Written by : Bre L. Drew
April 12, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Finally, Jordan told her parents of her pregnancy which her father didn't take well. He ultimately told her to get out of his house since she decided to keep the baby instead of adopting it out like he wanted her to.
Lynn was close to telling Tanner about Tommy getting Jordan pregnant. Yet she chose not to, believing it is up to him to tell her.
Will moved out of the bar when Mae fired him.
Elijah went to The Alley where he started drinking to release himself from the pressures of college.
Jai and Louise began seeing each other.

Putting his backpack onto his back, Tommy Covington heads out of his family's estate to drive to campus where he has an accounting class in the afternoon. However, once he opens the door; he unexpectedly finds Lynn Lockhart standing in his doorway, her long blonde hair in a messy ponytail wearing a red-t-shirt underneath blue jean overalls.
"Lynn, what's up? I was just about to leave," Tommy says casually.
"Spare me a few minutes," Lynn remarks, she then intrudes into the mansion, leaving Tommy with no other choice but to entertain his friend, he shuts the large door behind him.
"Is anyone else here?" she inquiries cautiously.
Tommy shakes his head.
"You should know I was this close telling Tanner you knocked up Jordan."
Tommy heavily sighs; he had been keeping that secret away from his girlfriend. If she found out, he couldn't stand seeing her hurt because of a temporary lapse of judgment he made by sleeping with Jordan when they were in Oahu for Lynn and Tanner's father and stepmother's wedding. He told Jordan he doesn't want anything to do with the baby, even if it is his flesh and blood.
Tommy removes the bag due to the weight of it on his back. "What the hell were you thinking?"
Lynn places both of her hands upon her hips. "That I was doing something you don't have the balls to do," she replies. "But then I realized it isn't up to me to be the one to tell her,"
By the tone in her voice, Tommy detects he is the person to do so, in a way he knows he is.
"I'll tell her," he states hesitantly.
Lynn throws him a look of strong cynicism. She starts moving towards the door. "I need to get to the farm."
"I'll tell her," he repeats himself.
Lenny refrains from saying anything else as she heads out towards the Fiat.

Lorenzo Vidal enters the dorm fresh from attending English Lit. He places his messenger bag in the chair at his desk, relieved he is through with school for the rest of the day. Yet something out of the ordinary comes onto his horizon, his roommate is still fast asleep on his bunk. Usually, his friend would be out of the room in one of his scheduled classes or heading to a student representative event. Now he is stretched out on the mattress like he hadn't slept in eons which is the truth since Elijah tends to have a full plate with everything going on in his life at the moment.
He reaches out to wake him up, and at first, Elijah rolls over, though eventually he slowly awakens from his slumber. "What time is it?" he queries groggily.
"Uh, past time for you to be out of bed," Lorenzo says
As Elijah's eyes flutter open, the rays of the sunlit spring afternoon come through the window even brighter than he anticipated, which makes his headache intensify with discomfort. "Shit!"
Lorenzo notices his unkempt appearance but doesn't say anything. "Man, what's wrong?"
Elijah is now sitting up on the bed. "I just missed a few classes, he then looks down at the screen of his iPhone. "I need to get ready for work."
He gets on his feet, he retreats to the drawer of his desk to obtain a bottle of aspirin for his hangover he is experiencing from drinking those beers last night at The Alley. He ended up having to take a cab home from Hudson Lake; leaving his Volkswagen Golf in the parking lot, which he is reminded of when he reaches for the bottle of water in the mini-fridge.
"I got to meet Aaliyah at the editing suite, she is helping me edit a video for tv-production," he states. "You sure you alright?"
Elijah swallows the aspirin with water. "I'm good,"
The two friends say their goodbyes.

With a few strokes, Louise Saunders Lockhart signs her name onto the check that will be used to pay for supplies to the farm. The farmer is sitting at the table inside the kitchen of her ancestral home. She tears the piece of paper out of the checkbook as Lynn enters through the side door.
"Hey," Louise greets her blonde fraternal twin daughter.
"Hey, sorry, I'm late I had to take care of something." Lynn apologizes to her mother for showing up later to work.
"That's all right, when you're ready, the parlor can use a good cleaning."
Lynn hadn't told her mother Jordan is pregnant with Tommy's baby, knowing she would want Tanner to know straight away. Despite wanting Tanner to know the truth she wants to hear it from her boyfriend. Yet she is aware she is too an accomplice, hiding it from her too.
The tapping on the side door gets both Lockhart women's attention.
"It's open!" Lynn exclaims
Jai Gupta walks through the door holding a plastic bag in one hand and a bouquet of sunflowers in the other.
"Jai, I didn't expect to see you today," Louise says pleasantly.
The woman gets out of the chair to hug her new beau, which Lynn feels awkward since this is the first guy she had seen her mother being intimate with since her parents' divorce.
"Well, I figured you'll be working, so I decided we can have lunch indoors," Jai informs her
"I like that very much, thank you," Louise then turns around to face Lynn who is standing there with her arms folded. "Jai, this is my daughter Lynn."
She takes Jai's hand to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Lynn," he says with his casual British accent.
"Nice meeting you too," she says back. "Mom, I'm going to get started cleaning,"
She exits out of the main house leaving the two adults alone.
"That went better than I thought it would," Louise mentions
"Well, at least your seventeen-year-old daughter didn't ruin a dinner announcing we were together,"
"A long story, which can be heard over Chinese food,"
The ringing of the doorbell interrupts their next move.
"Let me get the door," Louise remarks. She goes out into the living room to open it.
"Hi, Louise," Mae Jackson greets the niece of her best friend.
"Hello, Mae, how are you, please come in,"
The bar owner enters the house. "Is Will here, I need to speak with my son,"

With an A on his latest exam, Tommy proudly marches out of his accounting class with several of his classmates following behind him. A fellow male and female peer congratulate him before they proceed to their designations. He makes his way out of the door. He is on the east side of campus where several students are going in and out of buildings. As others were taking in the sunny afternoon, he is heading to cross the bridge where his next class is located when the sight of Jordan McKnight catches him off guard. He takes in her expanding stomach, which is quite noticeable more than ever, her eyes looked puffy like she has been crying profusely.
"I need to talk to you," Jordan demands
Tommy looks around behind him so no one will see him feeling relieved Tanner is currently on a field trip with her art history class at a museum in Lexington for most of the day. She couldn't know he is the father of Jordan's baby.
"What is it?"
Jordan sighs exasperatedly as if she is carrying plenty of emotional weight.
Tommy scans the nearby area. "Do you want to sit down?"
Jordan nods, following him to sit down on the dark steel bench.
"You being nice to me, That's definitely a change,"
"Well, looks like you need to be off your feet," he replies. "Jordan, if this is about you trying to use this baby to come between me and Tanner it won't happen."
Quickly the blonde young woman raises one of her hands to interject. "First of all, I get it you have no interest in me." she then clears her throat partly to keep from crying. "Though let's not forget it took two for me to wind up this way. I finally told my parents that I'm pregnant and they - uh didn't handle it well - my father was so furious he kicked me out of the house not before suggesting I should give this baby up for adoption."
"I spent the night at Tricia and Sean's, but I know for obvious reasons. I can't stay there any longer. "
"You can't stay on the estate," he informs her.
Jordan shakes her head. "Look, I have no place to go, my things are still at home. I'm still in the same clothes I wore yesterday - I know you think I'm some whore who tricked you into getting pregnant."
"I don't think you're a whore." he says honestly. "Maybe you should talk to your parents, maybe they have calmed down by now."
Jordan shoots him an expression of if you knew my father he hasn't.
Tommy sees her going through her tote bag like she is on the hunt for something. A couple of seconds later she retrieves a business card she gives to her unborn baby's father. She watches him take it in.
"This is from my father,"
"Please don't act like you didn't go to him to tell him you didn't want to be a dad to this kid."

"You're doing a good job, man," Sean Lockhart tells Will Jackson.
The two men are inside the cow barn on Franklin Farm. Sean as the manager is checking on several of the farmhands. So when he stopped by the barn, he was impressed the farmhand had fed most all of the cattle at an efficient rate.
Will puts down the bag of feed on the ground swiping a bead of sweat on his forehead. "No problem,"
"I know at first I didn't you think you would make the cut working on the land but I must say you proved me wrong."
Will knows Sean isn't the only one who thought hiring an ex-con was a mistake including Louise and Esther. Almost a year later it seems he has learned so much working out here.
Mae strolls into the barn somewhat looking out of place as her purse dangles from her shoulder.
"Mae, how are you doing?" the farm manager greets his employee's mother.
She looks at her son then focuses back on Sean. "I'm doing all right, how are you?
"I'm doing good,"
"Can I speak with my son alone for a little bit?" Mae inquiries
As Will is about to protest Sean permisses giving them the space to talk while he notices one of the cows of the dairy cattle looks peaky which can mean she is in ill-health.
"How are you?" Mae insists,
"What do you want momma?" Will asks with annoyance
He is still upset at her for firing him from The Waterfall after he locked Antoine out of the bar as a result of him pissing him off by trying to show him up in terms of trying to come between him and his momma.
"I'm asking you to come home,"
Will walks a few steps away from the spot he was in. "Do I get my job back?"
"We can talk about that,"
"So, no then?"
Mae tries to choose her words carefully so she wouldn't feel like she is alienating him. "I appreciate what Sarah Lynn has done by letting you stay here but you belong in your home."
"I don't think Antoine would want me back,"
"Let's get something straight, Antoine doesn't dictate who lives in my house," Mae replies strongly
"I better get back to work, I call you later, momma," Will says
"You can't stay here forever, I'm sure Sarah Lynn doesn't want you here that much longer,"
"Why do I want to go back to a place I ain't welcome in the first place. he verbalizes. "Like I said I gotta get back to it,"
"I'm not giving up on you, Will,"
Mae trudges out of the barn, knowing her best efforts weren't met with any success. Registering her decision is making her fears come true when it comes to her family abandoning her.

Jai and Louise are conversing over shrimp fried rice, orange chicken, and eggrolls at the kitchen table.
Louise uses a fork to scoop up some rice. "How's business at the market going so far?"
Jai owns J&M, a new grocery store in town. It is also where the two of them first met when Louise planned a meeting with him to discuss having the farm's dairy products to be sold there. A week prior he finally opened the store to the public.
"It's going better than I thought, though it has been keeping me busier than I initially anticipated."
"Something tells me you're up to the task," Louise says flirtatiously.
Jai winks at her then takes a bite of his eggroll. "I'm not up to the task of getting my apartment together," Are you good with decorating?" he asks
"I'll do all right, just pick a day and a time and we'll work something out," Louise states
While opening the side door Sean overhears his ex-wife and her new man our laughing about something. Purposely he clears his throat to make his presence known.
Louise turns her head. "Sean, hi,"
The two had a discussion the other day about him finding out she is now seeing someone else. Louise quickly told him it's her life and she deserves to have happiness in it without him.
"Sorry to interrupt y'all, but Lou one of the cattle looks dehydrated." he apprises.
"Damn it, I better call Steven to see if he can do an emergency house call, excuse me Jai,"
Louise goes into the living room to retrieve her phone upstairs.
Jai senses the uncomfortableness in the room so he begins to tidy up the table. Sean inches closer getting a good look at the tall Indian gentleman who is involved with the mother of his children.
"I'm Sean Lockhart," he introduces himself.
Jai throws some of the empty cartons into the trash. "Jai Gupta,"
Sean just nods his head. "You've been seeing Louise long?"
"No, we're just getting to know each other right now,"
"Before you think I'm jealous or anything. I'm telling you this because I care about Louise, she has been through a lot in these last few years, which I know I contributed to. Just treat her the way she deserves to be."
"Looks like we agree on something already, because Louise does deserve better," Jai retorts
Louise comes back into the kitchen with her phone in her possession. "I was able to catch my cousin, he is on his way,"
The silence between the men makes Louise wonder what were they talking about when she was gone though it does not take long for her to put two and two together - it was her.
"I better get going, but the rest of the food is yours and I will call you later,"
"I see you later, bye" Louise concludes.
Jai and she then give a smooch to each other as Sean watches him exiting the house via the side door.
"I get it that you care about me, but please stay out of my relationship." I don't give you my opinions on yours, so show me that same common courtesy."
She saunters out of the kitchen leaving her ex-husband standing there absorbing those words given to him.

He remembers running into his father at Covington to confide in him about this matter. Daniel told him he couldn't ignore his flesh and blood.
"He came to me at my house with I think they call in the business world a negotiation,"
"What did he say?"
"That he would jump-start my modeling career, and in exchange he wants me to sign over my parental rights after I have the baby."
Tommy does not hide his confusion at that statement. "Why would he want that?"
Jordan tucks a few strands of her blonde hair behind her right ear. "Aren't you on the Dean's list?" she asks. "Because he wants this child to be raised as a Covington, but he wants me out of the picture so you can raise him with probably a French nanny and boarding schools."
Suddenly, he realizes Daniel wants access to his firstborn grandchild which makes him taken back since Tommy is adamant about not having this baby in his life.
"I'm sorry, he came to you with this, it wasn't my intention for him to do this you know that right?"
It takes her about two seconds to respond to him. "I suppose, I don't go around begging for things like money or a place to stay, forget about me, do you want your child to go without things you have taken for granted all of your life?"
Tommy emits a long deep breath. "My family has a suite at the Miller Inn we hardly use, it's yours if you want it."
"Are you serious?"
He nods. "You look like you can use some rest and you can go shopping in the hotel boutique for clothes and other things you need just put it towards the room."
Jordan feels tears coming out of her eyes partially due to the happiness and the rest because of hormones from the pregnancy. "Tommy, thanks,"
Tommy gets up from the bench realizing he is late for marketing. "Take it easy, Jordan,"
"I will," she says
He then walks off, leaving her sitting on the bench filled with a bountiful of emotions at this moment.
Emma has a proposition for Will.
Daniel confronts Louise.
Sean wants to take the next step with Tricia.
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