Written by : Bre L. Drew
November 1, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
In spite of Lynn and Brynn's worries, Elijah continues to drink.
The opening of the nightclub is near as Will continues to fight his feelings for Martha.
Tricia and Samuel agreed to keep their kiss a secret.

"I'm sure you'll have fun, okay, maybe not fun, but at least you get to mock Emma's costume."
Tricia Lockhart is on the phone speaking to her best friend Courtney Covington, who is on her way to her aunt's nightclub opening, which is a costumed theme since it is Halloween night. At the moment, she is in her fourth-floor apartment.
"I'll talk to you later, bye," Tricia ends the call. "Be careful you never what kind of ghouls our out tonight," she says in her best Dracula impression.
She sees Sean walking into the room wearing a dark blue denim shirt and khaki cargo pants, holding onto his keys.
"You sure you don't wanna go out to the club tonight?" he asks smoothly.
Tricia shakes her head. "I'm not keen on dressing up. Besides, I've been feeling a little run down lately with work."
"We can order in if you're not up to it."
Tricia puts her hands onto her husband's chest. "No, a night at The Waterfall is good with me. And anyway, I promised Antoine we would be there."
Sean shoots her a look of skepticism. "Does this make us old? Maybe you, but not me," Tricia teases playfully.
Sean wraps his arms around his wife. "Glad we're back in a good place."
"Me too,"
Elated that her marriage is getting back to normal after months of him barely tolerating her due to her keeping the information regarding Tommy getting Jordan pregnant. Then again, Tricia still feels deep guilt about kissing Samuel.
The two proceed to head out of the door,

A month ago, Lynn Lockhart thought she, her boyfriend, her sister, and their friends would be out enjoying Halloween together. But instead, she is in her boyfriend's home awaiting for Elijah to appear for something entirely different, which in a way scares the hell out of her not knowing what lies ahead.
Turning herself away from the window in the foyer when she sees the car headlights turn off in the driveway.
Brynn Barker walks towards her in a beige cashmere wrap sweater and dark pants, a signature casual look for the high school principal.
"He just pulled up," Lynn unveils
Brynn does her best to remain composed underneath her own nerves. "Let's get this over with, shall we?"
The two of them silently witnesses Elijah entering the house by using his key. When he is inside, he immediately stares at his girlfriend and then his mother.
"What's going on?" he asks skeptically.
Seeing both his mother and girlfriend together is quite unusual for him. In the last instance, the two were confronting him over his actions due to him getting fired from Jojo's. He's glad that he consumed something to calm his nerves before he left campus.
He proceeds into the living room with both women behind him.
Yet when he steps into the room, the image he surveys is something he would've never imagined.
On the couch are Aaliyah, Lorenzo, Tanner, and Tommy, while across from them on the love seat is his father, along with a white guy who looked to be in his forties with thinning brown hair and wire-framed glasses in front of the armchair,
"Is this what I think it is," Elijah discerns
Following him into the room, Brynn and Lenny take their place on the sofa.
The man walks toward the young man. "Hello, Elijah, I'm Robert Sands. I'm an addiction counselor from Radcliffe Receiving Hospital. Your friends and family are here to talk with you openly and honestly.
"Who in the hell are you, man?" Elijah says in a rudely-mannered tone.
"Elijah!" Nathaniel and Brynn say in unison
"It's all right," Robert states nonchalantly. "I'm here to make sure this is a safe space."
Elijah then darts his attention to the coffee table in front of the couch where his friends are sitting. And then he concentrates over to his parents and girlfriend, obviously knowing she told them about his "so-called" drinking issues.
Lenny puts some loose strands behind her ears. "Elijah, you have a problem with alcohol."

Tonight was finally here; not only it's Halloween, but the opening debut night of The Cliffe, the nightclub Emma Covington is using to springboard herself into independence. Having her accounts frozen by Daniel made her realize she should be in charge of her own success.
Outside the club, the bouncer lets in costume adults 18 years old or older inside the building. While inside the establishment, the club-goers are obtaining various drinks and food. As some even dance on the floor to the beats played by DJ Altruistic. At the moment, Lady Gaga's "Bloody Mary." is filling the atmosphere.
Emma is currently enjoying the view from above on the staircase in her witch's costume consisting of a black dress with a thigh-high slit and glittery mesh belt with a black conical hat on top of her head.
Will Jackson stands beside her in his best get-up as LL Cool J wearing a red kangol hat, fake gold chain, and red and white tracksuit.
"This is what I'm talkin about," he says
"I say we are going to turn a profit tonight," Emma says knowingly.
"From your lips to his ears," he points up to the ceiling.
"Ready?" he asks her.
"I'm always ready," she states. She picks up her witch's broom in front of her.
The unlikely business associates make their way down the stairs, where they go over to the mic.
"Testing," she says into the mic. When she hears herself perfectly, she begins.
"Hello, hello everyone. I'm Emma Covington, the founder, and owner of The Cliffe. I know you all didn't come to hear me speak, so I'm going to keep it short.
But I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. So have fun, dance, drink, and if you're too intoxicated to drive yourself from here, please obtain a voucher at the bar for a free cab ride home."
She sees Will next to her.
"Before I go, I also have one other person to acknowledge. I couldn't have opened this place without the assistance from Will Jackson, manager of The Cliffe."
People break into applause, which stuns Will since he isn't well-regarded in this town.
"So thank you all for coming, and let's continue to celebrate in the spookiest night together."
As people get back to doing their previous actions, Courtney, Shauna and Max Covington, and Steven Sullivan seem unfazed by the speech just given about Will.
"Charming, isn't he?" Shauna snipes with annoyance.
She still holds him responsible for being held hostage by her uncle's former cellmate.
Max takes a swig of a bottle of craft beer. "I don't see how Emma got herself involved with him in the first place,"
Courtney shakes her head. "I do. Trash finds its own,"
"Enough about them; let's just have a good time," Steven counters.
Martha Saunders steps inside the club in her Angel costume. After a few more seconds, she locates her cousin and friends through the crowd.
"Hey, hey, sorry I'm late. The little pirate requested some mommy and me time before he went out trick or treating with his grandma."
"I bet he looks so adorable," Shauna says of her godson.
Martha raises her vintage white clutch in her hand. "I have pics on my phone."
"Do you recognize us?" Max queries
The angel gazes at the four of them, instantly knowing who they are from years of seeing images on various forms of media.
"Who knew Mystery Inc. would be in Radcliffe of all places?" Martha says light-heartedly
Steven is Fred, Courtney is Daphne, Shauna is Velma, and Max is Shaggy.
"Where is Scoobs?" Martha wonders. "You can't forget about the star of the show."
"I couldn't forget Scoobs," Max attempts his best Shaggy Rogers impression.
He grabs a large stuffed Scooby on the bench of the table they're occupying.
Then he does his best imitation of the famous canine that makes the five of them laugh.
"So, did I miss anything?" Martha questions aloud.
Emma roams over to Will, who is near the bar glancing at "The Angel."
"I see you still got it bad for the hillbilly girl,"
Will remains silent as he gets to work. The Covington heiress remains still gripping onto the broom.

Despite the opening of the nightclub tonight. The Waterfall is populated with a decent amount of regulars as Crazy In Love by Beyoncé and Jay-Z is on the sound system. Behind the bar, Antoine Hall is pouring tequila into the designated shot glass in which Cici grasps the drink, which she quickly gulps down. She then goes for the lemon wedge, which she bites down on,
"Damn, girl! I gotta say you impressed a brotha. Ain't too many girls I know who can get tequila down as fast as you." Antoine says admirably
"It's a lot of things I can do," Cici says flirtatiously.
The young woman is wearing a sleeveless red mini dress.
"I can imagine," Antoine winks.
Antoine then looks over to see Samuel Gupta heading their way.
"Hey man, how you doin?" the bar manager greets his friend.
"I'm doing okay. "Club soda with lime,"
"Not much of a drinker?" Cici queries
Samuel turns to face the woman who rejected him in this spot weeks prior.
"I volunteered to be on call tonight, hence the non-alcoholic drink of choice," he says
"My bad," Cici nods.
"Something tells me you don't say that often," Samuel mumbles.
Antoine offers him his drink which he receives as Samuel gives him a ten-dollar bill out of his wallet.
"Keep the change," he says swiftly.
Samuel marches back to the table where he had claimed earlier.
Cici glances with confusion at her lover. "What the hell is his problem?"

"I don't have a problem," Elijah proclaims selfishly.
Nathaniel clears his throat. "Son, your mother and I care about you, and we want you to seek professional help before it is too late."
Brynn reaches out for her husband's hand. "Elijah, you're so incredibly bright; please do not let this hinder your future."
As Elijah rolls his eyes, he watches his friends go on about how his drinking affects him and how it is ruining everything around him.
"I'm fine," he says
"No, you aren't!" Tanner interjects.
"We've been best friends since we were four years old, but you know I consider us more like brother and sister. I can't stand by to watch you wreck your life, Elijah. Tommy and I saw you coming into the café three hours late to work stinking of liquor, bloodshot eyes, not a care in the world. I cannot lose any more people I care about."
Tommy flashes concern for his ex-girlfriend. "Yeah, man, we refuse to give up on you."
"I'm still standing," Elijah says in a cocky manner.
Lorenzo clears his throat. "But for how long, man? I know in a way I helped you get to your issue because I'm the one who took you to that bar."
"You didn't make me drink."
"We want you to stop," Aaliyah eagerly states
Elijah sighs roughly. "So what do you want me to say then? That I'm Elijah, and I am an alcoholic."
Silence ensues in the room.
"If you're willing, I can take you to get help. All you have to do is to agree," Robert informs him.
"Rehab? I have only gotten drunk two, three times."
"It's not the fifth or tenth drink, but it is the first to become an alcoholic, Elijah." the counselor apprises
Elijah looks at Lenny, who has remained silent through this intervention. The state of herself looks like she is holding her emotions in.
"I will go to meetings, but I'm not going to rehab, and you can't make me." Elijah insists
He walks out of the living room towards the front door as Nathaniel is about to get him to come back.
"Well, that was a resounding success," Brynn says sardonically.
"Unfortunately, this isn't a rare occurrence; it often takes people struggling with addiction more time to admit they need help," Robert advises
Tanner goes over to Lynn, putting her arm around her twin sister to support her.

Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna plays as Sean and Tricia enter the bar, they're both surprised with the turnout in spite of it being its first night open.
"Could you go grab us a booth while I get us some drinks," Sean instructs
"All right," Tricia concurs.
The pair break off as Tricia locates an available booth then she sees Samuel taking a sip of his soda at another table. Uncomfortably she approaches him, hoping to remind him of keeping their liplock a secret.
As he puts down his glass onto the paper coaster, he looks to see the woman he still has feelings for,
"Isn't it Mrs. Lockhart," he says sarcastically. "Who knows me coming down to get a drink would involve seeing the woman who I thought was into me but was into my friend instead. And on top of that, the woman I have feelings for but can't be with is also here."
"Whoa, I think you need to slow down on the booze," Tricia says cautiously.
"I'm on call tonight, so the only hard thing is going down my throat is soda,"
Tricia quickly gazes at the bar to see her husband is still in line waiting to be served then she focuses back on her good friend.
"Samuel, I just want to know what we talked about.."
The psychiatrist lifts his glass. "I'm keeping my promise; your husband won't find out about us from me,"
"Good," she replies.
Sean is waiting on his drinks to be fixed by Antoine.
"I bet you and Mae are thrilled this place is busy, especially tonight," Sean converses.
"Oh yeah, I guess it goes to show sometimes loyalty is real," Antoine answers joyously.
He thought Will's little project would keep people coming in here but tonight makes him realize sometimes people can be.
Antoine then produces one bottle of beer and a glass of white wine.
While, Sean produces the debit card that Antoine takes to charge the purchase and then gives it back to him,
Cici saunters back to her seat at the bar from the restroom.
Suddenly it dawns on Antoine; he hadn't introduced his new girlfriend to Sean.
"Sean, this is Cici, Cici, this is Sean Lockhart,"
Sean offers his hand, which Cici grasps. "Nice to meet you," he says
While the two of them get acquainted, Antoine goes down to the other side of the bar to help a bartender take orders.
"Nice to meet you too; she then looks at his left hand, where his gold band is on his ring finger.
"I see you're married," Cici notices
"Yes, I am; my wife is over there," he gestures behind them.
Cici turns to see a woman in her mid-thirties with brown hair wearing a black long-sleeve crossover top. At first, she doesn't identify her, yet somehow it unlocks an unforgettable exhibition that played out here that night she met Antoine.
"That's your wife?"
"Yeah," Sean says obliviously. "You've probably seen her at the café on Main Street, Jojo's she manages there."
Cici moves her head as her big hoop earrings dangle. "I've seen her before, but it wasn't at no café. It was in here." She then looks at him with unease which Sean picks upon.
"What was she doing in here?" Sean asks obliviously
She gestures toward Samuel sitting at his booth. "Sticking her tongue down that guy's throat," Cici answers descriptively.
Sean is about to protest her claim when he starts to recall his wife acting apprehensively when the last time they were in the bar together when he came to Samuel for advice on trying to repair his marriage.
Without any other words shared, Samuel grabs both drinks and heads to the booth where he sees Tricia sitting and fixated on the screen of her iPhone,
"Did you get lost? You were over there for a long time." She jokes.
Sean sets the beverages on the table.
He stares at his wife, trying to find any innocence on her beautiful face.
"Tricia did you kiss Samuel?"
It seemed the world around her stopped, and everything halted to slow-motion around Tricia.
"Did you fucking kiss him? Yes, or no?" Sean says a little louder.
She is about to deny when something inside of her tells her not to.
"I kissed Samuel," she reveals

Elijah drives his Volkswagen Golf onto the dark rural road heading towards the expressway. His mind dwells back on his friends and family were going on, back there like he was some addict with impulse control issues.
Keeping one hand on the wheel, Elijah reaches for his blue Yeti bottle down in his cup holder. As he consumes the vodka using one hand and the wheel barely with the other, he increases the speed with his feet on the accelerator, wanting to put more distance between himself and the people who supposedly care about him.
His concentration is taken off the road when he takes another sip from the bottle. However, when he lifts his head, he observes he is heading towards an unidentifiable object on the side of the road.
Immediately he tries to put his foot on the brake, but he is unable to do so.
His vehicle swiftly impacts into a utility pole as Elijah lies unconscious and injured.
Friends and Family gather at Elijah's side.
Repercussions occur for Tricia and Samuel.
Reality hits for more than one person.
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