Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 21, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Daniel's surprise 45th birthday party continued.
Esther confronted Deirdre on the affair she had with her father over thirty years ago.
Emma made her presence known to her family.
Sarah Lynn decided to seek therapy for her grief of losing Peter.
Elijah and Lynn got back together.
Tommy still is torn between his love for Tanner and his attraction to Jordan.

In spite of his birthday party ending around twelve-thirty in the morning. Daniel Covington managed to get enough sleep for him to be able to get ready for work. He takes his seat as head of the table in the expansive dining room at Home Farm. He couldn't remember the last time he had this much family under the same roof. Also at the table was his mother Deirdre, who was pouring herself a cup of coffee. Tommy and Courtney were talking about something he didn't know much about, Max is consuming his breakfast, and Shauna is thanking their housekeeper Gabriella for bringing in the pitcher of orange juice.
"Morning everyone," Daniel greets them all.
Selections of pleasantries our sent his way,
Daniel decides to fill his plate with fruit. "Thank you, everyone, for the celebration. I had a good time last night."
"You're welcome, dad," Courtney retorts
"I wish John and Heather could've stayed longer. I didn't realize how much I missed them until yesterday." Tommy states
Courtney, Max, and Tommy had surprised Daniel by inviting their godparents, who are also Daniel's oldest friends from New York City.
"Me too, but John is on a deadline, so he had to get back to the city. And Heather had to get back to Vancouver to be back on set," Daniel informs
His friends are well-known in the entertainment industry as the editor of Montage Magazine and popular television actress of Lifetime's long-running cop-show The Badge respectively,
At a leisurely pace, Emma Covington into the room gets attention upon her since she is the only one who isn't dressed and is wearing a red silk satin kimono robe.
"Want some breakfast?" Deirdre asks her youngest child.
"Breakfast at this hour?" Emma replies in disbelief.
"Well, it is the morning after all," Shauna chimes in
The Covington heiress flew into the party last night in a helicopter, which caused quite a spectacle for the guests. Who all were curious as to who was making a presence of grandeur.
She takes a seat closest to her mother, who is sitting at the other head of the table.
Refusing to be anywhere near her Aunt at the moment. Courtney gets out of the chair to head to the company in which Shauna follows. Tommy excuses himself as well since he is going to campus.
Deirdre looks up from her coffee. "Son, you don't mind if I talk to your sister alone?"
"Not at all, mom,"
Daniel rises out of his seat to leave the room, not before giving both women a look of caution before he does.
"Here comes the lecture," Emma says with annoyance.
"No lecture, I just want to know when you're going back to Paris?"
Emma shakes her head and scoffs. "Can't wait to get rid of me already, mother?"
Deirdre watches her daughter taking a bite of a cinnamon raisin muffin.
"I probably stay for a week if you don't mind,"
"How come Jacques didn't come with you?"
Jacques Laurent is Emma's Parisian fiancé, who is the son of a billionaire shipping magnate.
"He had some business to take care in Germany besides me coming here was a last-minute decision."
"I bet it was," Deirdre says while lifting the cup of coffee to her lips.

Smiling with familial adoration, Sarah Lynn Saunders stands a few feet away in the kitchen inside of the house, watching her grandchildren as Lynn Lockhart is feeding SJ Saunders peach puree from his highchair.
"Is it good?" Lynn asks her baby cousin in an energetic tone of voice.
"Yeah," he babbles.
It brings a grin onto the young woman's face.
"Other than your Aunt Martha, you're the only one who has gotten that boy to eat all of his food without much hassle." Sarah Lynn informs
Lynn shrugs. "Maybe he is in the mood for peaches."
Sarah Lynn puts loose strands of her long golden blonde hair behind her ears. "Ready to fly out to Hawaii for your dad's wedding tomorrow?"
The young adult woman begins playing with the baby's chubby hands that are sticky due to his eating. "Don't remind me," Lynn says exasperatedly.
The wedding between her father and Tricia is tomorrow in Oahu, Hawaii. From when she found out about the two of them getting involved, she strongly opposed her father tying the knot to the woman who helped break up her parents' marriage. Even if she had briefly seen another side of Tricia, who was distraught over her mother not being able to make it to the wedding for some reason, she and her sister overheard when they were at the bridal shop the other day.
The Saunders matriarch takes a seat next to her granddaughter. "I think standing up for them as a bridesmaid is very mature of you,"
"We shall see," Lynn says sarcastically. "You're probably sick of getting asked this. And you don't have to answer it. she replies. "But how, are you doing?"
Sarah Lynn exhales before answering. "Taking it one day at a time,"
Sarah Lynn has been dealing with the overall grief of losing her husband from a sudden heart attack this past March.
"Lynn, I want to apologize for what you and your sister saw at the greenhouse."
The young woman by now has stood up and is picking up the baby into her arms. "We don't have to talk about that,"
Months prior, the twins were walking out onto the farm when they saw her in which Sarah Lynn's mind convinced her she was speaking to an "alive" Peter. Nonetheless, they saw her talking to herself in the greenhouse.
"I didn't mean to scare you,"
"We all were worried about you. And it's because you're usually the one we all look to in this family for support." Lynn responds truthfully.
Sarah Lynn puts her arm around her granddaughter. "I love you, Lynn,"
"Love you too, grandma,"
SJ begins yawning and blinking his eyes.
"I think SJ is ready for his nap. I'll go put him down," Lynn volunteers.

"Oh My God!" he exclaims. "When did this happen, E?" were the first words that came out of Tommy's mouth, finding out from Elijah Barker he is back together with Lynn when he came over to visit him in the dorm on campus. It is just the pair of them since his roommate Lorenzo Vidal is in his audio-tv-film-production class.
"Let's say I finally took the initiative to call Lenny out on her insecurities about why she broke up with me in the first place -- and well after we got to talking and decided to get back together." Elijah expounds. "And I won't pressure about her saying the L-word."
"Glad to hear that, man," Tommy says, whilst sitting on his best friend's lower bunk bed. Elijah is at his desk in the middle of coursework on his laptop.
"What are you doing?" Tommy asks
"An assignment for American Gov that is due next week on top of that research paper for my dad's class. And I have to study for a French exam this weekend too."
"Damn," Tommy says to himself at the amount of work he needs to due on top of him working shifts at Jojo's too. But if he knows anyone who can pull it off, it is him.
Elijah begins punching in keywords into the search engine bar. "Getting ready for the big trip?"
"Yeah, I just wish Tanner and I were going to have sex on this big trip."
Tommy is coming along with Tanner to Oahu for her dad's wedding.
"And I can't stop thinking about Jordan," Tommy admits candidly.
Elijah turns around to face his friend to get the full story. "Are you crazy?"
Tommy decides to ignore his sarcasm.
"I take it you're still attracted to Jordan after you two almost got it on aboard last September when you two kissed," Elijah observes.
"I wouldn't put it that way," Tommy replies. He then remembers Jordan wanting them to go all the way on the yacht last year.
Elijah cocks his eyebrow.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about her man, and it is like ten times worse now since we all are going to school here too."
"My advice, stay away from Jordan as best as you can."
Tommy did not want to bring up how harsh he sounds about Jordan but knows he is coming from a place of good intentions regarding maintaining his relationship with Tanner without anyone getting hurt.

After taking a walk around her the estate, she had moved into over thirty years ago with her late husband, Patrick Covington. Deirdre had made it back to the house where she sees Emma stepping out of the front door holding onto a purse, which of course, matches her sleeveless designer pale blue jumpsuit.
"Where are you going?" Deirdre queries her daughter.
"Out shopping, of course, there is this cute little town about thirty minutes away with actual department stores unlike in this godforsaken town."
"Well, you do have a point there," The Covington matriarch agrees. "Just don't drop a small fortune in the process,"
Emma shakes her head, quite familiar with her mother's speech. "There is the lecture, mother, daddy, left me this money to do what I want with it."
Deirdre nearly had to stop herself from grabbing her daughter's arm. "Your father left you that money to have a good life and not waste galivanting around Europe like you own the place."
"Maybe if you and daddy didn't spoil me growing up to get out of your way, perhaps I wouldn't turn out this witch you think I am."
"Little girl, I don't care how old you are; watch your tone. Your father worked his tail off to provide all of this for you and your brother. He might've missed school events, but he was there for you when it mattered." Deirdre advises
Emma laughs mockingly. "Only when it involved embarrassing the Covington name."
The resonance of a vehicle moving cuts their discussion off when a black 1968 Mercedes Benz convertible stops in front of the house. The guard gets out of the car to give the keys over to Emma.
"Don't tell me you bought this?" Deirdre says aloud
"Of course not, this is Daniel's,"
"Does your brother know you are borrowing it?"
"Daniel has a collection of cars. So he is not going to miss this one," Emma says in a devil-may-care manner.
Deirdre watches her speed down the circular driveway onto the main road.
Wedding Bells for Sean and Tricia in paradise.
Samuel gets more insight on Daniel.
Another surprise occurs.
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