Written by: Bre L. Drew
February 12, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
Despite Murray wanting to get to know SJ, Martha remains against the idea due to him being nonexistent in their son's life. Steven encouraged her to at least allow the young boy to meet his father, even if that's the only time.
At the behest of Elijah, Lenny, went to the doctor, who noticed that her lymph nodes were swollen, resulting in her drawing some blood, which started to make her nervous.
Emma slept with Jacques after she and Will had an argument about Jacques lying about them being close; nonetheless, she tried to smooth things over with him, but he didn't want to hear it. Later, she began pursuing more with her former fiancé.

While Martha Saunders walks downstairs of the main house on Franklin Farm, where she resides with her family. She couldn't help but notice her son in the living room, innocently playing with his puppy, Otis. And in a way, she couldn't help but feel maternal since, in less than a few hours, he will be meeting Murray, the father she abandoned for years and is the one who gave him the dog for Christmas which she had told him a few days prior.
As she is about to head towards her son, the doorbell rings, causing her to pivot to the door.
When she opens it, she is glad to see Samuel Gupta standing in the doorway with a comforting smile as she lets him in, closing the door behind them.
"How is it going?" her boyfriend asks.
"I did like you and Steven said and explained that he will be meeting his father today, and if after today he doesn't want to see him anymore, he isn't under any obligation to do so, and no matter what, I will always love him."
The psychiatrist folds his hands across his chest. "Sounds like the right approach to me."
She lifts her head to take in her young son in a long sleeve striped, black thermal shirt and denim jeans, tossing a ball, which the border collie attempts to obtain in the corner of the room.
SJ Saunders notices that his mother's boyfriend has gotten tired of talking to her.
"Hey, Samuel," he says good-naturedly.
"Hey, SJ, what's going on?" The doctor addresses the five-year-old boy.
"I'm teaching Otis to fetch." He then covers his mouth, like he is about to let them in on a national secret. "But he only does it when I promise him food."
Both the adults genuinely chuckled at what he had shared with them.
"SJ, sweetie," Martha says more seriously. "You remember what we're doing today?"
The brown-haired little boy nods. "I'm going to meet my dad."
"And how do you feel about that?" Martha says cautiously.
"My stomach hurts a little bit."
Martha and Samuel exchange apprehensive glances.
"You know it's okay to be nervous," Samuel tells him. "But your mom and I are going to be there every step of the way."
Martha places her hand on her son's arm. "Just be yourself, and know that I will not let anyone hurt you. You understand?"
"Okay, mommy," he says modestly.

Lively blues music fills the atmosphere of The Chateau this late morning. Among the patrons having brunch are Emma Covington and Jacques Laurent.
The stunning-looking couple sits across from one another at the table, having mimosas and enjoying their various entrees.
"Much as I love spending all of my time with you, I must admit sometimes I do feel like there is something else I can occupy myself with," the French man admits.
"What? Time with me does not fully satisfy you." Emma teases while tasting a tidbit of Eggs Florentine. "No, but seriously, what do you have in mind?" she adds.
The two recently found themselves getting back together after they had sex, despite her being in a relationship with Will.
Although the latter thought something more had happened, which it didn't until it did.
"I don't know. I guess something that I can say that I did on my own. Other than brokering a deal with my family's company last year, I can't say I've ever done something that doesn't involve being a Laurent."
In reality, the deal he is referring to is seducing Emma away from Will at the behest of her mother, Deirdre, who paid him lucratively for his efforts. Yet since they've reunited, there's no doubt in his mind that he's still in love with her.
"I'm sure you will find your calling soon enough," Emma replies encouragingly. "Maybe in the meantime. You can give me some ideas for the club."
Jacques picks up a half-full flute of mimosa. "My services are always available," he winks.
"Ain't no way in hell that's happenin'," an additional voice calls out.
The two notice that Will Jackson and his mother, Mae, are standing by their table.

Despite her years of being outdoorsy as a kid and now as a farmhand, Lynn Lockhart would never label herself anything close to an athlete. However, on this particular unseasonably warm winter morning, to partly clear her head of the impending results of the blood test her doctor did after she had told her about how unwell she had been when Dr. Grier discovered her swollen lymph nodes; her longtime doctor advised her that it might not be anything serious and that it's taking all her willpower not to Google the worst scenario in her case.
Instead, she is walking with her fraternal twin sister in the woods near where they live.
"You know it's been a while since we just hung out, just the two of us," Tanner Lockhart says observably.
The brunette is wearing a green Reebok logo fleece hoodie and gray sweatpants, with her hair in a ponytail.
"Yeah, I guess it's been a minute, hasn't it?" Lenny replies.
The blonde is wearing a light gray Champion sweatshirt and sweatpants.
"I guess with me finishing my senior year, applying for vet schools, and trying to spend time with Presley and you working on the farm and Elijah, we haven't made much time," Tanner mentions.
At first, Lenny remains quiet, thinking of how trivial everything her sister just said is, although a part of her hopes that will be her only thing to worry about.
"So, how are you and the Reverend doing?" Lynn asks, changing the subject.
"Things between Presley and me are going great, although if I tell you this, you can't tell anyone else."
"After we had sex, Presley was still naked, and I was getting undressed when Thora came into his room unannounced to drop off his laundry."
Lenny has a look of disbelief as well as intrigue on her face.
"I've been in your position, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone—well, maybe a few. But what did you do?"
She recalls when she and Elijah were in his room in an intimate moment when his mother, Brynn, walked in on them.
"All I could do was take off, and she told me to drive safely. I think she was embarrassed too, though I would rather relive that than run into Tommy and Jordan over New Year's."
Lenny recalls her sister having run into her ex and wife at the mountain lodge.
"Anyway, how are you? How did it go at the doctor?"
Tanner sees the look of uncertainty on her face.
"Lenny, you are all right? It's nothing serious, is it?"

That was the only thing Emma could muster verbally. In the last conversation they had, he made it quite clear he was through with her as a lover. Yet he seemed more fixated on challenging Jacques.
"Don't worry, your job is safe. Emma and I were only conversing," the charismatic gentleman expresses.
"Look, you might've fooled her back into thinkin' you big shit, but you're never gonna fool me, Jackie Boy."
The two were here to grab something to eat, which was Will's way of treating her, but he had no idea they would be here and wasn't happy to see them.
Mae looks at her son concernedly. "Come on, let's go."
"Better listen to your mother's advice." Jacques taunts. "This is a classy establishment, after all."
"What you say?" Will confronts him.
He gets closer to Jacques, who remains seated.
"All right, that is enough," Emma says straightforwardly. "Much as I value both of your opinions, I want to remind you all that The Cliffe is my club, so I get to determine who works and who does not."
Both men remain silent about that statement.
"Let's leave these two be," Mae tells him. She flashes a displeased glance at Emma before the Jacksons head to their table.
"I cannot blame him for how he reacts when we are in a room together after everything, I've done to hurt him." Emma vocalizes. "It is probably not easy seeing us together after what we did."
"Whatever he is feeling does not give him the right to take it out on me or you. But you have decided to move on with me sooner or later, and he needs to accept it sooner or later."
He then takes her hand and kisses it gently.
Now, at their table, mother and son peruse their menus, even though food isn't exactly on their minds.
"You all right?" Mae asks caringly.
"I would've felt a lot better if I socked Jackie Boy square in the jaw," he responds frustratedly. "I can't believe Emma can't see him for the clown that he is."
Mae shakes her head at that proclamation. "Now, what good would that've done?"
He then shrugs as he places the menu aside.
"And anyway," Emma continues. "Emma should not be your concern anymore, and she's a big girl. I'm sure she can watch her own back."
"I try to take your advice, momma, and I want to say sorry for what went down at Christmas. You didn't deserve that."
During the holiday, it was tiring to be asked about the whereabouts of Emma, who had cheated on him days before he abruptly revealed the truth to everyone at the dining table.
Mae sets aside her menu near her purse on the table.
"I was not a fan of your little outburst, but I get you were upset about what happened. Even Gus was understanding of the situation, so how about we leave that in 2023, too, huh?"
Gus is Mae's boyfriend. The two had become serious within the last several months, as she was embarrassed about their first major holiday together. However, he said he enjoyed himself since it had made him feel like he was part of a family again since the deaths of his wife and daughter.
As the waitress comes over to them to take their orders, Will turns around to see his ex and her new lover in deep conversation at their table, not liking what is taking place.

Lenny and Tanner avoid a broken branch, while she hasn't responded to her sister's question until now.
"No, Dr. Grier thinks it's probably some infection," she says. "And not to worry."
"That's what she said,"
Tanner turns to see her sister, who looks ahead.
"That's good to hear because, with everything going on in our lives, I don't think I can handle it if anything serious is going on with you too."
Lenny also knows her parents are in the process of getting back together as their father is about to divorce their stepmother. She feels like she doesn't need to burden everyone with what could be if she doesn't even know what's going on with her.
The twins continue to walk along the trail in the woods.

A moderate number of customers fill Jojo's in the early afternoon hour as Mary J. Blige and Ludacris hip-hop soul duet "Runaway Love" plays on the sound system.
And it has also been almost an hour since Murray was due to show up, but so far, he has not.
Martha, Samuel, and SJ are at the table near the large window overlooking Main Street.
Martha is thankful that at least her son's iPad is keeping him entertained; however, she is ready to throttle her ex for possibly standing him up since he was the one so insistent on meeting his son.
She then gives a look to Samuel, who understands as she excuses herself to speak with him off to the side as SJ continues to play with his game with his headphones on.
"He's like an hour late; where do you think he is?" Samuel examines.
"Well, punctuality was never one of Murray's strengths." Martha vocalizes while putting a hand on the side of her hip.
"Maybe you should call him."
Martha turns to her son, who is engrossed with the screen, then back onto her boyfriend.
"Maybe it's a sign that he shouldn't have anything to do with me."
Despite being late, Murray Hirsch finally arrives at the cafe, and while entering, he can already feel the ire coming from Martha, who quickly approaches him.
"Before you say it, I know I'm not off to a good start."
The talent manager is wearing a black trucker jacket and dark pants.
"Where the hell have you been? It's been an hour, Murray."
"I was handling a business call that involved one of my artists."
Martha scoffs in disbelief at that excuse.
"I'm not lying, Martha," he says." Jada Langford is about to go on tour, and we had to add another date in Sacramento."
Martha rolls her eyes at the mention of her competition when she was pursuing music in LA. Despite the busty woman having less talent than her, she's on her second album.
"I'm here to meet my son,"
She gets closer to his face, not backing down. "I swear, if you ever break my little boy's heart, I will come after you. You get me?"
"I do," he says lowly.
Murray follows his child's mother to the table, where he sees an Indian American guy around his age that he recalls seeing at the music festival in Nashville last summer, and sitting next to him is SJ, who recognizes the same shade of brown hair that he has.
"Murray, you remember Samuel from the festival?" Martha introduces them.
"Yeah, I do. How are you?"
"Good," the doctor says evenly.
A few moments of silence occur when SJ notices a stranger he has never met.
"And son, this is Murray, your dad."
The five-year-old boy at first displays a look of confusion towards his mother.
"I know it's a lot, but sometimes mommies and daddies don't always live together." she discloses.
"Like Aidan's mom and dad," SJ concludes.
"Something like that,"
"Who's Aidan?" Murray asks unsurely.
"His best friend," Martha answers. "His parents are divorced, and Aidan's mother lives in Elizabethtown with the boyfriend he left Aidan's father for."
Murray doesn't hide his surprise hearing that certain factoid about his child's friend.
"Do you like music?" SJ asks unexpectedly.
Samuel and Martha share surprising looks of him opening up to the stranger.
"Of course I do," Murray says excitedly. "It's how I met your mom in Los Angeles."
Martha shakes her head, as the days are something she doesn't like to reflect on much since she ended up without success and pregnant without any support from him.
"What about you, buddy? Are you into music?"
"Mom's teaching me the piano."
"I was just about your age when I learned to play."
Samuel moves his head to indicate to Martha that they should give them a moment to be alone, which she complies with.
The two stand off to the other side, still in the distance, to see them interacting.
"What do you think?" Samuel inquiries about his girlfriend.
"If he came five minutes later, we would've been gone."
"Whatever happens, I will be there for you and SJ," he notifies her.
She places her arm around him and exhales heavily as she witnesses her son laughing at something Murray is telling him while she knows there isn't any turning back now.
Shauna and Jordan have a heart-to-heart.
Deirdre is determined to get rid of Jacques.
Lynn receives the results from her blood test.
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