Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 4, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Elijah continues his dependency on alcohol.
Shauna advises Martha to move on with Samuel when she walked in on Will and Emma having a "moment" But unbeknownst to her, the two of them conspired this façade, so Martha wouldn't be attracted to Will anymore.
Courtney didn't believe Tricia regarding Daniel's plot to take away the baby from Jordan when it was born.
Tanner wasn't happy to have Tommy in the same class as her.

Mainly out of duty for being a guest in the Saunders household, Will Jackson places the leftover dishes from breakfast on the table this morning into the kitchen sink. He couldn't stop thinking about him purposefully hurting Martha by having her walk in on him in a deep embrace with Emma at their soon-to-be-open nightclub, having overheard her confiding in her momma and sister about her being interested in him.
Knowing he isn't the type to sustain any lasting relationship other than friendship; which his past has been full of unsuccessful ones, mainly due to him refusing to be vulnerable, a reason why he hasn't been serious about anyone. Besides, he had gotten to know Martha better and refuses to drag her down with the other women he had been with,
He looks up to see SJ Saunders running into the kitchen like toddlers often do, as if someone is chasing behind them.
"Hey, little man, what's going on?" Will inquiries as he lowers himself to meet his eye level.
The cute dark brown hair little boy in his red plaid long-sleeved shirt and navy blue pants pouts. "I don't wanna go to the doctor."
"Why not?"
The toddler crosses his arms tightly, shakes his head. "I don't want needles,"
"I get it, but those shots help you to fight off those little monsters in your body."
SJ's frown turns more into a smirk. "There monsters inside me?"
Will largely nods
"Cool," SJ says impressively.
By now, Martha Saunders, who had been standing by the kitchen door listening in on the guy, she still holds feelings for calming down her anxious offspring.
Deciding, finally to step into the room where she spots her son and Will hugging each other.
Both of them let go of each other; when the single mother grabs her son from behind him to tickle him, which makes him burst into fits of laughter.
"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you,"
"Will told me about the monsters in my body, Momma," SJ whispers as if it was some top secret.
"Oh, he did," Martha says suspiciously
"Yeah," Will retorts
Both adults started chuckling while Martha scoops up her son in her arms.
"Let's go," she tells him.
Martha then glances at Will with discretion, whom she is still pissed at for fooling around with his new boss.
SJ waves enthusiastically at Will while he and his mother exit out of the kitchen, leaving Will with his hand up, exhibiting a ping of guilt in his stomach.

Meanwhile, in Downtown Radcliffe this fall morning inside the Covington Tower on the twentieth floor. Courtney Covington saunters in her heels towards her office from the boardroom, where she had just got out of a meeting with the rest of the executive team.
She is about to pass by the desk of her secretary; Joyce calls out for her.
"Ms. Covington, someone is here to see you. I told her she could wait in your office until you come back."
This would've been the moment Courtney would've nicely admonished her for letting anyone in her office that she didn't permits but decides against it since she is ready to get rid of whoever is in there.
Courtney walks into her sizable office suite to find the last person she had least suspected sitting across from her desk in a black off-the-shoulder thermal top and black pants.
"I might've bribed Joyce out there with a twenty-dollar bill to let me in," Tricia Lockhart says flippantly.
Courtney couldn't tell if her estranged friend is really being serious or facetious?
Though the easing of her face reveals it for her,
"I'm just messing with you --- I take it that you're still ticked off at me."
The last time the two had seen one another was around three months ago when it was revealed that Jordan had given birth to Tommy's baby, in which
Tricia knew all this time but hadn't told anyone, including Courtney. Meanwhile, she didn't like Tricia's assumption that her father had a hidden agenda in this cover up since most likely he had Tommy and the baby's best intentions at heart.
Courtney takes a seat at her expansive desk,
"All right, I'm listening,"

Relief is in the air of the classroom inside of Klein Hall on the west side campus of Sampson University, where Professor Nathaniel Barker's "Living With The Arts." class is winding down within the next few minutes. Already the English-Literature instructor; who is covering the course this semester, had given them enough reading material to incorporate a midterm despite it being barely a month into the class.
"I decided to do something a little fun," the fifty-something teacher announces to his students.
Some pupils roll their eyes while a few give looks of apprehension to one another, including Tanner Lockhart who wishes her best friend Elijah Barker was in class today which is weird since him missing class especially his father is out of character for the academic.
"Your next assignment is to report on a musical artist I select for you. But since this class size is larger than I anticipated. I thought it would be kind of cool to put you in pairs."
Professor Barker allows the groans he was waiting to hear from his students who feel having a partner is unnecessary, then he continues when it's over he grabs a sheet of paper from his desk behind him, which he begins to read from the list of pairs he put together.
"Tanner, Thomas, you'll be covering Bob Marley, one of the pioneers of reggae music,"
At first, Tanner thought she heard wrong because he wouldn't be cruel enough to partner with her ex-boyfriend, who slept with another girl, impregnating her.
Tommy Covington is sitting in his permanent seat, has a look of unease upon his face, knowing this is going to be uncomfortable for the both of them. Then again, maybe this is the chance he can use this opportunity to give them a second chance or at least develop a friendship.
When Nathaniel finishes rattling off the list, he ends class, in which more than half of the students dashed out of the room, grateful that that class is over for today.
Tanner marches to the professor she has known since she was four years old, hoping to plead her case.
"Hi, Professor Barker,"
Nathaniel, who is gathering his belongings into his bag, waves his hands in a carefree way. "Instructional time is over, call me Mr. Barker. How can I help you, Tanner?"
"I'm not trying to tell you how to run things in your classroom, Mr. Barker, but I cannot work with Tommy."
Nathaniel glances at the young woman thoroughly.
"I understand the situation as to why you feel it is unfair for you and Thomas to collaborate on this project. However, you'll soon learn in the real world you can't always control who you must work with."
Tanner couldn't help but think most of those people don't have to worry about wanting to throttle their colleague for getting involved with someone else.
"Mr. Barker -- I can do the work on my own if there isn't anyone else to work with."
Nathaniel zips up his bag, not taking the focus off his student.
"Sometimes, you have to grin and bear uncomfortable events. I expect the project to have all of your efforts; turned in on time. Have a good rest of your day, Tanner, and please tell that son I need to speak with him."
As Nathaniel excuses himself, Tanner remains there, regretting not dropping the course when she was able to in the first place.

"We really openin on Halloween?"
Will verifies the declaration presently made by Emma. The two are sitting down in the living room inside the mansion on Home Farm Estate, where they are going over last-minute details before their nightclub opens.
Emma grabs two bottles of lemon Perrier from the minibar. She goes over to her associate to give him one.
"And why do I get the feeling you don't like that idea," she remarks swiftly. "Is anyone else in this godforsaken town doing much on that day but trick or treating or going to the pumpkin patch to drink spiked apple cider."
Will smirks at another dig of the town he has lived in most of his life.
"I was going to say that's a good idea; the place is ready on time, it's bout time we show these people around here, we aren't messin around when it comes to business."
Emma consumes some of her mineral water.
"Did we just agree on something?"
"Yeah, I think so,"
The sound of someone's footsteps; trudging down the grand staircase, makes both of them detect Shauna Covington approaching them in a black-white polka dot top and dark-colored slacks.
"Am I interrupting you two lovebirds?" she asks sardonically.
Will and Emma exchange confused looks before it dawns on them; this is about them conspiring together, so Martha wouldn't continue to pursue him anymore.
"Don't you have a job to get to niece of mine?" Will responds nonchalantly
He knows that Shauna still holds him responsible for her being held hostage by his former cellmate, in spite of him risking his life to get her out of the dangerous situation.
Emma swiftly folds her arms across her chest.
"I know Martha is your friend, but that doesn't mean she has homesteader rights to him."
Shauna rotates her eyes steadily, wishing her best friend didn't have to develop any romantic affection for her ex-con-uncle. Then again, she isn't someone who can judge when it comes to being into someone you know deep down you shouldn't.
"Whatever it is between you two, I'm going to warn you; Emma, it will end badly. I say this as someone who actually cares what happens to you."
"I would worry about your marriage to my nephew rather than my entanglement with Will," Emma says stubbornly.
Shauna grasps the strap of her purse as she can't wrap her mind around this.
"Don't say I never warned you,"
She then heads out of the door, slamming it behind her.
"Now, where were we?" Emma says matter-of-factly
Will beams softly at the woman he has gotten to know this past year, seeing her in a different light from which he usually sees her in.

Courtney attentively hears out her friend, who expresses her regret of not trying to get into contact with her sooner, but thought she wouldn't want to hear from her due to her involvement in hiding Jordan's pregnancy, along with her father conspiring to take the baby away from her in which she still doesn't exactly believe,
"Look, we will never agree on that matter, but I think we can agree on the fact that the two of us have to put Jeremy first; he's going to need everyone who cares for his wellbeing in his life -- that includes you," Courtney reveals candidly.
"I've wanted to see the little guy; but thought it would be awkward coming over to the house,"
Grabbing her iPhone from her desk, the Covington heiress goes over to Tricia to show her the most current photos of the baby in various states.
"He's so adorable, isn't he?"
Tricia grins at the baby she had seen being born when she was in that birthing center with Jordan. With his curly blonde hair and expressive eyes. Making him the perfect blend of Jordan and even Tommy,
"He is," Tricia replies sincerely. "Court, are we good?"
Courtney's eyes land upon her best friend with ease. "Of course we are,"
The two of them then started to converse more about their lives.

Martha and SJ walk out of the examination room on the pediatric wing on the fourth floor of Radcliffe Receiving Hospital.
"You did so good in there, so much so that I think a chocolate milkshake and a grilled cheese sandwich from Jojo's beats a lollipop on any day." Martha excitedly tells her son.
SJ claps his hands energetically at being treated with his favorite meal at the café.
The two were walking beside each other, heading down the corridor; when Samuel Gupta exits the elevator onto the floor, she recalls Shauna advising her to pursue something with him to get over Will. Nonetheless, her self-confidence is lacking as of late to do something about it.
"Hi," Martha greets the handsome psychiatrist. "SJ, say hi to Samuel," she directs her son, which he complies with,
"Hi," Samuel says to the toddler. "I hope everything is okay,"
Martha takes him in his light blue oxford dress shirt with his work ID hanging from his neck. She hadn't known he had a great smile until now.
"Yeah, it was just time for SJ's yearly check-up, which he passed with flying colors," she responds.
"That's great," Samuel says to mostly the boy.
SJ looks as if he's wanting to be anywhere but here at the moment,
Samuel skims at his watch on his wrist. "I better get going, a girl had been brought in. Nurses think she is a runaway, so they think maybe I can get her to open up, so they can get some info on her parents or guardians."
He's so helpful. Martha thinks to herself. Then curses herself for thinking that since it is his job.
"Well, I see you two later on," Samuel says meaningfully; as he takes off into the passageway.
"Bye," Martha says
While getting on the elevator down to the first floor, Martha reflects on how she once was the type of woman who had enough confidence to ask men out on dates. Then again, the last time she did that, she got knocked up by that said guy who didn't want anything to do with her; or his child.

A Randy Travis song loudly plays on the sound system of the seedy bar in Hudson Lake, where a few of its regulars sit at the bar consuming their beverages while watching the mostly muted baseball game on the television on the wall.
Elijah Barker enters into the establishment after deciding to skip a day of classes, sits down at the bar, needing something to take the edge off. The last time he came in here, his girlfriend had to drive him home because he got intoxicated and couldn't drive home.
"No time, no see," the burly bartender says in his strong southern drawl.
"Yeah, can I get a beer on tap please,"
"No conversation?" the bartender teases as he gets the mug, filling it with the frosty liquid.
Elijah devours the alcoholic drink, which not only quenches his thirst but his need too.
Elijah's addiction affects the ones around him.
Mala cautions Aaliyah.
Tricia has words for Samuel.
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