he is somewhat responsible for his niece's kidnapping.
"Momma, can we go upstairs to talk,"
"No, it seems enough talking was done already, who is he?"
Ears and eyes of the others were into their conversation.
"Jerome and I were cellmates in prison together, and I started dealing drugs for him behind bars, and I was really good at it too I mean I needed the money any way one of my regulars a prison guard ended up getting sick after the drugs he bought from me he was in the hospital in a coma for a week. Then one night I was sleeping in my cell, I felt someone was choking me. I woke up to find it was the guard he was pissed off at me for selling him the stuff that made him sick. Anyway, he was angry enough just about to kill me and he was about to when Jerome got him off me. The guard was gonna inform the warden about our hustle when Jerome decided to pay him what he made from the drugs. He took the money and from them on Jerome blamed me, until I got out. And a few months ago he began calling me blackmailing for ten-thousand dollars or he would tell it was my fault,"
"Were you at fault?" Antoine asks in an accusatory manner.
Will sighs. "I dunno, "This ain't about me it's about Shauna needing to be found before Jerome hurt her,"
Before Will could comprehend being attacked, one of Max's fists stroke at him sending him stumbling back a bit. "You son of a bitch!"
Quickly, Daniel and Tommy held Max back whilst Mae did the same thing with her son.
"If anything happens to my wife, I won't be responsible for my actions."
Will remains standing there with blood coming from his nose, putting a hand to stop it from bleeding.
Antoine has never been a fan of Max Covington, but he didn't blame him for doing something he wanted to do himself on occasion.
When Will is about to mention something to Mae, she shakes her head. "I don't wanna hear nothing you gotta say right now,"

Jerome puts the phone back into one of the pockets of his pants. "My boys and I bout to get paid, and all it took was to look on your uncle's Facebook to see his little niece got married to a son of a millionaire."
"You better enjoy what's left of your freedom because you're going to end up in prison again," Shauna says boldly.
"That's a good thing I told your grandmamma no cops, I ain't going back,"
He aims a nine-millimeter handgun in front of her. "I would kill you first before I go back to the pen,"
Shauna can feel the tears stinging in her eyes, praying she would be found soon.
Lives will hang in the balance.
Samuel encourages Mala.
Louise finds herself in desperate measures.
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