Written by : Bre L. Drew
October 24, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Sean and Tricia got married.
Tanner, Lynn, and Tommy were all surprised to see Jordan arriving in Oahu for the wedding.
Samuel was informed by Max, about Daniel's past deception of trying to break up Courtney and Steven by using Steven's ex-wife Lorraine.
Mala decided to end her marriage to her husband Jai,

Tricia Lockhart enters the hotel suite with a heel in each hand and a pleasant expression upon her face. Behind her, Sean Lockhart flips the switch broadening the room with light. The newlyweds our returning from their beachside nuptials, which included a non-less traditional reception held at a restaurant on the island. Now both are relieved to be together without any interruption.
The resonance of knocking on the door makes Tricia rolls her eyes in sheer annoyance. "Sean, where is that sign because I'm not in the mood to be disturb."
He puts up one of his hands to gesture. He'll deal with the disturbance. When he opens the door, a male employee announces he is from room service, allowing him inside in the room, pushing a cart through. Sean takes a twenty-dollar bill out of the pocket of his pants. The guy dashes out of the room.
"What is all this?" Tricia inquiries curiously
She goes over to the cart where a bottle of champagne was in a bucket of ice, two glass flutes, and Hors d'oeuvres.
Sean pours the liquid in each of the glasses and gives one to his new wife. "You look so beautiful, but especially this afternoon,"
"Don't get sappy on me now," she says half-mockingly
"We got married less than four hours ago, and we're spending an entire week in Hawaii. I'm allowed to be a little sentimental," he tells her.
Sean decided in exchange for a honeymoon elsewhere. The two will vacation on the island while the rest of their out of town guests leave tomorrow.
"Well, let's not waste any more time then," Tricia says suggestively.
After taking a sip of the champagne, she sets the glass down onto the cart. She brings her mouth to his and the two passionately intense removing items of formal attire.

The horizon of the sunset is drawing a bright gold line over the resort. As Steven Sullivan is walking on the sand, holding his girlfriend, Courtney Covington, by the hand. She admires the scenic view of the lagoon. Other tourists were occupying sling chaise's enjoying their night on vacation.
"I know, at first I was hesitant about coming here. I mean, the idea of watching the gruesome twosome exchange vows wasn't a highlight for me, but it is worth it being here with you,"
Courtney takes a strand of hair behind her ear as the wind picks up slightly. "Who knew flying over four-thousand miles would make you see perspective."
"I gained some perspective before we left Radcliffe."
The way he sounds as if he is hiding something from her.
"What is this about?"
Steven has the look of being guilty. "What?"
Courtney shakes her head as her boyfriend lets go of her. He is now standing in front of her on one knee.
"Steven, what are you doing?"
He pulls out a box from the suit jacket he was carrying in his arm.
"Courtney, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
The last thing she suspected of him proposing to her after the hurdle they went through regarding his stance against marriage for them.

All of these channels and of course nothing is on," Tanner Lockhart says
She and Tommy Covington were in his hotel room sitting on the end of the queen-size bed. Tanner was using the remote to find something entertaining for the both of them to watch on television. However, the search is futile.
"Want to go to the pool or the jacuzzi?" Tommy inquiries
Tanner moves her to convey her response. "Let's just stay here,"
He doesn't know what exactly comes over him, but his lips begin kissing the nape of her neck. More surprisingly, Tanner does not resist.
"I'm ready, are you?" he asks.
Tanner couldn't help but feel good as his mouth against her skin. The excitement, she could not explain. Then again, she questions herself if she is truly ready for this move. Losing her virginity to her boyfriend in a hotel suite in Hawaii did sound romantic. Then again, being on the same floor as her father and Tricia became less pleasing to her. She finds herself getting off the bed and away from her boyfriend.
"I can't do this," she says with frustration.
"Come on, " Tommy says
"What happened to you not pressuring me?" Tanner asks
Tommy sees the fragility in Tanner's eyes. "I'm not, but it's not fair one day you're full of abstinence, and the next, you tell me you want us to be together."
Tanner recalls he is referring to when back earlier in the year, she told him she was ready to be intimate with him, even going far as getting a prescription of birth control from her doctor. On the day it was supposed to happen, one of the worst things she heard torn her away from that her beloved grandfather suffered a massive heart attack.
"First of all, Tommy, I have the right to change mind if I want to you have heard of, haven't you?" Tanner says more harshly than anticipated.
Emotions begin to overcome him, not realizing what he is about to say. "No wonder I kissed Jordan,"
Tanner swiftly pulls further away from him. "You kissed Jordan?"
Tommy isn't saying anything at all.
"Oh my god, you kissed Jordan? she reiterates. "When did it happen, Tommy?"

Over four-thousand miles away in Radcliffe, Kentucky. Samuel Gupta makes a pitstop into the kitchen to take a break from the paperwork he was dealing with in his room upstairs. He finds his mother in there wearing a purple robe, and her dark hair is in a ponytail behind the counter drinking mango lassi, which is a yogurt-based drink from their Indian heritage.
"Uh oh, what's up?" Samuel asks cautiously
"What makes you think anything is wrong?" Mala responds
Samuel takes a seat at the counter across from his mother. "Well, you're usually asleep by now, and you're having lassi."
Eliciting a nervous smirk, putting down the glass. "I can't get anything past you, can I?"
"Does it have to do with Daniel?"
"No, actually, it has to do with your father and me," she replies. "I wanted to tell this to you and your sister together. But I've contacted my attorney to file for divorce."
Part of him always thought his parents' separation would end this way. Although, to hear it aloud made him aware their time apart has gotten her to this decision.
"I will always care about your father, but this marriage cannot be held in limbo any longer. It is not fair on the both of us," she says in her British accent.
Samuel reflects on Max telling him about how controlling his mother's new lover can be by from the recent past by trying to break up his daughter's relationship with her boyfriend all because he didn't approve of it. Now hearing the news about her mother ending her marriage to her father is starting to make him rethink his initial attitude about staying out of it.

Steven had decided he wanted to marry Courtney sometime ago. Yet, was, afraid of his history growing up witnessing his mother's marriages, which all ended in divorce. In addition to his ending thinking, he wasn't marriage material. But things have changed for him.
"I'm realizing, especially this year, life is short, and nothing would make me happier than for it to spend the rest of with you," he says in a heartfelt manner.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Courtney clarifies
"Yes," he remarks
Courtney feels tears cascading down her cheek. "Yes, I' will marry you, Steven."
Steven scoops her up in his arms in a celebratory gesture.

"It doesn't matter," was the first thing Tommy said regarding his girlfriend wanting to know after she found out from him he kissed Jordan.
"The hell it isn't," Tanner shoots back at him in anger.
He sighs roughly. "During the reception at my brother's wedding aboard the yacht."
"That was last summer, and I'm just hearing about this now,"
Last year Tanner couldn't make it to the wedding because she was away attending the summer youth orchestra program at Berklee in Boston.
"It was just a kiss," he says.
Tanner finds herself backing away from him. "Tommy, you make it sound like you borrowed Jordan's English textbook instead of you betraying me with the one person I hate." She quickly turns the knob of the door to get out of the room.
"Tanner, Tanner, Tanner," he calls out repeatedly, but she doesn't come back.

Tanner feels water wallowing up in her eyes when she gets back to her hotel suite. She sees Lynn sitting in a chair on the phone laughing. Lynn glances towards her sister noticing her state of sadness.
"Elijah, I'll call you back," she tosses her phone onto the nightstand and then proceeds to go over to Tanner. "Tan, what's wrong?"
"Last summer Tommy, and Jordan kissed," Tanner says before she started crying in which her sister hugs her.

The barrier opens in front of Tommy by Jordan McKnight who is wearing a black lace gown.
"You know I gave you a key for a reason," she says flirtatiously.
During the ceremony Jordan cleverly handed him her extra key card so he can come to her so they can get closer.
"I accidentally let it slip about the kiss between us." And I think we're over," he admits in regret
Jordan folds her arms onto her chest. "Are you coming in, or are you going to stay out here,"
Tommy turns his head down the hall to see if any case. Tanner would go to him to give him a chance to explain. Nonetheless, other than the two of them. Not wanting everyone on the floor to overhear them, he follows her into her hotel room.
Without thinking, Tommy starts making out with Jordan, who did not stop him. He picks her up as her legs intertwine around his waist. Jordan thrusts onto him, causing him to be fully intimate with her on her bed.
The morning after for Jordan and Tommy.
Tanner, Lynn, Courtney, and Steven return home from Hawaii.
Will tries to make amends with Shauna.
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