Written by: Bre L. Drew
November 28, 2022
Last Time on Town and Country
Sean and Tricia try to come to terms with Dylan's death from SIDS, and Samuel comes to comfort Tricia, as Sean saw.
Emma hides the truth from Will about going to dinner with Jacques.
Thora filed for divorce, which Ernest is against.

Growing up, Sean Lockhart was forced to attend mass every Sunday. His mother, Felice, a devout Catholic, tried to instill a great sense of faith in him and his brother Johnny. Nonetheless, he did what was told. Sean felt that if God does exist, why does so much evil happen in the world?
And in the last few days, he started to feel that way again when he lost his young son Dylan suddenly. In a world full of chaos, why would God take an innocent and precious baby? Even today, as he finds himself trying to be strong for his wife, he knows so much faith can only get you so far.
He and Tricia make their way into the church sanctuary, where the memorial service is.
The two manage to hold hands as they go down the aisle to the front pew. In the room are mostly their close friends and his parents, who surprised me by making the trek here from Bowling Green. The service progresses with a prayer from Reverend Friendly. and a beautiful poem read out by Tanner.
Courtney Covington Sullivan reads the obituary as well as some cards from those who were unable to attend.
Near the end of the service, the lead singer from the church choir sings "God's Will" by Martina McBride and even gets people to start crying, including Lenny, who is sitting next to her boyfriend Elijah and Tanner in the same row as he and Tricia.
I've wrestled wrong and right
He was a boy without a father
And his mother's miracle
The emotional lyrics make him clear his throat, trying to suppress his despair.
The large photo of Dylan that stands near his tiny casket—the image of him, including his gummy smile—makes the event even more heartbreaking.
As the service concludes and they receive more well wishes, he and Tricia hold hands again, and as they pass other pews, they both see Samuel Gupta standing in a dark suit and tie at the end of the row. The last time he saw him was when he came to the apartment after he found out about Dylan. Sean had witnessed him hugging a grieving Tricia, who had taken her anger out on him earlier.
Yet they make their way out of the church and into the unknown without their son.

In a way, Thora McKnight feels like a stranger as she arrives at the ranch-style house she once lived in; a few seconds pass before she realizes she still has the house key that she uses to enter. She had been summoned over the phone by Ernest. When she moves further into the house, she notices that it's cleaner than she had imagined, as the images of empty beer bottles would be all over the floor and empty foam takeout cartons would flood the kitchen.
Thora stops a few feet away when she sees Ernest standing near the dining table.
"Hi," he casually addresses her.
"Ernest, why did you need to see me?"
The police chief could hear the impatience in his wife's voice. "I guess I deserve that," he replies. "A part of me wants us to get back to the way we were."
Thora folds her arms over her chest and sighs heavily. "And what you just said is one of the reasons why I left you in the first place."
Ernest's facial expression becomes more tolerant.
"The last time we saw each other at EJ's grave got me thinking about the pain you were in, and it helped me decide. I need to set you free, Thora."

The unusual occurrence of The Waterfall being closed to the public this afternoon for Dylan's repast after his burial ceremony at Lakeview Cemetery Mausoleum Inside the bar, it is an intimate setting, comprised of close friends and family.
Soulful vocals fill the atmosphere as "Optimistic" by Sounds of Blackness plays on the sound system.
Behind the bar, Antoine Hall approaches Mae Jackson with an appreciative nod.
"I know you're missing out on the customers and profits, but thanks again for having this."
"You don't have to keep thanking me, Antoine; I know how dear Tricia and her son are to you. "And anyway, there are more important things in this life than money," she says thoughtfully.
Antoine attended the service, seeing how hard it has been for Sean and Tricia. He stares across the room at the latter, sitting at a booth, looking like she would rather be a thousand miles away but trying her best to be social.
"Do you think she'll ever be herself again?" Antoine questions his surrogate mother figure.
Mae looks at him, then at Tricia, with all good intentions.
"When you lose someone, you'll never regain a part of yourself, no matter how hard you try," she reveals bluntly.
Antoine can't help but notice Mae is speaking from experience after losing her beloved husband Horace six years ago.

Relief is the latest emotion. Tricia Lockhart feels annoyed when the latest round of people having to check on her like some abandoned puppy needing care from volunteers until they get taken in by a new owner.
Tricia takes a sip of her white wine when she senses another's presence to acknowledge, but when she spots the particular person, she becomes more companionable.
"Hey," Jordan Mcknight says.
The young woman who also attended the service is wearing a long-sleeve black pleated dress and heels on her feet.
"Hi," Tricia replies nonchalantly. "Now sit down and save me from another pitiful passerby."
Jordan does what she is told by sitting across from the woman who has been not only a friend but a mentor as well.
"How are you holding up?"
Tricia takes another sip of wine and then exhales heavily.
"Like being in a never-ending nightmare that you can't awake from."
She then decides to change the painful subject. "So, how are you doing?"
"I'm doing all right," she lied somewhat.
Tricia wonders if she is being honest with her, though she doesn't have the willpower to get into it with her at this moment.
She wants to confide in her about the voice she heard on Halloween night telling her she wasn't anything, let alone a good mother.
"And I've gotten to spend more time with Jeremy."
Jordan comes to a halt as she realizes she is talking about her baby son to Tricia of all people.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she apologizes.
Tricia tries her best to hide her sorrow.
"Don't ever be sorry about talking about your child, Jordan; listen to me, and be the best mother you can be to Jeremy."
She signifies the request by placing her hands on top of her friend's hands to comfort her.

Contemporary jazz music plays on the restaurant's sound system as Will Jackson makes his way to the bar. He is there to pick up the food and take it to Emma. He decided to surprise her due to the stress she's been under, mainly as a result of her phony ex-fiancée, Jacques, being back in town. In spite of her assurances not to let him get to her, his presence is still unwanted.
"Hello, how may I help you?" the male bartender asks him cordially.
"Picking up an order for Will,"
The bartender goes into the back to retrieve the order.
While waiting, he nonchalantly sees two white females—one a bartender with a short blonde haircut and a petite brunette hostess—huddled together behind the bar. Nonetheless, their voice began to become more audible.
"He rented out the entire restaurant," the blonde-haired bartender eagerly asks her co-worker.
The brunette hostess nods in reply.
"Who was the luckier bitch, me getting paid time and a half or the woman getting romanced by that sexy rich Frenchman?"
The particular mention gets Will's attention as soon as he is about to react. The other bartender returns with his takeout bag, which uses cash to pay. He tells the bartender to keep the meager change.
Will goes to the other end of the bar, where he overhears the female bartender stating that the woman who had the place rented by the sexy Frenchman is the luckier bitch.
"Excuse me," Will says to mainly the hostess.
"Is there anything else you need?" the hostess says in a manner that is both suspicious and sociable.
"Yeah, I couldn't help but hear you talkin' about the guy renting out this place. "Was this man around six feet tall with dark hair?" Will seeks her out.
The female hostess placed both hands on her hips.
"Pretty much. and he was with Emma Covington, and let me tell you, she looks even better in person."
"It's always the rich chicks who get all the luck," the bartender says enviously.
With him knowing what happened, it all makes sense to him as to why he felt Emma was hiding something from him.
"Thanks for tellin' me," he says while he walks out of the door.

Ernest glances deeply at Thora, whom he still loves despite everything.
"I know whatever I tell you. It won't ever fix what's wrong with us, but I can't stand in your way anymore."
He walks over to the table where he keeps the divorce papers, he received from a process server months ago. He then scoops up the pen beside the documents, which he takes to sign his signature.
A part of Thora wants to ask why he is doing this now since he has been so adamant about not wanting to end the marriage. Yet, at this moment, he is doing just that.
Ernest figured it would be tough to end thirty years of marriage, but he didn't know how difficult it would be until now, as he stared down at his name on the papers.
"Thank you," she says humbly. "I know how hard that is for you."
Ernest shamelessly shrugs. "Well, I think it's about time I start giving rather than taking. And if you want the house, it's yours."
Thora looks around the house, which once seemed so vast but now seems narrow. Although the memories of raising their family flood back to her at once,
"No, I need to start over," she says vehemently. "And I can't do that here because it would bring too many memories that would bring me back to the person I'm fighting not to become anymore."
Ernest finds himself nodding along. "You know, maybe I need to move on too."
Thora looks at him surprisingly, knowing he isn't keen on mentioning his vulnerability. "And how does that make you feel?"
"I'm scared as hell," he says flatly. "What about you?"
"I'm scared as hell too, but we need to move forward with our lives apart, Ernest; you know that or you wouldn't be doing this," she says candidly, while John gives her the divorce papers. "I better get going."
She makes her way to the door, where Ernest follows closely behind. "Thora, if I don't see you before, have a good Thanksgiving."
"You too, Ernest,"
Thora then exits the house she had lived in for many years, which feels final to her as she walks to her car.

Sean enters the bar after dropping off his parents at the Miller Inn. Between the service and the drive, they were exhausted the day before.
He wasn't in the mood to hear his father talk about another one of his fishing trips with the rest of his retired buddies while his mother complained about her grandson's funeral not being held in a Catholic church.
Not to mention not having his brother to help diffuse them because, due to Johnny having to work on the oil rigs, he couldn't come, but he and his longtime live-in girlfriend Diana sent their regards.
He is about to go over to Tricia when Samuel moves away from the bar with a beer bottle in his hand; the two men glimpse at each other again.
"Look, you know how I feel about you." Sean expresses. "But I know Tricia appreciates your being here."
The psychiatrist detects the grieving father is doing his best to be civil to him due to their sordid history involving the kiss Tricia and he shared one year ago.
"I wouldn't be anywhere else; Tricia means a lot to me, and I know this time will not be easy on the both of you."
Sean gazes at the younger man with intention.
"Well, as long as you remember that Tricia is my wife, not yours," he retorts. "By the way, does Martha know you're so compassionate towards another woman, Samuel?"
Samuel mumbles something under his breath while Steven Sullivan steps beside the doctor.
While others, including Tricia, Jordan, Courtney, the twins, Mae, and Antoine, were observing them with varied interest and concern.
"Hey, whatever's going on here, it's clearly neither the time nor the place."
Samuel goes to the bar to finish his drink.
Steven advances to his former in-law. "I know you're in pain, but lashing out helps no one, especially your wife, who needs you right now."
Sean gives him a courteous nod while walking away. He approaches his wife, who has a look of disapproval and embarrassment upon her face.
Sean and Tricia clash.
Jordan becomes paranoid.
Emma pleas to Will.
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