Written by : Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Tommy was informed by his father that he would be attending Radcliffe High School to finish out his junior year which he did not take well in addition to being forced to work at the Covington Group two days a week.
Courtney confronted Daniel over his manipulations about coming in between Steven and herself which prompted her to move out of Home Farm.
Max finally asked Shauna out on their first date which she accepts.
Tanner didn't exactly take a liking to Tommy when she first met at him JoJo's.
In an act of rebellion Lynn has been skipping school.

Ten minutes before the first period begins, Tanner Lockhart walks into the principal office. Before she was at her locker when she got the call by the school's secretary over the PA system, which surprises her since she never has been called there in two years of attending here. Noticing that no one was in the fairly decent size office space. Although many students would dread being in here.
The desk is neatly organized with her husband and son pictures, files, and her desktop computer, behind her desk our three bookshelves, consisting of the yearly student code of conduct handbooks to textbooks ranging from Chemistry to Spanish. On the wall is her Master Of Education Degree from Western Kentucky University.
On the other side of the shelves, is the board where photos and up-to-date handwritten notes from former students from her tenures as principal, vice principal, and even English teacher our are on there.
Tanner finds herself sitting waiting for a minute or so before the heels make their way into the office. She sees her principal closing the door behind her. Brynn Barker puts on a smile that would rival any presidential candidate's when she sees the girl who isn't just a member of the student population. But the girl she has known since she still had all of her baby teeth and cried in the theatre watching UP. She happens to be the mother of her best friend and classmate Elijah Barker.
Brynn is a woman in her mid-50's but still has the vitality of a woman fifteen years her junior with her natural auburn red hair and warm presence. However, no one can be as overbearing like her. Today she is wearing a charcoal neck sheath dress from her favorite store, Ann Taylor.
She tells Tanner to take a seat as Brynn sits behind her desk that has her name engraved on a nameplate which fits her impeccably.
" I bet you're wondering why I called you in here Tanner. " Brynn says
" I'm not in any trouble am I, Mrs. Barker? " Tanner asks trying to hide her nervousness.
Principal Barker shakes her head and laughs. " No, no you're not in any need for reprimand, in fact, I called you here because I need you to show around a new student here at Radcliffe High this morning. "
In a town like Radcliffe, no one new arrives in the middle of the school year.
' Okay, " Tanner replies in a somewhat confusing tone wondering why she wants her to be the tour guide to this new student?
" With your 4.0 GPA and extra circular activities, I strongly believe that you can influence this young man who needs some guidance. and you two share two classes and a lunch period. What do you say? "
" Sure I'll do it, Mrs. Barker. " Tanner replies
Principal Barker leads her out of the office into the hallway where groups of students are still hanging out.
" Young people, I believe the warning bell will be ringing any minute so start finishing up what you are doing and get to class thank you, ladies and gentleman. " Mrs. Barker denounces with enough authority to be taken seriously without sounding harsh.
The crowds start to dissipate knowing she means business in terms of her announcement.
Mrs. Barker stares directly at Tanner. " Our new student is at his locker on the second floor. "
" What is his name? "
Mrs. Barker moves strands of her hair behind her ear. " I didn't tell you I'm so sorry, his name is Thomas Covington. And Tanner don't forget to show him some Radcliffe High pride. " She then does a little pep dance which would've funny if she didn't say who she would've been showing around all day.
Tanner finds enough strength to move towards the staircase
She first met Tommy Covington, the other day at JoJo's Café, when his older brother came to introduce him to Elijah and herself. She found him kind of stuck up like he thought he was too good to get to know what he probably considers country bumpkins. Then he thought he knew her so well stating in so many words that she is too much of a loser to host a party where alcohol is being consumed.
Tommy closes his locker and turns to her with the facial expression of him already knowing that she was supposed to be his tour guide.
He had on a black and white striped long-sleeve cotton top and dark jeans. He also had on a black LL Bean backpack on his back too.
" Hey Teach " Tommy Covington greets her.
" Hi yourself, so uh were is your schedule? " Tanner says
Tommy searches in his bag where he finds the paper in his folder which he passes to her without any word.
Tanner looks at his schedule and mentally compares it to hers. " You're in AP English too? "
" Why is that so hard to believe Teach? " Tommy says smugly.
Tanner does her best not to give into temptation by punching him." And don't call me teach. "
" Yeah, I know the difference between a sonnet and a haiku ok. " Tommy explains himself. He then aims his eyes at somewhere else within the hallway as it begins to thin knowing the first period is about to start in about five minutes.
" Who are they? " Tommy asks her.
Tanner sees Jordan McKnight and her tagalong Mariana Anson marching down the hall like they already own the school.
" This morning just got worse, " she mumbles to herself.
Of course, the two girls find their way over to them sensing an opportunity to humiliate Tanner like a shark sensing blood in the water.
" Oh Tanner, I'm surprised you're talking to a boy." Jordan McKnight says icily.
She is always dressed like she is going to a nightclub, she has on a leopard print dress with high-heel boots, her blonde hair is in a ponytail making her seem more innocent than she really is.
Mariana giggles at her best friend's insult.
Jordan sizes Tommy and smiles. " I'm Jordan, and you are? "
" Tommy Covington." he introduces himself.
" You mean of the Covington's of Home Farm? " Mariana inquiries as her huge breast nearly perk up hearing his surname.
" Yeah " Tommy simply answers.
By now Tanner finally took notice that Lynn Lockhart and Elijah were now standing beside her.
" Looks like the rest of the loser patrol is right on cue. " Jordan mocks.
" Who are you calling a loser Jordan? " Lynn asks rolling her eyes at her sometimes friend.
" When is your lunch period Tommy, we can get to know one another. " Jordan flirts.
Tommy asks Tanner to help determine where his lunch period is on his schedule. Tanner assists him in which Lynn and Elijah both wonder why is she doing that?
" Fourth Period. " Tommy declares
" Mine is fifth period, damn, well hopefully, we'll have a class together or run into one another. " Jordan says like she is crestfallen that this wealthy cool boy can't find the time to spend time with her.
The five-minute warning bell sounds off which has students beginning to abandon their lockers and head into their designated classrooms.
"Come on Mariana, see you later Tommy. " Jordan says her farewell she and Mariana then saunter like they want him to be instantly taken by them.
Tommy's expression on his face isn't hiding his humor. " They're ---interesting. "
"How polite of you." Elijah says
"Tommy, this is my twin sister Lynn. " Tanner introduces the two of them.
"Hey," Lynn says respectably she already knew that they had already met him before and so far he seems pretty all right.
The four of them begin walking simultaneously down the hall knowing they have to be in class soon.
"So you're the girl who got wasted? " Tommy says somewhat proudly.
Lynn nods her head unsure of it's an accomplishment or not.
"I'm thinking about skipping." Elijah announces to the trio.
Both the twins start laughing like they couldn't stop themselves.
"What?" Elijah wants to know why they're cracking up.
"I love you Elijah, but I cannot see you cutting school at all. " Lynn says in between hysterics.
Today Lynn had planned to ditch lunch to get away from here. Since the start of school, she had been skipping plenty of classes and right now has about a C average which is fine with her since she has no plans of going to college after graduating in a year and a half.
" I wish that I could, but my father would lose it, besides I think the principal and my father talked to each other about if I do anything out of fucking line she would call him." Tommy says which highlights his New York accent fully for the first time.
Tanner is somewhat impressed that Tommy isn't exactly acting like a butthole like he did when they first met one another. She directs Tommy to the classroom on the end where their AP English class is held in. Lynn and Elijah head to the third floor where World History awaits for them.

Daniel Covington only slept for a few hours, his mind was with worry, not knowing where his daughter Courtney left after confronting him over using her boyfriend's needy ex-wife to try and break them up. He hadn't expected the woman to have some type of guilt which made her confess what he had planned. Despite telling his daughter that he was doing this tor her own well-being. Courtney couldn't get over his manipulations so she took off in the middle of the evening.
" Was that Courtney? " Daniel asks
Max Covington is still in his pajamas consisting of a t-shirt and plaid pants. He shakes his head at the question knowing the response.
" This isn't like your sister we need to find out where she is. " Daniel says
"Just come out and ask me do I know where Courtney is? " Max spits out knowing too well that his father only beats around the bush when he doesn't want anyone to perceive him as soft.
Daniel lays his briefcase on the chair. "All right do you know where your sister is ? he asks. " Is she over at the farm with Steven Sullivan? " he adds.
" Yeah, dad I'm sure that Courtney will be welcome in the bosom of Esther Saunders. " Max says disdainfully.
" I'm serious Maximillian your sister can be god know where." Daniel says like a concerned father.
" Wherever Courtney is I'm sure she is safe and sound, besides that wasn't Courtney I was speaking to. It was a client wanting me to take their engagement photos. " Max answers
" That's great son, by the way, I must say Shauna did above reproach work when it came to giving this place a transformation didn't she?"
Max grins modestly. " She did. "
Daniel takes a step back and ultimately realizes that his son has feelings for their home decorator. " Max, do you have a crush on this young lady? "
Max wipes the smile off his face. "Crush? Dad, I'm twenty-eight years old, I think I'm too old for the after-school special vocabulary. Besides I asked her out on a date she did say yes so we're finally going out. " Is that what you want to hear?"
"All I'm saying is Shauna is a lovely girl who couldn't resist the allure of a Covington man so please don't screw it up, son. " Daniel tells him. He then picks up his briefcase from the chair to the front door where leaves out of.
Standing there alone, Max is pleasantly surprised that his father managed to give him a compliment which is rare when it comes to their relationship, to say the least.

With a glass of orange juice in her hand. Shauna Jackson is in the galley kitchen inside of the apartment above her family's bar. She is finally home for the first time in the morning since her job as Interior Decorator has come to an end at Home Farm. She can't believe that after several weeks of giving that palatial estate a much-needed makeover, it's all done and she is now contemplating what is going to be her next step career-wise.
Her thoughts are interrupted when an expected knock on the door she leaves the glass on the counter to go answer the door where she finds Martha Saunders who is seven months pregnant and is finally wearing maternity clothes , she has on a gray tee with #PREGGO with black stretch pants, sneakers on her feet, and carrying her clutch bag.
" Hey, how are you feeling? " Shauna asks as she leans in to give her best friend a hug and a light smooch on the cheek.
" I'm doing all right, just a little tired, but I'm hanging in there. " Martha replies
Shauna had invited Martha over to help her decide between two dresses she bought to wear on her first date with Max tonight.
The two then make their way into Shauna's bedroom which is neat and tidy albeit the two dresses laid out on her bed.
The two make small talk about Martha working downstairs as a bartender and how someone flirted with her despite being "So Swollen" in her words. But she is glad that she feels like she isn't hitting up her parents for cash constantly.
" Hey Shauna, It's something I need to ask you and it's kind of important. " Martha says sitting down on the edge of the bed.
" Yeah " Shauna replies more of a question as she turns to face her from the mirror where she was applying some gloss on her lips.
"This baby is going to need all the love and support it can get Shauna, will you do me the honor of being my baby's godmother? "
Shauna expresses her delight with another hug. " Of course I'll be your baby's godmother thanks for asking. "
They let go of one another. " You have been my best friend since we were in diapers, there is no one else that I would ask to be my child's godparent. Now let's decide on what you're going to wear on this date. " Martha changes the subject.

It's obvious to Tommy that he is not at Wentworth Academy anymore. In his classes, he already learned much of the material last year when he was a sophomore. So most of the time he was ignoring the teachers like the kids do on Charlie Brown.
He is carrying his lunch tray that contains food that isn't prepared by a gourmet chef which he isn't used to. He then navigates himself to an empty table near the back of the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was beginning to get fill with students coming to eat and converse with their friends whom they hadn't seen all day too.
He happens to look up to see a tray being placed across from him.
" Is this seat taken? " Tanner Lockhart asks
" No " he replies
Tanner sits down putting her messenger bag next to her on the bench.
" I didn't know you had this lunch period too. " Tommy pronounces
" So does Elijah and my sister but I haven't seen them anywhere. " Tanner states
She turns her head to locate either one of them then realizes that Lynn is probably skipping again which Tanner has told her that she is going to get caught soon enough if she keeps doing it. She straightens out her glasses feeling a little awkward with the pair of them alone at the table.
Tommy takes a bite of his cheese quesadilla. " So Teach, what do you do for fun? "
Tanner is about to protest him calling her that but she lets it slide. " I play the violin in the orchestra. ride horses and I work part-time at my great-aunt's stables. "
" Whoa, overachiever much!"
" What can I say I like a challenge. " Tanner retorts shamelessly
Principal Barker waves to indicate that she is heading over to the table.
" Hey you guys, Tanner I see that you're getting to know our newest student, " she says
" She sure is, " Tommy says
Brynn puts her hand on her forehead trying to search the room for someone. " Have you seen Elijah, I was going to reward him by taking him out for lunch for acing that physics exam last week. "
Tanner is about to say no when she remembered that Elijah told them he was going to skip which still makes her full of glee internally but knows she cannot tell his mother that or she would literally grill every student insight to find out where is her only son?
Not to mention that will also mean she would have to drop in her sister which wouldn't help with everything going on with her right now.
" Actually, you just missed him, he went to the library to get started on his paper for French. " Tanner lies
Tommy takes a drink from his bottle of Coca-Cola astonished at how quickly she came up with that mistruth.
Brynn seems disappointed with the look on her face. " Well, like I always say education always comes first, all right then enjoy your lunch and have a good rest of your day Thomas. " She then exits out of the cafeteria none the wiser.
" Who you knew you were a good liar Tanner Lockhart? " Tommy compliments.
Tanner dabbles in her salad." That is why I'm the teacher. " Tanner says confidently

Three floors below, in the student parking lot, Lynn is seated behind the wheel of the fiat listening to Love Lies by Khalid and Normani on the stereo, Her hand is about to hit the gear shift when she sees Elijah knocking on the window of the passenger side. She hastily opens the door, so he can get in before anyone catches them since students aren't permitted to leave campus under the of age 17 without a parent or guardian.
" What the hell are you doing Elijah? " Lynn asks incredulously. She then grips the steering wheel.
" On my way to a bank robbery he says sarcastically, what do you think I'm doing, I'm skipping with you. " Elijah replies nonchalantly.
Lynn positions herself to gaze at him. " I thought you were joking earlier. "
Knowing Elijah since they were in preschool, Elijah has never been in time out let alone known to break the rules. He is the strait-laced boy who is supposed to get straight A's, get early accepted into a university and then proceed onto graduate school. She cannot visualize him being so adamant about getting on the bad side of his academic-minded parents.
" Don't touch the radio, and buckle up Barker. " Lynn tells him. She starts the engine and pulls out of the spot and onto the street.

Nursing his glass of club soda, Daniel surveys the skyline outside of Downtown Radcliffe. He hadn't taken the time to appreciate this scenery, but he had time before a meeting with his architects that will bring him up to speed about the developments of the cottages and retail space.
Daniel then takes a seat behind his desk and then picks up the phone putting it to his ear.
"Evelyn, can you get me Esther Saunders on the line please?" he instructs his secretary.
Max & Shauna go out on their first date.
Lorraine & Evan head to Orlando.
And Much More!
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