Written by: Bre L. Drew
October 24, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
While Dr. Toussaint stood his ground against the against, Daniel Jordan walked in on them, wondering why the two men were together.
Jordan revealed her sexual encounter with Tommy to Tanner.
Jacques surprised Emma by renting out The Chateau, where he also gave her an expensive diamond bracelet, which Emma had met with him in secret.
Esther began to confide in Mae about her father's past history with Deirdre Covington.

"I don't care!" Dr. Pierre Toussaint loudly exclaims, "I might lose my career, but you'll lose more than I will. I'm sure you'll lose the respect of everyone you care about, not to mention your reputation in the business community because if I go down, I'm taking your ass down with me."
Daniel Covington chuckles ruefully at him. "Am I supposed to be afraid of you?"
Unknown to them, the door of the office opens. The person wanders into the room.
"What the hell is going on here?"
The familiarity of the voice startles both Dr. Toussaint and Daniel, as they see that the person is none other than Jordan McKnight.
Still not getting a response from either man, she recites the question, this time with more force. She thought she would be coming here for another session. The last thing she ever expected was to see her son's grandfather.
"What the hell is going on here?!"
Dr. Toussaint clears his throat while Daniel crosses his arms over his chest, glowering at the mother of his grandson. He had come to the psychiatrist's office to keep tabs on his plan to drive Jordan out of her mind so Tommy could obtain full custody, believing that the young woman was not suitable to be a mother to a pet, let alone his eldest grandchild.
"I was here to find out about your progress with the doc," Daniel says, somewhat bluntly.
Jordan shakes her head turbulently at the idea of the man who once tried to take her son away from her knowing her medical details. "Please tell me that you didn't do that, Dr. Toussaint."

"I'm sorry, but would you mind running that by me again?" Elijah Barker queries his best friend. He then lowers his voice. "You and Jordan had sex?"
The two college juniors were at the table beside the large window that overlooks Main Street on this cloudy autumn afternoon. In addition, an undersized crowd encompasses the cafe as seasonal decorations hang throughout the establishment. while Carly Rae Jepsen's "Talking To Yourself" plays at a fair volume on the sound system. Tommy had recently informed him that he and Jordan slept together after months of them getting close as a result of them living together.
"It isn't a big deal," Tommy says practically.
Elijah takes a strong sip of coke from his straw from the plastic cup. "I know, back in the day, you were sleeping with girl after girl, but I thought you changed."
"When I met Tanner," Tommy finishes his sentence. I did, but in case you forgot, it seems I sucked at monogamous relationships. And anyway, Tanner is with Reverend Lovejoy. "
His friend chuckles at the nickname he gave to Jordan's brother, Tanner, who is currently seeing.
"It's just sex, that's all, nothing more, nothing less," Tommy admits plainly.
But he is silent when he notices someone on the other side of them in the aisle has heard him, which makes Elijah turn around to see Tanner Lockhart holding onto the modular baby stroller.

Thora McKnight stares at the laptop screen with frustration and disappointment in the living room of the Victorian rectory she lives in with her son Presley, reading another automated email from another company informing her that despite her efforts, she isn't the best fit for the position at this time.
It is her fourth rejection in the last two weeks. as she is about to delete it. The doorbell rings, which gets her on her feet.
She retrieves the door to find Joel Friendly.
"If I say seeing you is the highlight of my morning, would you believe me?" She addresses him.
The reverend, who has been one of Thora's friends since childhood, offers an affable smile to her. "Rough day?"
"Hey, if you feel brave enough to hear about it, enter at your own risk," she tells him.
Joel chuckles good-naturedly while stepping into the house and following behind her.
"Try me,"
He takes off his coat, revealing a black long-sleeve Henley shirt and a pair of jeans, a far cry from the usually dressed-up man of the cloth.
From the sofa in the living room, Thora rattles off about another nonacceptance at him while he sits in the upholstered wingback chair, nodding understandably.
"Well, entering back into the job market is never easy," he says supportively.
"For me, it's pretty much the first time," she remarks. "I guess I have to rely on my son's charity a little longer."
The reverend gives her a comforting glare. "If I hear anything about work, I'll recommend you. Anyway, I came by to see how you were doing. I know that the last few weeks must have been hard on you."
The McKnight matriarch exhales softly as she confides in him about the anniversary of her eldest son EJ's death and the current status of her marriage to Ernest.
"I hate feeling like I'm in limbo. Legally, I'm still married to Ernest, but in my heart, I know our marriage is over, Joel."
Joel puts his hands together.
"I'm sure everything will work out; just have faith,"
He then checks the watch on his wrist, wincing at the time. "I don't want to run, but I need to go back to church for a meeting with the board of trustees," he informs her. "I know it's hard, but something will prevail on all fronts for you, Thora."
"From your lips to God's ears," Thora says hopefully, while her friend envelopes her in a hug and she inhales the light citrus and lavender of his cologne. "I'll walk you out."

Emma Covington does her best to concentrate on the monthly budget for the club in her office above The Cliffe. Though memories of the prior evening keep floating back to her dinner with Jacques in hopes of telling him to leave town, he managed to sweep her off her feet by renting out The Chateau with a string quartet and not to mention the exquisite diamond bracelet.
Now she wishes she would've remained strong and not so vulnerable. She can buy any piece of jewelry she desires, yet she still marveled over the bracelet that is still in her possession.
Her thoughts are then interrupted by Will, attempting to get her attention by repeatedly calling her name.
Will sticks his hands into his pants pockets "Hey, where were you? You were like a million miles away, girl."
He then leans in for a small but significant smooch with his lover.
"Sorry about that; it's just these numbers, but it'll all work out," she says, trying to change the subject.
"What's really up?" "I know something's buggin' you. "Your meeting with your friend didn't go well," he says flatly.
Emma doesn't conceal her confusion but suddenly recalls the lie she told him about meeting up with a friend who was in town briefly due to a layover.
She lies. "Monique is still fabulous as ever; we didn't get too much time since her flight to New York was in forty-five minutes."
In reality, Monique is a cosmetics sales rep who spends more time partying all over Europe than doing actual work. But she is still one of Emma's friends since her Parisian days.
"Is this about Jacques still being in town?" Will blurts out. "I get it. I wish he would bounce, but we can't do anything about it. Brotha can try, but he can't come between us."
Even though he told his mother the other day that he knew Emma was far from perfect, he knew even she wouldn't be tempted to go back to him after finding out he was using her during their engagement.
The businesswoman saunters over to him in her heels and puts her arms around her boyfriend.
"You still care about me even though I'm a goddamn mess. I don't deserve you. I truly don't." She murmurs

While contemporary jazz continues to play through the speakers, the majority of the breakfast crowd has left as the clock approaches noon. However, Mae Jackson and Esther Saunders were still sitting at their table despite having already eaten. The latter individual has just informed her of a long-hidden secret about whom she swore she would keep to herself, especially from her family.
"So, you mean to tell me that your father and Deirdre had an affair behind your mother's back all those years ago?" Mae says, while trying to comprehend what she had been told by her best friend.
Esther nods, confirming the question. Yeah, it's something I've been keeping to myself for a lotta years now, but with Deirdre and the rest of the Covington's now calling Radcliffe home, I can't help but think about it."
In reality, she decided to withhold the entire truth, which is that Emma was the result of that affair, as she discovered from the secret DNA test she had run, and the only person who knows the same information is her son Steven, who assisted her in this. Although she trusts Mae with her life, she knows that she cannot tell her everything, fearing that if too many people knew the truth, it would somehow get out, which she didn't want, especially now.
"Did Rosemary ever find out about it?" Mae queries about Esther's late mother.
"No, she didn't, and to be honest, Mae, I thank the lord that she never knew because it would've broken her heart if she did," Esther responds. "Seeing that woman always brings it up back for me, even after thirty-some-odd years later."
Mae cordially grabs her friend's hands.
"Hey, don't worry about Deirdre; it was a long time ago; she will be held accountable for her actions."
Esther lets go of her friend's hands with a respectful nod.
"I think I have had enough of this place for one day."
As their meals have already been paid for, the two women leave the table and proceed to the door.

From not far away from where Mae and Esther were seated. Jacques Laurent heard the ladies talking about the long-ago liaison between the married farmer and Deirdre, who was also married. He had just finished his drink alone after meeting with Deirdre Covington, to whom he gave an update that he was one step closer to complying with her wishes to seduce Emma away from Will thanks to the romantic evening they shared here. He could feel she was warming up to him again despite the troubles they had gone through, which ultimately ended their engagement. He was on his way out when he overheard the petite yet bosom-endowed woman confiding in her friend about her father's affair with the same woman, who, in exchange for luring her daughter, would give him the funds to rescue his family's shipping company from debt.
Despite her generosity, he had learned from his father and uncles over the years that the most important thing in business is always having leverage, and who knew he might have found some in a so-called fine dining restaurant in nowhere Kentucky?
"You never know when this might come in handy," he smirks.
He then makes his way out of the restaurant by himself.

Craig David's resonating vocals fill the cafe as his newest song, "Obvious" featuring Muni Long, is on, but that was the last thing Tommy and Tanner were concerned about.
Tanner had gone over to the cafe's lounge area by this point, keeping one eye on her baby brother Dylan, who had fallen asleep in his stroller after their trip to the park earlier in the morning. She had just sat down on the black leather couch, unzipping her backpack to retrieve her cell biology textbook so she could study before her test at the end of the week.
However, Tommy decided to go over there, knowing he couldn't leave things like that between them. He still values their friendship despite their breakup.
Tanner lifts her head from the book, seeing him standing near her.
"Look, what do you want me to tell you that I'm happy for you?" she says sarcastically.
"No, that's not it," he tells her. "I didn't mean for you to hear about it like that,"
Tanner keeps the textbook on her lap while giving him more focus. She could tell from his expression that he was telling the truth.
"Don't worry, Tommy; your baby mama already told me in her own special, unique way."
When she had picked up Dylan, Jordan was at her father and Tricia's apartment, where she casually informed her that they were having sex again.
"I wish she hadn't done that," Tommy explains.
"You know what, Tommy, whatever you do is your business. I just hope you know what you're getting into."
Tommy smiles confidently. "I haven't heard any complaints."
She hates that his comment made her crack a grin.
"You're a big boy, so I'll just tell you that, beyond her bravado, Jordan sees you as her prince charming, whether she admits it to you or not, so please be honest with yourself if this is a relationship or just sex between two lost people."
Somehow, her words start to make the Covington heir think when Elijah approaches them.
I've got to get going. I've got to pick up Jeremy from swimming lessons since Lillith is going out of town and won't have time to drop him off back at Home Farm before going home to get her things. "
Tommy raises his hand to wave goodbye to his friends while he marches out of the cafe.
He sits next to Tanner while she glances at her baby brother, who is starting to wake up.
"How are you doing?" he asks her. "You all, right?"
Tanner turns to face her oldest friend who is also her twin sister's boyfriend with a look of mixed feelings.
"I'm not jealous because I've been over Tommy for a long time, and I have Presley, who is amazing and doesn't come with all of the complications that Tommy does, but I didn't think it would hit me so hard."
Tanner lets Elijah put his arm around her platonically as she tries to absorb everything she discovered.


"So, should I be looking for another shrink, or are you going to tell me that you haven't said one word about me to him?"
She could feel herself needing a sedative to calm her nerves, as she didn't want Daniel to use her most private thoughts against her.
Dr. Toussaint exchanges unsettling expressions with the wealthy millionaire who is blackmailing him, then he glances at Jordan, whom he has gotten to know in such a short time.
"And like I told Mr. Covington, I cannot give out any information on a patient due to HIPAA," he cleverly feigns. "I think that's all that we have to discuss here today."
"Looks like you're not getting your way this time," Jordan says assertively. "So do yourself a favor and leave," she waves teasingly.
Daniel sets his jaw in a way he barely knows he got away from being exposed.
"I only want what's best for you. I mean, you're the mother of my grandson. "
Jordan rolls her eyes slightly as Dr. Toussaint remains neutral.
Daniel exits the office, leaving the doctor and his patient alone in the office.
"Jordan, I'm so sorry for that. I was telling him to leave when you came in." Dr. Toussaint declares apologetically.
The young woman places a strand of her long blonde hair behind her ear. "It's all right," she replies. But I want what is said between us in private. I do not want anything to come out, especially to him. "
Dr. Toussaint holds out both of his hands in defeat.
"Trust me, I maintain discretion when it comes to the privacy of my patients."
When Daniel steps into the elevator, he takes out his iPhone from his blazer pocket, which he uses to contact the family housekeeper, Gabriella, his other co-conspirator.
"It's me; the next phase of the plan will be carried out as scheduled." he declares boldly.
Radcliffe celebrates Halloween.
Jordan hears more voices.
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