Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 26th, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Max surprised Shauna with a honeymoon to Fiji.
Tricia made a scene at the hospital in which Sean declares he is tired of her antics.
Tommy planned on telling Tanner he kissed Jordan, but changed his mind.

The stretch limousine cruises up the driveway of Home Farm. Inside of the vehicle newlyweds, Max and Shauna Covington are making out. Once the driver parks in the front of the estate, they become aware they're home, which ends their kissing.
"Was it just me or did two weeks fly by like that?" Max snaps his fingers to signify the quickness of time of their honeymoon.
"No, it's not just you, she answers. "At first, I thought two weeks on a tropical island, seemed like a long time away from everything and everyone, but who knew there was a lot to do,"
The pair just returned from spending an unforgettable two weeks at a five-star resort in Fiji. Getting up to various activities, including snorkeling, shopping, dinner and dancing, moonlight swims, and sessions of lovemaking, all took place on their getaway. The limousine driver opens the passenger door in which both Max and Shauna slide out of as he goes to the trunk to grab their luggage. After putting the suitcases near them. Max gives him a one-hundred-dollar bill impressing his bride.
"You know once we go in it means the honeymoon is officially over," Max says
Shauna sighs, then she flashes a slight smile. "Who says the honeymoon has to be over?" she inquires suggestively.
Max's eyes remain on his wife, whom he is attracted to in her Bec + Bridge sleeveless sour apple green dress. He quickly scoops her up in his arms, which makes Shauna squeal.
He presses the doorbell, which initiates the grand sound coming through the estate. On cue, Gabriella opens the door, welcoming them. Max carries her over the threshold as she elicits an excited giggle.


On her day off, Tricia Meyer finds herself alone scrubbing Lemon Pledge onto the coffee table in the living room with a terry cloth rag. Instead of her trademark designer gear, she has on a plum-color short sleeve top and black pants from Lululemon.
Rihanna featuring Calvin Harris's "We Found Love" is pouring out of the speakers of the home stereo system.
At first, she thought she was hearing someone else using their key to get into their apartment down the hall. However, when she sees Sean walking in. She instantly stops what she is doing so she can approach him. Knowing it has been quite uncomfortable for the two of them, for a while now due to his closeness with his ex-wife.
She turns off the music on the radio.
"I thought you were working today," Tricia addresses him.
Sean is in his farmhand clothing which is an old dark gray sweatshirt and blue jeans.
Tricia notices she is still wearing the rubber gloves on her hands so she puts them down on the bridge of the kitchen countertop along with the rag she was using to clean.
"Is this part where you accuse me of being big bad Tricia to your precious Louise?" she says with a mocking tone of voice.
"Have you ever thought about working somewhere else?" she inputs
Sean slams his hand onto the credenza, nearly scaring Tricia at the impact it made.
"Goddamn it! I'm tired of this shit!"

Tommy Covington strolls into the principal's office on the first floor of the third-story school building. No, he wasn't in any trouble nor summoned here by any teacher for rude behavior. When he enters the room instead of seeing Mrs. Barker behind her desk, he finds her son Elijah sitting there reading something off flashcards in his hands.
"Hey, I got your text how is the speech coming along?" Tommy asks his best friend.
"It could use some work, but it'll have to do," he answers.
He then sets the cards aside so it can be out of his sight.
Tommy sits down in the chair in front of him. He was on his way to the cafeteria for lunch when he got a text from Elijah stating he wanted to talk to him in his mother's office where he was working on his speech to entice one-hundred and eighty-five seniors to vote for him as their class president next period at their assembly in the auditorium.
"If I tell you something, swear you won't tell Lynn,"
Tommy nods. "There is something I need to tell you too, you first."
Elijah shifts himself in the chair before opening his mouth.
"I got a job," he answers simplistically.
"Good for you, where is it?" Tommy said.
Tommy wants to know why would Elijah's girlfriend have an issue with him working, which is something he has been trying to do since summer vacation.
"This is why I want this as a secret from Lenny, I will be working at Jojo's,"
"Well you're dead my friend," Tommy says half-jokingly
Lynn has a strong dislike for her father's mistress turned live-in girlfriend. So her finding out her boyfriend working for her enemy wouldn't go well for him in terms of the relationship.
"I start on Tuesday, what if Lenny comes in there while I am working?" he supposes
"I mean you got two options, be honest with her and pray she won't kill you or lie until you're ready to tell her," Tommy advises
"So you're saying I'm going to be screwed anyway it goes," Elijah replies
Tommy shrugs. "Just find your balls and be upfront with her,"
Elijah gets out of the casual rolling chair and sits down at the end of the desk.
"Now onto you,"
Tommy sighs before picking out a peppermint out of the candy dish in front of him.
"During Max and Shauna's wedding reception Jordan and I kissed," he broadcasts
Elijah acts as a small flow of wind that could knock him down. "Say what now?"
"Man I know I fucked up, I was planning to tell Tanner the truth about it but I didn't."
"So you don't have your balls either? Elijah asks sarcastically
"Very funny,"
Elijah reaches over the desk to pick up his flashcards. "Be honest with me, are you attracted to Jordan?" Because, if you are, this can lead to another conversation that you should have with Tanner."
Every time he does see Jordan, he does become aroused by her in her dresses, tight jeans, and even her cross country uniform. Although he loves Tanner he can't stop feeling the way he does about Jordan McKnight.
"Yeah -- I guess I do like Jordan too," he admits
"So the kiss wasn't a mistake then?"
"She kissed me first,"
"That is not going to mean crap to Tanner when you tell her Tommy."
Tommy slouches in his chair. "Then what should I do tell her not to tell her I guess that is the question,"
"Tanner is reasonable, I'm sure she will forgive you," he replies. I just hate being in this situation because I've known her all of my life and you've become a good friend to me in the last year," Elijah says
"Thanks, man, for keeping this between us," Tommy retorts
The door swings open as Brynn Barker in her Ann Taylor olive green long-sleeve sheath dress and black pumps on her feet.

"Hello boys, " she pleasantly greets them in her usual chipper cadence.
"Hi, Mrs. Barker," Tommy says
"Hello Thomas," She then turns to focus on her only son.
"Elijah, I hope that speech of yours is prepared because if you win this election just imagine how impressive being class president will look on your application to Sampson."
"The speech is prepared mom," he notifies her.
Coming from two educators the pressure of doing well academically is always been present for Elijah. Nonetheless, he has second thoughts of applying to in-state schools such as Sampson, even if his father is a tenured professor there. He is also considering applying to other universities including the University of Michigan and Williams. Elijah is aware if he tells them of his plans to attend out of state they would argue that receiving his education in Kentucky is a better option.
The bell starts ringing meaning their lunch period is over, and the assembly is about to commence in a matter of minutes.
Brynn locks the office door so she can go to officiate the assembly.
Tommy and Elijah head out into the crowding hallway to the auditorium where they face three and a half hours of school until the school days end.

The couple was informed about Peter being in the hospital recovering from a heart attack he suffered a few days ago.
"So is he going to be okay?" Shauna asks her grandmother.
"He is going to be released in a day or two," Mae replies. "I visited him yesterday he seemed like he was in good spirits you know how stubborn that man can be,"
"I gotta call Martha," Shauna replies
Daniel takes a drink of club soda before responding.
"Hopefully this is a wake-up call to get that man to slow down before he works himself into an early grave,"
"Dad," Courtney says with uneasiness.
Max shoots an apologetic look to Shauna who feels the awkwardness in the room. He'll have to warn her later about being a Covington, nothing is off-limits, especially behind closed doors.
Daniel excuses himself but not before saying his good-byes and shaking his hand to Max and giving a parental hug and kiss on the cheek to his new daughter-in-law before heading upstairs.
Mae changes the subject. "So tell us all about your trip, I saw those pictures on your Instabook," she says
The three twenty-something laugh at what the older woman just said.
"What?" she asks curiously
"Mae, it's called Instagram," Max corrects her warmly.
"You young people with all of that social media, Snapchat, the tweet thing, back in my day, a pen and paper that's it," Mae asserts
Shauna begins filling in her grandmother on the basic itinerary of what the two of them got up to in Fiji on the couch.
Courtney and Max both go into the kitchen in which the household staff our cleaning breakfast dishes.
"Since you're married now, all I ask is you don't forget about your little sister," Courtney teases
"Even if I tried you wouldn't let me do that,"
"No seriously, I cannot remember the last time I've seen you so happy, she better not do anything to change that or she is going to answer to me," Courtney insists
Max tries to create a mental image of Courtney trying to confront his wife which instantly brings some humor to mind. Yet, he knows that she is only looking out for him.
"You're right, I did get to know Shauna better at her bachelorette party, and something tells me she has the potential to survive here." Courtney winks
Max chuckles. "So, we won't have to move, that's good to know."

"I get it you wanted to be there for your daughters because of their grandfather being in the hospital after having a coronary, but walking in on you in the arms of your ex-wife through me through a loop," she states with some vulnerability causing Sean to register her insecurities.
Sean goes to the refrigerator to mainly busy himself but grabs a bottle of water.
"Peter Saunders has been like a second father to me, he took a chance on me years ago to work out on the farm he showed me the ropes." I know he wasn't happy with how our marriage ended, but I will always respect the hell out of that man."
Tricia never heard Sean speaking about his employer and former father-in-law insightfully before. It makes her realize she was wrong about appearing at the hospital to confront him and then Louise.
She folds both of her arms on her chest.
"I try not to think about that time in my life, but I grew up in a household where fighting was the only way my stepfather communicated with my mother --- I don't want us to be like that."
Sean walks over to his girlfriend and looks into her eyes. She hardly talks about her upbringing in Bakersfield, which he assumes from the small details he was told from her wasn't as ideal as you'll think one's childhood would be growing up in California.
"I promise we won't end up like them," Sean discloses
As the two of them lovingly embrace one another, the thawing of tension occurs.
"I'm going to try and accept Louise and your girls as part of your life," she admits to him.
"Thank you, that does not mean you have to feel like you're in some competition because you will always come first Tricia," he confesses.
"So how long do you have to be back to the farm?" Tricia requests
"I got about forty-minutes why?"
Tricia starts to kiss him rather passionately, trying to clue him on what she desires.
"Lead the way," Sean commands.
He playfully pats on her behind as she leads him to their bedroom to have sex.
Peter comes home from the hospital.
Elijah starts his first shift at JoJo's.
Mae is in a for a surprise.
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