Written by : Bre L. Drew
March 22, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tommy informed Daniel he is the father of Jordan's unborn child. Prompting him to go over to her house himself.
Will gets fired from The Waterfall by his mother in which he leaves with his belongings causing concern for Mae.
Louise went out on her first date since her divorce from Sean with Jai Gupta to the batting cages
Aaliyah wasn't receptive to her father dating someone else after her parents' recent split.

"You're a little far from your usual habitat aren't you, Daniel?" Tricia Lockhart asks the millionaire CEO defensively.
She was on her way out of the McKnight residence after dropping Jordan off from her doctor's appointment and lunch when he showed up here finding out from his youngest son he is going to be a grandfather, despite Tommy not wanting anything to do with his unborn baby because he isn't ready to be a dad.
Daniel casts an exasperated gaze at his employee who manages the café he essentially owns. "I came here to discuss an
important manner with Jordan, not with you."
"Tricia, you can go, he is right, we do need to talk," Jordan McKnight declares
"You sure?" Tricia asks cautiously
"Call me later,"
Tricia heads out of the house not before giving Daniel a parting glance she heads out to her car parked in front of the house.
Jordan decides not to ask the guy who is the richest man in town if he wants anything to drink since the most expensive thing in this house probably would be too good for him.
"Do you want to sit down?" Jordan says
"No, this isn't a social call, I want to know if you were pregnant with my son's child."
"And I told you that I am," she counters
Daniel unbuttons the top button of his charcoal topcoat. "Does your parents know of your condition?"
Jordan has uneasily moves her head. "They don't, and I want it to keep it that way until I'm ready to tell them."
"Look, I want to make things in your condition a bit easier on you."
"Easy how?"
Daniel inches closer to the young woman. "What I tell you I can make all of your dreams come true?"

"If you hear from him please call me, thank you, bye."
Mae Jackson ends the call via her iPhone inside of her apartment in the small living area above the bar.
A few feet Antoine Hall is on the couch half attentively listening to his boss and maternal figure trying to locate her son who took off when she fired him over his latest stunt by locking him out in the cold wintery night last Friday for several hours. That and other past actions gave her grounds to fire Will causing him to storm out of here with his bag strapped onto his back.
"I called all the people he is still associated with and nobody has heard or seen him today," she says,
"Mae, everything is going to be okay he'll probably be back when he wants to," Antoine replies
The Jackson matriarch remains standing unsure of where her son is at this moment. "It's no telling what he can do, I just hope it isn't anything reckless enough for him to be put back in jail."
"Not even Will would be that stupid to do anything to risk it," he says,
"I wish you two would get along because you two aren't so different," Mae remarks candidly
Antoine quickly removes himself off the couch. "Yeah, because I would write bogus checks to only wind up in prison selling drugs."
Mixed emotions of hurt and frustration begin to flood over the older woman "That's not what I mean. Look, I know he isn't perfect no one is, and he was wrong for what he did to you including what he said about your mother. But dammit he is my son. I don't want him out on the streets or worse wind up dead."
Antoine never heard Mae sound so heated in all of the years he has known her even when her husband Horace passed away.
As Mae goes into the kitchenette to get some water. Antoine decides to leave the apartment to get some air, but importantly to leave Mae on her own to calm down.
Remaining in the hallway, he calls someone. "Can you come over?"

"Did someone like their lunch?" Martha Saunders asks in her best baby voice.
From the sight of her two year old son's face, which is covered in sauce from the ravioli, he consumed in his high chair. It is safe to assume his answer will be a definite yes. They were in the kitchen along with her mother, Sarah Lynn Saunders, who is standing over the counter writing out the grocery list.
Martha takes a baby wipe from its package to rid the mess on her son while he giggles.
"Think that's funny huh," Martha vocalizes to her little boy.
The brown-hair toddler still has a big smile on his face being picked up by his mother.
Sarah Lynn sets aside the notepad on the counter top. "Motherhood looks good on you sweetheart,"
Martha chuckles unsurely. "I don't know all about that, I just know this little guy needs one constant in his life and that's me."
She then playfully moves her son's arm.
"You're balancing motherhood, with a job and your music which isn't easy. Your father would be so proud."
Martha feels touched at the thought of her late father. She moves closer to her mother holding onto her son. "It's because I had an awesome role model."
Sarah Lynn places her upper limb around her daughter to show how special those words mean to her.
The doorbell rings granting their attention to head out of the kitchen into the living room where Martha opens the door. The individual on the other side causes her enthusiasm from before to slowly dissipate.
"Oh look, it's the not-so-famous Jett Jackson," she says sardonically

Will Jackson has a somewhat solemn expression upon his bruised face. "I'm sorry about how things went down Marty." He then looks to Sarah Lynn who is behind her daughter.
After Martha's performance it came out he locked out Antoine outside the bar in which her friend retaliated by socking him in front of everyone where Will hurled the fact Mae only took him in because his mother Debra was crazy. She knew how Antoine was affected by his mother's struggle with mental illness. So she isn't delighted to see him there in her presence at this moment.
"Let him in," Sarah Lynn politely commands
Martha steps out of his way so he can proceed in the home with his duffle bag on his back.
"How you doing Sarah Lynn, can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Absolutely," The Saunders matriarch replies diplomatically.
Rolling her eyes swiftly she then heads up the staircase feeling SJ drifting off to sleep.

Louise Saunders Lockhart found herself summarizing her date last Friday with Jai to her twin daughters Lynn and Tanner Lockhart. The three were packed into the kitchen of the cottage where both girls seemed excited for their mother getting back out in the dating world since her divorce.
"I can't even imagine you in a batting cage, mom," Lynn states surprisingly
"Me neither, and even though I wasn't particularly good this date felt more laidback which I think I needed," Louise admits.
Tanner takes a sip out of a can of Coca-Cola. "Well, I'm happy for you mom. But I don't think a certain person is."
Aaliyah hadn't been receptive to her father is now seeing her mother due to her parents splitting up only recently. It's one of the reasons why she decided to spend some time at the cottage. As well as to escape the constant grueling noise of the sewing machine.
"Thanks," Louise replies. "And I'm sure in time Aaliyah won't feel that way."
The ringing of the doorbell makes the three of them curious as to who is at the door since they hadn't expected anyone else to drop by today.
"It's open!" Louise yells
Not long after Sean Lockhart locates them in the place he used to spend a lot of his time in sensing its familiarity in the expansive atmosphere with its natural light and the appliances he knew how to work expertly.
He then goes over to hug both of his daughters.
"Girls, if you don't mind, can I speak to your mother alone for a minute?"
"We will be upstairs," Tanner informs mainly to her mother.
The twins head out of the room leaving the former spouses together.
"Hey, Sean, what can I do for you?" Louise inquiries
Sean puts one of his hands on the surface of the counter to steady himself. "You know how people in this town like to gossip, but did I hear right, you went out with Jai Gupta?"
Louise scoffs before answering. "It's true,"
Sean seemed somewhat astounded to hear her confirm it. "I didn't know you were back out there."
"Didn't know I had to clear it with you before I decided to finally move on with my life."
"That's not what I mean,"
"Then what is it then? So are you the only one who gets to have happiness in their lives and I'm supposed to end up some old hen you feel pity towards."
Sean now has a look of sympathy upon him. "I didn't mean to offend you I just wanted to hear it from you."
Louise crosses both of her arms onto her chest. "I think you mean you wanted to find out if someone else is out there was interested in seeing me?"
"You know what I'm going to get out of here like I said I didn't mean to offend you." With one last glance, he takes off to leave the house he once called home.
Louise groans slightly feeling embarrassed at herself for letting him once again affect her. Though it made her want to see Jai again, knowing she deserves better.

With the deadline approaching for her project to be completed. Aaliyah Gupta is steadily focusing on completing the tote bag she'll be submitting that counts as half of her grade for her textile and design class. The knocking reverberation of her sewing machine brings comfort to her; even if isn't for others, which is why her friend and roommate Tanner left to go home for a few hours to escape the noise in their room. Also, she is listening to the newest Dua Lipa song on her laptop sitting on top of her bunk.
She faintly hears someone noisily pounding on the door.
"Coming!" she shouts
She then turns off the machine with just music now playing in the background Aaliyah retrieves the door and is surprised yet elated to find her big brother Samuel standing there.
"Hey," he greets her casually
The two then enter into a familial embrace before she invites him to come in.
Due mainly to work at the hospital, Samuel hadn't been by to visit his little sister until now. The room definitely has his sister's eclectic senses, such as the colorful fixtures including her mannequin situated in between the two closets and the corkboard on the wall with various photos and accessories dangling from it.
"Hope, I'm not keeping you from whatever you're working on,"
When he had got to the dormitory, he can hear her sewing away knowing how all in his sister can be when it comes to her creations.
Aaliyah waves her right hand permissively. "I could use a break, so what's up?"
Samuel takes a seat at Tanner's desk on the right side of the room. "What if I told you that mom wanted to come here to invite you to have dinner?"
Aaliyah takes a seat at her desk facing her brother. "Mommy could've texted me that over the phone sure what time should I be at the house?"
He slightly dips his head before lifting it. "You might not want to come when I tell you, it's dinner with mom, and Daniel with both families together."
Shooting up from the chair it doesn't take long for the reluctance to take over her demeanor. "And lemme guess, you're here to run interference between mommy and I right?"
Since his sister was able to talk back to her mother he had been the one to bring peace between the most important women in his life.
Samuel sighs exasperatedly. "Something like that,"
Mala is arranging dinner with Daniel and both families for everyone to get to know one another better. She knew her daughter wouldn't be keen on the idea since she didn't exactly take the news well when she heard she and her father were finally getting divorced.
Aaliyah folds her arms onto her chest. "You think I have a choice not to go?"
Her big brother gets out of the chair. "You do, but I think this will mean a lot to mom if you come."
"It's not that I don't like Daniel I do, but it's just harder than I thought to see mommy and dad -
"Moving on with their lives with other people?" Samuel interjects
While staring at her he can see beyond the exterior and intellectual maturity his sister has developed into over the years that she is still the same little girl who was hurt when their parents separated five years ago.
Water begins filling in his sister's eyes. "I'm too old to feel this way am I?"
He then takes her into his arms. "No," he whispers in her ear.

By now, Sarah Lynn had given Will; a glass of homemade iced tea in the kitchen. Now she is also at the table sitting adjacently from him. He already told her about why he left home; due to him being fired from the bar. So he took a cab out to the farm, which cost him more than he thought, but it was worth it to get away from being unwanted by his own momma.
The two had formed an unlikely friendship when he first came to work here when she was going through the pain of
losing Peter and he was newly out of prison both needing someone who understood each other during a transitional time in their lives.
"I just need a place to rest my head for a few days before I get something sorted."
He then takes a sip of the cool drink.
"Sure, you can stay here, though I have one ground rule." Sarah Lynn says sternly
Will leans back in the chair. "What is it?"

Using her key, Shauna Covington gains entry inside of her childhood home. Spotting her beloved grandmother in the accent chair she purchased as a gift for her birthday last year. Antoine contacted her regarding what went down with her uncle. Despite being married into the wealthy Covington family it wasn't anything she wouldn't do for the person who stood by her when her mother Cassie abandoned her for Miami when Shauna was thirteen.
"I thought you were Will," Mae says somewhat disappointed.
"Nope, it's just me, any luck finding him?"
Mae figures Antoine had called her granddaughter to come over here. She is simply glad someone from her family is here with her right now.
Shauna plops onto the couch. "I know Will and I aren't close, but if there is anyone who can take care of himself is him."
Before she opens her mouth; all of the landline phones begin to ring, which Shauna grabs the cordless device from the end table; passing it to her grandmother, who answers it.
"Hello, - where are you?"
Shauna views the solace on her grandmother telling her Will finally called her. In a way, Shauna remains upset at her uncle for causing these immature tantrums because he doesn't get his way, but she knows better or for worse her grandmother believes he is someone who can change.
"I love you, I'll talk to you later,"
With that, Mae gets off the phone putting it down on the coffee table in front of her. "He is at the farm, Sarah Lynn is letting him stay there for a few days but he's fine."
Shauna gets up to hug her grandmother, who begins crying tears of joy.

"I heard you want to become the next Cindy Crawford,"
Jordan doesn't hide her confusion. "Who's that?"
Taken back about her being so young, she didn't know the name of one of the pinnacle supermodels of the last century he decides to change gears.
"I hear you want to become a model, well, I have connections all over the world in New York, Milan, heck, even King's Bay, Washington; you've heard of Objection Designs before haven't you?"
One thing about being the daughter of a police officer is when something sounds too good it usually is and this sudden offer for her fits into that category for sure.
"And what do you get in return?" Jordan demands somewhat circumspectly
"To know my granddaughter or grandson would be raised in a custom they're supposed to."
Jordan puts her hands upon her widening hips thanks to the pregnancy. "You pay me to go anywhere in the world with my child as long as Tommy doesn't have to deal with the fallout right?" she assumes.
Daniel clears his throat. "Not exactly, I will pay your medical bills and other expenses through your delivery, however, you'll leave town when you're healthy enough, but before you'll sign away your parental rights, and the child will be raised a Covington."
"You want to take my baby away from me? And does Tommy know you're even here, let's not forget he doesn't want to be a father now you're trying to tell me he is suddenly thrilled to be a father to a baby created with me instead of Little Miss Perfect?"
"In time, Tommy will be a good father to his child." Anyway, you seem the type of person who wants their freedom, and what better way for that to occur if one day you're on the cover of Montage Magazine."
Just when Jordan is about to refuse his offer Daniel pulls something out of his coat pocket. "My card, don't hesitate to reach me if you do happen to change your mind."
She reluctantly takes the personalized card with his name and office telephone number as well as business email too.
"I'll find my own way out," he adds
As the front door closes Jordan is in disbelief unsure of what she should do next. Placing one hand safely onto her growing stomach.
"No one is going to take you away from me, I'll make sure of it."
Lynn feels obligated to tell Tanner about Jordan's pregnancy.
Jordan feels backed into a corner.
Daniel and Mala both find out about Jai and Louise.
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