Written by : Bre L. Drew
November 8, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
After three years in prison, Will Jackson has been released.
Elijah is keeping his new job at Jojo's from Lynn.
Jordan planned on meeting the photographer from People in hopes to launch her modeling career.
Steven and Courtney have been dating for a year now.

Coming down the grand staircase, Shauna Covington had her ear glued to her iPhone. She is still amazed that she is living in the largest residence in Radcliffe. A far cry from the humble apartment she has lived in her entire life.
The interior decorator is finalizing things with a colleague about the selection of sample furniture and décor to put in cottages that Covington has built so the potential buyers of the homes wouldn't see an empty house. She then concludes the conversation by hanging up the phone when she is satisfied with the feedback.
She is about to head to the kitchen when she gets a text of all people Antoine.
Can you come over? It's something u need to know.
"What does he want?" she mumbles to herself.
The constant sound of a horn blowing sends her out of the door of the estate. The nippy fall wind hits her, which makes her regrets not grabbing a coat to put over her black velvet tie cuff sleeve top.
Shauna sees Max behind the wheel of a dark blue Benz convertible with a big red bow on the hood.
"Is this a gift to yourself, babe?" She asks her husband
Max gets out of the car. "Not quite, he then takes her hand to drop the keys in them. "A long-awaited wedding present for you," he says joyously.
Shauna assumes her face has surprised written over it because she asks again if this is hers? "All yours, I know your car is giving you problems, and I knew you were looking into purchasing another one soon, so I decided to do it for you,"
The 1997 Lincoln Continental sedan she inherited from her late grandfather had been giving her the flux for years now. Due to costly repairs that affect having an older automobile.
Shauna throws both of her arms around her husband "Thank you so much,"
"I do anything for you," Max says as he hugs her back. "What about we go in and have some time for ourselves?" he suggests
She is about to agree with him but remembers the text from her former lover.
"I need to go into town for a while, my grandma called me to tell me I forgot a few things at the apartment," she lies
"Okay, but if you are not back in an hour, I'm starting without you," he teases.
He notices that his wife is shivering, so he gives her his leather jacket to wear so she wouldn't freeze.
"I don't deserve you," she kisses her husband. "I love you,"
"Love you," he says back.
Shauna finds herself taking off the bow of the car, tossing it in the backseat. She steers the car down the long winding driveway onto the main road.

Jordan McKnight took the advice of Tricia to meet the photographer in public since he is relatively a stranger even though she had first met in him person aboard the yacht where Tommy's brother's wedding was on. And she had called him a week ago in her car parked in the student parking lot. He Informed her that he could make time to see her before he had to get back to New York.
So four outfit changes later, she finally made it out of her house into her Miata making her way to The Chateau to meet Simon the photographer.
Settling on a pink stretch shift dress, good heels, and her long blonde hair is hanging.
The male host barely tells her where Simon is.
She wasn't going to let that idiot get her off guard in terms of meeting hopefully, it will lead to her being a Victoria Secret Angel on the runway.
Jordan saunters somewhat confidently towards him, keeping a radiant smile upon her face. She exchanges a handshake with the man before she takes a seat next to him at the bar.
Simon, whom she estimates, in his late thirties or early forties, has on a designer casual black cotton v-neck shirt. And already he couldn't get enough of her, by the way, he was looking at her.
"When you called me I was in Nashville doing a spread for the CMA's for the mag, so it was fate," he says
Jordan keeps her smile on like she is a beauty pageant queen. "It must be," She then pulls out her iPhone, where she plans to show him photos she taken throughout the year.
Simon takes a drink of vodka, before paying attention to the teenage girl's photo gallery, on her smartphone.
"You are very beautiful Jordan, I think you have potential," he remarks suggestively.
Jordan claps excitingly. "Great, so do I need to get an agent?" She continues to go on and on, however, she is unaware of the photographer has his hand on her leg until he begins sliding it down her legs.
She moves her head under the counter to see what he is doing and she quickly removes herself out of the chair.
Tommy, Tanner, Lynn, and Elijah all walk into the restaurant for their double date
"Where are you going?" he asks so casually.
"The better question is what the hell you think you're doing Simon?" she demands
Simon strokes his chin. "I was going to get a room for the two of us we got time for a quickie before I gotta get back to New York."
Jordan starts to feel eyes of customers pressed on the back of her.
"I'm seventeen, you ass, I called you because you told me that I should look into becoming a model which is why I wanted to get your advice on how to become one," she shoots back.
He runs his hand through his dark brown hair. "You think you're so special don't you, but you're just the typical small-town country hick wanting to be the next big thing,"
Jordan tried to force the tears back, but she couldn't as she runs out of the restaurant.
"The guy holds the glass in his hand to signify to everyone watching everything is taken care of.
"I'm going to go see if she is okay," Tommy says before taking off behind her.
"I know I'm not Jordan's biggest fan, but no one deserves to be sexually harassed," Tanner replies defensively.
Elijah tips his head. "That guy is an asshole,"
"Let's go to our booth, Tommy will find us," Lynn states.
As the three of them pass the bar, each of them doesn't hide their contempt for Simon despite their dislike for Jordan.
The cool autumn air hits Tommy when he goes outside to see Jordan standing by her car. He crosses over to her, he sees Jordan face streaked with tears.
"Jordan, are you all right?" Tommy says.
Once the words come out of his mouth, he instantly regrets them.
She wipes her face with both of her hands, showing her manicured fingernails.
"Of all the things I thought I would be doing tonight -- standing in the parking lot of the fanciest restaurant in town crying because I was assaulted by a forty-year-old man wasn't one of them."
The cool autumn air hits Tommy when he goes outside to see Jordan standing by her car. He crosses over to her, he sees Jordan face streaked with tears.
Tommy has never seen so her emotionally vulnerable before it makes him think back about their kiss where she more dominant and headstrong. It makes him all that more attracted to her but he becomes guilty knowing he is with Tanner.
Jordan pulls the driver's door open. "Go back in with your girlfriend and your friends. I'll be fine by myself I'm used to being alone," she broadcasts a little louder than needed.
Tommy places his arm around Jordan to comfort her.
"Let go if you aren't serious about me," she yells.
Jordan slams the door which makes Tommy stumble back. She starts the car and turns out of the lot onto the street.

Soulful blues music plays within the dimly lit barbecue restaurant in town. Steven Sullivan decided to take his girlfriend out since the two of them have been busy with work these past few weeks. Remembering they made a promise to one another that they wouldn't let anything stand in the way of them connecting.
Courtney Covington dips one of her fries in the homemade barbecue sauce. "Don't tell this to my trainer but this is my second cheat day this week,"
He laughs. "I can keep a secret,"
She uses a paper napkin to wipe off her hands. "I appreciate it,"
A twenty-something waiter comes by to give them the refills of their alcoholic drinks.
"Drinks for you and your wife," he misinterprets
He wanders off, leaving the two of them alone.
"Did he call me your wife?" Courtney asks
"He sure did," Steven confirms somewhat awkwardly.
Courtney recognizes Steven isn't finding any of this funny, which she does.
"Steven, are you okay?"
"I am fine, but the last thing I want is another marriage, trust me once was enough," he openly divulges
Courtney is dumbfounded at what he just said. Yet she knows perhaps he will change his mind or maybe she'll be enough for him to do so.
"Besides, I like what we have between the two of us," he concludes before digging into his meal.
"Yeah," she says lowly.

Lynn puts down her menu in front of her seeing Elijah is still skimming his, she waits for a few seconds before he puts it on the table.
"Since your parents aren't home, so what about we go to your house after dinner to make up for some lost time?"
Much as he wants to have sex with his girlfriend, he knew he couldn't keep the truth from her about him working at the café for her father's girlfriend, she strongly detests.
"Remember when I told you that I finally got a job," he begins.
"Yeah, but I don't think you said where is it," she says in a way that she wants to know the details.
Elijah moves his shoulders uncomfortably before speaking. "I am working part-time at Jojo's."
He had been anticipating her reaction since he was hired there, having visions of her hitting the roof or wanting to slap him across the face.
Instead, she shakes her head.
"Elijah, you must have been desperate to get a job working for that bitch my father is living with." she summarizes.
"Are you mad because I am working for Tricia, or is it because I didn't tell you?"
Lynn instantly weighs both of those responses in her mind.
"Both, if you wanted to work there you should've been honest with me last time I checked we were in a relationship I know we aren't conventional, I thought after all of the years we have known one another you would've told me, Elijah,"
Elijah takes a sip from his straw of glass of water. "Because I knew you were going to lose your shit when I did, besides I'm saving up enough money so I can purchase a car," he explains himself. "We live in Radcliffe, Kentucky it's not the job capital of the world."
Lynn crosses her legs under the table. "You see it isn't that hard Elijah,"
"I'll take it you're pissed?"
"Oh yeah I'm pissed, but I can't be mad at you just because you're working for that skank," Lynn says bitterly
Elijah notices the waitress is coming back to take their orders. "So are the two of us all right?"
"Just don't keep anything from me again I had enough of that for one lifetime thanks to my dad,"
He recalls he knows that Tommy has that indiscretion with Jordan, he decides to keep it to himself since it isn't his secret to confess. Not to mention Tommy developing a physical attraction towards her too in spite of being with Tanner.

Mae Jackson's prayers were answered yesterday when she had hoped she could be surrounded by her family. Unbeknownst, to her, her son has been released out of prison, after serving three years for fraud. She had made up his old room for him since he'll be living here for the foreseeable future.
At this moment in the apartment, she is putting food onto the table in the dining room.
"Will, Antoine, dinner," she calls out.
Will Jackson comes out of his bedroom he rubs his hands together. "Dang, Momma, you got it smelling good up in here," he says
"I made all of your favorites fried chicken, collard greens, mac and cheese, cornbread muffins and pecan pie for dessert," she lists."I'm so glad you're home baby,"
"Me too, and I promise I ain't never going back there as long as I live," he promises.
Mae looks at him, giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Antoine Hall strolls into the dining room and follows suit with Mae and Will by sitting around the table. He had texted Shauna to come over so he can tell him that her uncle is home before someone else tells her.
Using her key to enter Shauna admires, the smell of her grandmother's cooking.
"Hey, Hey, Hey," she greets from afar.
However, the sight of her uncle having dinner makes her want to turn around and leave.
Will looks up from his plate to see his niece. Last time he saw her she was a college girl now she is a woman.
"What up Shaunie?" he greets her,
Shauna hated that nickname from the moment he called her that when she was a kid.
"Did he break out from the joint?" Shauna asks boldly
Mae takes a sip of her iced tea. "Your uncle has paid his debt to society," she informs her granddaughter.
Shauna walks closer towards the table standing between Antoine and her uncle. "I thought you had more time," she says
Will takes a bite of his cornbread muffin. "My lawyer got me out a few weeks earlier than expected, he states. "So I hear you married into that rich white family congratulations."
Shauna scoffs humorously. "Will, I am warning you now there will be no handouts from me," she retorts
Both Mae and Antoine know how hard it was for Shauna and them when the local press hounded them when Will was charged. Nothing sold newspapers like a young black man from a lily-white town being sent to prison.
"Don't want them." Will discloses. "Wanna make my own name," he replies
Shauna rolls her eyes, which Antoine doesn't miss. He excuses himself from the table. He gestures her to his bedroom to talk in private.
He lowers his voice not wanting anyone, especially Will, to overhear him. "That was what I wanted to tell you,"
"I know he didn't commit murder, but he is a liar and a scammer," Shauna exclaims.
"You know I love your grandma, but you know having him back trumps all of the bullshit he has done in her eyes," Antoine states.
Shauna nods her head agreeing with his statement. "I'll be damned if he hurts my grandmother again."
"What do we do then?"
"For now we both keep an eye on Will, but please don't make it obvious you're onto him too. "Anyway, if I know my uncle, he'll do something to screw everything up eventually."
Shauna is lead out of the bedroom by Antoine.
Mae and Antoine our laughing over something over dinner.
Shauna says her goodbyes as she takes off.
Antoine sits back down at the table he gets some greens on his fork.
"I can't believe you let her go," Will says out of the blue.
"It is what it is man," Antoine responds as he puts the fork to his mouth.
Will begins looking for work.
Courtney admits to Tricia about wanting to marry Steven one day.
Tommy propositions Tanner about the next step.
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