Written by : Bre L. Drew
August 10th, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
Will explained to everyone in the bar Jerome is seeking revenge from a drug deal gone wrong behind bars. In which Max retaliated by hitting him telling him if anything happens to Shauna he won't be responsible for his actions.
Louise was shocked when Sarah Lynn informed her she isn't going to therapy anymore.
Daniel and Mala started seeing one another.
Samuel is still attracted to Tricia despite her being engaged to Sean.
Jordan decides to scheme to show goodwill, but Tanner isn't buying it.

With almost less than two months to go before her wedding, Tricia Meyer decided to get in some running to work off some unneeded pounds to fit in her choice of the dress she is going to wear on the beach in Oahu to marry Sean. On this summer afternoon on her day off from work. Stay-at-home parents were sitting on benches watching their children play on the playground. A group of teenagers were throwing around a frisbee, and an ice-cream vendor was selling sweet treats to the public.
Listening to the chorus of Meredith Brooks Bitch via her AirPods, she feels someone's grasping onto her back. Without thinking, she turns around squirting the culprit with water from the bottle she purchased from Amazon two weeks ago. Quickly realizing the person wasn't an assailant at all but was Samuel Gupta now drenched.
"You can't sneak up on people like that have you never heard of stranger danger?" Tricia inquires
"I'm sorry, I was just trying to say hi I didn't expect to be attacked by an impromptu super soaker," Samuel expounds,
Tricia recalls when the two of the first met at the café; he was flirting with her in which she can admit she was flattered by. Nonetheless, she told him she had a fiancé, which made him back off.
Tricia takes the wireless headphones out of her ears. "Were you following me?"
"No, I was walking through the park to get back to the hospital," he explains himself.
Recognizing he is telling the truth since the hospital is about a five-minute distance from here. Tricia decides to lower her guard some, which doesn't happen to rarely. She sees his shirt and face is dripping with the water she splashed on him.
"Are you going to be okay with you know?" she then gestures to his wet attire.
"Yeah, no harm, no foul,"
"I knew this workout was a bad idea from the start," she chuckles.
"No disrespect, but from where I'm standing you're already in shape,"
Samuel couldn't resist checking her out in her Fabletics black fashion-forward halter strap and the 70s-inspired Retro Print capris hugging her physique in all the right places.
Tricia grins at his compliment. "Tell that to my wedding dress, anyway I better get back to it, see you later,"
She restarts moving her feet into running again, leaving him slightly less wet due to the sun beating down today. He smirks before he goes ahead to his destination.

Martha Saunders saunters through the side-entry door into the kitchen of the main house on the farm. When she sees her sister standing around the granite countertop, she takes off her sunglasses and sets her purse on the surface.
"I don't appreciate being summoned, especially when my best friend is missing," she informs her.
Martha was at the bar with the others when the call came in from Shauna's captor wanting five-hundred-thousand dollars in exchange for her release. Everyone was elated to hear she was still alive, which had been the biggest concern since her disappearance. She wanted to remain at The Waterfall until news of her rescue occurred, but she was called to come back home because her older sister wanted to talk to her in-person about something. And since she isn't exactly close with her, she wonders what does she want.
Much as Louise wanted to tell her younger sister to cool it with the dramatics, she knew how important the situation is, so she doesn't.
"This couldn't be said over the phone,"
"What's going on now?"
Louise takes a few strands of her blonde hair to put behind her ear. "Before I went home yesterday I talked to mom, she told me she does not feel therapy is for her,"
Martha puts a hand on her forehead. "Oh no,"
Sarah Lynn suffered a mental breakdown due to the loss of Peter in March. The family was able to convince her to see a professional to assist in her recovery. And now only after one appointment with the doctor, she thinks she has overcome her issues. Despite it being obvious, she is nowhere close to herself again.
"Then she flat out said she isn't going back to her psychiatrist,"
"Well maybe she can someone else," Martha insists
"I suggested that too," Louise remarks
Martha recalls her mother telling her first session with her doctor went fine. She did not want to intrude on her mother's personal business by constantly asking her how her therapy was going. Now she wished she would've pressed more.
Martha touches the counter. "There's gotta be something we can do,"
"Do you have any ideas?" Louise says half-mockingly
Martha shoots her sister a look of contempt. "Matter of fact, I do,"

"Yeah, thanks for calling, bye," Antoine Hall ends the call he received on his iPhone. The young bartender sits alone in the booth closest to the entrance of the establishment, still trying to wrap his head around witnessing his best friend being kidnapped twenty-four hours ago right outside the place they both have called home. Deep down he feels guilty it wasn't anything he could've done to save her,
The sound of Courtney Covington's voice interrupts his thoughts.
"Hey, I'm not disturbing you am I?" she asks casually. Today she is dressed casually in a short-sleeve blue jean jumpsuit.
"No, I just got done talking to Tricia, she wanted me to tell you if there is anything you need she's only a drive away."
A short-lived smile appears on her face. "She said the same thing when I spoke with her last night."
Regardless of them not knowing each other well, the two have a lot of connections including having Tricia as a friend, which isn't exactly popular due to her colorful past of having an affair with a married man,
"I'm curious as to how the police are going to arrest Jerome and those guys who were with him," Courtney says with part interest and concern,
Antoine flashes back on the one with a ski mask holding a gun straight at him whilst he was dragging Shauna into the van.
"Whatever it is it won't be what they deserve," he proclaims
Courtney gives a slight nod of agreement.
Police Chief Ernest McKnight concludes a phone call to one of his officers who is heading out to the railroad district where Shauna has been taken to.
Earlier he tried to convince his daughter Jordan to leave since it wasn't anything she can do. He still is disappointed in her for not going to college as he and his wife Thora wanted. She wouldn't have to worry about tuition since he has worked tirelessly all of his adult life to make sure his three children had the finances to pursue education after high school. It also reminds him of a case of this magnitude of his son E.J. who was shot and killed in the line of duty as a rookie cop four years ago, which still has a heavy effect on the lives of his family to this day, He refuses to bring his own tragedy into this investigation since his emotions weren't important but bringing Shauna Covington home and bringing her captors to justice took precedence,
Mae Jackson, who is standing near the bar gives a look of gratefulness to her granddaughter's father-in-law. "Daniel, I don't know how to thank you for paying this ransom. if it wasn't for your generosity I wouldn't have been able to come up with even a fraction of that amount."
"Shauna is a member of my family I would put up millions of dollars for her return like I would any of my children," Daniel says assuredly.
Daniel was able to get in touch with his banker, who was able to get five-hundred thousand dollars in cash, as Jerome demanded. The police informed all of them the money is just a ploy to achieve the best result which is Shauna still living.
Chief McKnight gets everyone's attention in the room including Will who is still icing his face from where Max attacked him when they all heard Jerome Hawkins is seeking revenge due to a drug deal gone wrong behind bars.
"All right, my team and I are heading out to the location, someone will notify you when we have Shauna in our custody,"
"Excuse me, I don't mean to question your professional expertise but how are you going to manage to get him this money, because he said no cops," Max Covington asks with trepidation.
Chief McKnight pinches the bridge of his nose, "We got that covered, a plainclothesman cop is going to make the exchange."
"That ain't gonna work,"
Eyes narrow in on Will Jackson, who has been silent since he was hit.
"Why is that?" Tommy Covington responds abrasively
"Cause Jerome is gonna be expectin that," he replies. "Trust me," Will counters. He could've sworn he heard Antoine mumble about him being the reason why she is gone.
"Then what should be done then?" Max petitions exasperatedly
Will rubs his hands together, "Let me be the one to give the money to him."
Various words and glances can be seen and perceived from the others in the establishment of how unstable his idea is.
Mae puts both of her hands onto her hips. "Boy, have you lost your mind?"
"This a manner for the authorities," Chief McKnight says magisterially.
Will couldn't help feeling right now like when he was a little boy getting reprimanded by his mother in front of guests. And having getting punched earlier wasn't helping matters either. Knowing he is somewhat responsible for all of this taking place.
"Jerome is a lot of things, but stupid ain't one of them, he is going to be paranoid with some undercover cop, besides I owe it to my family to help get my niece back."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, let's go," Chief McKnight consents
Mae gives her son a look only a mother can which is filled with emotion and acceptance. "Come back in one piece you hear me,"
Will nods his head meaningfully.

By the time Samuel returned to the hospital from lunch, he was informed by the clerk on the floor his next patient called to reschedule. And since it was his last one on the calendar for the day, he decided to come home early.
As he stands in the foyer, he begins to feel the new house is becoming home to him. It has been two months since he and his mother moved in after living in Chicago for most of their lives. Now their items were sorted, giving the cottage a sense of their belonging here.
Soon as he takes off his shoes which is customary in his family's Indian culture; he heads up the staircase to the second-story where he lightly knocks on the door of his mother's home office which gets her attention from behind her drawing board,
"Hey, you're home early," Mala Gupta addresses her eldest child. His mother is wearing a red smocked off the shoulder top with a pair of dark blue slim boot cut jeans.
"My patient canceled,"
"Still working from home?" he inquires. He knew this morning she chose not to go into work.
"Off and on," she replies. "I've also been going back and forth about whether or not to reach out to Daniel,"
"And let me guess you don't want to come off like you're overstepping your boundaries since the relationship is still new," Samuel predicts
"Have anyone told you the way you're able to discern accurately is quite frightening?" Mala says in her native British accent.
"It's a trait I inherited," he chuckles. "And mom you're making this situation more complicated than it needs to be I'm sure he can use all the support he can get right now,"
Logically Mala is more than aware she is overthinking her decision on whether or not to go be with the guy she has been seriously involved with, so she did not want to seem she is suffocating him with her being there.
"You know what I'm going to go to contact him right now," Mala says confidently.
She heads out of her office into the hallway in which Samuel walks to the doorway.
"I need to charge more by the hour," he partially-jokes with himself.

Needing to be alone, Max went into men's restroom. At the sink, he slowly raises his head to check himself in the glass mirror on the wall. His brown hair was in a state of disorder in addition to his eyes being bloodshot from not getting enough sleep. And no ounce of water he splashes is going to restore lost energy. He needs for this nightmare to end so he can get his wife back and never let her go.
The door swings open which make him turn to see his father strolling inside. "What's on your mind?" Daniel inquires thoughtfully
"Uh, what did Hootie and The Blowfish exactly mean behind the lyric of the dolphins made me cry?"
Daniel is used to his son's sardonic nature when he is hurt or aggravated. But behind his words is the pain he isn't dealing with outright.
"Son, you know we aren't that different,"
Max turns on the faucet mainly to draw out the noise he runs his hands through the warm water tingling at the appendage he used to punch Will. He then turns off the faucet when he realizes his father is not going to leave him be.
"I think the twenty-year age span is difference enough," he replies
"Max, I'm serious here, we both don't like to show our emotions because we're both too damn stubborn after your mother died I learned you got to let those emotions out or they will swallow you up whole when you least expect it."
"Well, Dad, I see you watched the newest episode of Dr. Phil,"
He retreats towards the door which Daniel blocks his way to escape,
"Get yourself together before you go back out there,"
Stepping back a bit he rolls his eyes having enough of his father trying to counsel him. "You want me to express my feelings, I'm scared as hell I'm never going to see my wife again, we don't know if this bastard has hurt Shauna or is planning to." Tears begin to fall onto his cheeks. "I refuse to lose another person I love, dad I can't do it again,"
Carefully he reaches out to his son by holding him tight something he hadn't done in years,

Will pulls his mother's Toyota Camry onto the gravel lot. In front of the front windshield, he sees an old run-down one-story dilapidated building near the railroad district where cargo trains still go through. However, the property has been unkempt for years due to the city's lack of funding, and it mostly being out of sight out of mind for the citizens. Taking a deep breath, he grabs the duffel bag of money he then gets out of the car, Will also sees the van parked near the building in which he figures was the one his niece was forced in.
Before he moved any further, the door to the building opens making a squeaking sound. Two guys, he doesn't recognize has Shauna by her arms, as well as their guns, draw near her,
Behind them is Jerome, who is walking like he is on the top of the world. But when he sees his former cellmate, he is somewhat taken-back. "Ain't this bout a bitch, I thought your ass would be hiding somewhere,"
"Leave her outta this Jerome!" Will exclaims
"Too late for that," the guy name Mario Walds who is holding the young woman's right arm tightly.
"Now you gonna give me the money, or am I going to do something I don't want to." Jerome declares.
Shauna stands there as the wind blows through her hair making her somewhat relieved she is out of that deteriorating structure,
"Hand her over and you'll get your bread all right," Will counters,
The white guy who is known as Chaz Rollo gazes at Jerome than onto Will. "Nah, we ain't fallin for that,"
Jerome gestures to Mario to go get the money from him.
"You still are the same hardheaded boy you were when I first met you in prison I thought I could make you a man by lettin you get in my hustle but who knew you selling to that guard would cost me everything."
"Give him the goddamn money Will!" Shauna screams frustratedly

Louise was surprised, to say the least, to find out her sister has a way to get their mother to keep seeing her therapist.
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then we must bring Muhammad to the mountain," Martha says
"What does that even mean?" Louise asks bewilderedly
"Meaning we get her psychiatrist to make a house call, maybe he can convince her she has to keep going to see him," she answers, She notices her sister is second-guessing her by the look of uncertainty upon her face.
"Oh what the hell?" What other choice do we have at this point? I refuse not to keep sitting back and watching mom get further into psychosis,"
"Well, I will be damned!" Martha boldly exclaims
"You and I agreeing on something," Martha retorts
Louise folds her arms. "2020 continues to be a bizarre year for everyone."

"Did you get anything to eat?" Jordan McKnight asks the object of her affection.
She ventures over to the table where he is standing by in which has all of the sandwiches, croissants, and pastries she purchased from JoJo's this morning were before she ran into him they talked about his sister-in-law being missing. Deciding not only to be charitable to everyone here but to show him she isn't the bitch she is made out to be by her former friends. And she does care about him especially with this situation is happening to his family,
Tommy scratches the top of his head. "I'm not that hungry, but thanks anyway Jordan,"
He wouldn't admit to hardly anyone he couldn't stop glancing at her flat stomach courtesy of working out five days a week, which could be seen through her cut-out flared dress she has on. He is brought back to the enjoyable kiss he shared with her last summer when Tanner was in Boston.
"Tommy, everything will work out, my dad will make sure of that," Jordan advocates.
"So, how is the modeling going?" Tommy says changing the subject,
"Don't ask," she scoffs. "I don't know; maybe I'm not photogenic enough."
Tommy was caught off guard by her attitude since usually, she is typically confident about herself. "I doubt that,"
"I've been thinking about going to college, take a few courses not limit my options."
Tricia had given her advice about possibly going back to school and pursue her aspirations of modeling on the side.
"That's a great idea," Tommy says
Tanner Lockhart comes over to the two of them somewhat not keen on seeing her ex-friend turned enemy talking to her boyfriend knowing how flirtatious she can be,
"Hey, I was just catching up with Tommy, you don't mind do you, Tanner?" Jordan remarks
"No, not at all," Tanner seethes
Jordan grips the strap of her cross-body bag, trying to keep what's left of her composure. "You know, I got to go hopefully, I see you before you go off to Malibu for Pepperdine, Tommy,"
"See you later," Tommy says
"Bye," Jordan waves. She moves towards the exit in which she snatches a glimpse of the couple. She then proceeds out of the bar to her car.

Will shoves the bag to Mario, who gives it to Jerome, who unzips it. "Knowing you, you might've gotten into your old habit of counterfeiting," Jerome ridicules
"It's all there Jerome," Will proclaims. "Now let her go,"
Jerome non-verbally gestures his goons to release Shauna from their clutches. She finds herself next to her uncle, whom she has several things to say to him,
He then takes out his nine-millimeter gun aiming it at his former cellmate. "I told yo momma I was going to get yo ass."
Will hardly blinks at the weapon. "Man, I wish you would, cause you about to regret it."
Four police cruisers descended onto the lot. An SUV police truck also arrives. The Chief comes out of the truck wearing his bulletproof vest with his gun drawn out.
"Jerome Hawkins, Mario Walds, and Chaz Rollo you're under arrest you have the right to remain silent," he announces as the other officers proceed to arrest them. Chief McKnight walks over to the members of the Jackson family. "Shauna, an officer is going to take you the hospital just to check you over."
Shauna nods her head, quite confused as to what is going on as a police officer guides her to his vehicle. She looks back at her uncle who is there with Chief.
"Tell me they're getting locked up for a long time?" Will asks
"Leave that up to us, but I assure you none of them aren't getting off with just a slap on the wrist Will." he assures him.
Will was being monitored by the police through a body cam Ernest gave him to wear. Cops were not far from the site as they were waiting for the right time to intervene. The chief pats him on the shoulder before he takes off to his deputy officers.
As Will heads to the car; he is glad he was being watched by the police which is something he thought he would never consider being a positive thing, but if he wasn't he knew Jerome would've put him in the morgue,
Shauna's loved ones reunite with her.
Will's redemption might be in the air.
Louise and Daniel share a moment.
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