Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 29, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Wade showed his violent tendencies while threatening Jolene to come back home with him, or he would bring harm to her and Tricia.
Samuel advised Tricia to be mindful of her mother's plight.
Martha clashed with Sarah Lynn regarding Murray meeting SJ, as she believes father and son have the right to get to know each other.
Tanner, Presley, Tommy, and Jordan ended up spending New Year's together at the lodge, where Tommy resumed his unresolved feelings for Tanner while Jordan tried her best not to show her insecurity over it.

Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
The throwback country rap hit "Over and Over" by Nelly and Tim McGraw plays throughout the packed bar this afternoon.
Meanwhile, Martha Saunders serves a drink to a customer when someone else rushes up to her at the bar.
"I've been waiting on my beer for five minutes now."
"It's coming," Martha says hastily.
Then she sees that the line is getting more crowded. Usually, she's able to handle it with her hands tied; however, the issue of whether or not she should let Murray meet their son, which she still has misgivings about due to his absence in his life,
A few more customers become impatient while Mae Jackson, who is also behind the bar, realizes her employee needs much-needed assistance.
"You all right?"
Martha bounces her head. "Yeah, sorry about this; I got it now."
Though the bar owner isn't convinced of the tone of her voice,
"How about I cover this, and you can take off for the day."
"I'm fine, Mae. Can I just go on my break early? I promise I won't screw up when I get back."
Mae shows a bit of disbelief but decides to give her the benefit of the doubt. "All right then,"
Steven Sullivan enters the establishment, spotting his cousin and family friend standing next to each other, and he goes up to them.
"Two of my favorite ladies," he pleasantly addresses.
"You better not let your mother or Courtney hear you say that" Mae says of her best friend and his wife.
The veterinarian is wearing a brown corduroy shirt jacket and smiles naturally.
"I hear you're about to take your break. I need any company." Steven says casually.
"Were you just in the neighborhood, or did Mae call you to calm me down?" Martha says this as she moves from behind the bar.
More like my mom telling me about the blow-up you had with Aunt Sarah Lynn over SJ and Murray and wanting to see how you were doing." Steven answers.
"Oh, great," Martha mumbles.

While sitting on the stool at the kitchen counter of the fourth-floor apartment she's currently staying in with her daughter and son-in-law, Jolene Woods keeps replaying the last conversation she had with her husband, who made it abundantly clear he would not put up with them being apart. And if she didn't come back home to Bakersfield with him, he would bring harm not only to her but to those around her.
Of all the years she's been with him, she knows there's no choice but to believe him.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted when she heard shuffling footsteps belonging to her daughter.
Tricia Lockhart wears a black one-shoulder tie knit top and denim jeans, and her hair is in a pulled-back ponytail.
"Tricia, whatever you need to say to me, I can take it."
As much as she wants to vocalize her displeasure with her mother, possibly even entertaining the thought of going back to the guy who has physically and emotionally abused her for the entire course of their thirty-three-year marriage, she recalls the advice from Samuel about listening to her mother, even if it's likely she isn't going to like it.
"You first,"
"Okay," Jolene reacts. "Wade's been in town since Christmas."
Tricia is taken back, partly by this revelation.
"That's who you were talking to when you went out into the hallway."
Jolene told her that a neighbor had started chatting with her.
By now, she had gotten off the stool and tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.
"I knew if I told you about it, it would make things worse between Wade and me."
Tricia shakes her head at her mother, trying to be understanding, but it isn't easy.
"And I've come to a decision going forward," Jolene says directly.

As the farmhands tend to their work outside on the farm, Sean Lockhart and Louise Saunders Lockhart take a walk on the land, as they have done several times throughout the years, and occasionally, due to the rain and above-freezing temperatures, they step into puddles of dissolved ice.
"I'm glad to see that Lenny is feeling better," Sean says, observing their daughter.
For the past few weeks, she hasn't been feeling like herself; however, she's back working on the farm.
Louise, who stands beside her ex-husband, slightly nods. "I am too; I hope she doesn't overdo it; you know how stubborn our daughter can get." Louise voices. "Anyway, I heard that Tricia's stepfather is in town."
Sean extends an exhale while they continue trekking.
"She's going through a lot right now."
The intensity with which he used to say it made Louise stand still.
"I know she and I will never get along, but I'm sympathetic to her situation, but where does this leave us?"
"Louise, either way, once Jolene leaves town, Tricia and I are getting a divorce. She has made it clear that's what she wants."
"Is that what you want, Sean?"
"Where is this coming from?"
Louise remains silent as she folds her arms across her chest.
"Or do I even have to ask?" Sean queries rhetorically.

Presley McKnight is increasingly making out with Tanner Lockhart in his bed in the Victorian house that is the rectory of First Street Methodist Church, where he serves as associate pastor. The couple had just had sex and were now post-coital.
"I don't want to leave," Tanner says breathlessly.
"Yeah, me neither," Presley says while he strokes Tanner's hair.
"Darn genetics,"
"No, it's the class; I have to be in about forty minutes," she clarifies.
Currently, Tanner is a senior at Sampson University, where, after graduation this spring, she plans to attend school for veterinary medicine because of her love of animals, especially horses.
"I gotta get out of here in a little while too."
Presley is covering a premarital counseling session since Reverend McIntyre is out of town visiting with a former parisohner who is ill.
Tanner gets out of bed and starts gathering her things together, relieved they have time alone since they went away on New Year's at the mountain lodge, until they ran into Tommy and Jordan, who were also there. And obviously, Tommy still has feelings for her, while Jordan tries to now show her insecurity over it.
Unexpectedly, the door opens as Thora McKnight carries a laundry basket of neatly folded clothing.
Finally, with their shrieks, she sees that she has inserted her son and his girlfriend, as the bed is unmade, and a barely dressed Tanner.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I did not know," the older woman states apologetically.
An undressed Presley uses the comforter to hide his body.
"I thought that door was locked."
"I'm just going to leave it here," Thora says, gesturing to the basket.
Tanner, who is now wearing a blue long-sleeve polo shirt and jeans puts on her coat.
"I'll call you later, Presley."
She grabs her backpack off the chair in the corner and immediately heads out of the room. "Bye, Mrs. McKnight."
"Drive safe," Thora says meekly.
As the sounds of footsteps descend the staircase, Presley manages to put on his black boxers, though no amount of hiding his body can take away the embarrassment of this moment.
Thora places the basket on the bench at the end of the bed.
"Presley," she says seriously,
"Mom, I know I devote my life to God, but I'm still human, and I still also have needs."
Thora puts her hand up to deflect the conversation.
"All I was going to say is sorry for not respecting your privacy."
The response makes Presley loosen up as he inches closer to her.
"This is your house as much as mine; don't ever feel like you have to feel like a guest in it."
He invited his mother to move in after she decided to end her marriage to his father.
"But I guess next time knocking is the best policy?" Thora fills in.
Presley lifts his finger to indicate that she is correct.
Thora looks around the somewhat unkempt room.
"Maybe I need to find something else to do when I'm not working at the cafe."
The reverend goes to the closet, where he grabs the outfit, he's going to wear.
"We could always use more volunteers at the church if you're interested."
"That might cut into my time for finding a man, but I'm sure I can spare a few hours here and there," she teases.
Presley lifts his head to get a better understanding of what his mother said.
"I didn't know you wanted to get back out there."
Thora uneasily maneuvers her body while letting out a deep sigh. "Well, I'm in no rush to hit up Tinder, but I do miss what comes with being in a relationship—well, the good parts anyway."
Last year, Thora would've never imagined being open to meeting someone else, but perhaps with more time, she would be, as she had been moving on with her life without Ernest, which isn't simple since she had been with him all her adult life.
"You didn't hear it from me, but I hear they're a few single men at church." Presley winks
"I don't know about that," she says modestly. "But I will let you get ready." She moves toward the door and stops.
"We don't have to mention what I walked in on," she says.
"What did you walk in on?" Presley asks her, clearly wanting to do the same.
Thora cracks a grin as she steps out of the room.

A continuous breeze blows through as Louise responds to him.
"After everything that has happened, I think I have the right to be suspicious, whether or not there is anything that is going to further detain you from us making it another go at a relationship than it already is," Louise informs him.
Sean stuffs his hands into his coat pockets, wishing he wouldn't have left his gloves in his truck.
"You do," he amicably replies. "And I know this might not mean a lot coming from me, but once it's settled, we will get a divorce, and everything will work itself out."
Louise looks at him intently, attempting to convince herself to believe him.
"Just don't get any ideas, Sean. I'm serious. Nothing will happen further until then."
"Much as I want to do more than kiss you, I respect you too much to go against that." Sean says.
Various animal sounds fill the atmosphere as Louise spots some certainty in his voice.
"This is difficult for me too. But I refuse to continue to be on this merry-go-round with you and Tricia."

The effortless rapping of Twista, now being heard as "Overnight Celebrity," is on the bar's sound system.
While the Saunders cousins sit across from each other in a booth as Martha twirls the plastic straw of her glass of water, the diet coke Steven ordered is untouched. She had managed to fill him in on what's going on with her ex wanting to spend time with her son.
"Look, I know it isn't any of my business." Steven regards
Martha takes a sip of her beverage. "Well, that's not really true. I mean, you're SJ's godfather and your namesake. How come I got a feeling that I'm not going to like what you are about to tell me?"
Steven keeps a neutral countenance on his face.
"Maybe Aunt Sarah Lynn might have a point."
"You know what? It isn't any of your business." Martha snaps back.
"All I'm saying is that I've been in Murray's shoes when it comes to wanting to see your child when you aren't able to."
"It's totally different; you have been a father to Evan since he was born. And I doubt you told Lorraine you couldn't do it when she told you about becoming a father."
When Martha informed Murray of her pregnancy, he told her that and then hung up on her.
Steven takes a drink of his soda before replying back.
"You're right, but when I moved back here after me and Lorraine split, there were months when I didn't see him because of all the bad blood between us. Maybe now he's seeing that he wants to be closer to his son."
"So, I should give in and let SJ possibly get hurt because Murray has an attack of parental guilt?"
"At the end of the day, this thing isn't about you or even Murray, but SJ. And if it goes the way you think, then at least he will see for himself what kind of man he is, and you know you made the effort," he advises.
Martha rubs her eyes, as this is taking a toll on her. "Hypothetically, I allow this. What do I do?"
"Have this meeting at a public place for an hour or so," Steven recommends. "And bring someone in as a third party for moral support and a second pair of eyes."
The bartender tries to mull around what is said to her.
"I can't help but feel like I'm giving away my little boy to a complete stranger. Am I crazy to feel that way?"
"Absolutely not; up until now, you've been his primary everything. And that feeling of being protective of your child never goes away, no matter how old they get."
Martha places her hand under her chin, still unsure what to do, though she starts to grasp how this might affect SJ in the long run.

Tricia didn't need to hear anything else, as the display on her mother's face told her the answer to her decision.
"Baby doll, listen to me. Wade is sorry for what he's done."
"For the abuse or for cheating on you?"
Jolene could see how hard this is for her daughter, but she knows she has no choice.
"I truly believe him this time; he's willing to get help."
Tricia spins around, placing her hand on her head. "You've got to be kidding me? No, this is you. Time and time again, you chose that son of a bitch over everything!"
"None of us are perfect. Tricia, I mean, take a look at your own life."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Tricia retorts.
"You got involved with a married man with a wife and children. And now that man is back with her while you're here alone."
Her patience had all gone out of the window, as Tricia scoffs.
"Please don't do this," Tricia says urgently. "I'll help you start over."
"I made up my mind," Jolene remarks decisively.
"You will not survive if you go back to California with him." Tricia denotes.
Without any other words, Tricia heads to her bedroom, where she slams the door.
Jolene remains silent, despising herself for having to be in this position, torn about having to go back with a man who orders her around, but hates it even more because she isn't able to tell the one person, she is aware she's hurting the most that if she doesn't comply with Wade, he'll do something to all of them. And she would do anything to protect her daughter that she didn't do all those years ago.
Emotions run heavy for Tricia and Jolene.
Aaliyah stumbles on a long-hidden secret.
Lynn's doctor makes a discovery.
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