Written by: Bre L. Drew
June 15, 2019
Last Time On Town and Country
Sean overheard Lynn telling Martha she lost her virgnity to Elijah.
Antoine and Nichelle were growing closer.
Courtney decided to hire Tricia to manage Jojo's - which Steven disagreed with.
Tanner applied for the Summer Youth Music Program at Berklee College Of Music.

Although, Sean Lockhart knows his actions of the past few years does not make him the father of the year. He had vowed to each of his twin girls as newborns that he will always protect them from hurt, harm, and danger. Overhearing that his sixteen-year-old daughter is having sex with her first boyfriend qualifies as his declaration.
About thirty seconds following Sean pressing the doorbell the door, between him is opened by his ex-wife who has a look of peculiarity on her face.
"Hey Louise, I need to talk to you about Lynn, it's important, can I come in?" Sean asks. He felt weird inquiring coming into the home he has spent years living with his her and their family.
Without any hesitation, Louise steps aside allowing him inside the home they once shared.
The two eventually stand near the staircase.
Louise puts both of her hands in her pants pockets before shrugging a bit. "What is going on with our daughter?"
"I was at the farm when I heard that Lynn - told your sister that she lost her virginity to Elijah last night," Sean informs her
Louise runs one of her hands through her thick blonde hair as she sighs.
"What are we going to do about it ?" Sean demands

Upstairs in Tanner's bedroom, her face is filled with surprise and elation when Lynn happens to fill her in on her having sex with Elijah last night after the party, It still puzzles her that the two of them our an item let alone being physical towards one another.
"Oh my god!" she exclaims. "How was it if you don't mind me asking?"
Lynn takes a seat on the edge of her sister's bed. Changed out of her dirty farmhand clothes into a yellow and white striped print t-shirt with blue jean shorts.
"It was uncomfortable at first, not like in the movies and on TV when teens have sex and it is this euphoric experience."
"Please tell me that Elijah used a ?"
"A condom, and yes he did," she interjects. "And thanks to Aunt Martha I will be using birth control too," Lynn says
Lenny sees her twin sister staring at the screen of her desktop computer rigorously. She wanders over towards her.
"What's going on with you?"
Tanner's eyes move towards Lynn then she uses a finger to point at the screen.
Lynn observes an email that her sister has been expecting for a while now.

After a long day of work at the non-profit law firm downtown, Nichelle Austin made it over to Antoine's where they were going to hang out tonight. Smelling the different type of aromas of food being prepared by him in the kitchen. She, on the other hand, was in the living room sitting down on the couch flicking through channels on TV trying to find something decent to watch.
"You sure that you don't want any help in there?" Nichelle voluntarily asks
Antoine Hall glances over to the stove where two salmon fillets our frying in a pan. He turns around to be seen by her. More and more Nichelle is definitely becoming important in his life. Not just as a distraction from Shauna, but as someone, he is growing to care about too.
"No thanks, it's almost done," Antoine replies
"Antoine, what are you up to?" Nichelle inquires partly with curiosity and excitement.
Three years in law school made her knowledgeable of body language and the truth. She suspects that he is up to something out of the ordinary.
Antoine crosses over into the living room to sit beside her on the sofa.
"I thought it would be fun if I'll blindfold you."
"Think you are getting ahead of yourself," Nichelle responds.
Antoine laughs before finishing what he is going to inform her.
"You will be blindfolded, the object is I'll feed you what I cooked, and you gotta guess what I'm made If you're right, I will remove a piece of clothing, but if you're wrong," He narrows his eyes on her suggestively which make both of them burst into a smile.
Nichelle scoots closer to him, putting a hand on his muscular arm.
The sound of a door closing has them looking to see the source walking out of the bedroom. As the pair of them catch a glimpse of Shauna Jackson dressed in a red sleeveless faux wrap-ruched ruffle dress.
"Looks like you'll be having the place to yourselves," Shauna mentions casually
"That is a beautiful dress, Shauna ." Nichelle compliments brightly
"Thank you, caught it on sale," she tells her. "Max and I are going to dinner in Hudson Lake." she slightly brags.
The smell of Antoine's cooking is making her stomach growl with the hope she'll get some food inside of her. She had spent all of her morning and afternoon at the café making sure the painting was done and to oversee the carpentry. By the time she was off, she had to get home to get dressed, leaving her no time to eat anything.
The chime from her iPhone has her attentive to the text message from Max that he is outside. "See y'all later."
Antoine could not help to find Shauna attractive in that dress showing off her curves in the right places.
"I'll save you some real food for when you come back, Shauna," Antoine says with a hint of assuming Max will take her to a place where they'll take forever to bring the food which will be bland like himself.
Shauna nods her gratitude at her friend and former lover before she walks out of the apartment.
Making her way out of the front door of the bar as her heels clack on the concrete. Turning her head to locate Max's Porsche. However, instead of the sports car in front of her. A black stretch limousine is oddly situated in the center of the parking lot. Before she gets out her phone out of her black coin purse. She happens to catch Max getting out of the back of the limo wearing a dark grey suit, which is something he does not normally wear.
"Ms. Jackson, your chariot awaits," he announces
Shauna remains standing there with a huge grin on her face wondering what is her boyfriend is up to now?


Tommy Covington swings his arm hard with enough precision hits the ball smoothly over the net on the state of the art tennis court on the grounds of the Home Farm Estate.
His father, who is also his opponent at the moment tries to get the ball back over, but he misses it.
Victoriously, the teenager begins using his racket like an air guitar. "Looks like I beat you old man," he teases him.
Holding his own racket, Daniel Covington moves closer towards the center of the net. He is wearing a white, blue, and navy blue Lacoste polo.
"Don't forget that I am also your boss," he tells him. " Good game."
Now since Tommy is out of school for the summer holidays, Daniel decided that he will be interning three days out of the week at Covington Group to keep him out of trouble.
The two men shake hands fairly. Both of them turn to identify Courtney walking with her tablet with a delicate smile on her face.
"I should have known when I could not find anyone in the house you two would be out here."
She knows exactly how competitive her father and her younger brother is when it comes to sports which they're both excel at.
Tommy nods while checking the time on his Apple Watch. "I need to get showered so I can meet Tanner."
He jogs off the court, leaving the father and daughter there before they walk to the direction of the house. Despite it being the evening, the sun was still brightly shining outdoors.
"Shauna informed me that the renovation of the café is going well." Daniel states
He decided to put his daughter in charge of getting ready for the establishment to open under the company's ownership. She was the one who told him about the business initially being on the market and felt confident that she would be able to handle it. From her silence, he can sense something is bothering her.
"Is there anything I should be concerned with sweetheart?"
Courtney puts strands of her brown hair behind her ear. "I would not call it a concern per se I hired a manager to run the café."
"That's great. Who is it?"
With some reluctance, she forms the words with her mouth "Tricia Meyer,"
"You got to be kidding me," Daniel utters

"What are we going to do about it?" Sean repeat himself.
Louise hadn't been verbal the first time that he asked her this question about how to handle their daughter being involved in a very adult activity.
She finally becomes verbal.
"Where was this need to have some type of dialogue when we were married, Sean?"
He definitely had that coming knowing his decision to have an affair two years ago. However, how come this became more about him than about their own flesh and blood?
"Our sixteen-year-old daughter is already having sex? "doesn't that frighten you?"
"Of course it does, every time the girls leave this house I don't stop thinking about their safety, but Lynn is old enough now to make her own decision, and if she wanted to have sex with her boyfriend it's not much else that the two of us can do Sean."
He shakes his in refusal, "I don't believe this, it seems like you're condoning this."
Louise chuckles softly, "Coming from the guy who told me that not only when you lost your virginity at seventeen your father took you hunting because in his own words those two things was a rite of passage into manhood."
In spite of her not blowing up in a volatile way, Louise does not condone her daughter being physical with anyone right now. Yet she knows that it is a fact of life that she had to deal with sooner or later.
Just as Sean is about to say something else, sounds of footsteps descending downstairs put an end to their conversation.
"Guess what?" Lynn shouts out excitingly.
She then sees her father, which causes some awkwardness since it is the first time he has been here after the divorce.
"What?" both parents inquire in unison.
Tanner gets to the last of the step with a piece of paper in her hand. She is also surprised to see her father standing there yet knowing he would want to hear it too.
The rest of them wait in anticipation when Tanner passes her mother the document on a specific letterhead.
Louise reads aloud.
"Dear Ms. Lockhart,
Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected into the 2019 Berklee College Of Music Summer Youth Program."
Louise throws her arms around her brunette daughter. "I'm so proud of you Tan-Tan."
"Me too Pretty Princess," Sean declares
Reluctantly, Tanner goes to hug her father missing his presence.
Tanner had applied to go off to her dream school's intensive music program for six weeks in Boston later this summer. It is where she'll be more dedicated to become a better violinist and to be around other people her age who shares her passion for music as well.
"So Pizza? Chinese?" Lynn says happily.
Tanner remains in the center of her parents and twin sister. "Actually I am on my way out, I'm going out with Tommy."
She says her goodbyes to the three of them on her way out of the house.
Sean glances down at his daughter, still seeing her as the little girl who sat on his shoulders at football games at Sampson University. So it is tough for him to see her as a young woman at this moment.
"Hey Lenny, if you're not busy this weekend, we can go the movies just your sister, yourself and me if you're up to it," Sean says pleasantly enough.
He really wants to play an active role in his daughters' life again and if it has to be without his girlfriend like Louise suggested in their company and outside of their apartment, it would have to do for now at least.
"Sure," she answers flatly
"I think you better be going, I need to talk have a girl's chat with Lynn. " Louise says diplomatically
Sean exits out of the house as Louise closes the door behind her. She then puts a protective arm around her daughter.
"I know that you are becoming a young woman and I know they're things that you don't feel that you want to share with me." she begins
"Mom, what are you talking about?" she interrupts
Mother and daughter hug one another with so much unspoken. As much as Louise wanted to hear from Lynn's mouth that she was sexually active, she has to trust that she has raised her well enough to hope that she is careful and is not alone in the world.

Sitting at the dining table with a bandana tied from the back of her head. Nichelle is gladly enjoying being fed by Antoine from a fork.
She chews considerably to taste what he made for her to try. So far she had guessed correctly meaning Antoine had to take off his shirt revealing his tank and was currently in his boxers. And Nichelle was going for a three-peat.
"Mm, it's delicious," she says before swallowing.
Antoine has a huge grin plastered across his face at her amusement.
"Salmon," she surmises. "Not sure of the seasoning on it though,"
"You give up?"
Nichelle incorrectly replies twice before she concedes.
"Pan-fried teriyaki salmon," he reveals. He gets out of the chair to untie the scarf to restore her vision.
"It is good." she compliments generously. She puts another piece in her mouth. "You know you should really get into the culinary profession because you would be in-demand."
"I dunno about that, it's just a hobby of mine," he says. "Anyway, I like working downstairs at the bar interacting with the people."
It is no secret that Antoine loves cooking, but he isn't sure that he is cut out to be a chef. He likes mingling with the customers he encounters at The Waterfall.
Antoine starts kissing Nichelle's neck feverishly; her scent of papaya and cocoa butter was getting him in the mood.
"Enough talking," he says in between kisses.
Nichelle moans as his lips were on her skin.
Being with Antoine was so much simpler than her other relationships in the past. They were always the signs of infidelity and lies so much so that she swore off men for a year whilst committing herself to become an attorney. Nonetheless, she hadn't known that the person who backed into her car last winter would soften her stance on the opposite sex.
Before they know it, they're in his bedroom, lust overcoming them both on his bed.

Courtney holds her up iPad, to showcase to her father Tricia's resume but he didn't even fake any kind of interest to do so.
She was not clueless enough to know that her father wouldn't be keen on her hiring decision, especially when it came to her but didn't expect that response from him.
"Did you even think about how would this affect Louise, Tanner, and Lynn seeing her every time they go into the coffeehouse and see her?" And let me tell you so will half of Radcliffe won't be thrilled being served by a homewrecker."
In reality, Courtney hadn't thought of all of the repercussions of employing Tricia, nonetheless, she is beginning to feel when she was confronted by Steven at The Waterfall this afternoon. He too questioned her motives of hiring her too. Besides, Louise and the twins will have to eventually get used to Tricia in their lives since she is living with Sean.
Courtney places a hand behind her neck. "I don't want to argue with you dad, but I'm not backing down from my decision."
She walks to the main door of the mansion where she enters into the house.
Daniel remains standing there wanting to dispute Tricia Meyer from working at his establishment. Be that as it may, he knows his relationship with his daughter is finally getting back to some semblance ever since he played a pivotal role to break Steven and herself up last year. He might be stuck with that woman who caused down the downfall of his friend's marriage and separation of their family.
"She won't last," he says to himself.

Max and Shauna were seated closely together clinking their champagne flutes together inside of the limousine that is cruising along the streets nearing Hudson Lake.
"I must tell you I have never been taken on a date by limo before." You know you can spoil a girl this way, Max."
The interior of the limousine included black leather seats state of the art speakers, a mini-fridge stocked with food and various bottles and cans of assorted alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
Max looks at his girlfriend so attentively like she was the only woman in his life which Shauna appreciates greatly.
"I thought this evening will be unforgettable so I decided we needed the best."
Shauna wondered what tonight could truly bring?
Max looks down at his feet, feeling like he lost something on the floor.
"Hey, what are you looking for?"
"Oh, a piece of a paper with a potential client name and phone number on it can you check down there while I check in my pocket again."
Max is a budding freelance photographer with a growing clientele.
She searches around her, however, she didn't see any shred of paper on the relatively clean surface.
Readjusting herself back in her seat, she turns to face Max, who is holding a box with a ring in it.
Max sees the astonishment written all over her face.
"Shauna Jackson, will you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife?"
Her eyes begin to fill with water, and her lips begin to quiver with the ring as the emotional barrier between them.
She wipes the tears off her face.
"Why do you want to marry me?" she seeks verbally in such a way that she is unworthy of it.
A month ago he decided to propose marriage to his girlfriend. He had remembered that when they were waiting for a movie to start a few weeks ago, the two of them were in a department store in Hudson Lake when Shauna wanted to try on a ring that her birthstone on for fun. As Shauna shuffled off towards another part of the store, Max asked the sales associate what was her size so he can get her engagement ring fitted correctly. Luckily for him, he is good at keeping secrets.
The vehicle is now a mile away from the restaurant, and Max hoped by now they would be engaged.
"I admire your take-charge personality, not a lot of people wanted me to pursue my dreams except for you and did I mention you are one of a kind. I love you, Shauna," he declares to her wholeheartedly.
Shauna sniffles while a few more tears pour out of her eyes, getting emotional to hear that sincere explanation about her.
"Yes, Max, I will marry you," she answers pleasantly.
Max slides the Diamond Solitaire 3/4 carat Round-cut 14k Yellow Gold Ring onto her middle finger.
"Is it in bad taste to say that I am starving?" she laughs coyly.
He laughs with her. "No,"
Their lips crush together in solidarity that both of their lives will change forever.

At this particular moment, Tanner felt like she was on top of the world with her first ever boyfriend at one of her favorite places in the world. But her being accepted into the Summer Music Program at Berklee filled her with so much joy that she has not had in such a long time.
The two of them were outside the horse shed with the horses they both chosen to ride on the grounds of her great aunt's stables. Tanner, of course, is riding Clementine, whilst Tommy picked Hercules.
"Ready?" Tanner inquires happily
Tommy has only ridden a horse one time when he was ten years old at a friend's petting zoo birthday party at his family's estate in Westchester.
From the ages from six to fifteen years old, Tanner was a junior equestrian competing in several competitions which led to winning a few medals and trophies. Last year she decided to retire in order to focus more on her music. Glad at least she gets to work here.
Sensing his fear, Tanner approaches him. "Just remember what I told you, and you'll be fine."
Tommy notices the happiness radiating off his girlfriend, which is far different from the reserved girl he first met at Jojo's last fall.
"I'm going to be gone for a while," Tanner says with some realization.
"Well let's make this count, ok."
The two of them make out for a few seconds before each of them gets on their horse.
"On the count of 1, 2, 3," Tanner yells delightfully.
They both get off to a good start as the horses closely gallop in sync onto the trail.
Shauna and Max share the news of their engagement.
Steven seeks advice from an unlikely source.
A decision is made.
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