Written by : Bre L. Drew
August 23, 2021
Last Time On Town and Country
Tanner maturely broke up with Tommy sighting she couldn't trust him anymore due to him keeping the truth about him impregnating Jordan, which resulted in Tommy collapsing emotionally.
Daniel also kept the truth from Mala regarding Tommy/Jordan, which she didn't approve of herself.
Louise restrained herself from becoming sexually active with Jai.
Deirdre disapproved of many things that her family were involved in.

One love
One blood
One life
U2's "One" is playing via Spotify on Mala Gupta's iPad in the kitchen of her residential cottage. The renowned architect is currently checking on the whole chicken in the oven she will be serving for dinner in what she hopes in the next forty minutes or so, while Her children Samuel and Aaliyah Gupta sitting at the counter, chopping various vegetables to go along with the chicken. She is also making spiced roasted vegetables.
"So that's when Louise left, and Tricia told Samuel that she could kiss her ass," Aaliyah summarizes to mainly her mother as she finishes with the cauliflower.
Samuel is halfway through with the sweet potatoes as he hears his sister recount the confrontation between the former and present Mrs. Lockhart earlier at the café. He was there hanging out with Aaliyah and Lorenzo when he saw them going back and forth, eventually coming over to defuse the situation. She, however, told him she had no regrets keeping the fact from everyone that Tommy had impregnated Jordan despite being Tanner's boyfriend.
"Like, I told you then, this is a very complicated situation for everyone involved." Samuel restates
Mala wipes her hands onto the dish towel before tossing it onto the countertop. "Who knew one lie would have so much effect on so many people?"
Both of the siblings kept onto their tasks, knowing their mother is referring to her own status of her relationship with Daniel, who hid the truth from her too,
Before anyone else can say something in the matter, the doorbell calls for their attention,
"Anyone of you expecting any visitors?" Mala queries
Samuel and Aaliyah both shake their heads as they exit out of the kitchen into the foyer. Mala, who is ahead, gets to the front door at first, and it is the last person she thought she would see today is at her doorstep.

"I know that I am the last person you want to see right now. But may I come in so we can at least talk?" the millionaire property developer requests.
He is currently wearing a light blue Lacoste striped collar polo with black chino pants.
Behind Mala, Aaliyah rolls her eyes profusely at the man she has had reservations about dating her mother. While Samuel maintains his composure as they see their mother's body relent in tension by opening the door for him to come in.
Daniel sees his children's friends both standing there.
"How are you, Samuel, Aaliyah,"
"Hi Daniel," Samuel says respectfully
"Come here to grovel?" Aaliyah queries
Mala expresses upon her face caution to her daughter. "Aaliyah! You two go back into the kitchen to finish dinner, please."
Deciding for mostly her sake to add any feedback, Aaliyah stroll back into the kitchen beside her brother,
"Mala, I know what I did was wrong, but I'm asking you for your forgiveness." Daniel declares wholeheartedly

"So after the two of us heatedly exchanged words, which by now has become the way we regularly communicate. I decided to be the bigger person as usual and got out of there." Louise Saunders Lockhart verbally compiles to Jai Gupta in his apartment this evening.
The two had dinner, which was Chinese takeout, and now indulging in a bottle of white wine.
"I know I don't know Tricia well, only, that my son considers her a friend for some reason. But don't allow her to get to you, Louise,"
He takes a seat close to her on the couch.
"Easier said than done," Louise says. She then takes a sip of red wine.
"Tanner is going to need you to stand by her,"
Louise nods while taking a hearty sip of her beverage.
Jai sets his own glass aside on the coffee table.
Louise takes a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry you invited me over for dinner, and here I go on and on about trivial things."
Jai places his firm but soft hand upon her chin. "If they're important to you, then I want you to be content to share them with me."
Louise forms a smirk as Jai plants his lips onto hers; it is when they begin kissing passionately. Soon Jai stops himself from going forward since he remembered she didn't want them to be intimate.
"I apologize," he says in his casual British accent.
Louise catches her breath from the intensity of their making out. "Don't stop,"
The way she said it and the look on her face made him realize she wants to go further.
The two of them continue to kiss deeply; as they go into his bedroom. There inside, Jai finds himself unzipping Louise's black sleeveless sheath dress. He is impressed by her incredible figure even more.
She unzips his pants, which fall to his ankles.
The two of them find themselves moving rhythmically on top of each other on the bed.

Tommy Covington is in his bedroom at his desk on the second story of the Home Farm estate on his Mac desktop computer, speaking to Elijah Barker and Lorenzo Vidal on FaceTime; the guys are talking about Tommy's breakup with Tanner due to him getting Jordan pregnant and not telling her about it,
"I mean, no offense, man, but can you blame her for letting you go?" Lorenzo tells him.
Tommy sees his best friend Elijah in his room at his house having a look of guilt, which he assumes is there because he knew about everything before Tanner found out,
"I get that, and I know I deserve it -- but it still hurts like hell," Tommy replies truthfully.
Earlier this afternoon, Tanner came over to end their relationship, in which she gave him back the necklace he got for her before she left for Boston a few summers ago.
Lorenzo decides to change the topic to something lighter in tone.
"You're still doing 18 credits this semester, Elijah?"
The political science undergraduate bows his head to confirm his choice.
"After not doing good my first semester, I decided to challenge myself, so I won't have any other option but to do well in all my classes this term."
Last year, Elijah had failed to make the Dean's list, which disappointed his high school principal mother and university professor father,
"Taking all those classes and working is not going to be too much for you?" Tommy asks curiously
"I can make it work," Elijah says somewhat reassuringly.
"I need a job, any job would do," Lorenzo responds frustratingly.
His family's financial problems, on top of his own, are making him question whether he should go back to college at all to avoid the extensive costs, despite him attending on grants and loans.
Tommy chimed in, "If it is money --
Lorenzo throws his hand up in protest. "I can't let you give me any money. I mean, your father is letting me stay here in the guest house over the summer, and paying for my ticket to visit my family over the holiday is so much already," he says. "I'll alright. I just gotta find somewhere to make some m-o-n-e-y."
The Covington offspring realizes what time it is when he sees it on the screen on the right corner of his computer.
"Well, boys, I gotta go, my grandmother is leaving tonight, and I need to say my farewell to her."
Deirdre will be returning home to her penthouse in Manhattan this evening.
Elijah and Lorenzo say goodbye before Tommy heads down the staircase into the living room, where he sees his grandmother along with his brother, sister, aunt, and sister-in-law all standing there.

Deirdre holds onto her expensive Louis Vuitton carryall bag wearing a dark purple seersucker collard sleeveless shirt with matching slacks. "Your father should be on his way back in a few minutes, but before he does. I have something to say to all of you."
She makes eye contact with her eldest grandson and his wife. "I don't know what is going on between you, Max, and Shauna."
"Grandmother, it's being taking care of," Max responds.
The husband and wife's marriage hasn't been as strong lately, with Max working for Covington, leaving little time for Shauna, in addition to the mental ramifications of the latter's kidnapping last year.
"Well, whatever it is that made Shauna get so intoxicated she airs out your dirty laundry of members of the public is something that needs to be addressed before you two will find yourselves in a union that might not be worth saving."
Max and Shauna share glances of mutual understanding of what is said to them.
Dee then places her hands upon her hips. "And don't think I forgot about you, Thomas."

"I hope mommy doesn't take him back," Aaliyah says while using the potholders to take the chicken out of the oven.
She and her brother are getting dinner on the table while their mother is speaking to Daniel regarding the state of their relationship, which if she has it her way, her mother won't take him back for withholding the truth.
"Whatever she does, it is her decision, and we have no choice but to live with it," Samuel says impartially.
Aaliyah scoffs. "Do you get tired of being objective over people, especially your loved ones, Samuel?"
"Okay, I remember that when your birthday comes in the next couple of months," Samuel says half-jokingly

Mala and Daniel are in the foyer, still talking about the status of their association.
"Daniel, why did you not tell me about what was going on in the first place? Mala asks, not beating around the bush.
"Would have you understand If I did?" Daniel questions
Mala folds her arms onto her chest while still glancing at him. "Trust me. I would've understood more than you know. The issue remains that you didn't, and then you boldfaced lied to me that you left your own daughter's engagement party to handle some crisis with a construction crew, which by the way, as your executive architect, someone would've phoned me too."
Daniel somewhat snickers at his lover's perception. "You're right, and I'm sorry. And I hope you will give me a second chance to make amends."
"As much as I would like to do that. I think our time is up as more than mates." she winks knowingly.
"I had a feeling," Daniel says uneasily.
"I hope this does not affect our professional relationship," Mala tells him.
"As much as I'm going to miss you beating me in tennis. I will not stand in the way of our friendship," he says respectfully. "I should get going; my mother is leaving for New York in an hour."
"Well, tell your mother to have a safe flight."
Mala opens the front door, which he walks out of,
Daniel leans in to kiss her, which she didn't object to; he then pulls back from her, leaving her speechless.
"I will see you at the office tomorrow," Mala smirks.
"You know by me now. I had couldn't give up on you that easily."
Daniel takes off to his car as Mala shuts the door.
Strolling in the kitchen, she sees both of her children are now through with getting dinner on the table.
"Mom, are you all right?" Samuel asks therapeutically.
"I'm fine; Daniel and I decided to remain colleagues and good friends."
Aaliyah, who finds herself dancing on the inside of the news, remains composed while she goes over to put her arm around her mother supportively.
Mala looks lovingly at her daughter for not showcasing any excitement of ending things with Daniel.

It had been a while since Louise had been physically intimate with a man. It had been one of the factors as to why she initially resisted having sex with Jai. Yet overcame her fears and gave into temptation. She is now lying next to him in his king-sized bed post-coital.
Jai notices how silent Louise is as he gazes at her with the sheets draped around their naked bodies. "How are you?" he asks her.
Louise moves some loose strands of her hair out of her way. "I'm great. I think I owe most of this feeling to you." she beams.
"I also can say you bring the same feeling in me too," Jai returns.
Louise continues to smirk sincerely. "Good, because I want to experience it again."
Jai gazes at her desirably. "You don't have to tell me twice,"
He places himself on top of her as they continue to have another round of intercourse.

"Now, Thomas, promise me you'll be an actual father to your son." Deirdre forewarns her youngest grandson.
"Grandmother, you have my word. I will be there for him." Tommy promises her.
She gives a warning glance at him, unsure of his intention. "Jeremy is going to need you even more with that poor child's mother disappearing into the night."
The front door opens as Daniel strolls into the mansion.
Dee gathers herself to focus on her daughter wearing a Diane Von Furstenberg multi-color silk willow flower dress with a necktie. "I'm aware you're a grown woman, but I hope you know getting into business with Will Jackson."
"Mother, drop this," Emma says impatiently.
"She's right; letting an ex-con run your nightclub isn't a good idea," Shauna Covington interposes.
Shauna still doesn't trust her uncle, whom she still holds responsible for being held hostage by his former cellmate, who wanted payback after a drug deal had gone wrong behind bars.
"Be wary of him," Daniel says
Emma displays her nonchalance reaction to their cautionary tales "Last time I checked, it was that Jerome Hawkins who was responsible for your abduction, Shauna. And if I get my facts straight, Will risked his own life to save you. None of us are perfect. I mean, look at you, who made a complete fool of herself by becoming intoxicated."
"Do not speak to my wife like that again," Max tells his aunt.
Courtney, who had been quiet, decides to speak. "This isn't getting us anywhere."
"You said the same thing to me at the pool your damn self," Shauna says defensively.
Max turns to his sister, is stunned to hear this, which he gives her a glimpse signifying, We'll talk later.
Daniel looks down at his wrist where his Apple Watch is on. "Mom, you don't want to be late for your flight."
He picks up her two suitcases near the door to the limousine outside the mansion.
Deirdre then proceeds to hug her daughter and her grandchildren. When she gets to Courtney, she tells her. "I'm so proud of you,"
"See you later, grandma," Courtney says to her paternal grandmother affectionately.
Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes at, once again, her mother favoring her granddaughter over her.
Sauntering out of the house, Deirdre makes her way into the sunset summer evening, where the limo is waiting to take her to the airport.
"Call it mother's intuition, but I sense something is going on with you," Deirdre remarks.
Daniel chuckles. "You still know me well, huh? he replies. "Mala and I decided to end our relationship."
Deirdre develops a supportive appearance upon her face. "I'm sorry to hear that, but with what you kept from her, you can't blame for how it turned out."
"In other words. I had it coming,"
The Covington widow nods her head.
Daniel and her mother embrace each other.
"Take care, Daniel, and please keep an eye on your sister. I tend to worry about her."
Daniel opens the door while she gets inside the luxury vehicle.
"I will look out for her and the rest of this family as always," he states.
Emma finds herself as the third wheel.
Sean still is upset at Tricia.
Aaliyah tries her best to cheer Tanner up, but it does not go as planned.
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