Written by : Bre L. Drew
September 20, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Aaliyah overheard Lorenzo that he owed $1500, or he would be able to continue his education at Sampson University.
Courtney wasn't keen on finding a home for Steven and herself, only months before they're set to marry.
Max defended Shauna against Courtney, who was still upset over Shauna being drunk at her engagement party.
Martha had developed romantic feelings for Will.

"You had no right to go behind my back!" Lorenzo Vidal yells at his girlfriend,
The two were standing across from each other in his dorm room in the afternoon.
Aaliyah Gupta raises her hand defensively.
"I know eavesdropping is wrong, but I didn't want you to leave school because ...
"Because what? I'm so poor Puerto Rican you can buy off?"
Aaliyah could see the shame on his face after what she did to procure him to stay at Sampson University.
"You know what. I'm going to get out of here to let you cool down."
Aaliyah heads toward the door then turns to see him, barely able to look at him. She offers him a sympathetic expression before she saunters out of the room.
Lorenzo slams the door behind him. His eyes fall upon a check for fifteen hundred dollars on his desk, on top of his used calculus textbook. The exact amount he needs to stay in school.

Martha Saunders walks into the nearly finished space that will serve as the new business her friend Will Jackson will be overseeing. He had told her to come on down to see the club.
Her sight behind the bar becomes much clearer when she sees, Will, whose arms are wrapped tightly around Emma Covington.
Emma is the one who sees Martha, but still clenches onto him. However, Will notices her looking elsewhere, so when he sees Martha, he lets her go.
"Hey," he says casually.
Uncertain of what to do or say, Martha remains still.
"It's not what it looks like," Emma replies conspicuously.
"Now, why would I care if you were hugging your employee," Martha responds dismissively.
Quickly, Martha turns on her heels to walk out of the bar as Will wants to call her back.
"See, I told you it would work," Emma smiles wickedly.
A look of vulnerability spreads upon the former ex-con's face of what he did.

On his way out on a call, Steven Sullivan opens the front door of his ancestral home. Yet, he unexpectedly finds his fiancée standing in the doorway looking good in a coral satin tank with dark slacks.
Courtney Covington sees Steven carrying his medical bag in his possession.
"Hi, I came over here to talk to you, but if you're heading to the clinic, I can come back another time."
The considerably older veterinarian shakes his head. "No, it can wait."
She walks into the two-story house as Steven follows her from behind.
"The other night. I did not mean to make it sound like I didn't want us to live together because I do."
Steven recalls the two of them at dinner at The Château when Courtney informed him that they should consider not rushing into looking for a home since she believes Tommy needs her help with raising Jeremy since he is a single father.
"Courtney, we're getting married in less than three months. We can't possibly live here or definitely at Home Farm."
"I know that was why I wanted to talk to you. Someone made me see the real reason why I had cold feet about all of this."
"All right, I'm listening," Steven says steadily.


"This color doesn't look too youthful, does it?" Sarah Lynn Saunders inquiries the opinion from both of her daughters in the kitchen of her home on Franklin Farm this late morning.
She showcases her freshly manicured hands with dark purple polish on her nails. Sarah Lynn had just come from a town where she got them down at the salon she had been getting her hair and nails done for the last thirty-five years.
But instead of her usual pastel shade, she opted for something different.
"I love the color mom, it looks badass," Martha compliments across from her around the countertop.
Louise Saunders Lockhart examines the hue for herself. "Even once in a while, Martha is right. It does look, nice mom,"
Martha turns her head at her older sister. "Thanks, I guess,"
"It's just something I gotta get used to." Sarah Lynn remarks.
Since, she had been going to therapy to deal with her grief over losing Peter, last year. The Saunders matriarch had been advised about bringing change to her life and doing things out of her comfort zone. So slowly, she has been doing so.
"Speaking of once in a while, you seem happier, Louise; should we thank a certain grocery store owner for it?" Martha says
Louise throws her younger sister a look of caution.
"Your sister does have a point; you do have a certain glow I've been noticing since you've started seeing Jai." Sarah Lynn confirms
Louise begins to blush a bit. In a way, Louise feels weird speaking with her sister about her romantic life, since the two didn't grow up together because of their enlarged age span.
But since she had been with Jai, she has been happy.
"Well, he sounds like a great guy," Sarah Lynn comments.
"He is," Louise says honestly.
"I wish I had your luck when it comes to men. All I seem to attract our losers -- If I tell you something, can y'all not judge me?" Martha confesses
Both her mother and sister comply verbally.
"I've been having these feelings for someone for some time now and don't know what to do about them,"

Aaliyah parks her orange Ford EcoSport into the parking lot of her father's market. She grabs her purse from the passenger seat before looking at herself in the rearview mirror.
She gets out of the car into the near fall morning, where the summer heat is still clinging on in the atmosphere,
When she enters the market, she sees various customers shopping, as she locates the person she had come to speak with regarding an important manner.
Alan Jackson's voice singing "Mercury Blues" plays on the sound system.
"Hi, Daddy," Aaliyah greets her father.
Jai Gupta is wearing a black button shirt, and denim pants, stand near the area where the carts are held.
The father and daughter embrace one another. Then they let go of each one another.
"Can we go talk somewhere?" Aaliyah inquires
"Yeah, sure, let's go to my office,"
The two go towards the back of the market to a area where his sufficient office space is situated in.
As she takes a seat in front of him at his desk, which is neat and organized,
"What's up?" Jai asks his youngest offspring in his casual British accent.
"Dad, what makes you think something is up?" Aaliyah asks suspiciously
"Well, you called me yesterday to tell me you have something you wanted to discuss, which normally you would just say, so how much is it going to cost me?"
Aaliyah forgets her family is full of individuals with stronger perceptions than a psychic.
"In this case, this isn't for me, well technically, that's not true, but Lorenzo needs money. You see, if he doesn't pay this amount, he won't be able to stay at Sampson."
Jai sits back in his chair, trying to comprehend this ordeal of his daughter's boyfriend, he has met a few times and has gotten to know him well enough.
"How come he didn't come here himself to ask me himself?" Jai wonders aloud
"That's because he doesn't actually know that I know."
Aaliyah explains to her father how she overheard him on the phone yesterday. Him being upset over his family's lack of finances due to his father being unemployed. Which, he has been feeling bad about since this summer when he couldn't afford to go home to Philadelphia, having to stay at the guest house on Home Farm since he didn't have anywhere else to go.
Jai puts his messenger bag onto his desk, where he unfastens it, where he finds his checkbook. "I tell you what. I give you a check with the said amount, but it has to be up to him whether he wants to take it, okay."
"Thank you, thank you so much, daddy, and please don't tell mommy, she already thinks Lorenzo isn't good enough for me."
Jai takes a black ink pen from a mug full of pens and pencils near him. "Well as long as he is good enough for you then it doesn't matter what she thinks, trust me, I get it."

Tommy Covington is doing his best by trying to comfort his wailing two-month-old son Jeremy in his arms. The two were in the baby's nursery upstairs of the mansion on Home Farm.
Tommy glances down at his son's cherubic cheeks that are currently flushed and wet with tears.
"Come on, champ, what's wrong? You've been changed and fed, and you aren't running a fever; why are you trying to break the sound barrier?"
He continues to loudly sob when a light rap on the doorway gets the young father to turn around to see his older sister standing there,
"What's the matter, Jeremy? Huh, what's the matter?" Courtney says in an infantile voice.
She then gestures for her brother to pass the baby to her to hold.
Courtney gently rocks her nephew into her arms, hoping to stop him from crying. It takes a few more minutes to notice the stillness in the room as Jeremy stops sobbing.
Tommy puts his hands on his head. "How in the hell were you able to do that?"
"Years of practice, that's all. I did the same thing with you when you were Jeremy's age, and it always calmed you down." Courtney admits
"I've so much to learn," he realizes
"Well, I'll be here if you need me; how is the nanny search going?"
Tommy gives a brief explanation about the difficulty to find an adequate nanny, but he has finally found someone with help from their housekeeper Gabriella named Lilith, who is in her forties and will be starting in a few weeks.
"Besides, Steven and you will be busy with the wedding and getting your new house together," Tommy gathers.
Courtney is hesitant about it, since she had told her fiancé she wasn't in an exact rush to leave home. She then looks down, noticing the baby has drowsed off in her arms. So she walks to the crib to place him in it.
"You'll get the hang of it; he's worth it," Courtney tells her brother. She stands on her toes to kiss her brother on his cheek before leaving out of the room.
On her way down the hallway, she sports her older brother Max Covington coming up the staircase.
"I need to talk to you,"
"Can't it wait, Max? I need to go into the office," Courtney concedes
Max inches closer to his sister. "No, it can't; I have let it go on far enough. The way you have been treating Shauna is wrong, and you know it."
Courtney puts her arms onto her chest, discerning when their grandmother had taken stock of the family predicaments before she left for New York City that Courtney had accosted her. In which Max gives her a look to signify he wasn't amused.
"Max, I get that you're defending your wife, but let's not forget she got drunk and was hanging on her ex-lover."
"Maybe her behavior was questionable, but you make her feel less than after she apologized to you and Steven, for it is even worse."
Courtney scoffs.
"Well, I know you two are in therapy now. It's obvious you two are having problems, so don't take it out on me, about seeing her as the opportunistic woman I first saw her as."
Max hadn't heard his sister about Shauna like this since before they got married when he found out Antoine and Shauna were once an item, and he was insecure about it. Courtney believed her to be after the benefits of being married into the Covington family, including wealth and the Covington name itself.
"You know, I thought we would be able to have a mature conversation, but I guess I was wrong."
Courtney glances toward the staircase. "I need to go,"
"You've accuse dad of not respecting your relationship with Steven. But you're doing the exact thing with mine. How ironic?!"
With that, Max keeps going forward down the hall while Courtney remains walks down the stairs deliberately, taking into account what her brother said to her.


"Ever since my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I saw how lost my father and brothers were as she got even sicker -- and when she died. I put myself in her place by keeping the peace between Max and my father and being there for Tommy, who needed our mother more than the rest of us. And I guess in some way. I still think they need me, but I've realized they don't anymore."
Courtney apprises Steven of the reason behind her reluctance, finding a home for the two of them.
Steven, who is sitting on the couch, reaches for her hand. "Why didn't you tell me this before?"
Sitting next to her fiancé, she can feel tears streaming down her face." I thought you would think I wasn't settled enough to become your wife -- Also, I did not know how to properly put into words until now,"
"I wouldn't have proposed, let alone decided to spend the rest of my life with you, if I thought that."
"I love you," Courtney wipes the tears from her face.
Steven puts his muscular arms around his fiancée. "I love you too."

Lorenzo is sitting in the financial aid office for about five minutes speaking to Betty Garnett, the representative, who informed him his mother's credit card couldn't cover his tuition due to her not having enough money on it.
"I take it this has to do with the outstanding cost you owe the university."
"It is. I have decided that I'm withdrawing from this school."
Betty, who seems not phased by hearing this announcement, doesn't make much movement. "Well, it's probably best in your case."
She then notifies him about the procedure from unenrollment from this university.
Lorenzo knows he could've swaggered with the check from his girlfriend's father with the exact amount on it. Though he knows he couldn't take something he didn't ask for. A reason why he got upset at Aaliyah for going behind his back. But he knows he can be successful without a degree, though he is doubtful on where to go from here?

Inside the establishment, Emma pours herself a shot of tequila behind the bar. She then takes a hearty drink of hers from the shot glass. When Will comes near her, she finds another shot glass.
"Want one?"
Will shakes his head.
"Who knew deceiving someone to think you were with someone else would give me so much elation?"
"Thanks for that,"
"No, I'm serious; we tricked that hillbilly girl good, didn't we?" Emma reveals
Will's facial expression becomes serious.
"Tough crowd," Emma acknowledges
The soon-to-be bar manager begins to think about why he decided to have Martha think for herself that he was involved with Emma.
He was coming into the living room of the house on the farm after having to run errands when he got closer to the kitchen where he was able to hear things being said about him in there.
"Why on earth would you want to get involved with Will Jackson?" Louise inquires somewhat in a repulsive manner.
"He's not a bad person, and anyway, it's not like we're going to chapel." Martha says
"I say you tell him how you feel," Sarah Lynn advises. "You never know until you do."
"You think Will would be a positive influence on your son; think again?"
"I don't think I'm going to take advice from you when it comes to romance, thank you," Martha declares
"Well, don't say I didn't warn you when he lies to you, cause that's what he is going to do," Louise says firmly.
That is why he asked her the next day when she got a free chance to come to the club next week when the renovations would be mostly done. So she can walk in on that at the specific time.
He too enjoyed their time getting closer since he had move in at the farm. Though he knows he would do something to hurt her which he never wants to do.
As she gets into her truck, Martha feels the redness upon her skin at the embarrassment of deciding to tell Will how she feels about him. She then thinks back to when she had told her mother and sister last week about having feelings for Will. She then turns the key as the engine roars, she puts the car in reverse.
Elijah finds himself tempted.
Shauna advises Martha.
Jai gives someone tough love.
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