Written by : Bre L. Drew
September 28th, 2020
Last Time On Town and Country
It was revealed, Esther knows Deirdre Covington wrote the letter to her father regarding their love affair.
Sean and Tricia decide to have a destination wedding in Oahu, Hawaii.
Lynn and Tanner accepted the role of bridesmaids in the ceremony.
Max has been in Shauna's corner since her kidnapping.
Courtney is planning a surprise birthday party for Daniel.

At the moment, the cafe's soundtrack is playing Sympathy by The Goo Goo Dolls.
Fraternal twin sisters Tanner and Lynn Lockhart met up here to catch up since it's been a while since the two of them were in the same room with Tanner as a freshman living on campus at college. The twins were sitting over in the lounge area of the establishment over their favorite drinks.
"Let me get this straight Jordan McKnight is going to Sampson University?" Lynn Lockhart says
"Unfortunately, she decided to put to her dreams of modeling on the side for higher education." Tanner Lockhart replies disappointingly
The bespectacled brunette also informs her sister all about Jordan being in the same English Literature class with her, Tommy, and Elijah. And how upset it made her see her it made her avoid her first college party at the fraternity house in which everyone else went to except for her pretty much.
"I get it, but I will be damn if I will let her dictate where I will and will not go." Lynn remarks
Tanner tucks strands of her hair behind her ears. "So you think I should've gone to the party?"
"To keep her from digging her nails into Tommy any further, hell yes, did Tommy say she saw her there?"
Tanner looks down at her legs before looking back at her sister. "He did, but they didn't talk much."
Lenny nods her head in a controlled way. "Well, at least Tommy is thinking with the right head."
"Ew, that's gross," Tanner chuckles. She stares at the clock on the wall. "Looks like we better get going before traffic hits."
The sisters get off the couch and onto their feet.
"I can't believe we're doing this," Lynn states.
"Let's just get this over with," Tanner says defeatedly,
The twins our heading into Hudson Lake to go to get fitted for their bridesmaid dresses for their father's wedding to Tricia. Neither of them was keen on her marrying their father, but they decided to be in the wedding party mostly to support him. The two go to the door where they see their cousin Steven Sullivan and his girlfriend Courtney Covington coming into the café. The four exchange quick pleasantries before the girls dash out to the Fiat.

"Wonder where they're going, they seem to be in a hurry," Steven observes.
He and his girlfriend go over to their favorite table in the café.
"Tricia told me today was their fitting for bridesmaids dresses for the wedding," Courtney informs him.
Steven doesn't shield his lack of enthusiasm for those nuptials, even if it is a destination wedding in Oahu.
"Look, I know you're not too fond of the groom," Courtney says diplomatically.
"Nor the bride," Steven interjects brashly.
"I know Tricia sometimes can be -- combative, but she is not a bad person besides Sean is the person she is marrying whether we like it or not." Courtney counters.
"It's not every day when you go to the wedding of your cousin's ex-husband and his mistress in Hawaii," he says sarcastically.
Courtney is taken-aback by her boyfriend's abrasiveness. "Steven, what in the hell is wrong with you?"
"I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I've been thinking about something I found out not too long ago, and I'm trying to come to terms with it.
Steven couldn't shake off what was in that letter regarding his late grandfather's affair with some woman over thirty years ago.
Courtney focuses in on her boyfriend caringly. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Several executives were leaving out of the boardroom inside of Covington Tower in Downtown Radcliffe. They all attended the meeting Daniel Covington called to discuss business regarding the latest properties the company will be developing. As soon as the room is primarily clear of colleagues, Daniel turns to his lover Mala Gupta who is rising out of her chair from the conference table.
"On a scale from 1 to 10, how well do you think the meeting went?" he queries her.
Mala grips onto the strap of her Louis Vuitton briefcase. "I would classify this particular meeting as a ten," she says in her British accent Daniel has grown fondly accustomed to since they have begun seeing one another.
Unwaveringly, Daniel approaches her with a look of adoration in his eye. "Now, with business is out of the way, did I tell you how incredible you look today?"
Today she had on a red sheath over the shoulder dress that perfectly defined her curves in addition to black designer heels, and her dark hair is wavy.
Mala opens her mouth to elicit a wide smile as she wraps her arms around her beau. "Now, now, what would the other executives think about the CEO involved with the executive architect?"
The two passionately physically make out until they part from one another.
"Does it matter what they think?" he asks.
"At first, I did consider their thoughts, however with that kiss, I might reconsider," she says coquettishly. "Anyway, let's get back on track. Are you sure you want to spend your birthday at home?"
Daniel puts his hands in the pockets of his slacks as he shrugs. "Honestly, a quiet dinner at home with my family and you is all I need."
Despite turning forty-five years old, Daniel just wanted to celebrate his big day with the people nearest and closest to him.
"So, you sure you still want my children and myself coming for dinner?"
Daniel grabs her hand, delicately, "Absolutely, you mean a great deal to me and, I want to get to know your children better," he says well-meaningfully. He gives her a peck on the cheek before he descends out of the room, heading back to his office.
Mala remains in the boardroom, whilst she takes her phone out of the briefcase. She hits dial and waits until the call went into voicemail. "Hi, This is Mala, your father suspects nothing, he is going to be quite surprised," She concludes the phone call with his daughter.

Sean Lockhart strolls through the farm on this unseasonably warm summer afternoon. He had just checked in on the same laborers doing their assigned duties. It wasn't long ago when he was one of those farmhands before he accepted the role of manager.
He spots Louise Saunders Lockhart nearby. "Hey, how is it going?" She calls out a few feet away from him.
"Everyone is on task, so it shouldn't be any problems going forward,"
"I heard our daughter survived her first two weeks of college," Louise says conversationally.
Tanner had started her freshman year at Sampson two weeks prior and so far is on top of her work there.
The former spouses also speak about Lenny, who is doing a good job herself working on the farm too. In spite of heir initial reservations against her not going to college like her sister. The two agree on how well she is doing.
"Are you going to Danny Boy's birthday party?" Sean inquiries
Louise shakes her head indicating her answer. "I was invited, but I don't think I am, why are you going?" she asks curiously.
"Well, I'm Tricia's plus one she was invited because she technically works for Daniel and is good friends with Courtney,"
"Well, have fun,"
Sean clears his throat, "Hey, I know this is not any of my business."
"It probably not, but go ahead anyway, Sean,"

Even though the name of the company bears his surname, Max Covington always felt like a foreigner entering into an overseas territory. Due to his disinterest in anything having to do with the corporate realm.
Coming out of the doors of the elevator onto the twentieth floor of the building. He stops in front of the desk where Evelyn, his father's longtime secretary who greets him in her native Staten Island elocution. A few more minutes of small talk between them, she gets on the phone to notify her boss of him being here. Within seconds, he is permitted to go into the spacious office belonging to his father, who is currently behind his desk.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or is my son coming to pay me a visit?" Daniel surveys.
"I think it's your eyes, I mean, you're hitting middle age after, all dad,"
Daniel elicits a small chuckle before telling his son to sit down in front of him. "You didn't come all the way downtown just to see me what is going on?"
"Have you noticed anything different about Shauna since she has been back to work?"
Daniel puts his right pointer finger onto his temple. "That's why you came to see how your wife is doing,"
"You can't blame me,"
Max wasn't keen on Shauna returning to work so soon. According to her, she needed to get back to work and to move on with her life. He thinks she is moving to fast and is not processing her kidnapping and being held hostage by a criminal properly. He didn't want to bombard her by going to visit her in her office downstairs.
"I think she is wise not to let all of that hell that happened to her being held against her will by Jerome Hawkins, and those thugs affect her anymore." Daniel gives his judgment.
"Why am I not surprised by your reaction, dad?"
Daniel gets out of his chair to the bar, where he fixes himself a glass of club soda.
"Maybe that trip to New York has her in better spirits, having said that, I'm glad you're making your wife's wellbeing a top priority, which it should be,"
Last week the newlyweds returned from New York City, where, Max's photos were shown during a showing at the Soho Gallery. They also decided to celebrate their first anniversary there too since the city is where she wanted to go. Max saw some of her upbeat personality return on their trip, nonetheless, when they got home she somewhat became slightly despondent again.
"What are you getting at?"
"I'm telling you, be there for Shauna, but at the end of the day, it is her battle to fight to get to the other side," Daniel instructs
Max tries to absorb the advice his father is spouting at him, trying to find a medium between being overly concern and laidback.

Steven returns with his coffee and Courtney's green tea smoothie.
"Remember what we said about not shutting each other out, tell me what is going on," Courtney demands calmly.
"A few months back, I was helping my mother clean out our attic. And I stumbled onto this piece of paper written to my grandfather from a woman who had an affair with him in the past."
Courtney is stunned to hear this since the only troubling thing she has heard about Jimmy Saunders was from her grandfather Patrick about him being a lousy drunk who spent his earnings on liquor.
"Wow!" she exclaims
"I know no one is perfect, and I know my grandfather had his demons, but the idea of him involved with someone else who wasn't my grandmother is something I never expected in a million years." he exasperates.
"The most important thing is the love and your memories of your grandfather can't be taken away from you even if you found out something you least expect trust me I should I know." she advocates
Steven takes a drink of his hot beverage before saying anything. "That is something my grandmother Rosemary would tell me."
"Well, sounds, like she was a wise woman."
"She was,"
Steven thinks on how she left this earth not knowing the man she loved for most of her life betrayed her going against their marriage vows knowing how sacred they were to her as a woman of strong moral and religious convictions. Then again, maybe not, knowing of her husband's infidelity gave her comfort as she passed on.

Situated in the small district of Hudson Lake thirty-five minutes outside of Radcliffe. Lies the storefront in which encompasses several boutiques, including Elaine Nicholls, a bridal shop currently has light piano music, filling the atmosphere as Tricia Meyer is receiving the invoice for the final payment of the garments at the counter. Sauntering into the dressing room, beholding her soon-to-be step-daughters in their bridesmaids' dresses. Seeing them like this makes her nearly forget their initial hesitancy against her marrying their father. But the two decided to be part of the wedding, which surprised her since they still view her as the woman who corrupted their father into leaving their mother.
"I hope they aren't too hideous," Tricia says
Lynn and Tanner stand a few feet away from her looking in the three-way mirror.
The twins exchange a glance before anyone of them responds.
"It's not bad," Lenny replies. She stares at herself in the sage green dress.
"I take that as a compliment," Tricia says generously.
"I think in so many words Lynn means they're fine," Tanner vocalizes
Tricia moves towards the young women keeping in mind not to invade their personal space.
"I know we will never be close, but I'm hoping with you guys becoming family, we can at least be civil to one another."
It seems when the twins look back at her, the two weren't expecting to hear those words.
Lynn folds her arms. "If you can be civil to us, then --- I suppose we can to be with you, right, Tanner?"
"Sure," Tanner remarks.
The two go off to change out of the dresses into their clothes when Tricia remains standing in the fitting room. In her purse, she can hear the familiar tone of her phone ringing. She quickly unzips the bag to retrieve the device she puts to her ear,
"Hello, Tricia Meyer," she answers using her full name just in case the call had to do with the café.
Hearing the voice on the other line makes her somewhat on guard. "Hi Mom, ready for a luau?"
What Tricia is told by her mother next instantly alters her facial from calm to troubled and distressed,
"What do you mean you're not coming? My wedding is in a few days, -- did he -- so what I didn't invite him? He knows he is not welcome -- you know why, so what if he raised me, he doesn't deserve any respect, Mom, he sure doesn't deserve any from you - it's still not too late for you to pack, come on, it's Hawaii, you always wanted to go, and don't worry about the money just get on the plane."
Behind the wall, Lynn and Tanner who our now both dressed into their clothes again. The two were about to tell Tricia they're leaving. The pair were astonished when they first heard the sadness in their father's fiancée.
"Her own mother isn't coming to her own wedding," Tanner whispers in her sister's earshot.
"I can't believe I'm even saying this, I feel sorry for Tricia," Lynn admits.
Silently deciding for Tricia not to see them, they go to the front of the store.
Tricia is about to protest again when her mother has to hang up, which she does. Still holding onto the phone, Tricia finds tears usually foreign to her since she hardly cries and can't remember the last time she did. Taking a Kleenex out of the box from the end table, she uses it to wipe the mist from her eyes, before stepping out of the room into the hallway where she decides to walk out with the twins to their cars respectively.

"Do you not going have anything to do with him, Daniel seeing Mala Gupta?"
Louise reflects on the kiss she and Daniel shared on the porch on the day of her father's funeral months ago, in addition to her seeing Daniel and his new lover at the coffeehouse. Luckily for her, his association pertaining to the farm has been minimum, which suits her fine.
He's moving on, and I'm trying to do the same Sean, like you, so your wedding is coming up," she changes the topic breezily.
"It is,"
"Coming from me, this might sound unreal, but I'm happy for you."
He embraces her with his muscular arms in which Louise inhales his familiar scent of Old Spice and sweat. For a moment, it takes her back to the good days when the two were married. However, a flash of reality hits her reminding her it can never go back to the way it was before everything fell apart.
Tommy can't get Jordan off his mind.
Antoine offers Shauna support.
Samuel finds himself counseling somebody unexpectedly.
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