Written by: Bre L. Drew
Last Time On Town and Country
Louise encounters Tricia for the first time at the café.
Tommy confesses he been wanting to hug Tanner for a long time now.
In order to make Shauna jealous Antoine starts dating Nichelle.
Shauna found out the possibility of her Uncle getting out of prison.

Parking her black Range Rover onto the grounds of Franklin Farm, Louise Saunders Lockhart nearly slams the door in frustration after the day she already had run not only into Sean. She also, unfortunately, met the woman who took away her husband from her two years ago. The farm is the first place she thought of during dropping off the groceries at home would be where she often comes to get some clarity when her life needed.
It seems the sight of her ex-husband with his whore was not the most surprising thing she would catch sight of. Her little sister Martha is feeding the chickens in the chicken coop. She exactly isn't known for having any work ethic when it comes to the farm.
Martha Saunders feels someone's presence near her and turns around to face her older sister. "Before you open that mouth of yours I know you're shocked to see me out here."
It is no secret that the Saunders sisters are not close to one another. Martha hears the loathing in Louise's voice of even talking to her.
"Is mom around?" she inquires.
"No, she is at one of her meetings with the pageant committee."
"Ah that's right," Louise remembers.
Their mother assists in the planning the annual pageant ceremony for Junior Ms. Hudson County. As a teenager, she herself won the title in 1968.
"Is Aunt Esther home?"
Martha rises up from the ground to be at eye-level with her. "She is out at the stables, and you might as well know that dad is in town, you can talk to Steven, but he is about to leave with Evan to hang out with him before he has to take him back to Orlando in the morning."
Running out of family members to confide in she is about to head home when Martha spontaneously calls out to her.
"Wanna go inside to have some girl talk?" Martha says
She recognizes how awkward it is for her to forge this type of growth between them.
Without anything else left to lose Louise finds herself taking up on her offer.

Along with her lover, Tricia Meyer walks inside the hotel room that has been their temporary shelter. Sean could feel the heat radiating off his girlfriend since they encountered Louise earlier at breakfast at the café. Digs were exchanged mostly from his former spouse at the woman he has chosen to spend his life with.
Tricia tosses her colorful print Louis Vuitton bag onto the bed with some force.
"I don't know how you could have been chained to that woman for more than five minutes let alone for twenty years."
Vividly staring at her, Sean touches her shoulders in order to do his best to calm her down. "Don't worry about her okay."
Tricia emits a long breath of many emotions. "It's admirable you don't talk bad about your ex-wife in front of me, but you know her underneath it all she is a bitch who thinks you should be punished forever for breaking her heart."
Sean is about to say something when his iPhone rings. "Hello," he answers.
Tricia ears slightly perk to the conversation taken place in front of her. He then concludes the phone call a few minutes later.
A grin forms on his face. "I finally got some great news."
"I got approved for an apartment," Sean informs her.
Now it is Tricia's turn to display some happiness. "That is great news."
Wrapping his arms around her into an embrace. "Finally I'll be out of here."
He looks around the hotel room. Knowing that he wouldn't have to feel like a stranger after coming here from work. Not to mention the daily fees that he has racked up staying in a room at a hotel.
"When you get another few days off from the friendly skies mi casa es su casa," he adds.
Sean watches the excitement from Tricia disappears steadily. "I need to tell you something that I have been putting off."
He steps back from her. "Tricia, what's wrong?"

Taking advantage of the unusually warm day early into spring. Tommy Covington decided to at the last minute text his best friend Elijah Barker come over so they can enjoy it before the weather decides to dip into the low temperature once again.
Behind the Home Farm Estate, the lavish size underground pool is occupied by the young men lounging in the water on inflatable floating chairs. The two of them have been talking about how Tommy had hugged Tanner for helping him to pass his driving test in addition to telling her he wanted to do that for a while now.
"Well congratulations my friend," Elijah says
Tommy drops his hand in the water. "For what?"
"For finally telling her in so many words that you got a thing for Tanner I know it wasn't easy since I speak from prior experience but what's next?" Elijah demands
Recently Elijah and Lynn admitted their feelings for one another in spite of being best friends for most of their lives. Now they're at the point where they're casually dating.
Tommy lies there silent for a while. He has been involved with girls since he was thirteen. however, he was never serious about any of them. He didn't want to be like towards her.
"Just tell her it's simple," Elijah says nonchalantly.
"All right," Tommy remarks with finality.
He gets out of the water to grab his phone deciding to do something about his current ordeal.

There is a part of Mae Jackson who still sees her granddaughter as that scared girl whose mother abandoned her. Making her want to scoop her up to comfort her.
Yet she is reminded that not long ago Shauna said her boss gave her a promotion making her realize that she is an adult who needs to be unselfish about the situation of the chance that Will might be getting out of prison next month.
Meanwhile. Shauna looks like she wants to be anywhere but here having this conversation right now.
"I know that what happened when your uncle went away wasn't easy on any of us."
Shauna scoffs. "Went away, grandma?" He went to prison for stealing from his own family." she reminds her grandmother.
Will was sentenced to three years behind bars forging his dying father Horace's name onto checks in order to save his clothing business which was failing greatly because of the economy. As well as other crimes of fraud making the Jackson's at a time pariahs in their own community.
"He has changed," Mae says wistfully.
"Grandma, how would you know if he changed unless -- you visited him." Another thing you did not tell me."
Shauna reacts to her grandmother's declaration of defending him by rolling her eyes. "If he gets out of prison?"
"We will welcome him home with open arms," Mae says boldly.
No matter what both of her children have put her through over the years. She always remembers how much she loves them even if they continue to be destructive in their own lives.
Shauna trails off to her bedroom."If Will does come home, just don't leave your purse lying around."
She then shuts the door loudly.
Personally, Mae wanted to shout out at her for slamming the door in her house. Although she knows that it would not do any good right now.
"I will not give up on my son." Mae proclaims fearlessly

Much to the disappointment of Nichelle Austin who currently did not have any privacy of the apartment she shares with her dental student roommate who is once again with her mechanic boyfriend is turning their place into a catering service headquarters again with their fried chicken and catfish dinners for sale.
The last she left them the boyfriend was about to burn the fillets in the deep fryer whilst her roommate was taking orders via his and her phones.
That is why she called Antoine on her way over to come to the student hall on campus so they can at least have somewhere to hang out at.
The section of the building she enters is where the students can grab a bite to eat and study. Through a small crowd of students populating the room, she easily spots her boyfriend sitting down at a small circular table in front of the flat screen television on the wall airing the baseball game on cable.
They hug one another."Hey, thanks for meeting me here."
Antoine waves his hand. "No problem, I was able to catch the score." He lifts his head up at the screen. He then focuses the attention on her.
Nichelle had to admit that her boyfriend was looking good in his black v-neck t-shirt fitting snug enough that shows off his muscles.
"I see somebody has been working out." she flirts with him.
His lips form into a pleased expression. "Yeah I have, you checkin me out?"
"I am," she laughs softly
He is beginning to like her slightly more and more every time they hang out with one another.
Antoine gets out of his seat heading to the pool table behind them. Nichelle walks behind him. She has literally passed it about one-hundred times in her three years attending law school here.
He hands her a pool stick off the wall along with his own.
"Let's play," Antoine remarks enthusiastically.
"Guess this is when I tell you I never played before."
Antoine raises his eyebrows at the shock of that statement. "Really?"


Gabriella is the one who reports that the Lockhart twins have arrived at the estate to the boys. After being thanked by Tommy the family housekeeper takes off back into the house leaving the girls standing there. It takes him off guard when he notices Tanner is wearing a blue one-piece bathing suit that shows off her curves. He wonders if they were always there or he never paid attention.
"Hi," she says innocently.
"Hey," he shoots back.
Both of them were now remembering the hug between them yesterday-As if them getting any closer will create some invisible barrier in the center of them.
"You guys talk, while Lenny and I go put on some sunscreen," Elijah says
Lynn shakes her head at her boyfriend. "You could've come up with something better. "It's not even that hot for a burn."
"Safety first." Elijah remarks
They go to the other side of the pool where Tommy and Tanner are still by the chaise lounge chairs.
Tanner tucks some of her brown hair behind her ears. "Look uh what happened yesterday - I can't stop thinking about it."
Tanner somehow feels some relief confessing that whilst the reserved part of her wants to get out of here as quick as she can. She always figured her first boyfriend would be a musician she met attending Berklee who plays the guitar and sings. She never ventured to fall for anyone in high school whose surname is Covington which is like kryptonite for her family who has a longstanding rivalry with his family too.
"I can't stop thinking about it either, I want us to see one another if that is all right with you I don't want to pressure you, Tanner," Tommy says sincerely.
Tanner turns around before facing him again. "I don't get why is this so hard, but I want to know if you're really interested in me Tommy or am I something to waste your time with before you pursue some girl that you just want sex from?"
Tommy couldn't throw away that comment since he too knows his past of using girls for sex. However, he knows that she is different from the rest of them.
Tommy begins kissing Tanner in which she is taken back. Their lips part ways.
"I'm not interested in any other girls, but you Tanner Lockhart. "
The two of them kiss again this time it is more heartfelt than before.
Elijah grins at the sight of the two. "Get a room you two!"
"What did you say, Barker?" Tommy replies sarcastically
He playfully chases Elijah yet, Elijah jumps into the pool in which Tommy does a cannonball into the water.
The two of them begins splashing one another as the girls laugh.
"You thinking what I am thinking?" Lynn inquires
"Oh yeah," Tanner nods.
Simultaneously the girls jump in the pool creating a huge splash. The four of them begin having a great time together as a foursome for the first time.



Delicately he guides her stick on the surface of the table. The two of them are in close proximity. He touches her hand in order to have her to be able to hit the cue ball. She hits the ball unleashing a few balls into separate pockets.
Nichelle happily jumps up and down with excitement. "Damn did I do that?"
"You did it Chelle."
"Who taught you how to play?"
He puts his hands at his side. "Oh, one of my mother's boyfriend did."
The first instance Nichelle has heard Antoine talking about anything about his mother since they started seeing one another.
Both of them stare at one another with some yearning.
"Wanna get outta here?" go somewhere else." Antoine wonders
"Sure," Nichelle responds.
Side by side they move out of the student hall wanting to be alone.

Classic Title

Around the counter in the kitchen, Martha is interpreting what her big sister is telling her about the woman who is responsible for the downfall of her marriage at the same instance she is bottle-feeding her infant son SJ in her arms.
"Please tell me that you pulled the hair out by the roots?" Martha says
Louise is sitting across from her in one of the stools around the counter.
"Nothing that obscene," you should've seen her acting like some wounded bird." Bet she got jealous seeing Sean and I together talking about the twins and presumed the worst case scenario."
Martha is alerted once the baby becomes a tad fussy and restless.
"Let me try,"
With some reluctance, Martha goes over to her to give her the baby wondering if she can do a better job silencing him than she can.
Louise begins rocking him gently slowly as he starts to quiet down.
"He is probably due for a nap soon so he is probably trying to keep himself up any way he can." Louise answers in a baby voice
"Seems like she is only going to be in Radcliffe for a few more days before she is back to serving peanuts and cheap wine thirty-thousand feet above," Martha advises
Louise straightens out her nephew's dark hair. "Hope you are right because if the girls find out she is in town with them trying to reconcile with their father it'll be a disaster, Martha.
"Of the off chance they do find out let Sean be the one to tell them, Lou, it's not really your responsibility to tell them about her." Martha cautions her.
Louise smiles lovingly at the baby drifting off to sleep. "I can't believe I am saying this that is what I intend to do."
"And to think you were going to walk away from all of this wisdom," Martha notes

She moves her head before she forms the right words. "Remember when I told you last year that the airline was having financial difficulties."
"Who knew those difficulties would include them filing for bankruptcy and me losing my job?"
Sean hugs her, "I am so sorry,"
"I gave Global Jet Airlines fourteen years of my goddamn life." I don't know what I'm going to do now." Tricia confesses
Since the age of eighteen years old, Tricia has been working as a flight attendant climbing the ranks of seniority she was able to select her own trips in which she often swapped with the working mothers who couldn't be gone out of town for more than a few days. Tricia knows that she could get a job at another airline, but she isn't sure if she should so soon.
"Move in with me." Sean proposes
"With amazement, she answers with. "Are - you serious Sean?"
"I think it is about damn time we stop hiding from everyone else we should be living our lives as two adults in love co-habituating together." What do you say?"
Tricia smirks a bit. "Oh what the hell, yes I'll move in Sean." I'm up for a fresh start besides my lease is about to be up on my apartment in San Diego anyway."
"We're doing this?" Sean pronounces
"We're doing this," Tricia says assuredly.
The pair starts kissing each other passionately falling onto the bed.
Max cheers up Shauna.
Louise has a business idea.
Antoine confides in Steven about his growing feelings for Nichelle.
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