Written by: Bre L. Drew
August 7, 2023
Last Time on Town and Country
During the Covington Group's shareholder meeting, Jordan abruptly interrupted, ready to reveal that Daniel was gaslighting her, also causing the accident that caused Max's paralysis and Shauna's miscarriage.
Having had enough of Aaliyah's protest about Jai and Louise marrying, Lorenzo tells her she is judging her without getting to know her.
Sean reveals to Louise that he still has feelings for her despite being married to Tricia.

Jordan Covington always managed to stand out in the middle of the crowd, and today is no exception as the newly brunette, petite young woman in a pink satin cocktail dress interrupted a Covington Group shareholders meeting, causing the highest-level executives and influential stockholders in the room confusion and some curiosity about her presence.
"Thomas, would you mind taking your wife out of here so we can continue this important meeting?" Daniel Covington asks his youngest son, also Jordan's husband, something he still despises.
Tommy Covington, sitting at the large conference table beside Courtney Covington Sullivan and Shauna Covington, remains seated since he isn't in the mood to be told what to do, especially by him.
"What the hell is going on?" Emma Covington queries Courtney, sitting across from her.
The businesswoman shakes her head, wondering the same as well.
"Oh, I can tell you what's going on," Jordan expresses wholeheartedly.
Daniel lowers her voice and stares at her carefully. "Jordan, are you feeling all right? Or should you consider going back to Stonecrest to get those mental kinks out you weren't able to the last time?" He addresses her mockingly.
Jordan tilts her head at him, which makes her finally execute what she has intended to do. "The only person that is crazy around here is you, Daniel." Jordan professes.
Sheer bewilderment creeps onto his face as he trades looks with his mother, Deirdre Covington, also wanting to know what she is talking about.
"Ladies and gentlemen, your esteemed CEO gaslit me," she confesses. "And by the way, I'm not the only one in this room to be fooled by this man, too."
The confession has everyone making nonverbal movements.

Finding herself in the grasp of Sean Lockhart in her bedroom upstairs of the residential lake cottage she resides in with their twin daughters, Louise Saunders Lockhart is somehow unable to take her gaze off him, as he had just admitted to her that he regrets them being apart, which has taken her off guard since she's engaged to Jai and is still in the dress she will be wearing at their engagement party.
"Why am I not surprised you would pull something like this?" she remarks.
The farm manager lets her go, "What are you talking about?"
"Between your marriage falling apart and realizing that I'm about to start a life with Jai, suddenly you decide to confess this so-called epiphany about your regrets about us. And something tells me that Tricia doesn't know you are doing any of this, am I right?"
The expression on his face indicates the answer for his former wife. "No, she doesn't."
Louise slightly groans at that response while forgetting she should've been out of this dress by now, facing the window.
"But Louise, I promise you I'm being honest with you. Letting you go is the worst mistake I ever made, and I see that we should've worked things out, but if you give me another chance, I swear I will never hurt you again."
He then stands closer behind her, waiting for any reaction from her.

The cacophony of various animals is audible this afternoon as Lynn Lockhart has her arm around Elijah Barker as the two exit the barn on her family farm. She had gotten done feeding the cows when he came to visit her.
The farmhand is wearing denim overalls with a white tank top underneath, and her long blonde hair is in a ponytail.
"I'm not complaining about seeing you, but I should warn you that I'm not exactly smelling or looking my best," Lenny tells him.
"Take my word for it; you smell fine, and most importantly, you will always look your best to me," he replies wholeheartedly. "I just thought since summer is almost over, and I know with everything going on, we haven't had much time to ourselves, so I took the initiative."
Lenny is about to ask, what is he talking about? when she stares at the wicker picnic basket on the light blue blanket on the grass.
"Did you do this?"
He shrugs while gesturing to the designated area. "I might've grabbed an old blanket from home and talked your grandmother into making some of your favorite things."
Lenny can't resist grinning at this setup.
"Let's eat before everything gets cold." he nods.

As multiple eyes dwell upon his wife, Tommy gets out of the chair; to try to convince her to drop this since what they believe about his father gaslighting her for months is a theory of sorts.
But once Jordan takes out her iPhone, she taps the screen as the audio fills the room.
"I was just calling to see how the patient is doing."
Not only does it appear she is still dealing with postpartum psychosis, which is quite serious, but she is starting to show signs of being overly medicated with the sedatives I prescribed to her too.
Good, it looks like we don't have long for the last part of the plan."
This is getting out of hand, Daniel; do whatever you want to do with her, but I won't be a part of a young girl's breakdown just because you find her unsuitable for bringing up your grandson.
Do as I say or say goodbye to your illustrious medical career; now, bye-bye, doc,
Having had enough of hearing the confidential conversation he had with Dr. Pierre Toussaint, the late psychiatrist who treated Jordan, he goes over to obtain the phone from Jordan, but Tommy blocks him from doing so.
"By the way, if you're all still unsure, I have several loads more recordings of my dead therapist, Dr. Pierre Toussaint, being blackmailed by your so-called leader, all because he thinks I'm such an unfit mother for his grandson. He even talked the man into giving me a higher dosage of medication, which made me start hallucinating and hearing voices and made me believe that I could endanger my son. Then I thought I had to take my son to Lake Hudson to get away from everything, and I dozed off in the woods. When I woke up, my son, Jeremy, was gone, so me, still overmedicated, took off to go find him, and I ran in the middle of the road while a car was coming. The people in the car are in this room, but they lost the most that night, and I'm so sorry, Max and Shauna, for my part in it, but it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for this man to my left.'
Max Covington and his wife Shauna each react to the truth since they were the ones in that car, which he swerved into the ditch to avoid, causing him to be in a wheelchair and Shauna to lose their baby.
"Is it true?" Max asks his father.
"Maximillian, this isn't the time or place," Deirdre says defensively.
The affluent widow is aware of her son's role in this matter yet remains protective of her family, especially in front of these associates.
Max gives his father a heated look. "I'm not asking you, grandmother; I'm asking that man who claims to be my father. Is it true what Jordan is saying?!"
"We can address this later," Daniel pleads.
Daniel does his best not to lose what little self-control he has left.
Courtney places her hands onto her face to demonstrate the shame she's feeling for her father in this moment.
"I think this meeting should be adjourned," she declares, sensing things from here on out won't have a suitable conclusion.
Some of the other board members show their hesitancy at the table, including the wealthy married shareholders Charles and Nancy.
"You mean I lost our child because of you?" Shauna demands answers from her father-in-law. "I know you hear me, Daniel."
"I never intended for any of this," he responds candidly.
"I guess I stand corrected," Emma says of her claim earlier that nothing happens of any interest in these meetings.
The voice of Charles pipes up, getting their attention.
"From what was heard and told today, I think one thing should be quite clear: Daniel's heinous machinations should be called into question, and that is why I think we should vote to remove him as head of this company."

Lenny and Elijah finish their outdoor picnic lunch, which consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, soft butter rolls, and peach pie.
"I don't care whether or not you've heard it a million times, but your grandmother is one hell of a cook," Elijah says while tossing a fork onto his empty paper plate.
"She sure is," Lenny says while wiping her mouth with her napkin. "And I'm so full that I can't eat another bite; I still can't believe Tommy and Jordan are married, but not only that, but you were their witness," she says directly. "What the hell was that about?"
"I'm not exactly keen about their marriage either, but as Tommy's friend and Jeremy's godfather, it was a necessary evil."
"What does that mean?" Lenny asks while sipping lemonade from the red stainless-steel thermos.
Elijah is aware of what went down between Jordan and Daniel, with him driving her out of her mind and causing many ramifications, although he promised Tommy, he wouldn't say anything.
"Jordan had told Tommy that she was thinking about moving town and taking Jeremy with her to Washington state, so Tommy married her so he wouldn't have to visit his son over two thousand miles." He says he is partially telling the truth since that did occur.
"I can't see that ending happily," Lenny retorts. Anyway, speaking of marriage, I haven't seen my mother so happy since I don't know when, and a lot of that has to do with Jai, although I wish everyone was on the same page."
Elijah knows that the thinly veiled reference is directed at Aaliyah, who hasn't accepted her father's marriage to Louise, believing that her father and mother should get back together.
"She's being unreasonable, but as our friend, maybe we can show her an ounce of compassion. It's not easy when life has a funny way of kicking you in the ass when you don't want it to."
"I hope she realizes that she isn't going to get what she wants; trust me, I know what it's like to feel disappointment when it doesn't come true," she exhales. Anyway, thanks for putting all this together."
Elijah is speaking from experience, having been nearly two years sober.
A breeze makes the rising temperature somewhat bearable.
Elijah puts his lips on hers as they kiss.
"Since you're all full, I'm going for this second piece of peach pie."
"As long as you at least save me a slice, it's all yours," she says while she smiles at her boyfriend going for the desert.

It takes a few moments, but Louise says something back to him.
"How do I know you're saying all of this out of spite against Tricia, but when you two make up, I'm once again cast aside like some old maid? I already lived like that until Jai came into my life; he makes me see that I don't have to live that way anymore. And I can still be desired intellectually as well as physically. I can't even remember the last time you made me feel that way, Sean."
One of the several reasons their marriage ended was the lack of sexual intimacy due to life's obligations getting in the way, not to mention his affair with Tricia years prior.
"How about now, for starters?" Sean reacts flirtatiously.
He initiates the physical contact by setting his lips on hers, and as Louise holds him tighter, the alluring sensation deepens. Before she knows it, he is unzipping her dress from behind.

But unbeknownst to them both, down two stories below, outside, Aaliyah Gupta gets out of the driver's seat of her orange Ford EcoSport. Reluctantly, taking the advice of her boyfriend about trying to give Louise a chance since she hasn't been elated about her marrying her father. Nonetheless, she is trying to take a step forward to at least visit so she can at least try to make an effort to get to know her better.
"I hope this works," she says to herself while using her hand to shield the sunlight from her eyes.
While heading to the door, she catches a glimpse from the upper window. Standing near her car, the back of Louise's head hastily comes into view while she passionately kisses Sean with her black dress unfastened, revealing her bare back.
Quickly, Aaliyah digs into her bag to grab her iPhone to capture footage on video, not wanting to be seen by them. Aaliyah quickly gets in the car and starts the engine, driving the SUV down the lane, where she notices Sean's truck is parked.
"I knew she was too good to be true," she comments exasperatedly.
As she shakes her head while driving to get back onto the main road, it suddenly dawns on her that she has proof that she will not only make sure that woman does not become her stepmother but also make it possible for her parents to reconcile.

Daniel becomes aghast to hear that he may be removed as CEO, while Jordan saunters out of the room into the hallway as her heels click on the linoleum floor. She hears another pair of footsteps behind her. At first, she thought it was Daniel, but to her relief, it was Tommy instead.
In the boardroom, at least three more shareholders agree to vote him out as CEO. While Daniel tries to think of what he can do to salvage this downfall, he hopes some board members can oversee his shortcomings while his family comes through with enough votes to at least maintain his position. Knowing the company's leadership is in conflict makes this situation more tense.
Although Tommy wants to ask her how she got the evidence, he knows it doesn't need to be said at this moment. As the truth has finally been revealed, too much harm has already occurred in the process.
He envelops her in a hug to comfort his wife and the mother of his son.
Daniel faces the consequences of his actions.
Aaliyah reels from what she saw.
Louise comes to terms with reality.
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