Written by: Bre L. Drew
May 16, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Sean and Tricia decided to work through their marriage despite her kissing Samuel.
Tommy told Elijah he wanted to get back together with Tanner.
​The investigation involving Will's brakes being tampered with has been closed due to lack of evidence.

A contemporary jazz band is playing on the stage of The Chateau this evening while the patrons enjoy their dinner, including Tricia and Sean Lockhart.
Tricia looks up from her garden salad to see her husband smiling widely. "Look at you; you're so excited," she somewhat mocks.
"Can you blame me? My wife and child are healthy, and we're back on equal footing again," Sean says observingly.
Their marriage was doing better after it was revealed that Tricia kissed Samuel last year, which at first Sean didn't take well, but they decided to remain together and work through their problems. They went to her latest appointment with her obstetrician this evening and were told she was in great shape, as was the baby, and they were even told the gender of their baby.
Tricia takes a bite of her garden salad. "And you're happy as all hell that we're having a boy. Don't deny it."
Sean smiles even brighter. Okay, I admit I'm happy about it, but the most important thing is that you are okay and so is the baby.
Tricia nods appreciatively. "I'm happy too, even if my feet are swollen like the Titanic."
By now, Sean's attention is on the host escorting Louise Saunders Lockhart and Jai Gupta to the table near the bar.

Louise takes her seat across the table from her beau.
"Sorry it's been a while since we got together, but everything has been so hectic at the store," Jai apologizes sincerely.
Louise picks up her menu to casually peruse it. "I get it, and besides, we are here now, and you look really good tonight,"
He grins charismatically. "Thank you, and I must say you look great yourself."
Louise hadn't been used to receiving compliments on her appearance in recent years. Since her ex-husband had been carrying on his affair with Tricia, they were far and few in between. But since she started seeing Jai, he hadn't stopped telling her how great she looked, which still takes some getting used to.
"Hello," a familiar voice says, which has both Jai and Louise look to see Mala Gupta standing there in a navy-blue blazer and sacks with her clutch bag tucked underneath her arm.

While Harry Styles' "Watermelon Sugar" played loudly throughout the nightclub, Tanner and Lynn Lockhart, and Elijah Barker, were occupying the booth towards the back of The Cliffe.
"It's been a while since we hung out just the three of us," Lynn Lockhart says, observingly.
"And what better way to celebrate the fact that we've managed to go without any major crisis yet." Elijah Barker remarks candidly
Tanner lifts her glass of Coca-Cola. "A toast to us for surviving,"
Elijah and Lynn lift their glasses in unison while the three clink their glasses together.
The three of them realize that last year they were all going through their various struggles with alcoholism and dealing with being betrayed by a loved one who fathered a child behind their back.
She was caught up in her own thoughts. She hadn't realized that Tommy Covington had just arrived and was standing beside her when he called her name.
Tanner glances at him while he is thinking about how incredible she looks without her glasses and in her tan-navy geometric tie shoulder tank.
"I didn't even know you were there," she admits to him.
"Well, it's not hard to miss you. You look amazing, Tanner," he compliments her. "You really do,"
"Thanks," she said lowly.
Meanwhile, Lynn rolls her eyes as she is still pissed at what Tommy did to her sister. She starts to feel guilty in the pit of her stomach because she knew about Tommy's betrayal before her sister and didn't tell her because she thought he'd be honest with her.
Elijah, who too knew about what occurred last year, decides to change the subject expertly. "Want to dance?"
Lynn doesn't hide her bewilderment since dancing isn't really her boyfriend's thing but concedes since she felt her sister needed a moment with Tommy.
The two make their way out onto the dance floor.
Tommy takes a seat on the other side of her, smiling charmingly at her.
"Do I have something in my teeth?" Tanner asks innocently.
Tommy shakes his head. "No, Tanner. I've never stopped caring about you, and if there is any chance, we could get back together, I will do anything for that to happen."

Despite the recent success the club is seeing regarding business, Will Jackson wishes that not only Emma was able to witness it for herself but that the person who is partly responsible for the deadly accident be found. The other day, he went back to the prison to speak with Jerome Hawkins about whether or not he had a role in messing with the brakes in his car that caused Emma to swerve; to avoid the semi-truck that eventually collided with them. Even though Jerome told him he wasn't, he still couldn't stop thinking to himself that someone else wanted to be the one hurt, but he couldn't figure out who exactly wanted him dead.
He is in the office behind the desk, seeking isolation before going back downstairs to check on everything.
"If you're gonna try to kill me, then you're gonna answer for it, that's for damn sure," the bar manager says to himself,
He then closes his eyes for a few seconds before he hears footsteps coming his way. When he opens them, however, he wishes he could close them again at the sight of the person in front of him.
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" "Will says sardonically. "I know how women like you need your beauty sleep."
In a camel leather jacket and dark pants, Deirdre Covington pursed her lips at that insult.
"If I were you, I wouldn't be so irate at the woman who holds the fate of your employment in her hands," she retorts.
Deirdre obtained Emma's power of attorney, meaning she has the overall authority involving her business and financial matters.
"Deirdre, if you were gonna fire me, you would've already done it by now." Will snipes at her.
The wealthy widow folds her arms over her chest.
"It had dawned on me that I never came here during operating hours, so I decided to come out and see for myself what the hype was all about, and it's a nice crowd," she admits.
She can detect by the look on his face that something else is troubling him.
"What is wrong?"
Will waves his hand dismissively. "It's nothing," he lies.
"What bothers you could potentially affect my daughter's business." she vocalizes.
"I went to visit Jerome Hawkins in prison to see if he was the one who tampered with the brakes in my car."
"Why on earth would you visit that man after what he did to my family and yours?" Deirdre demands incredulously
"It was a waste of a trip because he didn't do it and trust me, I know him. If he would've done that, he would be gloatin'."
Deirdre knows that the convict who once held her granddaughter-in-law hostage isn't responsible for it since she is the one who hired someone to cut his brake line as a way to rid him of her daughter's life for good. Yet a cruel twist of fate has rendered Emma in a coma, and Will is reaping the benefits of her daughter's successes.
"That inept truck driver is the one that hurt you and my daughter. Please don't forget that," Deirdre says warningly. "If he would've responsibly pulled the truck onto the side of the road, none of this would've happened, not only would he have still been alive. My daughter would not be clinging to life."
"Maybe you're right, but it's gonna take me some time to get over the feelin' that someone tried to kill me."
Deirdre glances straight into his face. "Well, obviously they didn't, and I doubt they will again since they know there was a police investigation. And another attempt would probably get them closer to being caught."
In spite of being skeptical, Will could see some validity in what Deirdre was saying.

From across the room, Tricia smirks wickedly. "Oh my, look at that,"
Sean puts down his beer mug on the table to directly stare at his ex-wife and Jai, who is speaking with his ex-wife while on their date.
"I hate to be Louise in any situation, but especially right now, running into your lover's former spouse. How tragic," she says sarcastically, thinking of the times the boot has been on the other foot when Louise would run into her and Sean, making the situation uncomfortable.
"Trust me, I think Louise can handle herself, and anyway, tonight is about the two of us. Before you know it, we won't have many nights like this. We'll be up to our necks in dirty diapers and colic."
Tricia decides not to argue with her husband for defending Louise, knowing he is right about them not having much time before the baby comes.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you two. I just saw you two while I was waiting for my takeout at the bar, and I thought I would come over to say hello." Mala explains.
"It's good to see you," Jai says to his ex-wife.
"Congratulations! I heard Aaliyah made it on the Dean's list again," Louise says to the woman who is the mother of her daughter's best friend.
"Same to you," Mala says of Tanner in her native British accent, which clearly sticks out in the small rural town.
The women do their best to overcome the awkwardness between them.
The architect sees her ex-husband reading the menu. "Now, I do not know why you are looking at that because you are going to order the same thing," Mala notes
He looks up from the menu. "Well, maybe I want something different,"
Mala gives him an expression that says otherwise.
"It's a first time for everything," he replies
Mala smiles while Louise sees the waitress arriving towards them.
"Mala," the bartender shouts out from the bar. "Your order is ready,"
"I need to get going, but I will see you both later," Mala tells them while she strolls over to get her food.
"Hope you didn't mind that," Jai remarks.
"You two will always have a connection. Trust me I get it. Let's order."

Tanner doesn't know how to react to her ex-boyfriend's proposal.
"Tommy, listen, I consider us good friends now. I don't want to rekindle our relationship, knowing there's a chance you will hurt me again."
He knew she would have strong reservations due to him cheating on her that night after her father's wedding in Hawaii with Jordan. That caused the lie that broke them apart.
"I get that what I did was terrible, it was shitty, and I will be sorry for that for the rest of time, but there is something still between us. I saw that day when you held Jeremy. You were so sweet to a kid that you didn't have to be."
Tanner takes a sip of her soda. "I have no ill will towards your son, but I haven't forgiven you, and it wouldn't be right to get back together with that... feeling in my heart. But I hope we can remain friends."
The vocals of Doja Cat can be heard when "Streets" starts playing on the sound system.
"Uh, I better get going," he replies.
He stands up from the chair, where he can feel Tanner's gaze on him.
Tommy does his best to remain cordial, but inside he can't stop feeling the pain he knows he caused while he passes by his friends who are standing by the dance floor near the door.
"What's all that about?" Lenny queries her boyfriend over the blaring music.
Though Elijah recalls how much his friend wanted to admit how he still felt about her, though from his reaction he instantly sees that it didn't go the way that he wanted.
"I think we should give Tanner a minute alone," Elijah yells over the noise.
Tanner seeks consolation.
Daniel puts pressure on his children.
Esther and Deirdre share a moment.
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