Written by: Bre L. Drew
January 22, 2024
Last Time on Town and Country
A reluctant Jolene met with Wade at The Waterfall, as he was determined to reconcile, although she made it clear she didn't want to return if he didn't seek help with his temper.
Meanwhile, Tricia, also at the bar with Jordan, ran into them, and it didn't take long for her to have a public outburst at the sight of her abusive stepfather.
Sean visited his parents in his hometown of Bowling Green; however, the two decided to put hold on their divorce proceedings until Jolene left town.
Despite Murray's plea of wanting to meet SJ, Martha firmly put her foot down, stating it wouldn't happen.
Courtney took her frustration at her father towards Shauna, who wanted to work at Covington again.

Despite the funk rock rhythms of Lenny Kravitz's "Fly Away" on the sound system within the cafe this weekday afternoon, Tricia Lockhart's mind is still firmly on the encounter she had with her mother and stepfather the other day at The Waterfall. The thought of her giving that man another chance after the many years of hurt he put her through physically and emotionally.
She is assembling next week's team schedule on her iPad while sitting on the black faux leather sofa in the lounge area.
Gladly escaping the bitter winter temperature outdoors, Samuel Gupta walks into the cafe. Once he sees Tricia, he makes a beeline to her.
"Hey, I got your message. What's going on?" The psychiatrist addresses her.
Earlier, Tricia had texted him, notifying him she needed to talk when he could. Although she thought he was too busy with patients to come this soon,
The cafe manager throws her arms around her friend, needing someone to confide in.
"I'm so glad to see you; my life is a fucking horror show!"
They're still in an embrace when Tricia peeks at the entrance, which makes Samuel see who got her attention.
Another appearance she hadn't expected arrives as her husband, Sean Lockhart, glares at them.

As Jolene Woods is about to go into the kitchen for a lemon-flavored mineral water, a rapid knocking sequence at the door immediately gets her attention.
But seeing Wade Woods stand there makes her wish she could've pretended to ignore it.
He leans in, giving her a brief but supple kiss on her lips, which makes her be on guard due to his short-tempered nature.
"All these years together as man and wife, you still flinch every time I touch you, like I'm some damn monster."
"I don't think that at all," she lies. "Please come in," she says as pleasantly as possible, though she's unsure she should.
The tall man enters wearing a hooded trucker jacket as she closes the door behind them.
He stands in the middle of the room, glaring from one side to the other of the fourth-floor apartment belonging to his stepdaughter and her husband.
"Want anything to eat or drink?" Jolene asks, as she curses herself for it.
"Maybe later," Wade says, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket.
Her husband had been a smoker for years, which had bugged Jolene for a long time, but she never complained about it to him out of fear.
He obtains a lighter from the other pocket as he sticks the cigarette in his mouth, lighting it up in succession.

"I can't believe this is happening," Martha Saunders says to Will Jackson and Sarah Lynn Saunders.
The three were in the hospitable kitchen of the main house on Franklin Farm as the brunette singer told them that her son's father, Murray Hirsch, was not only in town but insisted on seeing SJ, whom he never met. Although she made it clear she did not want that to occur since her goal was to protect him from possibly getting hurt,
"So, after all this time, he wants to see his son?" Will asks incredulously. "What kind of bull is he on?" he maintains.
"I just hope he gets the message and hops on the next plane to LA. already." Martha comments.
Sitting at the table, Sarah Lynn mostly remained silent as she processed what was going on until now.
"Please don't take any offense to what I'm about to say, but maybe he's sincere."
The retort makes Martha showcase a surprised gaze at her mother.
"I get that you think I'm being unreasonable here, and I should allow Murray to meet SJ. But I'm thinking of my son, okay? He's a happy, well-adjusted boy, and I don't want anything or anyone to mess that up."
Sarah Lynn exchanges a look with Will, who is standing behind the counter, and goes back to her youngest daughter again.
You have every right to be protective of SJ, but it sounds like Murray wants to at least get the chance to meet him; you can't blame him for that."
"Thanks for being on my side, mom," Martha snarks.
"It's not about sides, Martha; it might not hurt to have them meet. I'm not saying nothing has to be decided today, but maybe Murray wants to make amends."
She takes a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear and tucks it. "Will, what do you think?"
Uneasily, Will opens his mouth, unexpectedly being called on. "Uh, I think whatever you decide, it should be up to you."
Martha respectfully nods while her mother flashes a countenance that indicates that it is still time to rethink her stance; however, Martha saunters out of the room.
"Parenting never gets any easier." Sarah Lynn refers to her tenant and longtime family friend.
Will decides not to say anything, as he can see this situation isn't going to be resolved today.

"Thanks so much; you're a total lifesaver." Courtney Covington Sullivan praises her husband.
Steven Sullivan brings her a cup of tea as she is in the middle of work, which she was conducting from the kitchen counter of their two-story home.
"Do you need anything else?" the veterinarian asks her.
Courtney nurses the mug as tendrils of heat rise from it. "No, I'm fine," she replies. "You know, I think this is the first time we've both been home during a workday." she says observably.
"If you weren't working and I wasn't on call, we could be taking advantage of this occasion," he winks suggestively.
Though Courtney doesn't crack a smile or playfully swat him as she takes a sip of the hot beverage,
"Let me guess, this involves Daniel," he assumes.
She exhales before responding.
"I don't know why I still let him get to me after everything he has done."
Daniel manipulated Jordan into thinking she couldn't be a sane mother to Jeremy, which nearly cost the life of Max and Shauna's unborn child and the use of Max's legs.
"Because he's your father, and you've looked up to him all of your life, it's only normal," Steven advises her.
"And then I let those emotions come in between me and Shauna when she only wanted to know if she could come back to work."
She shakes her head at everything she's going through at the moment.
Steven uses his hands to massage her back, hoping to release some tension.
Although the din of the doorbell ringing suspends their intimate conversation,
"I'll get it," he says willingly.
Silently hoping it isn't her father since she doesn't have the strength to go another round with him, she is somewhat relieved when she sees Steven along with Mala Gupta.
The executive architect is wearing a reddish-brown belted trench coat with dark slacks, holding onto a drafting tube in her possession.
Steven's phone starts to ring.
"It's the clinic; I better get this; excuse me," he says, then departs the room, leaving the women alone.
"I was on my way to the office when I saw your car in the driveway and thought you would like to take a look at this," Mala notifies her.
Mala lives next door to Steven and Courtney in a row of residential cottages.
"I decided to get some work done out of the office."
Mala passes the tube, which the younger woman opens and takes out the blueprint.
Courtney identifies it as the draft of the low-income apartment building that has been in the works for months.
"Everything works out with the city council, which I'm sure will be an uphill battle, touch wood," Mala states concernedly in her British accent.
Courtney rolls the parchment back up and places it on the side of the wall.
"Let Legal and myself worry about that."
She knows Mala is coming from a good place but is tired of people questioning her decisions as CEO.
Courtney notices something different about Mala, as a certain radiance is upon her, especially on her face.
"Are you on a new skincare regiment? You are glowing, Mala," she compliments.
Mala slightly grins at what was said to her since she hasn't done anything different to her face and believes that it stems from resuming her relationship with Jai behind closed doors.
The sounds of Steven's footsteps interrupt any further interaction between the two women.
"They just needed my authorization on a procedure," he nods.
"I better get out of here and let you get back to it, but if you have any questions, I'll be available most of the day."
The three say their goodbyes as Steven walks their neighbor to the door.
Two seconds later, he comes back.
"Well, whatever is making Mala glow that way, I want some of that." Courtney confesses.
Steven doesn't shield his confusion from his wife's statement.

"So, you're back?"
Those were the first words Tricia said to her husband once he came over to her.
"Yeah, I just got back and decided to make you my first stop."
"And not your ex-wife; I'm touched." She says it with a hint of sarcasm, which Samuel spots.
Sean had left town to visit his parents over Christmas, though he decided to extend his trip since he knew that when he returned, he needed to take care of something regarding their marriage and his current situation with Louise.
"If you two need to talk, we can pick this up later," Samuel tells her. He recalls that he is not one of Sean's favorite people since it was revealed he and Tricia kissed a few years ago.
"That's not necessary, since it isn't some secret what's going on between us," Tricia says matter of factly.
She then turns to Sean.
"Wade is in town."
The farm manager is surprised at the news of his wife's abusive stepfather being in Radcliffe.
"You gotta be kidding me? Are you and Jolene all right?"
"Physically, we're fine, but I can't speak for my mother's mental capacity."
"Look, I know this isn't my business," Samuel starts. "But I think the best thing for you to do is at least hear your mother out; perhaps she feels she does not have anyone hearing her. I get it is difficult, but the more you turn her back on her, the more she will be compelled to take Wade back."
"It's worth a shot," Sean says.
Tricia sighs hesitantly, unsure whether or not she can get through to the woman who has taken her husband back more times than she can count, but she knows that her mother's life depends on it.

"Are you sure you don't want a beer or anything?" Jolene tries to change the subject.
She isn't in the headspace to give feedback about whether or not she will be going home with him to work on their marriage.
"I don't want any beer," he replies, still while smoking." Stop avoiding me and answer the goddamn question, Jo?!"
But Jolene goes to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Corona; nonetheless, the silence fills Wade with anger as he hurriedly steps into the small kitchen, snatching the bottle out of his wife's hand and tossing it with shards of glass in the sink and on the floor, as well as the pale liquid.
She is about to get a broom and dustpan to clean up the mess, but knowing that going off, especially with Wade in this mood, is never a good idea based on previous incidents,
Wade takes out the disintegrated cigarette and holds it between his hands. As he gets closer to her face, she can feel the warmth of his breath on her.
"I think I've been more than patient, giving you all the time and space you need. But enough is enough, so I have to show you I'm not letting you go."
"What do you mean?" Jolene queries, her nerves already trembling. "You aren't making any sense."
"The day after tomorrow, I'm going back to California, and you're gettin' on that plane with me."
"What am I going to tell Tricia?" Jolene demands. "She's still upset at me for seeing us together the other day at the bar."
The look on Wade's face becomes one of annoyance towards her.
"Tell the truth that you and your husband have some making up to do."
Jolene watches as he drops the parched cigarette on the linoleum floor.
"Or next time I'll come, it'll be lit, he says, pivoting his head to the used butt.
He lingers long enough for Jolene to try to gather herself while stepping over the glass to leave.
After gaining enough consciousness, Jolene quickly goes to lock the door.
Looking down at her shirt, she has varied droplets of beer. She heads to get the kitchen cleaned up and put herself together.
As long as she's been with Wade, she is aware that, when he gets this way, he's hardly joking that if she doesn't do what he said, he'll do just that.
Tricia loses her patience.
Sean and Louise catch up.
Steven tries to get Martha to see the bigger picture.
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