Written by : Bre L Drew
July 26, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Jordan and Tommy's baby cardiac catheterization was a success.
Daniel fed Jordan's post-partum by insisting she wouldn't be a good mother. -
Tanner, still reeling from Tommy, keeping the truth from her.
Max was embarrassed by Shauna's drunk confession about their sex life.
Tricia, who was also in on the secret, lied to Sean that she was traveling to Napa. But instead drove to White Oak to help out a pregnant Jordan.

In spite of Tricia Lockhart wanting to rent a room at the nearby motel to get some better quality of sleep that she had got in the pediatric waiting room at Hillsdale County Hospital, the uncomfortably of the chair she was occupying, not to mention the various pages of codes and hospital personnel to even sounds of the elevator dinging with people getting on and off. So around seven in the morning. She traveled down to the first floor to the cafeteria, where she got a semi-decent cup of coffee and some breaded thing that calls itself a breakfast burrito which she mostly picked at; feeling relief Jordan is being let out of here today. She and her baby is also the reason why Tricia didn't find better accommodations. Remembering that Daniel Covington is around here made her vigil to him doing something to obtain custody of the baby who recently just had a procedure to repair the hole in his heart. With more than half of her coffee consumed and her burrito essentially being inedible, she then makes her way up to the floor where Jordan's room is. She finds the barrier open, stepping into the room where she sees her friend lying in bed using a compact mirror while brushing her long blonde hair. It gives her much belief that Jordan is feeling better.
"Looks good." Tricia compliments.
"Well, I couldn't sleep, so I decided to fix my hair. Next is to cover these bags with enough makeup that no one can secretly judge me." Jordan McKnight says
Tricia sees the bags, which indicates to her she hasn't slept that much herself. She decides to change the subject.
"When are you being released?"
"Nurse Jackie said around later this morning,"
"How is the baby doing?" Tricia queries
Jordan sighs as she puts the brush down onto the overbed table in front of her. "I really dunno,"
"Have you seen him?"
"Tommy took me to see him last night. I wanted to touch him, but I couldn't, okay," Jordan states frustratingly.
Jordan starts crying again this time; Tricia grabs a Kleenex from the side table to give to her. "Babe, it's going to be all right; you can try later on,"
She sways her head back and forth as the tears fall down her cheek. Her mind begins to reflect on late last night when Daniel came to see her.
I hope you know being a new parent is not easy nor for the faint of heart.
What are you talking about,
Sleepless nights, feedings, changings, doctor appointments, it isn't easy for anyone, trust me.
All of the love in the world isn't going to make you a good parent. he insists.
"I don't think I can, Tricia," she replies. "I don't think I can be a good mother to him." Jordan cries sorrowfully
Tricia wraps her arms around her friend. "You're just tired; maybe you need to get some rest that might help."
Jordan winces in pain which causes Tricia to let her go.
"What's wrong?" Tricia asks with concern.
"Nothing, my breasts are sore. I think my milk came. I remember Dr. Jamison telling me this would happen after I gave birth." Jordan informs her of what her obstetrician. "I can't do this," she admits

In the empty waiting room, Daniel Covington is still wearing his casual dress attire from yesterday is on the phone ending a conversation with his housekeeper Gabriella. When he sees his youngest son coming, he puts his iPhone into his pants pocket.
"Morning, dad," Tommy Covington greets his father.
"Good morning; how is the new father?" Daniel queries excitedly.
Tommy offers a confident smirk. "A nurse had to kick me out of the NNICU around midnight. But I was able to see him a few minutes ago; he was doing much better."
"That's is so good to hear, son,"
Daniel is thrilled that Tommy is starting to take his role as a father seriously. Because it is obvious the mother of his grandson isn't. She looks way over her head, which he brought to her attention last night.
Daniel clears his throat loosely. "I told Gabriella to tell the family about the baby."
Tommy wishes he could call Gabriella to tell her he should do it. But then again, he trusts her completely since she has always been there for him since he was born.
"I guess Tanner left," Tommy remarks candidly.
"Can you blame her son?"
Tommy last saw Tanner in the waiting room while he got the news that his son needed a life-saving medical procedure.
"No, I guess not." he says genuinely.

For twenty years, Gabriella has remained the dutiful caretaker of the wealthy Covington family. Even when Daniel and the rest of the family decided to uproot their lives from New York City to a town; she hadn't heard of before coming to work for them. So when she was given the task of notifying the rest of the family about Tommy's illegitimate child, she already expected the numerous stares of confusion and questions hurled several miles a minute over them having breakfast in the dining room the morning after Courtney and Steven's engagement party.
"Do you mind running that by me one more time?" Deirdre Covington states in her southern drawl, wearing a blue silk caftan.
The Covington matriarch is sitting at the table with her grandchildren and daughter.
"Well, we all know Tanner wasn't pregnant, so who is the mother?" Courtney Covington questions curiously
Max Covington, who is on his second cup of coffee, begins to recollect the conversation he had with Tommy last fall when his brother had revealed to him he had slept with Jordan. he then adds the months, which gets him his answer. Sitting across from him, he stares at his Aunt Emma, who hasn't lifted her attention from her phone screen.
Courtney throws her napkin onto her half-eaten plate. "I think it is only one way. We go to that hospital and find out ourselves." She then takes off out of the dining room.
Emma finally takes her eyes off the phone and acknowledges the members of her family. "Here, I thought Shauna getting wasted last night was going to be the highlight for our family this summer."

"Coffee? Tea? Orange Juice?" Louise Saunders Lockhart finds herself asking her brokenhearted daughter. The two were in the kitchen of the cottage. When she had got home from the engagement party last night, she had found out from both of the twins that not only Tommy had cheated on Tanner, that he ended up impregnating Jordan. She thought with them going away together that things were great between them. Yet she was right by having some serious doubts about her going with him to lose her virginity which thankfully didn't happen.
The older woman reproduces a moment she had with Daniel in his office during the party.
I am trusting my daughter to be responsible.
And I'm sure Tommy will, too. I believe he is aware of the outcome, trust me.
He knew about this, she thinks to herself.
"I'm fine; thanks, mom," Tanner Lockhart answers.
"I can make you some eggs and toast," Louise offers
"Thanks, mom but, I'm not hungry," Tanner says meekly.
Louise takes a seat adjacent to her daughter. "Baby, I wish can say something that could make all of this hurt and pain go away."
"Do you think this would've happened if I had slept with Tommy before he did with Jordan?" Tanner inquiries self deprecatingly
"You have done nothing wrong; this was something Tommy and Jordan did. You're not involved with anything they did." Louise advises
"And of course, Tricia had been helping to keep the secret from me too,"
Louise's facial appearance shows her strong contempt for that woman. "Don't worry, that woman is going to get hers."

By now, Nurse Jackie instructed Jordan to get her clothes on since she will be released in a matter of minutes as soon as the doctor signs off on the discharge papers. Jordan is sitting on the edge of the bed in a light pink tie strap jumpsuit.
Tricia, who is on her feet, folds her arms across her chest. "Have you thought of a name for the little guy yet?"
Jordan rotates her eyes at the question. "I got a few more days before I have to decide."
"Do you need to talk to someone?" Tricia interjects
"You mean a shrink? Like I told everyone else who has asked me today. I'm fine. Having a baby makes you tired, and I'm sure when I get out of here. I will have a fuckin name for him!"
Tricia holds back what is about to come out of her mouth. "I'll step outside."
As she wanders out of the room into the corridor, she sees Tommy walking to her.
"I thought you should know the baby is doing better and he is healthy," Tommy tells the friend of his child's mother.
"Well, that is a relief. I'm sure Jordan can sure use the rest before he comes home." Tricia replies. "She doesn't know where home is," she adds.
"I guess the plan to send her and the baby to California is DOA,"
Tricia grips the strap of her purse on her shoulder. "Your father isn't planning to have a judge grant custody to you. Because I don't think Jordan needs that, especially right now."
Daniel had his attorney draft up papers to file for custody once the baby is born. But with everything is going on, he doesn't see his father doing that.
"Is she still having a hard time?" Tommy inquiries
"This has been rough on her. I can't believe I am saying this, but maybe you can talk to her, actually show her some support," Tricia necessitates
Tommy exhales before responding. "I'll try,"

As he sits in the waiting room, Daniel comprehends that he has to make it up to Mala, whom he lied to yesterday about leaving the party to tend to some work crisis that never occurred. He does believe once he explains the situation. She would be able to overlook what he has done for the sake of his family.
The sound of the elevator opening within mere seconds, footsteps approaching Daniel,
He stands up from the chair, putting his hands on his hips. "What are you all doing here?"
In his view, his mother, Courtney, Max, and Emma all standing.
"To see the newest member of our family," Courtney says sensibly.
"If I had it my way, you would've found out about this a long time ago, but it was out of my control. Though the most important thing is that we have a new addition to his family." Daniel states meaningfully
Emma couldn't help but rotate her eyes at her brother's speech.
"Can I speak with you alone, Son?" Deirdre insists
Mother and son go into the corner to talk in private.
Courtney examines both her brother and aunt. "We all find out we have a nephew we never knew we had, but you two act as if everything is normal." You two didn't know about this, did you?"
"I think I know who is the mother of our brother's child," Max retorts.
Deirdre places a hand on her back to hold herself together. "What on earth is happening to this family? First Emma was about to marry that Frenchman who was about to swindle her. And now my youngest grandson went ahead and made me a -- great-grandmother still in my prime."
Daniel suppresses his amusement at his mother. "Mom, calm down; everything is under control."
The Covington widow scoffs at him. "I beg to differ; maybe I should stay in Radcliffe a little longer to make sure it is."
"Where are you going to go now?" Tommy asks the mother of his child in her hospital room.
"I don't know; maybe I can stay at the suite at the Miller Inn until I can find somewhere," Jordan says nonchalantly.
When pregnant, Jordan was staying at Daniel's suite at the hotel before she had left town to stay in a cabin until she gave birth so Daniel wouldn't take her child away from her,
"Jordan, have you called your parents to tell them about the baby?"
Her father didn't want his nineteen-year-old daughter ruining her life by keeping her baby, so she left out of the only home she had ever known. Not even her mother stood up for her.
Jordan runs both of her hands through her head. "I'm tired of talking about the baby all the damn time. Where was all of this conversation when I was pregnant?"
Tommy notices Jordan isn't handling the post-birth well at all.
"I think you should come to stay at Home Farm," he requests
"I'm a mess. I can't be a mother to him," she confesses.
"You can't just abandon our son," Tommy confronts her. "He is going to need you."
"I need to get far away from here to get myself together."
Tommy gives her a look full of disbelief.
"Jesus, I'm not crazy, Tommy, but I need you to step up and be the one constant in his life until I can."
At first, he is silent, trying to comprehend what is happening. "I promise," Tommy forfeits.

Sean Lockhart is on his way to work out in the downstairs gym in the building, so when he pulls the door open, he is surprised to find his ex-wife standing there.
"Hey," he says to her.
"Hey, uh, normally I would've called before I came, but this is something you have to know." Louise mentions
Sean steps out of the way for her to enter the apartment.
"Are the girls alright?"
"Lynn is fine, Tanner not so much,"
"What's going on?"
Louise takes loose strands of her shoulder-length blonde hair behind her ears. "You're going to hear all about this anyway. While in Hudson Lake, Tommy told Tanner he had slept with Jordan the night of your wedding in Hawaii. Come to find out the baby she was carrying was his."
Sean's expression upon his face becomes hesitant. "I'm going to wring Tommy Boy's neck when I see him."
He knew when he had heard that they were going away, it was a bad idea, and this proves him wrong,
"Well, get in line with me,"
Louise tries to progress into the next phase of the conversation. "By me telling you this. I'm in no way trying to interfere in your marriage."
Sean doesn't hide his confusion. "Why would this affect my marriage?"
"Tanner had gone to the hospital in White Oak with Tommy because the baby was having problems with his heart, and not only she saw Daniel there. But Tricia was there too."
"Are you sure? She said she was visiting with some friends in Napa,"
"Tommy had told Tanner that Tricia had been helping Jordan throughout her entire pregnancy. She even knew that Tommy was the father."
Sean puts his hand onto his forehead, attempting to understand what is going on?
"Why would she keep this from me?"
"I think she didn't want you to accuse her of taking sides," Louise assumes
She can tell he is hurt by this, knowing how quiet he gets when he feels betrayed.
"I'll drop by later on to see Tanner. I promise I won't mention any of this until she tells me." Sean says
"She can use her father right now," Louise says with sincerity.

Tricia is on her way to the vending machine to get something edible to eat when she can hear a familiar feminine voice calling out her name from behind.
The café manager turns around to see Courtney.
"Let me guess, you knew about Jordan carrying Tommy's baby all this time, have you?" Courtney faces her best friend.
Her older brother filled her in on his assumption on Tommy and Jordan, which turned out to be correct when their father confirmed it for them.
"Courtney, listen --
"No, you listen,"
"Courtney, it wasn't like that, Jordan needed help, and everyone else had turned her back on her. I know what's that like, I had to grow up fast, and I saw that Jordan was heading in the same direction. I couldn't turn my back on her."
Courtney doesn't take her sight off her friend. "It has to be more to this. "
"Oh, it is, and your father is ringleader behind it too."
"What are you talking about Tricia, I know you don't get along with my father, but he wouldn't do anything to hurt his grandchild."
"Of course not," Tricia's voice drips in sarcasm.

Down in the NNICU, Deirdre and Max are visiting with their nephew and great-grandson, respectively.
"He is so precious," Dee says wholeheartedly. "You and Shauna ever talk about having one?"
Max elicits a sigh as he sees his nephew hooked up to several tubes in his incubator. "We've talked about it, but it seems all we do now is argue."
He then thinks about his wife, who consumed too much champagne, causing her to be volatile and air out their private business regarding their lack of sex. Right now, she is still sleeping off her hangover in their bed at home.
"Your grandfather and I had our rough patches; you two gotta talk it out; trust me, don't let those small issues grow into larger ones."
"It doesn't get easier, does it, grandmother,"
"No, but don't be like your grandfather or father; work has its value as long as you don't put it above the woman you promised to spend the rest of your life with."
"I will try not to let it, grandmother,"
"Good, now we have to convince the boy's mother to give him a name," Deirdre says in a pretentious but truthful way that makes Max crack a smile.

About twenty minutes later, Tommy comes into the waiting room where the rest of his family is. He had got a text from Tricia that she had decided to leave since the truth is out now. She didn't want to be enemy number one with anyone else.
"Congratulations," Max says to his brother.
Courtney swats her brother on his arm. "You could've told me I would've understood."
The two brothers exchange similar glances of skepticism.
Emma, who is now standing up, gets closer to her family. "I guess we should also bring good wishes to your baby momma too. Where is the little tramp anyway?"
Tommy decides to ignore her aunt's insult about the mother of his child.
"I think it is best Jordan and your son come to live at the house," Daniel says as more of a command than a suggestion.
Tommy looks down at the floor then onto his family. "That's not going to happen."
"Thomas, what are you talking about?" Deirdre cross-examines her grandson.
"Jordan had to work some things out on her own, so she left town to get some clarity."
Numerous amounts of criticism and expressions our made within the Covington's,
"She is abandoning her child?" Courtney says. "How selfish can she be?"
"Courtney," Max swings his head not to continue her negative declaration.
"Jordan is not doing well, and she needed some time away," Tommy apprises them. "And until she returns, I will be in charge of my son's care."
What he says to them all makes them silent.
Daniel remains proud of his son for taking the correct stance of being a father to his child. Who knew it would take him planting the doubts in her mind she would be a failure as a parent.

The flight is nearly full of passengers ready to depart out the rural town of White Oak. One of them is Jordan, who is sitting in a row with two other strangers.
She gazes out of the window. Jordan dwells on the last seconds she spent at the hospital before she left for the airport.
As she stood outside the NNICU, peering into the room through the glass pane, she decided that this was the best decision.
I don't know if you can hear me or not, but mommy has to go. It's not forever, and this doesn't mean I don't love you because I do. I just don't know how to. So this is why I need to leave because I cannot bear to hurt you. Jordan had placed her hand onto the pane as a way to touch her son. She gets back into the wheelchair which gets pushed by Tricia down the hall to the elevator.
The sound of the flight attendant's voice interrupts her thoughts.
"Flight 1210 from White Oak nonstop to King's Bay, Washington is now departing."
Jordan had decided to venture to a town on the west coast where she has never been in her life. Besides, if she is lucky, maybe she can achieve some goals for herself there. Either way, she needed to get some perspective away from everyone.
The airplane ascends, she can see the clouds and what possibly awaits her in her next destination.
Sean confronts Tricia.
Lynn confides in someone.
Jai and Louise become closer.
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