Written by : Bre L. Drew
June 22, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Sean proposed marriage to Tricia in which she accepts.
Lynn and Tanner saw Sarah Lynn during her hallucination of seeing Peter in the greenhouse with her.
Shauna overheard Will talking to someone on the phone mysteriously.
Courtney was upset over Steven not wanting to get married.

Tricia Meyer finds herself sitting down at the kitchen counter inside of her fourth-floor apartment pouring over various bridal magazines in addition to her laptop screen showcasing wedding venues. She wished when she was a little girl she dreamt of her ideal wedding,
Instead, she grew up witnessing the volatile marriage between her mother and her stepfather. Just as she is about to look onto her computer, she hears Sean walking towards her.
"Someone has been busy," Sean Lockhart proclaims, admiring his fiancée's tenacity to planning a wedding.
Tricia gives an endearing grin to her fiancé. "Who knew it takes actual work planning a ceremony, between flowers, menus, and catering and looking for a venue I don't even know where to start,"
Sean touches her delicate shoulders and begins massaging them.
Tricia can feel some tension-releasing from them, she closes her eyes for a few moments, before opening them again. "I needed this,"
"What about we grab some friends and family, get on a plane and marry on a beach in Hawaii," Sean suggests
She closes a magazine as he continues rubbing her shoulders. "You know that isn't such a bad idea,"
Honestly, Sean didn't want a huge wedding, since it is his second one. His first ceremony to Louise twenty years ago had over two-hundred and fifty guests at First Street Methodist Church. This time he wants it to be small and intimate with the people they care about.
"Good, because right now I'm taking you to lunch at The Chateau,"
"You do know how to spoil me sometimes, don't you,"
Sean couldn't help but be sensually attracted to Tricia in the sky blue sleeveless back out dress from Fred Sega she has on. The two begin making out passionately with one another.

Martha Saunders walks downstairs and finds Steven, Aunt Esther, Tanner, Lynn, and Louise altogether in the living room.
"I would've been down here sooner, but I had the hardest time getting SJ down for his nap," Martha apologizes to everyone.
The rest of the family our curious as to why did Martha exactly call this sudden family meeting,
"What is this about," Louise Saunders Lockhart blurts out, she is sitting in one of the two wingback green chairs.
Martha crosses both of her arms onto her chest, not taken-back by her sister's question. "This isn't easy to say, but I'm going to anyway I think mom needs psychiatric help,"
Various non-verbal reactions our captured from everybody waiting for additional response.
"Where is this coming from?" Louise asks with a hint of annoyance
Steven clears his throat before he speaks up. "Lou, I think it's clear Aunt Sarah hasn't been herself since Uncle Peter died,"
He was the one who originally suggested she go see a therapist get her grief under control since it took nearly three months for her to get out of the house.
"We can't force her to go see anyone," Esther Saunders warns them all.
"True but we can't forget she spent months in her bedroom since daddy died," Martha retorts
"She lost her husband how do you think she should handle her grief go down to Nashville and get a tattoo," Louise says sarcastically.
Martha holds up her hand to defend herself. "If maybe you spend more time off the farm and in the house then maybe you would see mom's unwell to Louise,"
"This isn't helping," Tanner Lockhart replies
"Now Tanner is right, you two going back and forth is not going to solve anything," Esther says gently but firm.
Lynn exchange a look with her twin's sister, who indicates telepathically they should confess what they saw the other day. As Lynn is about to tell the others, footsteps begin descending the staircase.
"Who knew I made such an interesting topic of conversation?" Sarah Lynn Saunders utters, catching everyone off guard.

Using her key, Shauna Covington unlocks the door to the apartment she called home all of her life until last year when she got married. She finally was able to get Antoine to stick to a time to meet with her in regards to her uncle and his inability to remain on the straight and narrow. As she steps over the threshold, she sees her grandmother coming to her with a huge smile on her face.
"Hey, stranger," Mae Jackson greets wholeheartedly.
"Hey, how are you doing grandma?" Shauna inquires pleasantly
Mae gets into the details about some minor repairs downstairs in the bar, which shouldn't cost her too much.
"One of these days we're going to have dinner with you and your husband here,"
Shauna recalls the last dinner she and Max had together here when they were dating. And in a fit of jealousy, Antoine told Max he slept with her and she can be wildly active in bed. So she isn't sure about a retake of those events.
The elder Jackson woman senses the uneasiness off from her. "A home-cooked meal always solve everything,"
"I don't know about that grandma, but it won't be anytime soon Max is going to New York tomorrow to get ready for the exhibition,"
Max's first exhibition is happening at the Soho Photo Gallery in New York City this August. And according to him, he still has to oversee somethings with his agent.
'Well let me know when you two will be available," she says and then takes off to cover down at the bar.
Shauna strides further into the apartment when Antoine Hall comes out of his room wearing a black athletic tank.
"Hey, sorry I couldn't make it to the last thing we had," he says cordially
"Well I bet she was worth it," she replies sarcastically,
Antoine had texted her on that day, letting her know he couldn't make it after all. Shauna instantly knew he was with one of the many women he sleeps with.
He licks his soft lips, which catches her attention as well as his muscular arms courtesy of him going to the gym five days a week. He smirks at her figuring it was turning on her despite being married to another man.
"I wish we had somethin on him because right now it seems we're doing this shit for nothing," he says
"Maybe not," Shauna counters confidently.
"What is it?"
"Will was serving at the bar when he got this phone call it sounded heated,"
"Do you know who called him?"
Shauna shakes her head. "No, I don't, but I think this can lead us to find out what exactly my shady ass uncle is doing to eventually break my grandmother's heart again,"

Contemporary jazz music is playing throughout the restaurant this afternoon. Sean and Tricia our at their table near the bar eating their lunch entrees and commenting back and forth about their upcoming big day,
"Are you serious about Hawaii?" Tricia inquires, she then takes a bite of her grilled salmon.
Sean nods his head, concurring the setting he suggested earlier when he saw Tricia planning their wedding, she seemed overwhelmed about getting it together. He realizes their big day should be held in a beautiful destination in a small and intimate setting.
"We just need a date,"
Tricia picks up her glass of red wine to her lips. "What about October 5th?"
"What so special about October 5th?" he asks curiously.
"Oh come on Sean, you mean you don't remember the date when we first met?"
It now dawns on him she wants to get married on the anniversary of their first meeting one another at his brother Johnny's birthday party. Despite being married to Louise then, he felt something deeper with the younger flight attendant. that made him fall in love with her.
"All right, October 5th, 2020, we will become husband and wife," he says proudly
Tricia's expression on her face turns somewhat cautiously, which has Sean wondering what is she thinking. "This is a rhetorical question, but how do you think the twins will feel if I ask them to be my bridesmaids?"
Sean wipes his mouth with the white linen napkin before answering. "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I know they aren't my biggest fans, and they see me as the woman who took you away from their mother, and I know I haven't exactly made it an easy transition but maybe this way we can forge our own type of relationship," she remarks candidly,
"Do you need me to run interference when you talk to Lynn and Tanner?"
She shakes her head. "No, it will be better coming from me," but I appreciate the offer,"
A few minutes pass when a familiar voice can be heard from the bar gets Tricia's attention. She excuses herself and saunters her way over to the person.
"Hey," she says in a well meaning sense.
Courtney Covington turns to her somewhat surprised to see her friend. "Hi,"
Tricia knows they hadn't talked since she informed her about getting married in which she felt some tension between them since Courtney found out Steven doesn't want marriage. Tricia slowly realized she wasn't exactly a good friend when it came to boasting it to her. Gathering that is probably why the two hadn't been in contact much since then.
"The last time we saw each other I know I came off as a total bitch," Tricia says
Courtney did find her friend displaying her engagement ring in her face made her feel a tad bit envious since her boyfriend refuses to see a future together with them being married. "I wouldn't say a total bitch, "
The two ladies both smirk at Courtney's clarification.
"I just want to apologize about the way I came off," Tricia proclaims earnestly.
Courtney sees no one has come to give her take out order yet, sighting this place was somewhat crowded. "I accept your apology, and I don't have any resentment, you deserve some happiness Tricia,"
"How things are going between you and Steven?" Tricia catechizes
"Other than a few text and calls we haven't seen much of each other,"
"Some distance might be good for you but don't leave it too long you two are meant to be together,"
Courtney is astonished to hear her friend saying something so prophetic. "Thanks,"
Tricia takes in Courtney's casual attire "Nice outfit,"
In the year she has known her friend she never saw wearing anything that isn't a dress or pantsuit. Courtney is wearing a purple t-shirt with the Giorgio Armani logo stitched on it and a pair of dark blue denim jeans.
"Now you see why I'm getting take out," Courtney says
Tricia peers over her shoulder at her table then back on Courtney. "Join Sean and me for dessert," you know I'm not taking no for an answer,"
Courtney lets go of her apprehension. "Sure,"
She quickly notifies the bartender to let her know she will be sitting down so he can know she didn't take off without her food.
"You can say no if you want to there wouldn't be any hurt feelings but would you be my maid of honor?"
"Are you sure about that? I mean you have friends you have known way before you moved here,"
"I do, but I don't trust most of them as much as I do you," Tricia says truthfully.
Courtney seems touched by that statement made about her. "Yes, I will stand up for you,"
"Good because I have no idea where I start?" Tricia says

"Mom," Martha articulates in a low tone of voice.
Everyone in the room now is aware of Sarah Lynn heard them talking about her.
"Sarah Lynn, darling we're just concerned about you," Esther says with sincerity,
Sarah Lynn had overheard her entire family talking about her loudly upstairs, in which she had woken up from resting in her bedroom. She never thought her family would talk about her not having all of her faculties, despite problems with sleep, sadness, and seeing her husband's spirit she had been on the mend again,
Louise stands up to go comfort her mother; she can see what was said down here got to her. "I think maybe we were all mistaken," she spots Martha rolling her eyes and Steven turning his head to her comment,
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Sarah Lynn tries to convince her family.
"No, grandma you're not," Lynn says unexpectedly,
Louise navigates her concentration on her daughter. "What are you talking about Lenny,"
"Remember when dad told us that he was getting married to Tricia … um, Tanner and I went outside to get some air, and when we walked by the greenhouse we saw you inside uh talking to yourself, " Lynn professes
"I was just singing," Sarah Lynn lies
"Grandma, we saw you hugging someone who wasn't there," Tanner counters.
"What?" Louise says in amazement, she turns to Sarah Lynn then quickly back to her twin daughters.
In her wildest dreams, Sarah Lynn never thought anyone else would find out about her talking to Peter. Let alone them being her grandchildren. She starts to see the fear of her loved ones in the room on their faces.
"Aunt Sarah, everything is going to be okay," Steven says assuredly
Before she realizes it, tears begin cascading from her eyes and she begins sobbing uncontrollably. "Oh god, what is wrong with me,"
Lynn rises off the couch and goes over to wrap her arms around her grandmother, who is bawling like a baby.
"I saw, or at least I thought I saw Peter standing there saying goodbye," she tirelessly indicates
Martha throws a look at Louise signifying, Still think I'm overreacting now.
Sarah Lynn is now experiencing shortness of breath in between in her opinion, becoming an emotional basket case. With aid from Steven, she sits on the couch.
He encourages her to take slow even breaths. Esther puts a hand on her sister-in-law's back. Tanner dashes into the kitchen to get her grandmother a drink of water. Louise barely can watch her mother experience this grief making her fully aware of how much she was so wrapped up in her own life she didn't even notice the heavy sadness she was under.
"He's never coming back," Sarah Lynn says distressfully, "He's never coming back to me,"
Sarah Lynn makes a decision.
Daniel & Mala take their relationship to the next level.
Louise finds support from somewhere unexpectedly.
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