Written by: Bre L. Drew
February 14, 2022
Last Time On Town and Country
Friends and family gather for Jeremy's christening, during which Jordan appears in the church.
To the chagrin of their families, Will and Emma have been becoming closer.
​A letter written by Deirdre over thirty years ago was uncovered by Steven, unbeknownst to him, revealing her affair with Jimmy Saunders.

When all eyes were upon her, Jordan McKnight was very close to running out of the church to escape the judgmental stares. But as soon as she was about to leave, her mother called out her name. Somehow, she became frozen in place while everyone remained fixated on her.
She manages to conjure up enough energy to slowly move down the aisle, seeing the delight on her mother's face, the horror on others, and the surprise on a few, including Tricia and Tommy.
Suddenly, she realizes that Reverend Friendly is near her.
"Jordan, it's great to see you. I hope you have no objection to your son's christening."
Finally, she finds her voice. "No, it's fine,"
She then takes a seat in the empty pew.
Tommy, along with the baby in his arms and Tricia following behind him, approaches her.
Memories of her leaving him in the NICU at the hospital after he had a life-saving heart procedure flood back to her.
"Do you want to hold him?" Tommy queries, thinking she wants to see how much he has grown since she last saw him last.
Without any hesitation, Jordan shakes her head.
Tricia gets everyone's attention by raising her voice. "All right then. I think we should move this celebration elsewhere."
People begin to gather their belongings, marching out of the sanctum. Jordan remains still as Tommy gives the baby over to his sister, Courtney, who gives a questioning glare to her before heading out of the room.
When Daniel Covington makes his way up the aisle, their glares meet as they both remember him convincing her to abandon her baby.
As Tanner Lockhart passes by, along with Lynn, Elijah, and Aaliyah, she is surprised to see her here since she thought she wouldn't want anything to do with the boy who cheated on her.
All that was left in the sanctuary were herself, Tommy, Tricia, Thora, and Ernest.

In the hallway, Deirdre Covington informs everyone about the reception being held at Home Farm. When she sees her daughter, Emma Covington, she goes to her.
"Hell of a three-ring circus in there, isn't it?" the younger woman vocalizes bluntly.
Deirdre points her well-manicured finger at the door behind her that leads to the sanctum. "Even Teen Mom is not going to ruin this day for this family."
"Well, I will see you later,"
"Wait, wait, where are you going?" Deirdre's voice says it in an audible whisper. "Do not tell me you are going to be with that ex-con over your family today?"
Emma turns around as her shoulder-length brown hair twirls in perfect motion. "I said, I will see you later, mother."
She exits the building in her predominately white fur coat, holding onto her designer purse.
"Will Jackson, you will soon be out of my daughter's life for good," Deirdre says in a guaranteeing way.

Finally, finding the pair of earrings inside her antique jewelry box, which she has had since she was a teenager, Esther Saunders is also soon reminded in her bedroom of what is also in the secret compartment of the box.
Being a glutton for punishment, she locates the item in the enclosure in the box. Esther then unfolds the parchment as her eyes dwell on the familiar handwriting of her former best friend turned enemy, who wrote to her late father to end their disastrous affair.
Dear, Jim,
When we first started this dalliance, I knew you were never going to leave your wife for me. In fact, I was never going to leave my husband for you. I'm writing to you that we must end this affair between us. But you see, it is going to be difficult for me to do because I found myself completely falling for you. I know, however, we can't go on. We have so much to lose, most importantly, our families; if we put ourselves first, and I won't be the cause of so much heartbreak,
All My Love,
Sighing heavily when she once again reads it, she is reminded of the secret hurt and pain both Deirdre and her father caused when she discovered them together thirty-six years ago.
In her mind, she conjures a long-ago conversation she had with her father shortly after she found out about the two of them.
Oh, daddy, how in the hell could you do this?
I don't wanna talk about this anymore, Essie; it's over!
It should never have happened in the first place.
I'm not gonna say it again. I don't wanna talk about this anymore.
Returning to the present, Esther still has the letter in her possession.
"Thank the lord, Dee and Patrick's gal did not come out of that," she says gratefully.
The woman puts the letter into the jewelry box.

"So, you were in Seattle all this time?" Ernest challenges his daughter.
Jordan had just informed her parents, Tommy and Tricia, that she had been staying on the west coast for the last several months,
"King's Bay," Jordan quickly corrects.
Thora, who is sitting in the pew one row ahead of her, is smiling with joy.
"All that doesn't matter; we will deal with all the details later. The most important thing is that you're home to take care of your son. "
Jordan displays a level of reluctance on her face.
Tommy sticks his hands into the pockets of his slacks. "How did you know where we were?"
"I went out to Home Farm, and Gabriella told me you were all here at the church."
"We decided to have Jeremy christened," Thora informs her.
"Jeremy," she says, hearing the name of her son for the first time.
"I named him; his middle name is Ernest, after your brother," Tommy explains to her.
Jordan is somewhat surprised that he remembered how much her older brother meant to her.
Tricia places both of her hands on her hips, determining the exhaustion of her friend, " I think Jordan needs some rest."
"You can come back home with us," Thora insists. "I promise it won't be like before."
Jordan shakes her head in disbelief. "I doubt the chief would want me back."
Ernest remains silent during his daughter's accusation.
"You can stay at Home Farm," Tommy offers with finality.
That statement makes Tricia take notice, knowing how a year ago he didn't want anything to do with her.
Jordan questions. "Are you sure?"
"You are the mother of my son; my family will understand."
"Okay," she finally agrees.
As Tommy and Tricia look on, she walks out of the room, leaving her parents glaring at each other.
"That girl is stubborn as all hell," Ernest admits.
Thora sways her head at her husband's swearing in church as well as his comment.
"That girl, our only daughter, is a woman now who is slipping further away from us because of the way we treated her when she came to us last year when she was pregnant and scared."
Her husband is about to say something else when she holds up her hand to stop him.
"Do what you do best, Ernest. Go anywhere else except home, because I don't want you there."
Thora departs from the sanctum in her coat as Ernest remains in the room, unsure of how he can fix this situation.

Emma enters the empty nightclub she owns hours before it opens to patrons. She spots Will Jackson lifting his head, seeing her while he is in the middle of doing an inventory of the items from behind the bar.
God's Plan by Drake plays on the sound system.
"Hey, did not expect to see you until tonight; the baptism is over already?
Emma takes a seat at the bar, placing her purse in front of her. "Yes, and a shit ton of drama went down too."
The bar manager raises an intrigued eyebrow.
"I will tell you later, but first, I need a drink."
"Your wish is my command,"
He swiftly fixes her a shot of tequila.
She accepts it and swallows it down in record time. "Not to mention my mother's wanting us on entirely different planets."
Will silently recalls what his momma told him earlier about Emma, yet he couldn't help but be attracted to her.
Leaning over across the bar, he puts his lips on hers. They begin kissing. Until she pulls away from him.
"What?" he asks
An expression of lust comes over her. "Let's take this upstairs, shall we?"
Soon, the pair climb the staircase to her office.

A small gathering of mostly family and close friends is in the living room inside the mansion on Home Farm, where food and drinks are on tables.
Courtney walks down the long staircase and sees her husband at the landing.
"Jeremy, okay?" He queries.
"Yeah, he is asleep in the nursery; Lilith is with him now."
The newlyweds both glare at one another with intent.
"Look, can we talk?" Steven requests
He thought they should get away to talk about their disagreement about moving into Hope Cottage.
"Not right now," Courtney says indifferently.
He watches his wife stroll away to join the rest of her family.

The Covington housekeeper, Gabriella, answers the door for Tommy, Tricia, and Jordan, all step inside the house.
Not far off, Daniel and his mother, Deirdre, take notice.
"You better do something about this situation," Deirdre somewhat reprimands her son.
Daniel sees them approaching them.
Tommy clears his throat a bit. "Dad, Jordan will be staying here in one of the guest rooms. I hope it isn't a problem."
Deirdre had brought back two flutes of champagne, passing one to her son, indicating he needed it.
"Daniel, I know you wish you could pick someone else who's better to be the mother of your grandson. But I hope you don't mind me living here as I get to bond with the baby." Jordan says
The wealthy businessman takes a sip of the liquid. "Sure, of course, you are welcome to stay, Jordan."
While Tricia does the same, Deirdre debuts a look of perplexity. both, expecting him not to be so cordial to her.
The three of them soon go upstairs.
Deirdre takes a hearty sip of her champagne. "What on earth are you doing?" she states. "This is one of the reasons why I'm extending my stay in Radcliffe to help you get this family together."
"She is the mother of my grandson, and by having her underneath this roof, it will be easier to keep an eye on her. He replies. "Like dad used to say, keep one eye on your friends and both on the people you don't trust."
He takes a drink of the champagne, determined not to have this girl in his house any longer than needed. But he is sure of one thing: that she will not walk out of here with his grandson.
Tanner expresses her feelings.
Samuel and Martha's first date occurs underneath Will's gaze.
Jordan has a hard time bonding with her son.
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