Written by : Bre L. Drew
July 20th, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Will informed Jerome Hawkins he isn't going to let him blackmail him again.
Antoine and Shauna were keeping tabs on Will.
Tommy received forgiveness from Tanner over his pressuring her to have sex.
Sarah Lynn left her therapy session after the question about her father came up.
Louise sought comfort from Sean over her mother's breakdown.

With enough span of time without anything finding any substantial evidence to see whether if Will is up to his old tricks regarding breaking the law, Shauna Covington and Antoine Hall were going through his things in his bedroom in the upstairs apartment above The Waterfall. Antoine decided now it was best to do it since he is out of the house. However, nothing of importance has turned up in their search.
Shauna is on her knees on the floor looking under the bed, "I give my shady ass uncle one thing he knows how to cover his tracks,"
Antoine who is carefully straightening up items on the dresser nods his head in agreement, "That's for damn sure,"
"This was a complete waste of time," Shauna says defeatedly.
For the last several months, the two have been keeping close tabs on Will since he got out of prison after serving three years for fraud. The two did not want Mae to be hurt if she found out if he was back to his old tricks. Other than some mysterious calls he received it looked as if Will might be on the straight and narrow path,
"Maybe not," he said suddenly.
"Why is that?"
He walks up to his former lover with his hands in his pocket. "I might sound cheesy as hell, but it did bring us back to being close,"
"In a newfound sense," Shauna replies.
Before their plan to spy on Will they were still in a weird phase of their friendship since Antoine tried to come in between her relationship with Max even coming by the hotel suite wherein minutes she was preparing to walk down the aisle to marry him to profess his love wanting her to jilt him at the altar. She knew full well she couldn't be with him because she loved her husband and wanted a life with him too.
Antoine gazes at her profoundly like he is at a loss of words.
Shauna looks at the digits on the screen of her iPhone. "I better get going,"
"Got to make sure the maid has the right silverware out for dinner tonight?" Antoine responds half-jokingly.
She puts up the middle finger at him, which makes the two of them laugh, relieving the tension.
"Come on, I'll walk you to your car," he states, the two then head out of the room, leaving it intact.

Alongside his girlfriend, Tommy Covington is riding a horse on the long trail. They had just completed the trail ride and were now returning to the stables. He apologized to Tanner last week over pressuring her into having sex with him. But he is even more grateful she took him back knowing how much he has to do to make it up to her.
From her viewpoint, she saw the white bench usually reserved for the children of the summer day camp to eat their lunch on, but at this moment, however, the table was covered with a red outdoor picnic blanket, also a basket was lying on top of the table.
"Who did that?" she asks, holding onto the reigns of the horse she was riding.
Tommy's eye dart onto the table and back on Tanner. "You like?"
Her beautiful smile starts to display on her face. "You did this?"
"Come on Teach, let's eat before it gets cold,"

Louise Saunders Lockhart is impressed with the condition of the stalls inside the cow barn. The compartments were now clean and lined with sand.
"How did I do?" Lynn Lockhart calls out. The young farmhand is wearing an army fatigue t-shirt underneath a black bib overall. Her long blonde hair was in its usual ponytail she puts it in when she is working on the farm,
The older woman turns around to face her daughter. "Ten out of ten,"
Lenny finds herself content with the excitement of her work well done. "I told you I didn't need to go to college to learn what I want to do with my life mom,"
"Maybe so, but your father and I always wanted you and your sister to have the best life possible," Louise says with assurance.
"I know,"
The sound of footsteps onto the pavement attracts their regard now onto Sean Lockhart.
"Hey, what's going on in here?" he asks in an upbeat manner.
"Our daughter cleaned the stalls and properly lined them all on her own," Louise informs with happiness.
He turns to his daughter with affection. "That's great Lenny," I'm wondering when you and Tanner are going to answer Tricia's request to be bridesmaids at the wedding?"
"Dad, just tell her we're still thinking it over, and we'll let her know soon okay,"
Louise crosses her arms onto her chest. "Lynn, can I talk to your father alone for a few minutes?"
"All right, and if you need me I'll be getting started on feeding the horses," Lynn notifies them
"What did I do now?" Sean queries, sensing perhaps he is in the doghouse with her.

Light applause from diners commends when the male pianist concludes his original music arrangement on the piano. The patrons clapping included Max and Courtney Covington who were sitting at a table in the dining room, the two were going over plans for their father's surprise forty-fifth birthday party that is near the end of the summer.
Max swallows some beer from his glass. "So how many guests you're inviting to dad's party?"
Courtney lifts her head from the screen of her tablet. "Seventy-five,"
"Dad knows seventy-five people?" Max inquiries sardonically
Courtney lightly kicks her brother under the table in which he reaches down to rub the sore spot of his leg. "I see your comedic chops are in fine form this afternoon."
Courtney lightly kicks her brother under the table in which he reaches down to rub the sore spot of his leg. "I see your comedic chops are in fine form this afternoon."
Their waitress arrives with both of the sibling's entrees in which they immediately start eating their meals when the server dashes off to her next table.
Courtney takes a bite of her alfredo linguini. "You're in a good mood," she says to him.
"A far cry from the screw up big brother who moved here two years ago huh?" he interjects
Two years ago, Max was working on a cruise ship for six months traveling through the Caribbean and South America, searching for a purpose in his life, he was now glad he is pursuing photography full-time, which was something he wouldn't consider then.
"You never were a screw-up," she counters cordially.
He showcases a look of unsureness, but he decides to change the subject, "How are you?"
Courtney sighs whilst taking a drink of water. "Not bad, work is fine, Steven and I aren't going back and forth over the topic of marriage anymore, so that's good,"
For awhile Steven and Courtney hadn't been in touch as much with one another due to their dissimilar stance on marriage. Eventually, the two decided to remember why they fell in love in the first place, hoping it would overcome their differences.
"I have a career I enjoy, and a wife I love," he says.
Courtney picks up her glass of red wine. "To a positive outlook for the Covington's,"
Max also picks up his half glass of beer clinking with it with hers.

Refusing to be a prisoner of her own house again Sarah Lynn Saunders ventured out to the greenhouse on the farm to obtain some autumn roses and calla lily flowers she decided to occupy herself by arranging them in a glass vase in the kitchen,
Her attention has risen towards the side-entry door when Will Jackson enters wearing a beige graphic t-shirt with hip hop paraphernalia Sarah Lynn couldn't comprehend and blue jeans.
"Hey, how you doing, Sarah Lynn?" He greets with a sense of respect.
"I'm hanging in there," she somewhat lies. "How are you?"
"I'm good,"
Will can't help but feel that way after telling off his ex-cellmate Jerome Hawkins, who was trying to blackmail him for ten-thousand dollars over his supposed role in the hospitalization of a man a year ago. Despite him having some interaction with the guy it dawned on him they never figured if he was solely responsible or not,
Sarah Lynn snaps her fingers, remembering as to why he is here. Esther was working in the office at the stables today, and she was told by her he was coming over to pick up the money she was paying him for helping out on the farm part-time. She goes to the drawer where she opens it and takes out the envelope with the cash inside. She then hands it to him.
"Thanks," he said
"Esther told me you're doing a decent job."
Will gives off the expression that this is news to him. "I've been trying to learn the ropes around the place,"
"You'll get used to it trust me you'll soon know this place like the back of your hands," Sarah Lynn says encouragingly.
"I better get going, but it was nice seeing you, Sarah Lynn,"
By now, Sarah Lynn had returned to rearranging her flowers in the vase. "You too, Will, "
As Will makes his way out of the kitchen through the side door to go outside, he could not shake the sense of something else is troubling the woman he has known for most of his life. Then again, if he stayed longer he didn't want to wear out his welcome.

"I just wanted to thank you for not throwing me out of your apartment a couple of weeks ago," Louise says
Sean recalls his ex-wife coming to him to confide in him about missing the signs of Sarah Lynn was heading towards a mental breakdown over the death of Peter.
"It was no burden, you know I love both of your parents like they were my own and I know your father and I weren't on the best of terms before he passed away, but the man did give me a second chance after what all happened between us,"
"So I hear you are getting married in Hawaii, that sounds like paradise?" Louise asks with apprehension.
"Yeah, in October," he sighs, and I know you probably aren't a big fan of Tricia asking the girls to be in the wedding,"
"Not really, but our daughters can make their own mind on what they want to do, trust me I'm a big girl I can handle their decision either way,"
Sean can tell Louise isn't as upset over him being with Tricia as she initially was years ago when she discovered their affair.
The two remain standing in the barn from one another, not sure of their next move.
"If you need anything I'm always here for you Louise," he says warmly,
"It is good to hear that," she says earnestly.

Tanner wipes her mouth with a paper napkin. "That was so good,"
She and Tommy had just got done eating their lunch, which consisted of spicy buffalo chicken wraps, homemade, macaroni salad, and peach lemonade to quench their thirst.
"I can't take all the credit Gabriella helped with the preparation of the food," he informs her.
"Well tell Gabriella thank you, Tommy you didn't have to go through all of this trouble,"
"Yes I do, I promised you we were going to have an unforgettable summer before I go off to California for school in the fall," he reminds her.
Tanner accurately recalls her boyfriend getting accepted into Pepperdine University whilst she was rejected from Berklee, knowing they will be several miles apart throughout the year. She knows the reality is coming as the months get closer to the fall. But she didn't want to forget this day or the other days she had with him.
"I almost forgot, dessert,"
Tommy pulls out a dish covered securely with saran wrap. "Strawberry-rhubarb cream squares,"
"Before we eat those, I know this sounds bizarre coming from me, do you want to dance?" Tanner propositions.
He chuckles. "Sure, but we don't have any music,"
Tanner unzips her purse to dig out her iPhone she taps the Spotify app she quickly types in the song in which she presses play.
The Bones by Maren Morris begin pouring out of the device. She gets off the bench holding onto Tommy's hand. The two hold onto each other, swaying back and forth. They were alone outside with the sun is still out,
"I love you," Tommy Covington says wholeheartedly.
Tanner thoroughly stares up at him lovingly as they still dance. "I love you too,"

Shauna and Antoine were walking to her vehicle in the parking lot outside of the bar.
"I think we need to fall back on our arrangement, it's obvious either Will isn't doing anything to land himself behind bars again, or he is playing things close to the vest,"
"You serious?"
"Yeah, I can't let Will take control of the life I have looking into him besides life is short I mean look at what happened to Sarah Lynn and Peter thought they were going to have a lifetime together, and a heart attack changed all of that," she says candidly.
Shauna arrives at her destination which is where her dark blue BMW convertible is parked in,
"I'll see you around,"
"Of course you will you're forgetting my grandma lives and runs this place too,"
He throws up his hand. "Bye,"
Antoine turns to head back into the bar. All of a sudden a large black van speeds in, it stops in the middle of the lot, a guy wearing a ski mask got out of the van. Before his consciousness returns to where he was only seconds ago. He vividly hears muffled noises that make him see him forcefully grabbing Shauna away from her car.
"Shauna!" Antoine screams nearly at the top of his lungs.
No matter how many times he shouted her name, the guy ignored him as he throws her into the van. Antoine spotted another guy on the drive's side.
The man in the ski mask pulls out a gun aiming at his direction before getting in himself. The loud engine revs up then proceeds out of the lot. He curses himself for leaving his phone in his room.
Running over to where her car is he catches sight of her purse on the ground, which he scoops up. Still reeling from what just happened in addition to not being able to prevent it from happening.
The Jackson's and Covington's find out about Shauna's disappearance.
Sarah Lynn and Louise disagree.
Tricia advises Jordan on her future.
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