Written by: Bre L. Drew
August 13, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Tanner informs Tommy she isn't ready for sex which he does not take well.
Peter didn't hold his tongue regarding his issues with a Covington dating his granddaughter.
Antoine is on the outs with Nichelle after guessing he still cares about Shauna.
Jordan doesn't hide her feelings for Tommy.

"Gloria" by The Lumineers is flooding the two-story residential lake cottage. As friends and family have gathered to say goodbye to Tanner who will be gone for a month to be part of the summer youth orchestra program at Berklee College Of Music in Boston, Massachusetts.
An assortment of balloons is draped throughout the house as well as a good luck banner is hanging in the living room too.
The guest of honor with Lynn and Elijah were eating and talking in the kitchen about a personal matter regarding Tanner telling her boyfriend Tommy she did not want to have sex with him since she has seen up-close what being intimate can do to the strongest of relationships like her parents' marriage.
"Tan, if you didn't want to sleep with Tommy, you shouldn't feel bad about your decision." Elijah Barker says to his lifelong friend.
Lynn Lockhart takes a bite of a mozzarella cheese stick. "Elijah's right, and who the hell wants to lose their virginity in a car anyway?"
She then makes an uncomfortable facial expression as she thinks about how cramped that experience would be.
Tanner shakes her head. "Probably why he isn't here,"
Tommy hadn't texted nor called her today. He promised her that he will come by before she will be heading to the airport in about forty-minutes.
"If he does show up, or not don't let him take your away happiness." Elijah encourages her.
The noise of footsteps automatically decides that point of conversation is over when Louise Saunders Lockhart enters into the room.
"Are you hiding from us old folks?" the twins' mother asks casually.
"I would never call you old Mrs. Saunders-Lockhart, in fact, according to modern medicine, being in your forties is practically being in your twenties these days," Elijah informs his girlfriend's mother.
Louise tucks some loose strands of her blonde hair behind both ears and eyes Lynn. "He's a keeper,"
She then puts an arm around her other daughter. "I am going to miss you Tan-Tan,"
"Mom, I am going to be only gone for a month, but I am going to miss you too."
They hug one another as Lynn and Elijah watch them.

In the living room, Peter, Sarah Lynn, and Martha Saunders all our together.
Peter checks his watch on his wrist. "Tanner will be having to leave soon,"
"She still has a few moments before she has to head to the airport and you're not off the hook remember you still have to apologize to Tommy when he gets here," Sarah Lynn tells him.
Martha takes a pensive sip of punch from her cup. "Oh this I gotta see,"
Just the thought of her father having to say sorry to a Covington is must-see since there are decades of bad blood between the two families despite certain friendships and romances have taken place amid the history.
The sound of the doorbell rings getting them their awareness.
"Can somebody answer the door?" Louise calls out from the other room.
Peter looks at the women with reluctance before he opens the door. And of course, it is Tommy Covington who is holding a gift bag in his hand.
"Mr. Saunders," the young man says awkwardly.

Billie Eilish's "Bad Guy" is the song entertaining the customers inside of the local coffeehouse. A sunlit summer afternoon in Radcliffe on top of once again being alone. Jordan McKnight hopped in her 2006 silver Miata. She is sitting at a table near the front counter with a plastic cup of green tea lemonade.
"If they saw me now," she says to herself.
As the most popular girl at Radcliffe High, Jordan is used to having her clique surround her hanging on her every word. But when the summer hits members of that clique get more consumed with their own lives. Not to mention her best friend Mariana Anson left for Missouri to spend a month with her family at her grandparents' house on the lake. She actually almost can't wait for school to start meaning everyone around her will be in her sphere again.
She taps the Instagram app on her iPhone when she happens to spot Mr. Lockhart kissing the cafe manager whom she gathers is the one he left Mrs. Saunders-Lockhart for. As he gets closer to the door, he stops when he sees his daughters former friend sitting at the table.
"Jordan hi, how is it going?" he addresses her.
"Hey, Mr. Lockhart," she greets him. "I am just waiting on some friends to come to enjoy what is left of summer before school starts again." she lies.
Sean remembers when the twins, Jordan, and Elijah were all inseparable as kids. Jordan somehow looks a few years older in her taupe floral bell-sleeved romper and heels on her feet. He also recalls the memory of her bringing vodka from her father's liquor cabinet to the girls' unsupervised party at the cottage last year. It's what made Lynn so drunk she revealed her knowing that Sean had been unfaithful to Louise unbeknownst her already knowing years prior.
"Well take it easy and say hello to your parents for me," he says.
He then exits out of the café.
Jordan sighs, feeling embarrassed about lying. She should be above it, but half of her friends our out of town leaving her pretty much solo.

In his bedroom, Antoine Hall has Shauna Jackson in his arms. The two were in bed with each other naked with the comforter covering them. He couldn't believe it himself in spite of her wanting to move on by marrying the string bean she came back to him which is something he never stopped wanting.
"I should have never denied how I felt about you," she admits. Her beautiful dark skin glowed making her even sexier to him.
Antoine waves her comment off. "You're here with me now that's the most important thing, Shauna," I promise I will be good to you and you will never question my love for you." he then strokes her face delicately.
"Antoine, make love to me and don't stop." she proclaims in a seductive breathy voice.
Without any other word, Antoine climbs on top of her beginning to have sex with her. He begins to feel the pleasure of intercourse when a distant yell awakes him out of his slumber.
Back in reality, he sees Mae Jackson standing inside of his room. "Look who is finally awake, guess you forgot that you're supposed to be downstairs covering Martha's shift." she reminds him.
Antoine pulls the sheets off him revealing his white tee and boxer shorts. "Ah, shit! Give me about fifteen to get ready Mae," he says.
Mae leaves out of the bedroom, leaving him to get dressed to work his shift.
He sits on the edge of his bed, trying to wrap his mind around that dream he had.

Peter allows the teenage boy to come into the house where he is greeted by both Saunders women. Both Sarah Lynn and Martha trek into the other room giving the men some privacy.
Peter clears his throat nonchalantly. "Look what I said to you about you being like your daddy and grandfather I shouldn't have said that I was out of line." I was just trying to protect my granddaughter that's all." he finishes
"With all due respect, Mr. Saunders, Tanner does not need any protection from me or my family."
He turns around to face his girlfriend, her mother, Lynn, and Elijah. It is obvious from their non-verbal reactions that they all heard him defending her.
"Can we go outside to talk ?" Tanner says politely. She straightens out her eyeglasses on her face.
Tommy nods as he joins her out of the door. He sees Peter giving his granddaughter a look of remorse which she sees to take as a regretful acknowledgment to what transpired at the farm the other afternoon.
Out in the warm outdoors, the two take a few steps away from the house. Both remain silent for a while trying to gather what needs to be said.
"Look about what went down last night I didn't mean to pressure you I would never want you to do something that you weren't ready for Tanner," he says
Tanner feels the windy breeze on her skin a sign that will make her miss Radcliffe for the time she will be gone.
"When we got involved, I know that I was different from all of the other girls you been with," Tanner confesses.
Tommy puts both of his hands on her arms. "I never cared about those girls the way I care about you and I'm willing to wait until you're ready to -- I love you, Tanner."
Tanner is taken back by his declaration. "You love me?"

"How do you know Sean?" the cafe manager inquires the teenage girl.
"I've been Lynn and Tanner's best friend since first grade," Jordan replies.
The older female eyes narrow in on the young girl sensing she isn't being straight with her. It comes from years of working with the public as a flight attendant.
The two introduce themselves to the other.
"Nice outfit," Jordan compliments
Tricia looks down at her pink draped safety-pin dress and smiles appreciatively. "Thanks, got it on sale when I was in Paris."
"You know something about fashion huh?" Tricia says impressively.
Jordan spends most of the money she makes as a lifeguard at the community center on clothes from the department stores at the mall in Hudson Lake. She also is up to date on the new trends in the fashion world too.
"I love it," Jordan answers jovially.
"As a friend of Tanner, I thought you would be at her bon-voyage party."
"Is she leaving for space camp?" she asks sarcastically.
Tricia chuckles. "No, she got into some instrumental program in Bostonfor the rest of the summer, I'm not invited of course to the party, but since you're her good friend, should you be in attendance?"
Suddenly Jordan's mind goes to the obvious case scenario. With Tanner heading to the East Coast Tommy will be here alone and single. And if she knows her former BFF well enough, she is probably boring him to death being so squeaky clean. He needs a woman by now, and she can be the right one for him.
Tricia is called by one of her employees from behind the counter; she holds up her finger to indicate that she is coming.
"See you around," Tricia says before she retreats back to work.
Jordan decides that this is the perfect opportunity to get Tommy Covington to herself one way or another, he will be hers by the end of the summer.

Out of the shower and now dressed for the day, Antoine is behind the bar giving back a customer her debit card after ringing up her drink. He did feel bad about being late to work, yet he can't stop thinking about that dream. The lovemaking between them felt so real to him. He wanted it to continue, but he begins to remember he hasn't exactly broken up with Nichelle.
Mae places a hand on his shoulder with a courteous smile. "You must have something on your mind."
Mae is about to say something to him until they both notice Shauna's fiancé is at the bar.
"Boy do I," he says under his breath.
Mae expresses her usual hospitality makes him notice Max Covington is here.
"Max, when you see your father, tell him thanks so much from the bottom of my heart for picking up the expense of the entire wedding ceremony. "And if he needs anything, I will be more than happy to oblige." Mae says giving her gratitude.
Max Covington shakes his head. "I will tell him that,"
She pats both of his hands before she takes off to clean some unoccupied tables.
"Can I get you something?" Antoine asks. He is doing his best to remain professional. The sight of the guy who is getting married to the woman he loves isn't putting him in a good mood at the moment.
"Got any craft beer?" Max queries
"You can take the rich boy outta New York but you can't the rich outta him," Antoine says
"I didn't know I had to be in a certain psychographic to prefer microbeer Antoine. "
Antoine goes to retrieve the beer bottle and slides to him. He doesn't know what came over him. He wished he didn't have the sensation to be volatile towards the guy who is taking away the only girl he ever loved.
Max is about to dig in his pants pocket to get his wallet to pay, but Antoine signals him not to do so.
"It's on the house brother-in-law, " he says facetiously.
Max still hadn't forgotten Antoine telling him at the dinner party they had months ago that he slept with Shauna before as well as telling him how active she can be in bed too.
"You are a regular Katt Williams aren't you," Max remarks. "And just because Nichelle finally got smart that you were using her because you have some sick obsession with my fiancée who is through with you doesn't mean you get to take it out on me."
Some customers were stopping their conversations and began paying attention to what was being argued.
"Take your drink and get the hell out of here or I will throw your skinny ass out my damn self."
Antoine walks from the barrier getting in his face eyes were on them as Mae jogs from the area she was cleaning to get in the middle of the young men.
"There is no way in hell you two will be fighting in my bar," Mae tells them outright. "So shut it down, or I will do it myself."
"Mae, I am sorry for causing any disturbance," Max apologizes.
Mae nods solemnly. "I accept your apology, Max."
The Covington scion takes off leaving his beer behind deciding he wasn't in the mood to stay somewhere he is not wanted.
"Mae, let me explain," Antoine starts.
"Go upstairs get your self together, Now!" she instructs
Antoine storms towards the back up the staircase to the apartment still riled up about not getting what he wants at this moment.
"Show's over!" she exclaims loudly enough to be heard.

Usually, when someone says I love you, they answer back "Love you too," he says with a hint of sarcasm. He lifts the bag in his hand.
"What's in there?" she asks suspiciously.
Tommy takes out a jewelry box revealing a silver chain with a treble clef pendant on it. Before Tanner can say how nice it is, he does the honor by clasping the necklace around her neck. She looks down to see it is engraved with Life's A Song.
"I love you too," she says back to him.
The sound of a vehicle door closing gets both of their attention when her father gets out of his truck. And at the same time, everyone else begins strolling outside which signifies that Tanner has to get to the airport sooner than later.
Goodbyes our shared with her grandparents and Aunt Martha. Tanner tells her to give her little cousin a hug and kiss from her.
Sean and Louise come to their daughter with a change of plans.
"Your father and I are going to take you to the airport," Louise explains.
Initially, it was going to be just her taking her there, but Sean wanted to spend some additional time with his Pretty Princess before she gets on the plane knowing he hadn't been the best father to her as of late.
"Are you sure you two can behave?" Tanner states curiously
The exes confirm with head movements.
"For you and your sister we'll try," Sean says
Tanner goes over to Lenny, Elijah, and Tommy who are helping to put her suitcases and violin case in the trunk of Sean's truck.
"Have a safe flight and please bring me back a souvenir," Elijah mentions as he hugs her goodbye.
"Kick some Ass!" Lynn tells her as she squeezes her.
Tommy smiles loosely. "What else can I say that these two didn't cover?"
A sensation of emotions overcomes them as they begin kissing each other tenderly. Louise awaits till they part to notify her that they have to leave now or she'll miss her flight.
Tanner waves to everyone before she gets inside the backseat of the car holding onto to her necklace around her neck. Her mother is in the passenger seat next to her father, who is putting the SUV out of the driveway passing by the other cottages in the area she awaits her journey to a city she has never been before.
Antoine has a reality check.
Shauna asks Courtney to be a Bridesmaid.
Tricia gets envious.
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